OK thank you, i want to host the older installers in my IceDrive account, but for our purposes i will message Baldrick and ask if they can be hosted on this Forum and i will post the links in my Opening post at the start of this Thread, we already have the latest TV Suite and Pro installers hosted, and links are in my first post as well.
Also, thanks for adding a post/link to this Thread over in Reddit, appreciate it.
I will post replies to other stuff posted tonight when i have more time.
EDIT: why are there so many builds for each version of VRD in that Mega.nz link, surely all VRD users should have updated to the latest version prior to Dan's passing, i mean that is why Dan released them so that the users would have the latest updates.
I wont be hosting all of those in my Icedrive Account, i might just upload the last known Build of each version instead.
+ Reply to Thread
Results 31 to 60 of 153
Last edited by Bridgy; 7th Feb 2025 at 03:17.
VAP (VideoReDoAutoProcessor) has been in use for years — it’s serious, multi-featured, and it works.
Here is a download link for the VAP6 (Windows only) installer, latest version 1.04:
Support will be provided via this forum
What is VAP (VAP6)?
A free utility program for users of VideoReDo TV Suite 6 (TVS6). VAP6 detects video files being
transferred into a designated monitor folder,and, when transfer completes, it automatically and
silently runs VideoReDo processes on the files as configured by the operator in the program GUI.
QuickStream Fix (QSF) and/or Ad Detective scans ("Ad Scans") may be run. Optionally, input
files are moved automatically to specified folders after processing is completed, or deleted.
Output profiles including those producing transcoded MPEG4 outputs are supported. ALL
For more details, consult the documentation, VAP6-ReadMe.pdf . Here is a link to get that
VAP6 is a Windows-only application.
The documentation is somewhat stale and needs updating. But it’s still worth using. -
Hi there, i have never heard of this before, i don't even know what it was designed to do, so i will look into it a bit later on, however it does not look like a feature that i would be using, but as an addition to this Thread this looks very good, so thank you for the Post and support.
Cheers -
A bunch of posts to reply to ...
The guy who posted the mega archive kept every single update that he got and put up the whole library up. Yes, no need for all of them, just the last build for each major version. One caveat, I'm pretty sure that library also has builds of other DRD products such as VRD Plus. What we now call VRD was originally VRD TvSuite and VRD Pro. There was also VRD Plus in the final days and early on even more products. Plus was legacy software that only supported mpg. We only need the latest builds of each version of VRD TVSuite and VRD Pro.
I'm personally aware of VAP, but it's no good for automatically editing broadcast recordings in some countries since it is dependent on VRDs Ad Detective working and that feature looks for key marker frames which only exist in some countries. They are present in the USA but not, for example, in Australia. -
I have to say that the Reddit Forum is a total disaster to use and navigate, and every time i go there i feel like i am falling over everyone else, and i hate the way in which that forum formats everyone's posts, i can't even separate sentences onto a new line, and even the "BOLD" text feature does not work, so this alone is one very valid reason for the existence of at least 2 different Forums to host VRD discussion.
I have also created a new Post in the VRD Reddit forum aimed at Dan Haddix asking if he has any update on the VRD Professional activation server, as yet no reply. -
The last post I've seen from Dan in the reddit forum was quite a few months ago. He may be lurking, but he's not posting there any more.
EDIT: Unless he's changed his reddit handle. -
Uploaded your archive to https://www.videohelp.com/software/VideoReDo/old-versions
The same problem also applies to ComSkip .. in some countries there are key frames, eg a stretch of black frames between the show and, say, inserted adverts. And this is what Ad Detective picks up. This approach by the broadcasters is not however universal. In Australia, for instance, the broadcasters merge the show and the adverts. Another way for auto advert deleters is to monitor the station logo, but here they randomly fade that in after the show has started, sometimes seconds, other times up to 5 minutes, so if ad deleting software looks for the appearance of the logo, you lose chunks of the show. They also show the station logo here in adverts for other shows, so advert snippers leave those adverts in. I had discussions with Dan R about this and after looking at some sample videos he said AD would not work here and he had no idea how to get it to work. If he could not get it to work, I'd be surprised anyone else could. The only way to do it is manually by eye. Maybe a sever-farm based AI could do it (unless it hallucinates the result) but that would mean uploading the video for de-adverting and then downloading it again. When I say AI I'm not talking about the fake stuff you can install on your own device (or the os foists onto you).
I checked the ComSKip devb site and it does list Australia as being a supported country, but digging deeper it has the settings:
"1=black frame, 2=logo, 4=scene change, 8=fuzzy logic, 32=aspect ratio, 64=silence"
The 1st is obsolete, the 2nd I dealt with above, the 3rd .. c'mon, you get scene changes everywhere and also silences. Fuzzy logic? No idea what that is. Aspect ratio ... that's also obsolete (15 years ago you occasionally got some 4:3 adverts, not now). Silence went with the black frames.
The ComSkip setting file for Australia is 15 years old and alas no longer relevant today. We used to have black frames, silence etc bracketing advert breaks, but haven't in at least 10 years.
Thanks for the suggestion tho'. Alas, it didn't pan out.
BTW, the discussions I had with Dan R were in 2019 which is when Comskip was last updated, so I'd not be surprised if he knew what his competitors were trying. When he said there was no way to implement automated advert snipping here, he was likely including not just VRD but other products on the market. There are only so many ways of doing this sort of thing after all. It can be done manually because the human brain can tell the difference between the content of a show and an advert ... most of the time. -
I don't, and never have, recorded TV shows, so i am curious about when you guys talk about using VRD to clean up your TV recordings or what not.
I assumed that you just plug some hardware capture card to your computer, connect that to the TV and it will record it onto your computer, or you record it onto say a dvd disc via a dvd recorder, like my parents used to do.
When you do record TV shows, what format does a particular device record it in, and why do you need VRD to "Clean" it up, can't you just run it thru the timeline in VRD and Cut the unwanted bits out, just as i would Cut unwanted bits from a wedding video that i shot for example, or one of my travel videos etc.
I do recall taking a bunch of dvd discs from a client many years ago that had a bunch of TV shows and movies on them, recorded from TV, and i am sure that i just copied the files to my computer and i just manually cut commercials just using the cutting tool, i can't remember if this was prior to getting VRD Pro when i was using TMPGEnc Express.
I think those recorded files were mpeg-2 if my memory is correct.Last edited by Bridgy; 8th Feb 2025 at 19:44.
For Bridgy...
In 2013 I started reading about capturing TV and Movies using the Hauppauge PVR2 which was made for gamers to capture their video game play. Why they want to do that is beyond me.
The ability to capture Hi Def TV Video and 5.1 audio was something that drew me in.
I bought a Hauppauge PVR2 and an HDMI Splitter and a new laptop to give it a go.
Got the hardware working and had some movies and TV shows saved as .ts files.
Purchased VideoRedo and TS-Doctor in order to process and edit the files.
I edited and copied the files to 2 TB USB Hard Drives which I connected to a WDTV Media Player that connects to the TV. Nowadays, I have a large NAS to store files and play them back with a Zidoo Z30 Pro Media Player via WiFi.
TS-Doctor is used to "clean" the file and inform me of any errors. It also reduces the file size somewhat.
VideoRedo is used to cut out commercials and trim unwanted stuff at the start and end.
The Quickstream Fix in VRD didn't always work for me, sometimes it would just lock up. TS-Doctor worked better in that regard. The "Glitches" I had were from the HDMI source (Cable TV Box) and were visible when watching the program, things like pixelation, etc. I have even fixed some files by waiting for a program to be repeated, and captured and edited/replaced the bad section seamlessly.
I still use the Hauppauge from time to time but there are other ways to get the programs I want.
I also use VideoRedo to edit video footage I shoot with my action camera. -
About 13 or so years ago, I use to run something called "Windows Media Center". Part of this allowed for a TV tuner device to be connected, so you could watch/record shows (Media Center also came with channel guide service). The tv tuner device I have is Ceton InfiniTV and HD Homerun Prime. Windows media center stopped being supported, but there is other programs which still can use tv tuner devices.
Bridgy, to answer your questions generally .. there are two methods.
Firstly, you can use a video capture device, either a pcie card or a usb device (each has advantages & disadvantages), which you connect to a hdmi *output* on the tv or to a set-top box of some description. Set-top boxes may also require a splitter, a device that takes a single hdmi input and splits it into multiple outputs so you can watch the same video on multiple devices (this is what pubs & clubs do). This has the advantage of removing DRM encryption, without which you would not be able to record or even watch on a pc. Such devices exist to record up to 4K (or whatever the latest quality may be). I use a pcie card myself.
Secondly, somewhat older tech, you can buy a TV tuner which you can then connect to your pc (again either pcie or usb) and connect that to your tv antenna. This allows you to record (in real time) any broadcast program, both tv and usually also digital radio. If you are just recording FTA TV, this is the cheapest & easiest option - you can get USB tv tuners for as little as $40.
Whichever method you use, the hardware will come with dedicated recording software, or you can use 3rd party software. VLC will work with quite a few tv tuners & video capture devices & allow you to record.
You could, if you wanted to go really old school, record it onto a PDVD recorder, then put the DVD into pc optical drive and extract it from that, but you are limited to DVD resolution & you need DVD ripper software.
What file format you end up with depends on the hardware and software. I have a USB tv tuner and it only records as mp4. I also have a Hauppauge Colossus2, which will record as either ts or mp4. Other hardware/software combos will record video in whatever format the developers chose to build in. Note that video recording is processor hungry, so doing on-the-fly re-encoding into another video format as you record will require a lot of pc grunt and increase the likelihood of glitches.
Cleaning up depends on how much grunt your hardware has and the quality settings you chose (eg bitrate). If you run up to the limit of your rig, you'll get errors which you'll need to fix, either with QSF in VRD or some other application. I reduce the quality settings to maybe 10% above those of the source and this means I almost never get glitches (I can count the times I've need to run QSF on one hand) and when I do, I just re-record where possible. There's no point recording something with a bitrate of 15Mbps (which the Colossus2 will easily do) when the source video is just 2Mbps.
For VRD editing, it's a matter of cropping out the adverts (if any) and the recording prior to the start of the show and after - common sense says to start recording before it is due to start and end after it is due to finish so as to take into account broadcast delays. So exactly like you handle your camera videos with VRD. Videos recorded TV or set-top boxes however are notorious for glitches, so if you'd rather not re-record, you can use the correction features built into VRD. I tend to re-record, but that's not always an option, such as when you record a one-off event. Myself, I almost never record live - I record first to a setup box and then play it on that and record on the tv. Set-top boxes are invariably encrypted, hence the need to double record. -
I too have a Hauppauge Colossus 2 capture card, together with a Blackgold twin terrestrial tuner and a Hauppauge satellite tuner. All are PCIe cards. I use DVBViewer software to manage recordings for all 3 sources. The cards are working ok under Windows 11 despite my OS wanting me to upgrade the drivers to take into account upgraded security features. The cards are somewhat ancient and in the case of Blackgold will never be updated as they are defunct. Hauppauge apparently have no intention of updating their drivers: I switched the Win 11 setting off.
I use VRD to edit recordings to trim start and finish and adverts. Where necessary I will also adjust the aspect ratio to that 4:3 programmes are consistently not stretched. I will also recode mpeg2 audio tracks to AC-3 or AAC. Just about all I throw at VRD has a H264 video codec but I convert it to H265 to reduce storage space. Editing H265 in VRD requires some more development which isn’t going to happen.
Batch processing in VRD is very useful.
I’ve used other editing programs in the past - Nero and Womble spring to mind - and VRD has developed way beyond them. I’m hoping that broadcasting standards in the UK don’t move to something that VRD will cope with. -
I'm sorry to hear that Australia's TV shows differ as you describe from the U.S. broadcasts that I'm familiar with. VRD6 + ComSkip + VAP work here very well even though there are occasional glitches caused by cross-fades between program content and "uninteresting" stuff. Otherwise, the process is nearly 100% automatic. I record OTA using HDHomerun tuners scheduled by the Cliff Watson EPG Program from the Windows Store. I virtually never watch live TV, having grown used to the freedom from having to mute the audio for 1/3 of a scheduled program.
This game is now threatened by the DRM-laden ATSC 3.0 broadcasts in the U.S. and I may have to retreat to only reading library ebooks full time. -
cp2. Whilst the Colossus2 has been around for a while, it is still a current model. My understanding is it uses the same drivers for Win 10 & win11, a not uncommon thing. Hauppage have "win10/11" drivers. When I imaged my old win7 boot drive into the then new win10 machine, capture worked fine and recorded, all using the old win7 drivers, tho' I have since upgraded to the 10/11 ones when I upgraded to the latest Capture. As for changing broadcast standards affecting whether VRD will work, that's actually not an issue *for VRD*, but rather the software/hardware you use to record broadcast tv. Whether VRD works depends solely on the properties of the recorded video sitting on your pc and that's determined by your system, not the broadcaster. As long as your recording software/hardware will save video as H264 in any of the video formats VRD will read, VRD will continue to happily work. If you upgrade your hardware and the new hardware will only save video as H265, then you are in trouble since VRD has trouble editing H265 videos and usually ends up crashing (note this is for the non-pro version). The one obvious feature in VRD that broadcast changes may break for you is Ad Detective (as broadcast changes broke it here), but you can still manually edit the recordings with VRD.
TPeterson. It was a tad annoying when they changed how they inset adverts into tv shows here in Australia. DanR spent quite a while looking into it and concluded it was impossible. What makes it worse is that there is no consistency .. sometimes there are black frames, but only at one end of the ad break, so rather than cutting out the ad break, VRD's Ad detective cuts out a chunk of the program between ad breaks, or from that point to the end of the video. Most of the stuff I record is ad free, so I'm mostly just trimming the rubbish before & after the show.
As for DRM, one of the broadcast networks here is nigh on 100% DRM'd, another has around 1/2 the content DRM'd. The rest don't use it at all. Hdmi splitters are excellent at stripping out DRM, but you have to place the splitter between the source and the pc, so not an option for a pci tv card. -
This is a real joke, surely someone knows more about the activation server and if it is still online.
I also don't get what Dan Haddix said, surely if the Pro activation server was gone a long time ago, then how on earth is our software still running, i mean, if we do try to install it on another computer from scratch the activation will never work, because Dan had to manually issue a new ID Code and you would use that when entering your activation key, and after that, the previous machine would be de-activated.
So this would mean that when you do the Clone method from a current computer to another computer, the VRD on that Cloned image will not activate just using the Key that was issued by Dan when you bought the VRD Pro.
This is why i was not prepared to try and activate my VRD Pro on my Mum's laptop (Cloned from my laptop) because of what i just mentioned.
Somehow the activation server has to be still working somewhere, i am sure of it.
Heck, i would even offer to pay for the server hosting costs if i had to, but where the server would be kept is anyone's guess, i mean someone would have to contact the Wife of Dan Rosen no doubt.Last edited by Bridgy; 10th Feb 2025 at 09:34. Reason: Edited specifically for ALWYN
Originally Posted by Bridgy
Last edited by Alwyn; 10th Feb 2025 at 09:47.
For example, Talking Pictures broadcast in 544x576 but have a tendency to present on playback as widescreen. I use the Cropping and Resizing option to change the left and right values of the window to -68 which puts black bars left and right as they should be. There is almost certainly a way to calculate this but I think I just eyeballed it. A different pixel count would undoubtably require a different number. (Note to Talking Pictures: I would be willing to redo the number if you could up the resolution).
Last edited by Bridgy; 10th Feb 2025 at 09:36.
I didn't edit it because you thought i was berating the wife of Dan, i did it to keep you quiet, or at least try to.
Also, sometimes we get angry or peeved off at certain things and type stuff in a way that we might not want it to sound like.
Personally i just don't get why you come into these threads after you wanted (almost insisted) them all being closed. -
Originally Posted by Bridgy
If you haven't worked it out already, the ONLY reason I came into this thread is because I considered your tearing of strips off a dead-programmers wife was a pretty disgraceful act. -
There's definitely a puzzle here with the pro version and what it's doing. Bridgy, could you check the VRD log and see if it contains any mention to attempting to connect to a website (no matter the url) and whether that attempt is successful or not? If it is successful, what's the url? If it fails, are there any subsequent errors recorded in the log? Maybe the failure isn't fatal.
What needs to be clarified is firstly, does VRD Pro check somewhere online every time you load it up and if so where it is checking and is it successful. And secondly, just what it is doing when (if) if checks online. You've been assuming it checks the activation server & needs "reassurance" from the server in order to continue to operate, but if the server is gone as DanH claims, that can't be the case. If the server has indeed gone then you may only need the activation server when you first install the software, the same as with the non-pro version - just that the pro & non-pro versions used different servers and Dan H has resurrected one (non-pro) but not the other (pro).
VRD Non-Pro also checks the server once a week, but that's just to check for updates.
If checking the VRD logs doesn't help much, the next step would be to check your firewall logs - they will indicate the URL that VRD-Pro is trying to access and you can ping that url to see if it is still alive.
If the pro server is dead, as DanH thinks, then the pro version would appear to have a similar activation process to the non-pro version (ie a one off activation upon install), with the exception of the behaviour of the system ID key. For the non-pro version that key is only needed to generate the activation key. Perhaps for the pro version that key is used for that, but also each time VRD pro loads it regenerates the system ID key and compares it to the key generated when first installed ... if the keys match, VRD pro continues to work, if they don't match, it tells the user it needs a new licence key. If this second process is done internally (ie without contacting an external server), then VRD pro would continue to work, even with the activation server offline. Given the pro version cost more, it makes sense that DanR had more stringent control on users installing it on more pcs than their licence allowed.
I'm only hypothesising here, but Bridgy's pro is still working (and so are others on the reddit forum) despite the statement that the pro server is gone. So there has to be some reason for the observed behaviour. It's a theory .. more evidence (from the VRD & firewall logs) would be needed to prove it right or wrong.
As for the heated discussion that's now mostly deleted ... there have been some less than nice things said about Mrs R on the reddit forum, so anything said here is hardly going to be new. Several people have contacted her over the rights to VRD and she has said no every time. Posts on the reddit forum say that she wants more money than what any of the offers have been able or willing to pay and that the price she wants is unrealistic. How accurate that last sentence is I have no idea, but it's up on the reddit forum. Myself, I could think of several non-financial reasons for her being unwilling to sell and in the end it is her choice.
Like most users I've concluded Dan R's heirs have no interest in keeping VRD alive (that's their choice), so after establishing that VRD was so far ahead of everything else, there isn't really a decent alternative, so the only option is to try & keep it running as long as possible. For the non-pro users, DanH has brought the activation server back online, plus cloning/imaging is also an option if that fails. For the pro users, basically no-one seems to know for sure what is going on, and that includes DanH, hence my questions for Bridgy in the first part of this post. -
Cp2 .. thanks. I've got some non 16x9 videos, mostly ripped off old 4:3 DVDs, as well as some very old cinema sized moves (1.85-2.4:1 ratio) which the TV insists on stretching/squashing to fit when played off a HDD plugged into the tv. The tv does allow one to change the displayed aspect ratio for composite, hdmi and antenna inputs, but not usb. In such cases i play the video on a pc and hdmi that to the tv to avoid the stretching/squashing. I know I can add pillars etc using handbrake, but VRD has heaps better encoders (speed & quality), so it'd be nice to use that instead.
This was the reason for my query as to the website manual for VRD .. manuals and in-software help files are often very different things and one is usually much more comprehensive. I found a heavily redacted manual on a pay to view website, so knew it had a lot more than the software help file. Fortunately, after a lot of argument and people telling me how to access the helpfile (d'oh!) someone posted a link to the manual that was on the old VRD website (but annoyingly not on the archived copy on archive.org). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gfCDFdIs9EnPMYImnH7SGM8Ae3M2X3B0/view?usp=sharing
Baldrick .. if you see this could you please get a copy of the manual from the above url and place it on the main videohelp VRD page? if Baldrick doesn't see this, could Bridgy bring it to his attention? I've also attached a copy to this post.
For example, Talking Pictures broadcast in 544x576 but have a tendency to present on playback as widescreen. I use the Cropping and Resizing option to change the left and right values of the window to -68 which puts black bars left and right as they should be. There is almost certainly a way to calculate this but I think I just eyeballed it. A different pixel count would undoubtably require a different number. (Note to Talking Pictures: I would be willing to redo the number if you could up the resolution). -
Where did that User Manual come from, i have been looking for yonks, when i clicked on your image above it automatically downloaded the manual, so where is that link being hosted ?
I would like to have it hosted in this Forum and a link provided so i can put it on the OP on page 1, but as of right now i have added your download link for the Manual in the 1st post of this thread on page 1, the more stuff we host on that page the better, then people don't need to rummage thru this whole thread to find links.
If Baldrick can grab a copy and host it, this would be good, i will then replace the link on page 1 with the new link from this forum.
I will download it and put it in my own IceDrive Cloud Storage account along with all the other Older version installers just in case they get removed from this forum.Last edited by Bridgy; 10th Feb 2025 at 22:47.
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