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  1. Member Pim76's Avatar
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    Hi. Greetings to all.

    First of all, let me tell you that I had been busy (I have a Cancer Patient in my family) during these days and couldn’t answer here; looking for a pardon for that.

    Now let me tell you that I have opened a NEW THREAD here –

    Please post there or answer there if you so wish because in that case, not only me, but all novice users like me could get help from your kind answers or suggestions also.

    For primal information, I use the MeGUI 2913 (64-bit) version for encoding purposes (for DVD, 1080p, and 2160p), but I don’t know how to use the handbrake. So all of my queries are directly related to MeGUI where I can understand and might be able to answer conceptual stuff related to handbrake. I don’t use the advanced versions of MeGUI as after 2913, the entire layout of it has been changed, and I dislike learning new things until the thing becomes indispensable.

    Now let me tell you what I did to fetch a temporary solution; I mentioned earlier that I had a large bag of .dll files for avisynth+ (there it each .dll file was categorized into four bags viz. 32, 32+, 64, 64+); I copied and pasted them minutely. The LSMASHSource.dll was disturbing initially; then I just downloaded another 64-bit LSMASHSource.dll from the 'dll library' and precisely, that’s how reached a temporary solution.

    Anyway, LSMASHSource.dll is not a big problem as of now; - rather it is the QTGMC without which I can’t imagine encoding DVD and in some critical cases, some Blu-rays; especially the extra parts.

    My problem is I forgot how to execute some crucial .dlls like fftw3.dll, libfftw3f-3.dll i.e. the whole pack of FFT3DF Filter; as a result, I cannot use Preset and hence, EZDenoise, Rep module, DCT etc. I knew one easy way; - but forgot as I did it ages ago in my 32-bit machine; only the last thing I can remember; - renaming libfftw3f-3.dll as fftw3.dll or something like that in the 'System32' folder.

    I can’t use the MCTemporalDenoise module either due to a non-functional FFT3DF Filter. I have become unable to make use of Yadiff also.

    Could any kind soul tell me how to register it through the .cmd prompt?

    BTW, I have all versions of QTGMC with me.

    Another problem is related to Audio Encoding which I’m facing after shifting from 32-bit to 64-bit; - I cannot downmix 5.1 to stereo i.e. 2.0. I use FFmpeg AC-3 as Encoder where the preferred Decoder is LWlibavAudioSource.
    For a piece of your possible positive information, Nero Encoder, Nero Decoder, and the ffmpeg have been installed in the eac3to folder of MeGUI.

    Any kind of expertise voice is there upfront?

    Looking forward to this handholding support.

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  2. Member Lathe's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Pim76 View Post
    Hi. Greetings to all.

    First of all, let me tell you that I had been busy (I have a Cancer Patient in my family) during these days and couldn’t answer here; looking for a pardon for that.

    Now let me tell you that I have opened a NEW THREAD here –

    Please post there or answer there if you so wish because in that case, not only me, but all novice users like me could get help from your kind answers or suggestions also.

    For primal information, I use the MeGUI 2913 (64-bit) version for encoding purposes (for DVD, 1080p, and 2160p), but I don’t know how to use the handbrake. So all of my queries are directly related to MeGUI where I can understand and might be able to answer conceptual stuff related to handbrake. I don’t use the advanced versions of MeGUI as after 2913, the entire layout of it has been changed, and I dislike learning new things until the thing becomes indispensable.

    Now let me tell you what I did to fetch a temporary solution; I mentioned earlier that I had a large bag of .dll files for avisynth+ (there it each .dll file was categorized into four bags viz. 32, 32+, 64, 64+); I copied and pasted them minutely. The LSMASHSource.dll was disturbing initially; then I just downloaded another 64-bit LSMASHSource.dll from the 'dll library' and precisely, that’s how reached a temporary solution.

    Anyway, LSMASHSource.dll is not a big problem as of now; - rather it is the QTGMC without which I can’t imagine encoding DVD and in some critical cases, some Blu-rays; especially the extra parts.

    My problem is I forgot how to execute some crucial .dlls like fftw3.dll, libfftw3f-3.dll i.e. the whole pack of FFT3DF Filter; as a result, I cannot use Preset and hence, EZDenoise, Rep module, DCT etc. I knew one easy way; - but forgot as I did it ages ago in my 32-bit machine; only the last thing I can remember; - renaming libfftw3f-3.dll as fftw3.dll or something like that in the 'System32' folder.

    I can’t use the MCTemporalDenoise module either due to a non-functional FFT3DF Filter. I have become unable to make use of Yadiff also.

    Could any kind soul tell me how to register it through the .cmd prompt?

    BTW, I have all versions of QTGMC with me.

    Another problem is related to Audio Encoding which I’m facing after shifting from 32-bit to 64-bit; - I cannot downmix 5.1 to stereo i.e. 2.0. I use FFmpeg AC-3 as Encoder where the preferred Decoder is LWlibavAudioSource.
    For a piece of your possible positive information, Nero Encoder, Nero Decoder, and the ffmpeg have been installed in the eac3to folder of MeGUI.

    Any kind of expertise voice is there upfront?

    Looking forward to this handholding support.

    Well, certainly wish you the very best for your friend/family member who is going through this.
    Quote Quote  
  3. 64 bit fft dlls go in c:\windows\system32
    32 bit fft dlls go in c:\windows\syswow64

    They are system dll's and will load automatically when you use AviSynth or any other program that requires them.
    Quote Quote  
  4. What I dont understand is why nobody mentions that when a newb is asking about denoising their video, they are really looking to degrain their video. I messed around with denoisers for months and was only partially happy with the results but then stumbled on TemporalDegrain2 and have never looked back. Yeah it takes longer, but the results are worth it.

    Something like:


    video_org=FFmpegSource2("Your Video Name Here.avi", atrack=-1) # no Lagarith installed

    # cropping
    crop_top=2 # | 720-(8+8)x576-(2+10)=704x564

    ### deinterlacing
    deinterlaced=video_org_crop.AssumeTFF().QTGMC(pres et="slow", matchpreset="slow", matchpreset2="slow", sourcematch=3, tr1=2, tr2=1, NoiseTR=2, sharpness=0.1)

    ### convert to YV16

    ### denoising - choose your level here
    #denoised_yv16=deinterlaced_yv16.TemporalDegrain2( degrainTR=3)
    #denoised_yv16=deinterlaced_yv16.TemporalDegrain2( degrainTR=2,grainLevel=2,postFFT=1,postSigma=1)
    denoised_yv16=deinterlaced_yv16.TemporalDegrain2_f ast(Strength=10)

    ### convert to YUY2

    ## convert to YV12

    ### sharpening
    sharpened_yv12=denoised_yv12.LSFmod(defaults="slow ")

    ### convert to YUY2 with chroma from YUY2 color space
    sharpened=sharpened_yv12.convertToYUY2().MergeChro ma(denoised)

    ### add borders

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  5. Member
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    Originally Posted by jeby1980 View Post
    stumbled on TemporalDegrain2 and have never looked back.
    #denoised_yv16=deinterlaced_yv16.TemporalDegrain2( degrainTR=3)
    #denoised_yv16=deinterlaced_yv16.TemporalDegrain2( degrainTR=2,grainLevel=2,postFFT=1,postSigma=1)
    denoised_yv16=deinterlaced_yv16.TemporalDegrain2_f ast(Strength=10)
    Because TemporalDegrain with degrainTR greater than 1 can destroy details. And it is not a universal way.
    In addition, only at 10 bits (or more) does it not cause combing (possible that with 8 bits this can be compensated by parameters). And this script should have such a bit depth.
    Last edited by rgr; 20th Jun 2024 at 17:24.
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  6. Captures & Restoration lollo's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by jeby1980 View Post
    I messed around with denoisers for months and was only partially happy with the results but then stumbled on TemporalDegrain2 and have never looked back. Yeah it takes longer, but the results are worth it.
    Yes, TemporalDegrain2 is excellent

    Originally Posted by rgr View Post
    Because TemporalDegrain with degrainTR greater than 1 can destroy details.
    Just like any other denoiser. The temporal radius is just one of the key paramters, although the more important.

    Originally Posted by rgr View Post
    And it is not a universal way.
    There is no universal way, nor a single denoiser, nor a single set of its parameters which can blindly work. Any video is unique, and requires a specific approach. (But TD2 in general works quite well in many cases)

    Originally Posted by rgr View Post
    In addition, only at 10 bits (or more) does it not cause combing
    I never used a 10-bits conversion in any of my scripts for VHS capture.
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  7. Member
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    Originally Posted by lollo View Post
    Originally Posted by rgr View Post
    Because TemporalDegrain with degrainTR greater than 1 can destroy details.
    Just like any other denoiser. The temporal radius is just one of the key paramters, although the more important.
    Yes, but TD2 is very prone to that. It also has other flaws, it can't handle well the first frames after a scene change.

    Originally Posted by rgr View Post
    In addition, only at 10 bits (or more) does it not cause *combing
    I never used a 10-bits conversion in any of my scripts for VHS capture.
    I gave up on 8 bits some time ago. With strong denoising, this guarantees banding (not combing as I wrote incorrectly). I always work in 16 bits -- 10 is the minimum. Besides, I posted here screens of what banding leaves TD2 at 8 bits.
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  8. I find these settings to temporaldegrain to get the job done usually. Not too destructive and the ghosting/blending of pieces of frames are nearly nonexistent.

    TemporalDegrain(sigma=16, degrain=1, ov=4, blksize=8, gpu=false, sad1=125, sad2=100, hq=0)
    A max SAD1 of 200, and SAD2 of 150 is about as high as I will go.

    You can make it even less destructive with some luma weighting. It will be a bit less effective though.

    source = last
    TemporalDegrain(sigma=16, degrain=1, ov=4, blksize=8, gpu=false, sad1=125, sad2=100, hq=0)
    MergeLuma(last, source, weight=0.4)
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  9. Originally Posted by lollo View Post
    TemporalDegrain2 not TemporalDegrain
    Smears out more detail than I want and had some side effects I didn't like. It's a good filter if spotless is your goal or if working with live action sources, but it doesn't preserve animation detail as well for me.

    I'll have a look at the updated version. Been a while since I looked at it.
    Last edited by killerteengohan; 2nd Jul 2024 at 17:45.
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