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  1. Anyone know what can cause this? Video attached of the issue, but basically coming out of high-speed fast forward or rewind will sometimes make this loud sound. It only does it with some tapes though.
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  2. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    The reels tables brakes are completely worn out, so they keep spinning freely after stop, If you keep using it this way you will end up chewing tapes from tape spillage, Get it fixed asap, until then make sure to unwind the tape briefly after a harsh stop to contain the tape before ejecting or playback. To understand what I'm talking about, remove the lid and observe.
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  3. Thanks for your feedback. Is there a sure way to know if it is the brake pads? I took the lid off and tried to get some pictures of the brake pads. I don't have anything for reference so I am not sure which one might be the issue. Also, I watched what was happening with the lid off and I don't think I saw any tape spillage, but I don't really know what I am looking for, extra slack or excess tape in the cartridge? I am also attaching another video of FF->STOP function with the lid off.
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Name:	PXL_20250120_174546195.MP.jpg
Views:	9
Size:	1.85 MB
ID:	84999  

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Name:	PXL_20250120_174607705.jpg
Views:	11
Size:	2.17 MB
ID:	85000  

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  4. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    You don't have tape spillage because some tapes have very loose reels so both keep spinning feeding the tape from one reel to the other, Which is the case in the video shown. This is not guaranteed to work like this all the time, there will be instances where one of the reels spins less than the other, or don't spin at all due to friction, or the tape may stick to the video drum preventing the receiving reel to take up the slack, and some instances the tape gets mangled by the video drum, That's when the disaster strikes.

    The brake pads don't look completely worn, this doesn't mean they are functioning properly, they could be glazed, The best way is to replace them, but finding a replacement is not going to be easy, another way is using some felt pad alternatives and cut them to size, But for now you can try roughening the spindle tables surfaces with fine grit sanding paper and clean the brake pads with some detergent to remove the black stuff and allow them to dry and give it a go.
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