tools required: virtualdub or virtualdubmod or vdub-mp3-freeze AND a bmp program like paint

note: in our discussion we found out that xvid can only be reliably joined using virtualdubmod only, and if you xvid has VBR just check the box Nandub VBR MP3 compatiabity mode in the open video screen. if you have a divx file with VBR you may use vdub-mp3-freeze.

1 using your bmp program make a bmp of the info you would like to include

2 open full clip in virtualdub, virtualdubmod, or vdub-mp3-freeze

3 mark the start point and end point of intro cut (use keyframes only)

4 set audio to direct stream copy and avi audio

5 set video to full processing mode and

choice correct compression to match clip (found by file-file information) and

add logo filter

5 save as … intro.avi

*this is the only reencoding done so it is very fast (usually 5 sec for a 10 sec intro - this can vary)

6 open your new created intro clip

7 append original clip

8 set audio to direct stream copy and avi audio

9 set video to direct stream copy

10 save as ... XXXX.avi
* as you can see it will take only 45 secs for a 41 min clip since there is no reencoding at this point