@lejeanlouis : OK, it looks like it's easier than I thought. But I cannot test the modification here, as I don't have a 720p 3D movie. So, can you check v1.29beta4 with your 720p movie ? Just replace BD3D2MK3D.exe with the exe from the archive, and copy BDSup2Sub++x64.exe in the toolset folder.
In case of any problem, please post here the content of the file BD3D2MK3D.log (or send me the file by email - See my email address at the bottom of the PgcEdit homepage - link in my signature). Otherwise, let me know that everything works fine and that you are happy !
And if your 720p movie has some subtitle streams, I will appreciate if you can test also if the conversion of the subtitles to 3D works as expected. (I assume, perhaps wrongly, that no resize is necessary.)
Thanks for any confirmation...
+ Reply to Thread
Results 301 to 330 of 544
r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
I have already found a bug introduced in the latest beta. It should happen only when a BD or ISO is directly processed. A MVC MKV created by MakeMKV should not be affected, so the bug should not prevent to test beta 4 with the 720p MKV. However, do not try it with a BD, as it will fail after the demux operation. I don't think I'll release a new beta just for that, because the bug is easy to fix, and I suppose that peoples not interested in converting a 720p 3D movie have not downloaded beta4. I prefer to release directly the final version, but I need to be sure that it works well with a MKV as input. So, please, let me know as soon as possible. Thanks !
r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
Sorry @r0lZ I didn't have read your answer yet, despite I have had a look here almost every day !
I'll check that today. Many thanks. -
Hellon, I have run it but it says that there missing exe files in the toolset folder : OFSExtractor.exe
OFSExtractor32.exe is distributed with the latest stable release (v1.28). I have assumed that you had it installed already. If it's not the case, download it, install it, then overwrite the main exe with the beta.
r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
It has not worked well ! It looks like that the length of the movie in the output mkv is more than twice than those of the original movie, about :1:20h instead of 32 min. So the sound is not synchronized as it is read slowly. Both right and left images are there. I can do any further tests if you want.
log here :
Log file generated by BD3D2MK3D v1.29b4
Conversion of "D:/Video/Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D/Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D_t00.mkv" to Side-by-Side.
Movie title: Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D
Generating project "Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D\MKV3D"...
************************************************** *****************************
Main job started Mon Nov 14 11:59:27 CET 2022.
Saving file "MKV3D.demux.meta"...
Saving file "chapters_2D_no_delay.ogm.txt"...
Saving file "chapters_2D_no_delay.qpfile"...
Saving file "chapters_3D_delay.ogm.txt"...
Saving file "chapters_3D.qpfile"...
*** Demuxing the streams...
tsMuxeR version git-eecf6b0. github.com/justdan96/tsMuxer
Decoding H264 stream (track 1): Profile: High@4.1 Resolution: 1280:720p Frame rate: 59.9401
H.264 muxing fps is not set. Get fps from stream. Value: 59.9401
Decoding H264 stream (track 2): H.264/MVC Views: 2 Profile: High@4.1 Resolution: 1280:720p Frame rate: 59.9401
MVC muxing fps is not set. Get fps from stream. Value: 59.9401
H264 bitstream changed: insert nal unit delimiters
Decoding AC3 stream (track 3): Bitrate: 448Kbps Sample Rate: 48KHz Channels: 5.1
Decoding PGS stream (track 4): Resolution: 1280:720 Frame rate: 59.9401
Decoding PGS stream (track 5): Resolution: 1280:720 Frame rate: 59.9401
Processed 116544 video frames
Processed 116544 video frames
Flushing write buffer
Demux complete.
Demuxing time: 3 min 39 sec
Streams demuxed by tsMuxeR:
*** Retrieving audio delays from "Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D_t00.mkv"...
Stream 2: 0 ms
*** Extracting 3D-planes from MVC stream...
Extracting 3D-planes from MVC file with BD3D2MK3D v1.29b4 (c) r0lZ and OFSExtractor 1.1-beta2 32bit by TheGreatMcPain (aka Sixsupersonic on doom9)
Input MVC file: "MKV3D.track_1.mvc"
Output folder: "."
Command: "D:\Videos\BD3D2MK3D1\BD3D2MK3D\toolset\OFSExtract or32.exe" "MKV3D.track_1.mvc" "."
OFSExtractor 1.1-beta2 32bit by TheGreatMcPain (aka Sixsupersonic on doom9)
Last git commit was on .
Searching file for 3D-Planes.
Checking 3D-Planes for valid depth values.
3D-Plane #00
NumFrames: 116544
Minimum depth: 1
Maximum depth: 5
Average depth: 5.00
Number of changes of depth value: 6
First frame with a defined depth: 478
Last frame with a defined depth: 116543
Number of frames with undefined depth: 478
Identical Planes: None
3D-Plane #01 is empty.
3D-Plane #02 is empty.
3D-Plane #03 is empty.
3D-Plane #04 is empty.
3D-Plane #05 is empty.
3D-Plane #06 is empty.
3D-Plane #07 is empty.
3D-Plane #08 is empty.
3D-Plane #09 is empty.
3D-Plane #10 is empty.
3D-Plane #11 is empty.
3D-Plane #12 is empty.
3D-Plane #13 is empty.
3D-Plane #14 is empty.
3D-Plane #15 is empty.
3D-Plane #16 is empty.
3D-Plane #17 is empty.
3D-Plane #18 is empty.
3D-Plane #19 is empty.
3D-Plane #20 is empty.
3D-Plane #21 is empty.
3D-Plane #22 is empty.
3D-Plane #23 is empty.
3D-Plane #24 is empty.
3D-Plane #25 is empty.
3D-Plane #26 is empty.
3D-Plane #27 is empty.
3D-Plane #28 is empty.
3D-Plane #29 is empty.
3D-Plane #30 is empty.
3D-Plane #31 is empty.
Number of 3D-Planes in MVC stream: 32
Number of 3D-Planes written: 1
Number of frames: 116544
Framerate: 59.94
Extraction took 44 seconds (00:00:44)
Extracted 1 3D-planes with 116544 frames @ 59.94 fps.
*** Converting "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.sup" to 3D BD SUP. Please wait!
*** Converting subtitle file "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.sup" to 3D SBS using 3D-plane "3D-Plane-00.ofs" + additional depth 0...
Subtitle language: fra (French)
*** Converting subtitle "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.sup" to "temp_2D.xml"...
> "D:\\Videos\\BD3D2MK3D1\\BD3D2MK3D\\toolset\\BDSup2Sub++x64.exe" --palette-mode keep --alpha-crop 0 --minimum-time 0 --language fr --fps-source 24p --fps-target 24p -o "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.3D_2D/temp_2D.xml" "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.sup"
BDSup2Sub++ 1.0.4b
OPTION: Set language to French (fr)
OPTION: synchronize target framerate to 24p
OPTION: Converting framerate from 23.976fps to 23.976fps
OPTION: Set minimum display time to 0
OPTION: Set palette mode to keep
OPTION: Set alpha cropping threshold to 0
Converting XML/PNG
Loading D:/Videos/Temp/Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D/MKV3D/MKV3D.track_4.Fra.sup
Detected 27 forced captions.
Writing D:/Videos/Temp/Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D/MKV3D/MKV3D.track_4.Fra.3D_2D\temp_2D.xml
Writing D:/Videos/Temp/Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D/MKV3D/MKV3D.track_4.Fra.3D_2D\temp_2D.xml
Conversion of 1 file(s) finished
*** Found 26 captions, including 27 forced captions.
*** Adding 3D depth info from "3D-Plane-00.ofs" to "temp_2D.xml"...
Source 3D-plane: 3D-Plane-00.ofs
Min depth: 10
Max depth: 10
Average depth: 10.0
Number of subtitles processed: 27
Number of forced subs: 27
Number of warnings for undefined frame's depth: 0
Number of subtitles with cuts (discontinuity) in the sequence of depth values: 0
Frame rate of the stream: 24.0
Frame rate used to convert the drop frames timecodes to frame numbers: 24.0
*** Converting "temp_2D.xml" to 3D...
Input file: temp_2D.xml
Stereoscopy mode: Side by Side (left view first)
Additional or fixed depth: 0
Resize filter: Mitchell
Number of subtitles processed: 27
Conversion of 2D XML/PNG files to 3D using ImageMagick took 3 seconds (00:00:03)
*** Converted 27 subtitles to 3D-SBS. No errors.
*** Trying to determine the best DVD palette for BDSup2Sub VobSub conversions from the single PNG image #9 in directory "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.3D_2D"...
> Found colour #1/#3 in image "temp_2D_0009_0.png" (subtitle #9):
Primary (lighter) colour: 128,128,128
Secondary (darker) colour: 92,92,92
*** Modified 2 colour pairs in the default DVD palette for VobSub conversions.
Saving file "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.palette.ini"...
Saving file "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.palette++.ini"...
*** Converting subtitle "temp.3D.xml" to "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.3D.sup"...
> "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Oracle\\Java\\javapath\\java.exe" -Xmx256m -jar "D:\\Videos\\BD3D2MK3D1\\BD3D2MK3D\\toolset\\BDSup 2Sub.jar" "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.3D.3D/temp.3D.xml" -o "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.3D.sup" --palette-mode keep --alpha-crop 0 --minimum-time 1 --language fr --convert-fps 24p,24p
Loading D:\Videos\Temp\Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D\MKV3D\MKV3D.track_4.Fra.3D.3D\temp.3D.xml
Writing D:\Videos\Temp\Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D\MKV3D\MKV3D.track_4.Fra.3D.sup
Conversion finished.
*** Converted 27 captions.
Deleting temp 3D XML/PNG directory "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.3D.3D".
*** Done. Converted 27 subtitles to 3D-SBS. No errors.
Full conversion took 9 seconds (00:00:09)
* All captions in stream "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.sup" are forced.
Forcing the forced flag.
*** Converting "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.sup" to 2D. Please wait!
*** Converting subtitle "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.sup" to "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.2D.sup"...
> "D:\\Videos\\BD3D2MK3D1\\BD3D2MK3D\\toolset\\BDSup 2Sub++x64.exe" --palette-mode keep --alpha-crop 0 --minimum-time 0 --language fr --force-all set --fps-source 24p --fps-target 24p -o "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.2D.sup" "MKV3D.track_4.Fra.sup"
BDSup2Sub++ 1.0.4b
OPTION: Set language to French (fr)
OPTION: synchronize target framerate to 24p
OPTION: Converting framerate from 23.976fps to 23.976fps
OPTION: Set minimum display time to 0
OPTION: Set palette mode to keep
OPTION: Set alpha cropping threshold to 0
OPTION: Set forced state of all captions to: set
Converting SUP(BD)
Loading D:/Videos/Temp/Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D/MKV3D/MKV3D.track_4.Fra.sup
Detected 27 forced captions.
Writing D:/Videos/Temp/Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D/MKV3D\MKV3D.track_4.Fra.2D.sup
Conversion of 1 file(s) finished
*** Found 26 captions, including 27 forced captions.
*** Converting "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.sup" to 3D BD SUP. Please wait!
*** Converting subtitle file "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.sup" to 3D SBS using 3D-plane "3D-Plane-00.ofs" + additional depth 0...
Subtitle language: fra (French)
*** Converting subtitle "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.sup" to "temp_2D.xml"...
> "D:\\Videos\\BD3D2MK3D1\\BD3D2MK3D\\toolset\\BDSup 2Sub++x64.exe" --palette-mode keep --alpha-crop 0 --minimum-time 0 --language fr --fps-source 24p --fps-target 24p -o "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.3D_2D/temp_2D.xml" "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.sup"
BDSup2Sub++ 1.0.4b
OPTION: Set language to French (fr)
OPTION: synchronize target framerate to 24p
OPTION: Converting framerate from 23.976fps to 23.976fps
OPTION: Set minimum display time to 0
OPTION: Set palette mode to keep
OPTION: Set alpha cropping threshold to 0
Converting XML/PNG
Loading D:/Videos/Temp/Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D/MKV3D/MKV3D.track_3.Fra.sup
Detected 27 forced captions.
Writing D:/Videos/Temp/Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D/MKV3D/MKV3D.track_3.Fra.3D_2D\temp_2D.xml
Writing D:/Videos/Temp/Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D/MKV3D/MKV3D.track_3.Fra.3D_2D\temp_2D.xml
Conversion of 1 file(s) finished
*** Found 26 captions, including 27 forced captions.
*** Adding 3D depth info from "3D-Plane-00.ofs" to "temp_2D.xml"...
Source 3D-plane: 3D-Plane-00.ofs
Min depth: 10
Max depth: 10
Average depth: 10.0
Number of subtitles processed: 27
Number of forced subs: 27
Number of warnings for undefined frame's depth: 0
Number of subtitles with cuts (discontinuity) in the sequence of depth values: 0
Frame rate of the stream: 24.0
Frame rate used to convert the drop frames timecodes to frame numbers: 24.0
*** Converting "temp_2D.xml" to 3D...
Input file: temp_2D.xml
Stereoscopy mode: Side by Side (left view first)
Additional or fixed depth: 0
Resize filter: Mitchell
Number of subtitles processed: 27
Conversion of 2D XML/PNG files to 3D using ImageMagick took 3 seconds (00:00:03)
*** Converted 27 subtitles to 3D-SBS. No errors.
*** Trying to determine the best DVD palette for BDSup2Sub VobSub conversions from the single PNG image #9 in directory "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.3D_2D"...
> Found colour #1/#3 in image "temp_2D_0009_0.png" (subtitle #9):
Primary (lighter) colour: 128,128,128
Secondary (darker) colour: 92,92,92
*** Modified 2 colour pairs in the default DVD palette for VobSub conversions.
Saving file "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.palette.ini"...
Saving file "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.palette++.ini"...
*** Converting subtitle "temp.3D.xml" to "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.3D.sup"...
> "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\Oracle\\Java\\javapath\\java.exe" -Xmx256m -jar "D:\\Videos\\BD3D2MK3D1\\BD3D2MK3D\\toolset\\BDSup 2Sub.jar" "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.3D.3D/temp.3D.xml" -o "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.3D.sup" --palette-mode keep --alpha-crop 0 --minimum-time 1 --language fr --convert-fps 24p,24p
Loading D:\Videos\Temp\Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D\MKV3D\MKV3D.track_3.Fra.3D.3D\temp.3D.xml
Writing D:\Videos\Temp\Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D\MKV3D\MKV3D.track_3.Fra.3D.sup
Conversion finished.
*** Converted 27 captions.
Deleting temp 3D XML/PNG directory "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.3D.3D".
*** Done. Converted 27 subtitles to 3D-SBS. No errors.
Full conversion took 8 seconds (00:00:08)
* All captions in stream "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.sup" are forced.
Forcing the forced flag.
*** Converting "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.sup" to 2D. Please wait!
*** Converting subtitle "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.sup" to "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.2D.sup"...
> "D:\\Videos\\BD3D2MK3D1\\BD3D2MK3D\\toolset\\BDSup 2Sub++x64.exe" --palette-mode keep --alpha-crop 0 --minimum-time 0 --language fr --force-all set --fps-source 24p --fps-target 24p -o "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.2D.sup" "MKV3D.track_3.Fra.sup"
BDSup2Sub++ 1.0.4b
OPTION: Set language to French (fr)
OPTION: synchronize target framerate to 24p
OPTION: Converting framerate from 23.976fps to 23.976fps
OPTION: Set minimum display time to 0
OPTION: Set palette mode to keep
OPTION: Set alpha cropping threshold to 0
OPTION: Set forced state of all captions to: set
Converting SUP(BD)
Loading D:/Videos/Temp/Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D/MKV3D/MKV3D.track_3.Fra.sup
Detected 27 forced captions.
Writing D:/Videos/Temp/Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D/MKV3D\MKV3D.track_3.Fra.2D.sup
Conversion of 1 file(s) finished
*** Found 26 captions, including 27 forced captions.
*** Generating the AviSynth script...
*** Saving "__ENCODE_3D_MOVIE.avs"...
Saving file "__ENCODE_3D_MOVIE.avs"...
*** Generating the batch files...
*** Saving "__ENCODE_3D.cmd"
x264 command:
"D:\Videos\BD3D2MK3D1\BD3D2MK3D\toolset\x264_x64.e xe" --output-depth 8 ^
--bitrate 9500 --preset superfast --tune film ^
--sar 1:1 --range tv --colormatrix bt709 ^
--frame-packing 3 --qpfile chapters_3D.qpfile --frames 116544 --fps 24000/1001 ^
--output "MKV3D_3D.264" "__ENCODE_3D_MOVIE.avs"
Saving file "__ENCODE_3D.cmd"...
Saving file "__ENCODE_3D_LAUNCHER.cmd"...
*** Generating the batch files...
*** Saving "_ENCODE_2D.cmd"
x264 command:
"D:\Videos\BD3D2MK3D1\BD3D2MK3D\toolset\x264_x64.e xe" --output-depth 8 ^
--bitrate 9500 --preset superfast --tune film ^
--qpfile chapters_2D_no_delay.qpfile --frames 116544 --fps 24000/1001 --sar 1:1 ^
--output "MKV3D_2D.264" "MKV3D.track_1.264"
*** Saving "__TAGS_3D.xml"
> x264_x64.exe --version
x264 0.164.3098 7628a56
(libswscale 5.9.100)
(libavformat 58.76.100)
(lsmash 2.16.1)
built on Sep 5 2022, gcc: 10-win32 20210110
x264 configuration: --chroma-format=all
libx264 configuration: --chroma-format=all
x264 license: GPL version 2 or later
libswscale/libavformat license: GPL version 2 or later
*** Saving "__MUX_3D.cmd"
Saving file "__MUX_3D.cmd"...
*** Saving "__MUX_3D_OPTIONS.json"
*** Adding attachments...
Saving file "__MUX_3D_OPTIONS.json"...
*** Saving "_TAGS_2D.xml"
> x264_x64.exe --version
x264 0.164.3098 7628a56
(libswscale 5.9.100)
(libavformat 58.76.100)
(lsmash 2.16.1)
built on Sep 5 2022, gcc: 10-win32 20210110
x264 configuration: --chroma-format=all
libx264 configuration: --chroma-format=all
x264 license: GPL version 2 or later
libswscale/libavformat license: GPL version 2 or later
*** Saving "_MUX_2D_REENCODED.cmd"
*** Saving "_MUX_2D_REENCODED_OPTIONS.json"
*** Saving "_MUX_2D_LOSSLESS.cmd" and "_MUX_2D_LOSSLESS_OPTIONS.json"
*** Saving "__POSTPROCESS_3D.cmd" and "_POSTPROCESS_2D.cmd"
Saving file "__POSTPROCESS_3D.cmd"...
Saving file "_CUSTOM_POSTPROCESS_3D.cmd"...
Saving file "_POSTPROCESS_2D.cmd"...
*** Done. AviSynth script and batch files generated.
Job finished Mon Nov 14 12:04:19 CET 2022
Whole job took 4 minutes and 52 seconds.
Successfully done.
Launch "__ENCODE_3D_LAUNCHER.cmd" to encode the 3D video (and optionally mux to MKV).
************************************************** ***************************** -
Oh, well, it seems that your movie uses a non-standard fps as well, probably 60/1.001 or 60fps. Can you verify that ? (Use the info of a good player like PotPlayer when it plays the M2TS or the associated MPLS of the BD, or use MediaInfo to examine the fps value.) Since the 3D standard is 24/1.001 fps, that can explain the timing difference, although IIRC, BD3D2MK3D tries to use the correct fps. Maybe there is another bug to fix here.
You can also try this (best to know the exact frame per seconds value before doing it) :
Edit the __MUX_3D_OPTIONS.json file, and in the "// ### 3D video stream" section, change the value after the --default-duration argument to put the exact fps. IMO, it should probably be 0:60000/1001p, but it may also be simply 0:60p or another value. Save. Then, double-click __MUX_3D.cmd to remux the MKV, and let me know if the problem is solved. Thanks.r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
Do you have any idea how to do this with MKVToolnix? I have tried this multiple times. I have even used your program and TSMuxer to extract streams and recombine them in MKVToolsnix (it was last week and I don't recall every iteration I tried) but all I could get was a 2D movie.
I did use BD3D2MK3D to convert a mounted ISO file to a FSBS file. It does play on my Vero4K and looks fine in quality. However, the file size is larger than what an MVC rip would be. It contains two 1080 frames next to each other so using a crf of 18 for example it took about 4 hours to create a file the size of the raw MVC file I would have pulled in 10 minutes using MakeMKV.
If you can point me in the right direction to remux these MVC streams using MKVToolsnix that would be great! -
If you mux the h264 and MVC video streams, you will get exactly the same MKV that MakeMKV produces: an AVC+MVC 3D movie that only a few players can play.
And using mkvtoolnix is very simple: open the mkvtoolnix gui, add the streams you want in your final MKV, then, if necessary, complete in the right pane the properties of each streams (like the language or the frame rate), and click Start Multiplexing.
If you prefer MakeMKV, use it. But don't blame my program because MakeMKV is unable to do what you want.
Anyway, creating a FTAB 3D MKV with CRF 18 should certainly not give a file as large as the original AVC+MVC stream. Usually, the movie on a 3D-BD is approximately 40GB, and CRF 18 with full-sized images should produce a final size of less than 20GB (unless the movie is very long or difficult to compress). Don't forget that the size depends of the CRF value, but also of the Preset. If you have used the ultrafast preset, you will get a very large file. Use Medium or Slow.
And of course, the time necessary to convert the movie is also dependent of the preset, and of your CPU. On my relatively recent machine, encoding a standard movie with the Slow preset takes about 1h30.r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
Thank you very much !!! It works perfectly and I'm very happy to see the young Lionel Messi in 3D
The original fps is 59.94 but the right value to value to change is 0:60000/1001p as you wrote it.
There are very little subtitles that are well displayed and for the moment I'm not sure there are added by your software or not because my movie is in english in background and french in foreground for translations or comments. I'll check that. -
I am a bit confused here, r0lZ.
I know that MKVToolNix can import and mux one videostream that already has AVC and MVC streams interleaved.
To me, this reads as MKVToolNix being able to import and mux separate "h264 and MVC streams" (note the plural). Could I be unaware of certain features?Last edited by Ennio; 15th Nov 2022 at 06:18.
Oh, no, you're right, as always, Ennio. I forgot that the two video streams must be interleaved prior to the final remux.
@KaraokeAmerica: Sorry, I was wrong. You cannot use directly mkvtoolnix to create the 3D file. But luckily, I kept CombineMVC.exe and you can use it to combine the two video streams. Then, mux the resulting combined stream and the audio and subtitles normally with mkvtoolnix. However, CombineMVC is a very old software, and I don't remember if it works correctly. It may also have serious sync problems with your streams. I don't know, and I will not be able to help more. But try it.
Download CombineMVC here.Last edited by r0lZ; 15th Nov 2022 at 06:48.
r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
I never was aware of the existence of CombineMVC.
I gave another user a headsup. Maybe you'd care to see if you can help him with some issues on edited 3D video? I tried but ran out of options.
https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/407570-Editing-3D-movies -
My curiosity being triggered, I tried CombineMVC and checked the results.
Straightly diving into the deep, I demuxed AVC and MVC from a troubled tsMuxer ISO remux that MakeMKV can't handle. CombineMVC does take its time. After its interleave, importing and muxing with MKVToolNix went flawless. 3D playback is immediately triggered on my players and looks perfect (where I didn't check the whole video yet, but while skipping to chapters playback stays perfect).
Obviously I was curious to import this result in MakeMKV. Lo and behold; it was flawlessly remuxed. No errors at all. Also this result plays back perfectly.
I also wanted to know what would happen when importing this MakeMKV result back into tsMuxer. Of course I had to manually assign the proper 3D planes. Remuxing into ISO went ok. Result 3D playback seems perfect.
As you know, I don't use mkv much for 3D. Nevertheless the good results with this 'old' CombineMVC are nothing short of surprising. And may seem weird when for a long time there's been - and still is - the incompatibilty issue between tsMuxer and MakeMKV. I do need confirmation though by checking on playback a whole movie. And remux a bunch of other ISOs to rule out this first test being a fluke.
Can you say where this tool comes from, r0lZ? Did you create it yourself? -
No, it's not my job. And, sorry, but I don't remember exactly where it came from. I can only say that in the glorious early years of 3D conversion, ldecod, (the first free MVC decoder) was used, which required days of processing to convert a combined AVC+MVC stream into two raw streams (left and right). So the two video streams had to be demuxed with eac3to (at the time, tsMuxeR was only 2D, and couldn't do this), and processed via software to combine the two streams. I jumped on the bandwagon at that time, and fortunately, shortly after that heroic time, Intel released its API, to prove that it was the best hardware to handle 3D (and other things too). After some bug fixes, the Intel toolkit was indeed the best solution, and I abandoned BD3D2AVS to create BD3D2MK3D, based on the new available technology. (Note that the combination of the MVC and AVC streams are still necessary to use the Intel toolkit, but that step has been integrated directly within the AVS filters like FRIMSource, and it's much, MUCH more rapid!) The development of tsMuxeR 3D was the important missing piece, and finally it was possible to make almost complete conversions from 3DBD to SBS/TAB. The only important thing I contributed mainly was the conversion of the 3D subtitles with the original 3D-Planes. And of course, I put the pieces of the puzzle together (a job much more difficult than I thought).
If you're interested in the history of the 3D conversion, check out the first post in the first BD3D2MK3D thread at Doom9, here, or directly at the original attempts here.Last edited by r0lZ; 16th Nov 2022 at 09:44.
r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
Thanks for your explanation. I certainly will read on the history.
Amazing how much you still remember and can spoon up. I can't even tell what I ate for breakfast yesterday
Cheers -
@lejeanlouis (and possibly others) :
There was indeed a bug in the processing of any input AVC+MVC 3D MKV with a non-standard frame rate (different from 23.976 fps). The standard frame rate was always assumed, wrongly as you have noticed.
Here is v1.29beta5. It should fix that bug, but as I don't have a MKV with a non standard frame rate here, I cannot test it fully. I hope you have not yet deleted your source MKV and that you will be able to test this beta. Can you process again your video with the young Messi and let me know if, this time, it has worked flawlessly ? Thanks in advance.
Of course, if someone else has a 3D MKV (created with MakeMKV) with a non-standard frame rate, he can test the beta too.
If this bug is really fixed, I will release v1.29 after the confirmation.
Download: BD3D2MK3D_1.29b5.7z
(As with all betas, keep the original files of v1.28, and overwrite just BD3D2MK3D.exe and the two exes in the toolset folder.)r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
If I didn't make a mistake, the encoded movie is still in 24fps :
Encoding movie in 3D
Movie: Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D-Beta5
Encoding started 22/11/2022 8:56:38,75
D:\Videos\Official 2010 FIFA World Cup Film In 3D-Beta5\MKV3D>"D:\Videos\BD3D2MK3D_1.28\BD3D2MK3D\toolset\x264_x64.exe" --output-depth 8 --bitrate 10500 --preset medium --sar 1:1 --range tv --colormatrix bt709 --frame-packing 3 --qpfile chapters_3D.qpfile --frames 115416 --fps 24000/1001 --output "MKV3D_3D.264" "__ENCODE_3D_MOVIE.avs"
avs [info]: 1280x720p 1:1 @ 24000/1001 fps (cfr)
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX FMA3 BMI2 AVX2
x264 [info]: profile High, level 3.2, 4:2:0, 8-bit
[86.0%] 99276/115416 frames, 27.61 fps, 10528.74 kb/s, eta 0:09:44 -
I see. Can you also verify the frame rate in __MUX_3D_OPTIONS.json ? Thanks !
r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
Thanks again. It seems that tsMuxeR reports the wrong frame rate, probably because it's the frame rate stored in the H264 and MVC streams. It should report the frame rate from the MKV header, but it's probably not what it does. To confirm that, I need a small sample with another frame rate than the "classic" 23.976 fps.
lejeanlouis, can you cut the beginning of your source MKV (a few minutes, or MB), and send me the small file ? You can use GSplit (free) to cut the file. Verify that at least 2 or 3 seconds of video are playable. Then send the file by email (see my address near the end of the PgcEdit home page - link in my signature), or post it at any file sharing service and send me the link by PM or email. (Best to not post the link here for copyright reasons.)
Thanks !r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
Got it. Thanks.
r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
I was wrong. tsMuxeR reports the correct frame rate, but as 59.9401 fps instead of the exact value 60000/1001 or the usual rounded value 59.94. That little difference was sufficient to cause the bug. Now, BD3D2MK3D checks if the reported frame rate is close enough to one of the "official" frame rates, and if it's the case, it assumes it's that official frame rate that has been (slightly wrongly) specified.
Merci beaucoup, lejeanlouis ! With the help of your sample, I have been able to find and fix the bug easily. I will probably release v1.29 final today or tomorrow.r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
As promised, here is (finally) v1.29 final.
It fixes several relatively important bugs, and should therefore be installed.
Thanks to every peoples who helped me to locate and fix the bugs.
v1.29 (November 28, 2022)
- It is now possible to convert a MKV created with MakeMKV containing a 3D movie in the non-standard 720p resolution.
- bug fix: The frame rate of any input MKV (in MakeMKV mode) was always 23.976fps.
- bug fix: In MakeMKV mode, the TrueHD tracks were always demuxed (with eac3to) even if they were not selected by the user.
- bug fix: The 2 streams for hardcoded subtitles in Full-SBS/TAB mode were not generated.
- workaround: Wrong tracks order for AVC+MVC 3D MKV created or remuxed with another tool than MakeMKV
- workaround: Demux crash when an audio or subtitle stream doesn't have a language code in the MPLS
- Added BDSup2Sub++ v1.0.4 64-bit beta, as it has less bugs than BDSup2Sub++ v1.0.3 (that will still be used on 32-bit systems)
- Updated x264 to the latest version (v0.164.3101)
- Updated x265 to the latest version (v3.5+68)
- Updated mkvtoolnix to the latest version (v72.0.0 'Minuano (Six-eight)')r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV -
It's saying this isn't a valid MVC file:
Code:Video ID : 1 ID in the original source medium : 4113 (0x1011) Format : AVC Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec Format profile : Stereo High@L4.1 / High@L4.1 MultiView_Count : 2 MultiView_Layout : Both Eyes laced in one block (left eye first) Format settings : CABAC / 3 Ref Frames Format settings, CABAC : Yes Format settings, Reference frames : 3 frames Codec ID : V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC Duration : 1 h 28 min Bit rate mode : Variable Bit rate : 32.6 Mb/s Maximum bit rate : 32.0 Mb/s Width : 1 920 pixels Height : 1 080 pixels Display aspect ratio : 16:9 Frame rate mode : Constant Frame rate : 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS Color space : YUV Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0 Bit depth : 8 bits Scan type : Progressive Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.655 Stream size : 20.1 GiB (94%) Language : English Default : No Forced : No Original source medium : Blu-ray
Yes, it's an AVC video file. For 3D, you need two video files: one AVC and one MVC.
What is your source BD or file, and what is exactly the error message displayed by BD3D2MK3D ? (You can copy the content of almost all dialogs by hitting Ctrl-C when the dialog is active, or you can copy any part of the log. Open it with File -> Show Console.)r0lZ - PgcEdit homepage Hosted by VideoHelp (Thanks Baldrick)
- BD3D2MK3D A tool to convert 3D BD to 3D SBS/T&B/FS MKV
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