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  1. Member
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    I have a tape that has roughly 6 minutes of top edge tearing, that's only in the bottom field. I came across an avisynth script by johnmeyer a while back that rebuilds the bad field with data from the good field, but I've lost it, and can't find it again through google. I can fix it in VirtualDub using the deinterlace filter, selecting to discard the bottom field, but then it's 30p, while the rest of the clip is still 30i. And I do have a Panasonic DMR-ES16 (Canadian version of the DMR-ES15), and it fixes the tearing, but it also blows out the whites and blacks. I'd rather use the script. If someone knows where to find the script, I'd greatly appreciate it. Cheers.
    Last edited by bmichaelb; 31st Jul 2024 at 11:04.
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  2. You also sent this via PM. I answered there, but for others reading this message, here is a copy of what I already sent to you.
    I had no recollection of that script, but here's what I found. I hope it is what you're looking for. I think it is correctly configured as written because it uses MFLowFPS instead of MBlockFPS, even though MFlowFPS is listed in my script as the "alternate."

    #Replace Bad Field With Motion Estimated Field from Good Field.avs
    #John H. Meyer
    #Copyright 2015
    source = AVISource("e:\fs.avi").assumetff()
    fields = SeparateFields(source)             
    even = SelectEven(fields) 
    odd  = SelectOdd(fields)  
    #Change the following to point to the good field
    good = odd
    #good = even
    # Double the height to create spatial interpolation
    double_height = Spline36Resize(good,good.width,good.height*2)  
    #Double the frame rate to create temporal interpolation
    estimated_clip = DoubleFPS2(double_height) 
    #Keep only the motion-interplated fields
    replacement_fields = estimated_clip.selectodd().assumeframebased().separatefields().selectodd() 
    #Interleave the synthesize field that will replace the bad field, with the good field
    #Return the fixed video
    return final
    #Debugging functions
    #Before you start, enable this next line temporarily so you can see which field is the good field
    #When you are almost finished, enable this next line temporarily to check your work
    #return final.SeparateFields
    function DoubleFPS2(clip source) {
       super = MSuper(source, pel=2)
       back = MAnalyse(super, chroma=false, isb=true,   blksize=16, overlap=4, searchparam=3, plevel=0, search=4)
       forw = MAnalyse(super, chroma=false, isb=false,  blksize=16, overlap=4, searchparam=3, plevel=0, search=4)
    #  MBlockFPS(source, super, back, forw, num=2*FramerateNumerator(source), den=FramerateDenominator(source), mode=0,thSCD2=130,thSCD1=400)
    #  Alternate motion estimation. 
      MFlowFPS(source, super, back, forw, num=2*FramerateNumerator(source), den=FramerateDenominator(source),thSCD2=130,thSCD1=400)
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  3. Member
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    Thank you sir! Yes, that's it. It worked for me before on this very same clip, but I had to recapture everything due to a stupid move I made. I captured at 720x480, but it had black bars on either side, and the image looked stretched. I then captured at 640x480, and it still had black bars, but the image looked squished. I then realized if I captured at 680x480, it left me with 20 pixels either side of the frame, and everything looked normal... so I simply cropped the borders to leave me with 640x480. It's the Woodstock 99 weekend. Comparing to 'official' uploads from a few bands themselves on YouTube, and even their footage is 640x480. I just wish I'd figured that out the first time around. :-p

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  4. Member
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    Originally Posted by bmichaelb View Post
    I have a tape that has roughly 6 minutes of top edge tearing, that's only in the bottom field. I came across an avisynth script by johnmeyer a while back that rebuilds the bad field with data from the good field, but I've lost it, and can't find it again through google. I can fix it in VirtualDub using the deinterlace filter, selecting to discard the bottom field, but then it's 30p, while the rest of the clip is still 30i. And I do have a Panasonic DMR-ES16 (Canadian version of the DMR-ES15), and it fixes the tearing, but it also blows out the whites and blacks. I'd rather use the script. If someone knows where to find the script, I'd greatly appreciate it. Cheers.
    If you have the opportunity, could you upload both original materials (same fragments). The one with tearing and the other with blowns whites and blacks?
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  5. Member
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    Originally Posted by rgr View Post
    Originally Posted by bmichaelb View Post
    I have a tape that has roughly 6 minutes of top edge tearing, that's only in the bottom field. I came across an avisynth script by johnmeyer a while back that rebuilds the bad field with data from the good field, but I've lost it, and can't find it again through google. I can fix it in VirtualDub using the deinterlace filter, selecting to discard the bottom field, but then it's 30p, while the rest of the clip is still 30i. And I do have a Panasonic DMR-ES16 (Canadian version of the DMR-ES15), and it fixes the tearing, but it also blows out the whites and blacks. I'd rather use the script. If someone knows where to find the script, I'd greatly appreciate it. Cheers.
    If you have the opportunity, could you upload both original materials (same fragments). The one with tearing and the other with blowns whites and blacks?
    Give me a couple of days. I'm on Tape #3 of 30, and the tearing is on Tape #16. But tearing is tearing, and as for blown out whites, there's quite a few threads out there of others mentioning it as well. Just do a google for 'DMR-ES15 blown out whites'... there's threads on this site, as well as Digitalfaq. What I have isn't going to be much different than what's already out there, except mine might have naked boobies. It's Woodstock 99.

    Besides blown out whites and blacks though, it posterizes things a bit. It also drops frames internally, before even reaching the capture card. I found the lid got fairly warm after an hour or so, and although there's a fan vent in the rear, there's no actual fan. I wired in a Noctua NF-A4x10 5V PWM fan, taking the 5v from the cap directly behind the optical audio port, then hot glued the fan to the backside of the vent. I would have drilled and mounted with screws, but that would mean pulling the board first to avoid metal dust and bits getting into the electronics. Hot glue was easier. But, that cooled the lid down, and there was definitely fewer dropped frames. I just don't like what it does to the image. It's more of a tool of last resort.

    I picked up a Panasonic WJ-AVE5 video mixer, and it has an internal frame sync TBC that fixes flagging as well as prevents frame drops/inserts, and doesn't mess with the colors, but it doesn't fix tearing as good as the DMR-ES16. It 'fixes' it, but instead of tearing, it looks more like white scratches. I have a JVC HR-S7800U with an internal 2mb line TBC, but that's what's causing the tearing. The frame skews to the left with the TBC disabled, but then introduces the tearing when it's enabled. It's only these tapes that are skewed, and it's only a few minutes out of the 65 hours of footage that has tearing. But even with the JVC's TBC turned off, the mixer still handles the tearing the same... white scratches. So, I enable the TBC and passthrough the video mixer for everything, then go back and capture the 6 minute stretch with the tearing again without the mixer. Then use johnmeyer's script to fix the tearing and splice it back in. Problem solved.
    Last edited by bmichaelb; 1st Aug 2024 at 17:02.
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