Please post the video link here, so i can take a look.
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>> Frame resize -> retain source DAR, works well.
How about the idea of applying it to "crop detection" too?
> This is not a good idea.
Think for example of a 2.39:1 movie that was letterboxed and encoded as 16:9.
Right! 1920x800 will be cut to 1424x800. 25% content cut away. I would'nt do that.
But I've got some DVDs with very old 4:3 movies (512x384 - 550X412) where the borders are unclean and flickering because they are professionally filmed from the screen.
Between 4 and 20 pixel need to be cut all around.
With retain source DAR, I do not need to calculate the cuts any longer to keep the aspect ratio as the app takes care.
But that's not important.
NEW: When a mp4 has no subtitle and I add a srt, the default and forced flag does not work with VLC for mp4 but for mkv file extension!
mp4 details from MediaInfo:
ID : 3
Format : Timed Text
Muxing mode : sbtl
Codec ID : tx3g
Duration : 34 min 34 s
Bit rate mode : Variable
Bit rate : 4 b/s
Frame rate : 0.036 FPS
Stream size : 962 Bytes (0%)
Title : Forced
Default : Yes
Forced : Yes / No
Alternate group : 3
Count of events : 37 -
>> NEW: When a mp4 has no subtitle and I add a srt, the default and forced flag does not work with VLC for mp4 but for mkv file extension!
> Tested, i confirm the problem, but this must be a ffmpeg bug, because the disposition is correctly written.
Thanks for the hint. Your right!
But GPAC-2.5-DEV-rev854-g83429541-master support forced subtitles for mp4 and works also very quick.
When I load this working GPAC mp4 in your app, forced is not set. I can set it or not, after multiplexing it remains working forced.
GPAC mp4 details from MediaInfo:
ID : 3
Format : Timed Text
Codec ID : tx3g
Duration : 34 min 34 s
Bit rate mode : Variable
Bit rate : 4 b/s
Frame rate : 0.036 FPS
Stream size : 962 Bytes (0%)
Title : srt#trackID=1:lang=eng:txtflags+=0xC0000000#name=@ GPAC2.5-DEV-rev854-g83429541-master
Language : English
Forced : Yes
Encoded date : 2025-02-10 23:07:59 UTC
Tagged date : 2025-02-10 23:07:59 UTC
Count of events : 37 -
February 12, 2025 release version 3.3.8.
Check for negative values with crop.
Checks for even values in frame width and heigth and pad w+h.
Check for pad values >= frame values
Output to source folder info on all forms.
Ffplay help with video encoding preview.
Button on start screen to jump directly to the join grid.
IVTC added bwdif to pullup.
Deinterlacer selection with IVTC.
Preview windows width in settings.
Check for stream cut as batch 0 to prevent drag files.
Button to delete selected added files from join grid.
Disable Datagridviews showing during execution in related Forms.
Checkbox to retain DAR in video encoding.
Check for write permissions in the program folder (so that the configuration file can be written).
Column filename sortable now in mux grid.
Preview button on video encoding grid.
Dolby vision detection.
New audio filter cleverNorm (for center channel enhancement, thx to mannequin80 for the code).
Convert to greyscale filter in video encoding.
Automatic hidden update reminder any 15 days.
8 to 6 channel reduction with downmix options and new downmix filter cleverNorm.
DynAudNorm r and m parameter (targetrms and maximum gain factor).
Nlmeans denoise video filter (request by jimbobub).
Channels layout choice for mutichannels audio encoding.
3,4,5,7 channels audio encoding with suitable codecs.
Channel selection for DynAudNorm filter (parameter h).
Audio length change custom calculation from time.
Message on creating config file (first start only).
Info with missing write permissions (first start only).
Bug with erroneously adding framerate fix/change videos to processed files.
Bug in channel files check with join channels.
Bug with missing reset of burn in subtitle checkbox after cancel checkbox.
Bug with wrong help window in chapters video preview.
Bug in pad code.
Bug with missing extract button with audio channels extraction.
Bug with extracting already present channels.
Bug in video encoding preview with crop+resize+pad.
Bug with single channels file remove after joining success.
Bug in preview with unchanged resolution >1280.
Bug with capital extensions.
Bug with video preview help window in cut grid.
Bug in video preview size (chapters preview).
Gui bug with single channels and container selected.
Bug with aac_mf with unsupported frequencys.
Bug in video preview help.
Bug with flashing cursor in video preview help and chapters help
Bug with missing help screen on cut grid start.
Bug with wrong ffmpeg folder selected.
Bug with rounding values with keep source DAR in video encoding grid.
Bug dragging DVD chunk on source selection form.
Bug in muxing with strict parameter.
Bug with missing ffmpeg termination after errors.
Bug in audio channel reduction with pan filter.
Renamed split tracks to split channels
Renamed join tracks to join channels.
IVTC uses bwdif instead yadif now.
Scale preview window width for smaller videos too.
IVTC filter with/without deinterlacing
Drag file to program icon code to start the program with this file.
Adding multiple files in batch grid permitted now (will get batch0 commandline).
Delete last cut mark instead delete all cut marks.
Preview in cut grid respects last cut mark.
Moved checkbox for calculator (change audio length and pitch).
New sorting for frequency.
Formatting in cut marks list.
Joined buttons to remove files from join grid.
Remaining streams are deselected after muxing.
Button instead of checkbox for remove last cut mark.
First start and position out of screen bounds is screen centered now.
Sorting of items for Various P-Level, various rotate, crop detect round.
Parameter values for DynAudNorm.
Audio channels sorting.
Hide "drag files" while batch executing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Last edited by ProWo; 12th Feb 2025 at 12:29.
[Attachment 85438 - Click to enlarge]
Hi Prowo.
When I try to install after downloading and extracting the files I get this screen. Where am I going wrong? It didn't happen before. -
@ ProWo
3.3.8 Feedback
Thanks for adding the grayscale filter (-vf hue=s=0) and to align the two buttons on the Video encoding page.
Unfortunately, the grayscale filter cannot be deactivated when it has been set once. Only when you leave the page. -
@ ProWo
3.3.8 Feedback 2
Audio encoding -> Channels, switch behavior
Channels contain:
Join channels
Split channels
8 to 6
2 (stereo)
1 (mono)
When the Encoder is other than pcm and the Channels are 8 to 6, with the next click up, the Encoder switch to pcm with the number of source channels but that page has missing options.
[Attachment 85441 - Click to enlarge]
I would expect to see pcm and Split channels after a click up from 8 to 6. -
By the way: Your Panda Antivirus is wrong, the file does not contain any virus.
Also: If you have Windows 10 or 11 as your operating system, you don't need any other antivirus program apart from the built-in Defender, which has become really good in the meantime.
[Attachment 85457 - Click to enlarge] -
@ ProWo
3.3.8 Feedback 3
Changes in UTF-8 text after muxing?
When I copy Čeština in the title box and multiplex, the generated file and text show up as ÄŒeÅ¡tina
[Attachment 85468 - Click to enlarge]
Question: Does your GUI support drop down lists like this ugly self painted example? -
This is a bug that has not yet been fixed, but I have discovered the reason.
The problem so far has been that this error does not exist in my developer environment and only appears in compiled form; so far I have not noticed it.
In any case, the data is written correctly to the video file. You can check this by playing the video in VLC, for example, and viewing the title entries, which are displayed correctly. This means that the display error is limited to my GUI and will be fixed in the next beta.
Question: Does your GUI support drop down lists like this ugly self painted example? -
Look at the result of virustotal; only 2 out of 72 scanners have something wrong (no idea what). panda also found nothing. As already said, false alarm.
update your panda or add an exception for the program. Better still, uninstall the superfluous stuff completely.
[Attachment 85491 - Click to enlarge] -
I set the folder as an exception in Panda antivirus and now it opens regularly. I don't understand what you find because the folders of previous versions opened and open regularly
[Attachment 85492 - Click to enlarge] -
Newest beta (v3.3.8.01), online now.
(Changelog will follow in the next full release). -
@ ProWo Feedback
I can confirm propper working for:
Grayscale filter reset.
Change audio Channels switch behavior.
UTF-8 display error.
Many thanks for your investigation and quick update.
Sad, but no problem that your app does not support DropDown lists!
I just noticed that MP4 files don't show existing titles.
NEW: Does it make sense to preview the speed change in real time when the video filter "Change length" is used?
For two time speed: ffplay input.mp4 -vf "setpts=0.5*N/FRAME_RATE/TB"
NEW: What about the idea to add the transformation into a time-lapse clip?
It also reduce file size: -vf "setpts=PTS/15"
So far it requiers two encoding runs with the help of "Change length" when you want to reduce the file size too. -
In the players, yes, but not in the Gui.
This is an ffmpeg bug; stream tags are not read from mp4.
NEW: Does it make sense to preview the speed change in real time when the video filter "Change length" is used?
For two time speed: ffplay input.mp4 -vf "setpts=0.5*N/FRAME_RATE/TB"
NEW: What about the idea to add the transformation into a time-lapse clip?
It also reduce file size: -vf "setpts=PTS/15" -
>> I just noticed that MP4 files don't show existing titles.
> In the players, yes, but not in the Gui.
This is an ffmpeg bug; stream tags are not read from mp4.
At least they are written.
>> NEW: Does it make sense to preview the speed change in real time when the video filter "Change length" is used?
For two time speed: ffplay input.mp4 -vf "setpts=0.5*N/FRAME_RATE/TB"
> I can add, even if the benefit is small; e.g. with a conversion from 25 fps to 23.976 fps (with changed length) the slowdown is hardly noticeable.
The goal is to detect jerking or results for time-laps speed ups.
>> NEW: What about the idea to add the transformation into a time-lapse clip?
It also reduce file size: -vf "setpts=PTS/15"
> I will not add that it is not needed by the normal user.
Too bad!
Yeas ago I used VLC for some of my own sunrise/sunset videos. But they only play with VLC. Using -vf "setpts=PTS/15" also play on TV and other apps. This function is rarely offered. -
@ ProWo Feedback 2
Suggestion for video preview start time.
The video preview always starts at 20 seconds.
This is too late for modern clips of 30 seconds and too early for series or movies as it often show some kind of opening credits and no subtitles.
Couldn't they start automatically at 5 or 10 %, or keep the changed value till close of the app.
Attention! The app freezes if this starting value is greater than the playing time!
Suggestion for video filters "Video image properties" window.
I think it takes several attempts to find suitable values here. Therefore it would make sense to keep the changed values when you reopen that window to be able to preview and modify it step by step if required. You could add a Cancle button like in "Burn in subtitle" to reset things.
[Attachment 85534 - Click to enlarge] -
Good idea. Will get 5% from movie duration as start time and limit the max value to the duration.
Suggestion for video filters "Video image properties" window.
I think it takes several attempts to find suitable values here. Therefore it would make sense to keep the changed values when you reopen that window to be able to preview and modify it step by step if required. You could add a Cancle button like in "Burn in subtitle" to reset things.
I am currently working on the time lapse filter... -
> Good idea. Will get 5% from movie duration as start time and limit the max value to the duration.
Very good!
> To avoid old filters being adopted, I leave it as it is now. You can see exactly which filters are selected with the checkbox. If you deselect the filter, it is reset. There is also a reminder of how many filters are set.
An alternative could be to insert a preview button instead of a cancel button, so the "Video image properties" window remain open for further visible changes.
>> btw. I am currently working on the time lapse filter…
Thank you!
Then I'll wait for your implementation and recreate my time lapse videos with your super tool. -
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