forum videohelp com / threads / 414 487
See below for detailed instructions, this is just quick set-up for thouse who know what they are doing ;)
# PowerShell (Administrator | with elevated privileges);
WinKey + x + a
Code:# Install VLC, yt-dlp/FFMpeg, Git, 7-Zip, MKVToolNix, MediaInfo, Nano, cURL, aria2, Python; # YT-DLP depends on FFMpeg, so will automatically install it; winget install --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements ` VideoLAN.VLC ` ` Git.Git ` 7zip.7zip ` MoritzBunkus.MKVToolNix ` MediaArea.MediaInfo ` GNU.Nano ` cURL.cURL ` aria2.aria2 ` Python.Python.3.12 ` #Fin; # (Latest version 7.1 of FFMpeg has a bug); # So Downgrade to v7.0.2 winget install -e --id Gyan.FFmpeg -v 7.0.2 # Install Poetry, CCExtractor, N_m3u8DL-RE, Bento4, GPAC, get_iplayer, shaka-packager, hola-proxy, windscribe-proxy; #Speed-up the IWR (Invoke-WebRequest); $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # Poetry "LATEST" (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | py - # Download/Extract "CCExtractor" v0.93; Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\CCExtractor-v0.93.msi ` #Fin; #Install the OLDER version v0.93 (that works with Devine) Start-Process $home\Downloads\CCExtractor-v0.93.msi -ArgumentList '/quiet' -Wait ` #Fin; #Create "SymLink" for "ccextractor.exe"; New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path C:\Windows\System32\ccextractor.exe ` -Target "C:\Program Files (x86)\CCExtractor\ccextractorwinfull.exe" ` #Fin; # Download/Extract "N_m3u8DL-RE" - 20241203 | 0.3.0+ea9de55eacbd5e9dabf8dd92f5991ab1a37d80f2; Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\ ` #Fin; # Extract "N_m3u8DL-RE"; tar -xzvf $home\Downloads\ ` -C C:\Windows\System32\ --verbose ` #Fin; # Download "Bento4"; Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\ ` #Fin; # Extract "Bento4"; tar --verbose --directory=/Bento4-SDK-1-6-0-641.x86_64-microsoft-win32/bin/ ` --extract --file=$home\Downloads\ ` --strip-components=2 -C C:\Windows\System32\ *.exe ` #Fin; # Download GPAC "current stable release is 2.4, release 2024-04-17" Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\gpac-2.4-rev0-g5d70253a-master-x64.exe ` #Fin; # Install GPAC v2.4, release 2024-04-17 Start-Process $home\Downloads\gpac-2.4-rev0-g5d70253a-master-x64.exe /S -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru ` #Fin; # Download "get_iplayer"; Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\get_iplayer-3.35.0-windows-x64-setup.exe ` #Fin; # Download HASH Check file; Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\get_iplayer-3.35.0-windows-x64-setup.exe.sha256 ` #Fin; # Check the "File" Integrity/Hash; Compare-Object ` -ReferenceObject ` (Get-Content -Path $home\Downloads\get_iplayer-3.35.0-windows-x64-setup.exe.sha256) ` -DifferenceObject ` (Get-FileHash $home\Downloads\get_iplayer-3.35.0-windows-x64-setup.exe -Algorithm SHA256).Hash.ToLower() ` #Fin; # Install "get_iplayer"; Start-Process ` $home\Downloads\get_iplayer-3.35.0-windows-x64-setup.exe ` -ArgumentList '/VERYSILENT /SP-' -Wait ` #Fin; # Download LATEST "hola-proxy"; Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile C:\Windows\System32\hola-proxy.exe ` #Fin; # Download LATEST "shaka-packager"; Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile C:\Windows\System32\shaka-packager.exe ` #Fin; # Download LATEST "windscribe-proxy"; Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile C:\Windows\System32\windscribe-proxy.exe ` #Fin; #Exit the Administrator Console!!!; exit;
# PowerShell (Without elevated privileges);
WinKey + x + i
# Don't forget to add the following to Windows PATH;
# c:\Program Files (x86)\CCExtractor\
# c:\Program Files\MKVToolNix\
# c:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\
# c:\Program Files\7-Zip\
# %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Python\Scripts\
# Create DIRS for Git Projects, WVD keys and Python scripts;
Code:mkdir $home\git mkdir $home\wvd mkdir $home\py
Code:# Check all is installed as should be: # Git; git -v; # N_m3u8DL-RE; N_m3u8DL-RE --version; N_m3u8DL-RE --help; # FFMpeg; ffmpeg -version; ffprobe -version; # Aria; aria2c --version; # Z-Zip; 7z -version; # Get_iPlayer; get_iplayer -V; # Shaka; shaka-packager -version; # Hola; hola-proxy --version; # Windscribe; windscribe-proxy --version; # YT-DLP; yt-dlp --version; # MKV ToolNix; mkvextract --version; mkvmerge --version; # CCExtractor; ccextractorwinfull --version; ccextractor --version; # GPAC Suite; mp4box -version; gpac -version; # MediaInfo; mediainfo --version; # Nano Editor; nano --version; # cURL/Aliases; Get-Alias -Definition Invoke-WebRequest | Format-Table -AutoSize; curl.exe --version; # Python; py -V; pip -V; # Poetry; poetry --version #Fin;
Upgrading YT-DLP using WinGet is a bit of a pain in the back side
as first you need to uninstall FFMpeg and then YT-DLP and
then install YT-DLP and that will also install "LATEST" version of FFMpeg
WinKey + R and type:
# Browser "extensions"
EME Logger: from Greasy Fork
Firefox: "Export Cookies" by Rotem Dan
Chromium: "Open Cookies.txt" by Ninh Pham
Amazon Video ASIN Display
When asking for help, please state:
a) Your Windows OS (Operating System) Version
b) Windows build number
c) Which part (command) of this guide did not work for you
d) What "exactly" have you done/tried to get it to work
you could also try:Code:winver
(Win 11 is Win 10 with 11 sticker on it :)Code:systeminfo /fo csv | ConvertFrom-Csv | select OS*, System*, Hotfix* | Format-List
Code:Get-ComputerInfo | select WindowsProductName, OsOperatingSystemSKU, OsName | fl
Out of support versions are difficult to support,
(and luck some of the tools used in this guide)
so please consider running "Up to date" version of Window$
or use VM = Virtual Machine running latest build of Window$ 10/11
(Window$ 10 64-Bit will take 24GB+ of space, to be on the safe side 30GB of your VM space ...)
- If you want to compile N-m3u8DL-RE yourself
-- cca. 2.54GB for Windows Software Development Kit
-- cca. 1GB for .NET Installation
There is no need to sent me
"PM's" = Private Messages,
I will ignore them and not respond.
Instead post in this thread answering
the above a) + b) + c) and d) questions
when posting ;)
Here is a Video "KVM-Win10-Video.H.265.mp4"
(cca 15min and 82M in size H.265 recorded on fresh Win10 system)
showing how to install dependencies that will work with the other projects on this Forum
easily from the CLI just copy and paste ..... ;)
It's taken me 15 min, but can be done in few minutes ;)
This guide contains "Installation" of the following:
* Python 3.xx [and PIP] (
* FFmpeg [and ffprobe] for repacking/remuxing streams on specific services, and evaluating stream data. (
* MKVToolNix v54+ [and MKVMerge] for muxing individual streams to an .mkv file. (
* aria2[(c] to use as a downloader (
* cURL to use as a downloader (
* VLC free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework (
* MPV a free, open source, and cross-platform media player (
* Git a free and open source distributed version control system (
* Nano Text Editor (
* MediaInfo a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. (
* Bento4 [and mp4decrypt] A fast, modern, open source C++ toolkit for all your MP4 and DASH/HLS/CMAF media format needs. (
* N-m3u8DL-RE Cross-Platform, modern and powerful stream downloader for MPD/M3U8/ISM. (
* Hola Proxy Standalone Hola proxy client (
* Windscribe Proxy Standalone client for proxies of Windscribe browser extension (
* Shaka Packager for decrypting CENC-CTR and CENC-CBCS video and audio streams (
* get_iPlayer A utility for downloading TV and radio programmes from BBC iPlayer and BBC Sounds (
* YT-DLP A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader (
* GPAC Ultramedia OSS for Video Streaming & Next-Gen Multimedia Transcoding, Packaging & Delivery (
* CCExtractor for extracting Closed Caption data like EIA-608 from video streams and converting as SRT. (
* VisualStudioCode | VSCode | Code | VSCodium editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications ( |
* Asciinema-compatible terminal session recorder for Windows (
I download packages to $home\Downloads DIRectory
Clone GIT Repos to $home\git DIRectory
Keep Python scripts in $home\py DIRectory
And store WVD files in $home\wvd DIRectory
Code:mkdir $home\git mkdir $home\wvd mkdir $home\py
#- Power Shell (Elevated or Administrator level CLI) / Windows versions check
#- Adding MKVToolNix /CCExtractor and VLC to Windows PATH
#- Installing WinGet using MS-Store
#- Using WinGet to Install Dependencies
#- Downloading BINary Dependencies
#- Checking all is working
#- Testing the setup (Not part of the Video)
#- Something does not work? (Not part of the Video)
#- Python Key terms
#- Interesting projects
################################################## ##############################
################################################## ##############################
There are 2 levels of privileges when running CLI/prompt (in WT, PS, CMD):
1) - User level: WinKey+x +i
2) - Elevated or Administrator level: WinKey+x +a
CLI = prompt:
- Windows Terminal = WT
- Command Prompt = CMD
- PowerShell = PS
The "Elevated or Administrator level" should only be used to un-install APPs/Programs, configure Windows....
(Elevated or Administrator privilege prompt can be identified in the TOP "left" corner of the CLI/Windows Terminal/PS/CMD) with "Administrator" prefix.
# Elevated/Administrator level privilege prompt/CLI (WT, PS or CMD) is NEEDED for:
- Installing APPlications using WinGet = App Installer = Windows Package Manager from PS
- Installing EXEcutable files using PS (PowerShell)
- Copying BINary files (pre-compiled Windows files) to system folder/DIRectory in: C:\Windows\System32\
Copy the Code:
Highlight the whole code/line and press and hold on your keyboard = Ctrl key plus letter "c"
Paste the Code into your PS:
Press and hold on your keyboard = Ctrl key plus letter "v"
(You can also use the Click, Click, Click method that is slightly longer)...
# Install from PowerShell (PS):
# (Open elevated/Administrator PS = Power Shell)
# (Confirm with)Code:WinKey+x + a
or click onCode:Alt + y
# If your versions of Windows opens-up "Administrator" CMD prompt, just type:
and it will change to:
PS C:\...
# If the above did not work for you,
TRY Alternative to get PS "Administrator" prompt:
Then type in:Code:WinKey + r
and PRESS on your keyboard:Code:powershell
# (Confirm with)Code:Ctrl + Shift + ENTER
or click onCode:Alt + y
# The following guide has been tried on Windows 10 Pro x64 (and binaries linked below are for x64)
# Build 19045
# Running in VM (Virtual Machine| QEMU/KVM)
Code:[System.Environment]::OSVersion.VersionCode:wmic os get osarchitecture
Processor types:
0 for x86
1 for MIPS
2 for Alpha
3 for PowerPC
5 for ARM
6 for ia64
9 for x64 - Only one supported in this guide.
12 for arm64
Code:(Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Processor).Architecture
#Power Shell Version:
# End of long command in the CLI
#WINDOWS PS = backtic, backquote, grave, or grave accent "`"
WINDOWS CMD = Caret "^"
################################################## ##############################
################################################## ##############################
# Windows PATH
Windows PATH = System variables | Environment Variables
# I am getting different results on different versions of Windows using "setx"
# so it's better to use Windows GUI to add APPs to a Windows PATH:
The below Applications Installers do not add themselfs
automatically into the Window$ PATH, so have to be added
#- Select - "System variables | Environment Variables" ... "bottom right part"
# - (Just above "Cancel" and "Apply").
# or press letter "n" .....
# The window is divided into 2 parts.
# TOP - User variable for "your-username" ONLY
# BOTTOM - System variables
#-- Use TOP "User variable for your-username"
#-- Click on "Path" (when highlighted)
#-- Click on "Edit" button
#-- Click on "NEW" button
#-- Insert the full path withOUT hash and the quotes:
[#Enter]Code:c:\Program Files (x86)\CCExtractor\
#-- Click on "NEW" button
#-- Insert the full path withOUT hash and the quotes:
#[Enter]Code:c:\Program Files\MKVToolNix\
#-- Click on "NEW" button
#-- Insert the full path withOUT hash and the quotes:
#[Enter]Code:c:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\
#-- Press "OK"
#-- Press "OK"
#-- Press "OK"
################################################## ##############################
################################################## ##############################
# WinGet | App Installer | Windows Package Manager
# Windows Package Manager or Winget, is a tool that allows you to manage software packages on your Windows 11.
# (The winget tool is supported on Windows 10, version 1809 (build 17763) and above.)
# App Installer = WinGet = Windows Package Manager
Windows 11 comes with Winget, it just needs updating......
# Check your Windows Version
Windows 11 may already have a WinGet installed, check:Code:[System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version
# Removes the pre-installed version of the Microsoft Store app,Code:winget --info
# which includes the App Installer package that contains winget.
# This command will open the Microsoft Store app page for the App Installer package aka WinGet/Windows Package Manager.Code:Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller | Remove-AppxPackage
#Code:start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9nblggh4nns1
# Click on the "Get" or "Install" button to get/install it.
#Check it's working:
Code:winget --version
################################################## ##############################
################################################## ##############################
#Install apps with WinGet
#(You have to paste/type "each" line into the Power Shell on it's own - and press ENTER)
## LATEST Dependencies (VLC and MKVToolNix #Needs to be added to Windows PATH manually, see #1 on how to)
Code:winget install --id VideoLAN.VLCCode:winget install --id MoritzBunkus.MKVToolNixCode:winget install --id install --id Git.GitCode:winget install --id GPAC.GPACCode:winget install --id MediaArea.MediaInfoCode:winget install --id GNU.NanoCode:winget install --id cURL.cURLCode:winget install --id aria2.aria2Code:winget install --id Python.Python.3.12
(For a "one-liner=multiple apps/commands in one")..see at the top of the page.....
## Install Multiple Major Versions of Python Package = 3.10
Code:winget install -e --no-upgrade --force --id Python.Python.3.10
#YT-DLP package requires the following dependencies: Gyan.FFmpeg
# So you don't have to install it, but just in case you skip YT-DLP:
Code:winget install --id Gyan.FFmpeg
#Updating APPlications - check which apps are out of date:
#or GPAC.GPAC always shows as Unknown ....Code:winget upgrade
Code:winget upgrade --include-unknown
#Upgrading ALL out of date APPlications:
Code:winget upgrade --all
#Upgrading SPECIFIC out of date APPlications:
Code:winget upgrade --id Gyan.FFmpeg
# Optional
Code:winget install --id Microsoft.VisualStudioCodeCode:winget install --id 7zip.7zipCode:winget install --id Notepad++.Notepad++Code:winget install --id Mozilla.FirefoxCode:winget install --id TorProject.TorBrowserCode:winget install --id Vivaldi.VivaldiCode:winget install --id OO-Software.ShutUp10Code:winget install --id Ghisler.TotalCommander #SFTP Plugin Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\ install --id 9P7KNL5RWT25 #Sysinternals Suite
#Installing specific version install --id Google.Chrome.Canary -v 126.0.6471.0
## YT-DLG is a cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl written in wxPython:
#Notes:Code:winget install --id
################################################## ##############################
################################################## ##############################
#Install BINary APPS: with IWR (Invoke-WebRequest - Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility)
#(You have to paste/type "each" line into the Power Shell on it's own - end press ENTER)
##Download to "System32" DIRectory using "IWR"
(Disable progress bar in IWR for Downloads to speed up):
Code:$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
# CCExtractor "Latest v0.94 has a bug":
Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\CCExtractor.msi #Fin;
(CCExtractor #Needs to be added to Windows PATH manually, see #1 on how to)
Code:Start-Process $home\Downloads\CCExtractor.msi -ArgumentList '/quiet' -Wait #Fin; #Create SymLink for "ccextractor.exe" New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path C:\Windows\System32\ccextractor.exe ` -Target "C:\Program Files (x86)\CCExtractor\ccextractorwinfull.exe" #Fin;
# N_m3u8DL-RE compiled with LATEST commits in main branch = "20241124":
Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\N_m3u8DL-RE_Beta_win-x64_20241124.zipCode:tar -xzvf $home\Downloads\ ` -C C:\Windows\System32\
#OR # N_m3u8DL-RE = 20240828":
# Extract "N_m3u8DL-RE";Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\
Code:tar -xzvf $home\Downloads\ ` --strip-components=1 -C C:\Windows\System32\ --verbose
# GPAC - 2.4, release 2024-04-17:
Code:# Download GPAC "current stable release; Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\gpac-2.4-rev0-g5d70253a-master-x64.exe ` #Fin;Code:Start-Process $home\Downloads\gpac-2.4-rev0-g5d70253a-master-x64.exe /S -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru #Fin;
# Bento4 - v.1-6-0-641:
#(Mind the "space" at the end of the line between the "\ *.exe"Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\
Code:tar --verbose --directory=/Bento4-SDK-1-6-0-641.x86_64-microsoft-win32/bin/ ` --extract --file=$home\Downloads\ ` --strip-components=2 -C C:\Windows\System32\ *.exe
# get_iPlayer - v3.35.0:
Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\get_iplayer-3.35.0-windows-x64-setup.exeCode:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\get_iplayer-3.35.0-windows-x64-setup.exe.sha256
#Check the "File" Integrity/Hash
Code:Compare-Object ` -ReferenceObject ` (Get-Content -Path $home\Downloads\get_iplayer-3.35.0-windows-x64-setup.exe.sha256) ` -DifferenceObject ` (Get-FileHash $home\Downloads\get_iplayer-3.35.0-windows-x64-setup.exe -Algorithm SHA256).Hash.ToLower()
Code:Start-Process ` $home\Downloads\get_iplayer-3.35.0-windows-x64-setup.exe ` -ArgumentList '/VERYSILENT /SP-' -Wait
# Hola-proxy "Latest":
Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile C:\Windows\System32\hola-proxy.exe
# Shaka-project "Latest":
-------------------------------------Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile C:\Windows\System32\shaka-packager.exe
# Windscribe-proxy "Latest":
Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile C:\Windows\System32\windscribe-proxy.exe
# YTarchive "Latest":
#Using IWR:
#or aria2:Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\
Code:aria2c ` --dir $home\Downloads\Code:tar -tzf $home\Downloads\ | findstr .exeCode:tar --verbose --extract --file=$home\Downloads\ ` -C C:\Windows\System32\ *.exe
#Got an ERROR when Installing the above?
Invoke-WebRequest : Access to the path 'C:\Windows\System32\xxxxxxxxxx.exe' is denied.
You are NOT running the command(s) in "privileged" | "elevated" | "Administrator" PS = Power Shell terminal. See part [0].
################################################## ##############################
################################################## ##############################
# Check all BINaries are working and are in the PATH:
Code:git -vCode:N_m3u8DL-RE --versionCode:ffmpeg -versionCode:ffprobe -versionCode:aria2c --versionCode:get_iplayer -VCode:shaka-packager -versionCode:hola-proxy --versionCode:windscribe-proxy --versionCode:yt-dlp --versionCode:mkvextract --versionCode:mkvmerge --versionCode:ccextractorwinfull --versionCode:ccextractor --versionCode:mp4box -versionCode:gpac -versionCode:mediainfo --versionWin has cURL alias, so ".exe has to be used for real cURL:Code:nano --version
Code:Get-Alias -Definition Invoke-WebRequest | Format-Table -AutoSize curl.exe --version
Code:py -V#Multiple Major Versions of Python Package (I have installed 3.10 and 3.12):Code:pip -V
Code:py -3.12 -V#3.10:Code:py -3.12 -m pip -V
Code:py -3.10 -VCode:py -3.10 -m pip -V
(A "one-liner=multiple apps/commands in one")...see at the top of the page ...
# If you get an error message (IN RED) then read what it says and what is missing from your system and/or your windows PATH
Code:code --version
#LATEST N_m3u8DL-RE - 20231113 | 0.2.0+8fdb6bc90ba128b91bff32d32ed6152f88584374
- .NET (dotnet)
- Microsoft VisualStudio 2022 - Desktop Development with C++ (Big Beast, be patient when installing it)
[Need at least cca. 13.14 GB of disk space.]
(WinKey+x + a | PowerShell Elevetead - Administrator) - KEEP IT OPEN
andCode:winget install Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.8
Code:winget install Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.Community --silent --override ` "--wait --quiet --add ProductLang En-us --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop --includeRecommended" #Fin exit
(WinKey+x + i | PowerShell User Level)
#Clone the "N_m3u8DL-RE" REPOsitory:
#See help for .NET publishCode:cd $home\git git clone cd N_m3u8DL-RE
#CompileCode:dotnet publish -h
#If you get an ERROR "error NU1100: Unable to resolve......" try this:Code:dotnet publish .\src\N_m3u8DL-RE -r win-x64 -c Release -o artifact-x64
Code:dotnet nuget locals all --clear rm $home\AppData\Roaming\NuGet\*.* dotnet restore
#Check the versionCode:Ultimate Packer for eXecutables Copyright (C) 1996 - 2022 UPX 4.0.1 Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar & John Reiser Nov 16th 2022 File size Ratio Format Name -------------------- ------ ----------- ----------- 16331264 -> 6439936 39.43% win64/pe N_m3u8DL-RE.exe
0.2.0+00bce19aea2286aa28b8be56ebfc175b69f2bc39Code:.\artifact-x64\N_m3u8DL-RE --version
N_m3u8DL-RE (Beta version) 20240630Code:.\artifact-x64\N_m3u8DL-RE --help
N_m3u8DL-RE (Beta version) 20231113
#Copy to "C:\Windows\System32\" - WinKey+x +a | Elevated - Administrator Power ShellCode:Compress-Archive -Path .\artifact-x64\N_m3u8DL-RE.exe -DestinationPath
#OR (If you have SUDO installed):Code:cp $home\git\N_m3u8DL-RE\artifact-x64\N_m3u8DL-RE.exe C:\Windows\System32\; #Fin; exit
If you are interested, here is the log:Code:sudo cp ./artifact/N_m3u8DL-RE /usr/local/bin/
################################################## ##############################
################################################## ##############################
#Testing the setup streaming Encrypted content:
(Use "CMD" as "PS" does not work for some strange reason)
WinKey + R (to launch "Run")
type: cmd
press: ENTER
Or you can always change from PS to CMD typing:
and pressing (ENTER)Code:cmd
To return to PS, type:
Code:exitCode:ffmpeg -cenc_decryption_key 166634c675823c235a4a9446fad52e4d -i "" -c copy -f flv - | vlc -Code:ffmpeg -cenc_decryption_key 100b6c20940f779a4589152b57d2dacb -i "" -c copy -f flv - | vlc -
#Download and play Encrypted content
(You will need to have MPV Player installed)
-BitMovin | restricts their stream = 429 (Too Many Requests).
Code:mkdir ~/Videos/11331; cd ~/Videos/11331 ` #Fin; N_N_m3u8DL-RE -mt -sv best -sa all -ss all --save-name 11331 --check-segments-count False --no-log ` ` #Fin;
#Play the encrypted files (MPV):
Code:mpv --demuxer-lavf-o=decryption_key=100b6c20940f779a4589152b57d2dacb 11331.mp4 --audio-file-auto=all --sub-auto=all
Code:mp4info --verbose $home\Videos\11331\11331.mp4 mp4info --verbose $home\Videos\11331\11331.en.m4a mp4decrypt --show-progress --key <id|KID>:<k|KEY> $home\Videos\11331\11331.mp4 $home\Videos\11331\decrypted.mp4 mp4decrypt --show-progress --key <id|KID>:<k|KEY> $home\Videos\11331\11331.en.m4a $home\Videos\11331\decrypted.en.m4a
-Tears of Steel | (Mango project)
Code:mkdir ~/Videos/mango; cd ~/Videos/mango ` #Fin; N_m3u8DL-RE -mt -sv best -sa all -ss all --save-name ToS --no-log ` ` #Fin;
#Play the encrypted files (MPV):
"j" to change Subtitles LanguageCode:mpv --demuxer-lavf-o=decryption_key=166634c675823c235a4a9446fad52e4d ToS.und.mp4 --audio-file-auto=all --sub-auto=all
"#" to change Audio Quality/Language
Code:mp4info --verbose $home\Videos\mango\ToS.und.mp4 mp4info --verbose $home\Videos\mango\ToS.en.m4a
################################################## ##############################
################################################## ##############################
# Something does not work? Record your PS session
#You can download the recording as:
.cast = Original Recording (And play it back Locally)
.txt = Plain Text Version (Individual commands)
.gif = animated GIF (requires "Downloading" agg program):
# Download asciinema GIF generator "agg":
# Record and share what does not work for you,
# easily from the CLI using asciinema or on Windows "Watfaq.PowerSession"
# Install from PowerShell (PS):
# (Open elevated PS)
# (Confirm with)Code:WinKey+x + a
# Install LATEST PowerSession version:
# Install LATEST asciinemas "GIF" generator "agg":Code:winget install --id Watfaq.PowerSession
#Close the Terminal Window:Code:winget install --id asciinema.agg
(A "one-liner=multiple apps/commands in one")...
Code:winget install Watfaq.PowerSession asciinema.agg; exit
# Open PowerShell (PS) window:
Code:WinKey+x + i
#Let check the Version and Help/Recording:
Code:PowerSession -VCode:PowerSession --helpCode:PowerSession rec --help
#Start Recording (A NEW PS Session will appear)
#Stop Recording:Code:PowerSession rec NameDecribingYourError-PS.cast
#Upload to (Will only be available for 7 days and secret, unless you register .......)
Result Url: upload NameDecribingYourError-PS.cast
#Re-Playing the RECORDING:
Code:PowerSession play NameDecribingYourError-PS.cast
#Convert to "GIF":
Code:agg NameDecribingYourError-PS.cast NameDecribingYourError-PS.gif
################################################## ##############################
################################################## ##############################
#Key terms
- the preferred installer program. (the package installer for Python.)
Starting with Python 3.4, it is included by default with the Python binary installers.
# Virtual Environment
- a semi-isolated Python environment that allows packages to be installed for use by a particular application,
rather than being installed system wide.
You are asking, why use Virtual Environment?
In plain English, if you are installing two python projects and both are using
same dependency (but with different versions = older and newer etc.)
that would create a conflict ...... Virtual Environment makes sure you do not to have Python dependency conflicts ;)
- the standard tool for creating virtual environments,
and has been part of Python since Python 3.3. Starting with Python 3.4,
it defaults to installing pip into all created virtual environments.
#ActivateCode:py -m venv env
# VirtualEnv
- a third party alternative (and predecessor) to venv.
It allows virtual environments to be used on versions of Python prior to 3.4,
which either don’t provide venv at all, or aren’t able to automatically install pip into created environments.
# PyPI
- Python Package Index is a public repository of open source licensed packages
made available for use by other Python users.
# PyPA
- Python Packaging Authority is the group of developers and documentation authors
responsible for the maintenance and evolution of the standard packaging tools
and the associated metadata and file format standards.
# Poetry
- Alternative to VENV
Python packaging and dependency management made easy
You can install Poetry system wide (more info):
or from PIP:
# Install Poetry ("-3.12" you have Multiple Major Versions of Python Package and want to use version 3.12):
# Check your version:Code:py -3.12 -m pip install poetry
# Create the "virtualenv" inside the project’s root directoryCode:py -3.12 -m poetry -V
# Reads the pyproject.toml file from the current project, resolves the dependencies, and installs them.Code:py -3.12 -m poetry config true
# Spawns a shell within the project’s virtual environment.Code:py -3.12 -m poetry install
Code:py -3.12 -m poetry shell
# Pipenv
- a Python virtualenv management tool that supports a multitude of systems and nicely bridges the gaps between pip,
python (using system python, pyenv or asdf) and virtualenv.
Linux, macOS, and Windows are all first-class citizens in pipenv.
FreeVine (discontinued, but still works)
Video Guide
All4 "PowerSession" recorded in Power Shell on Win 11 Pro 22H2
CLI Guide
Devine Installation
CLI Guide
UK-FTA | UK-Free-to-Air-Downloader
UK-FTA Installation
DRM free content downloader WideFrog
Installation of WideFrog
Vadapav (downloader)
All Hell Let Loose!
[Release] CDRM-Project 2.0
The above guide is even easier on Linux system
open your eyes ;)
I take no responsibility what so ever if you can not
copy/paste the commands without deleting or adding extra characters
to the command during this process ;)
I have created this "Guide" + the "Video" to help those
that are NOT so versed in operating their "OS" = Operating System,
if you fail to follow this guide things will not work for you
and I will not respond to your posts.
Please take time reading the above information,
I did so as well and it's taken me few days to produce the above
searching for ways to achieve all of this with simple copy/paste.
Improvements/corrections to this guide are welcome.
You got all the way down here,
did you "ask yourself questions:
- how much time did I spend writing all of this?
- how much time did other users spend writing different HowTos?
- how much time did other users spent coding?
If your answer is No, just move on.
However if your answer is "YES" consider
either contributing to any of the projects
or if that is not an option (in your skill set),
click on few of the "adds" supporting the website ;)
Please cosinder supporting the following:
Buy Me A Coffee
#EDIT 11th May 2024
- Small corrections
#EDIT 14th May 2024
- Added [4]7zip/ [5] YTarchive
- Small corrections
#EDIT 15th May 2024
- Make [some] one liners more readable (Including Semicolon)
#EDIT 17th May 2024
- Added section [8] - Python Key terms
- Small corrections/improvements
#EDIT 7th June 2024
- Small corrections/improvements
#EDIT 8th June 2024
- Added instructions how to compile LATEST version of N_m3u8DL-RE
#EDIT 15th June 2024
- Added NEW Header (requesting users to state their Window$ OS version/build).
- No private messages request.
- Small corrections/improvements
#EDIT 16th June 2024
- Added Dependency to N_m3u8DL-RE needed when compiling for Windows
- Small corrections/improvements
#EDIT 18th June 2024
- Amend the NEW Header
- Added commands for Windows version
- Small corrections/improvements
#EDIT 2nd Jul 2024
- Added get_iPlayer (that got somehow missing from the guide ....)
- Small corrections/improvements
#EDIT 6th Jul 2024
- Small corrections/improvements
- Amended "INTERESTING PROJECTS" links CLI Guides
#EDIT 10th Jul 2024
- Added Alternative way to get Elevated/Administrator prompt ;)
- Added SYMLink ccextractorwinfull -> ccextractor
- Updated N_m3u8DL-RE with latest commits in the main branch = commit 00bce19 | 20240630
- Small corrections/improvements
#EDIT 11th Jul 2024
- Small corrections/improvements
#EDIT 12th Jul 2024
- Added clarification/notes that CCExtractor, MKVToolNix and VLC need adding to Windows PATH manually
after being installed
- Small corrections/improvements
#EDIT 25th Nov 2024
- Added One-Line Option to the TOP of the page to make it easier for those who know what they are doing
- Added N_m3u8DL-RE Installtion from nilaoda repo
- Small corrections/improvements
#EDIT 26th Nov 2024
- Added Download and play Encrypted content to section #6
- Small corrections/improvements
#EDIT 1st Dec 2024
- Upgraded N_m3u8DL-RE to latest release 20241201 | 0.3.0+4c4617b7804bdd1296951f63224313d64bb680f8
- Upgraded N_m3u8DL-RE to release 20241201 | 0.2.3+a8646eb7e7a59a471edd0504e248a63f8b30816e
(ZIP now contains only the EXE file, istead of exe in the DIR)
- Downgraded CCExtractor install to v0.93
(See post #937)
- Removed GPAC from WinGet install as it has outdated version of 2.2.1 in MS Store
(But it still shows as "Unknown, when updating apps, pain in the back side)
- Added LATEST GPAC exe file download and install instractions
- Added 7-Zip, Poetry "Windows PATH" instractions
- Added links to Browser Extnesions for EME Logger/Tampermonkey/Export|Open Cookies/AMZN ASIN's
- Small corrections/improvements
#EDIT 7th Dec 2024
+ Reply to Thread
Results 1 to 19 of 19
MPV is another great player, but not easily installed...
Can anyone here think of any "easier"
way to get the MPV installed from Power Shell on Win?
I wanted to add it to "Optional" downloads,
but I think my sollution is bit cumbersome and does not allow to install "LATEST" version.
I have checked and MPV is not in Windows Package Manager REPOsitory..
Code:winget search mpv
showing version
but current MPV version is:
Code:mpv --version mpv v0.38.0-63-gb364e4a6 Copyright © 2000-2024 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects built on Apr 21 2024 00:06:58 libplacebo version: v7.349.0 (v6.338.0-124-gd0eb997-dirty) FFmpeg version: N-114900-ga44c34631 FFmpeg library versions: libavutil 59.15.100 libavcodec 61.5.103 libavformat 61.3.100 libswscale 8.2.100 libavfilter 10.2.101 libswresample 5.2.100
What is also annoying is that MPV Windows builds by shinchiro offer
two versions x86_64 and x86_64-v3 and the difference is:
x86_64-v3 build have these CPU instructions enabled by default:
avx avx2 bmi bmi2 fma lzcnt movbe sse3 sse4 sse4.1 sse4.2 ssse3 xsave sahf mwait crc32 cx16 popcnt f16c
CPU which dont have these "CPU Instructions" features will fail to launch the x86_64-v3 build.
So perhaps even checking "CPU Instructions set for your processor" before downloading?
Here is what I have come up with:
# Download MPV Video Player:
Code:aria2c --dir $home\Downloads tar -tzf $home\Downloads\mpv-x86_64-v3-20240421-git-b364e4a.7z | findstr .exe tar -xzvf $home\Downloads\mpv-x86_64-v3-20240421-git-b364e4a.7z -C C:\Windows\System32\ *.exe *.dll
#There is an option to install MPV using "", but I am not an Windows user
so not sure how prelevant is use of chocolatey (But it looks easy enough)
but would it caused any problems if WinGet is used as well?
Code:choco install mpv choco upgrade mpv choco uninstall mpv
Windows builds by shinchiro (releases and git)
also contain "" that has two scripts (for CMD and PS)
But I am not sure how practical it is to use those scripts ....
(anyone here uses them to keep Up to date MPV?) -
Thank you very much for the videos with step by step instructions.
I could do with some help with Freevine.
Here are some of my errors:
1) #Windscribe - didnt install
2) # To open up elevated prompt Windows PowerShell (PS) press:
WinKey + x + a
# And "Alt + Y" when "User Account Control" pop-up window appears.
Doesn't open
3) # Set the path for the following programs "7-Zip | MKVToolNix | bin":
setx /M path "%PATH%;c:\Program Files\MKVToolNix\"
setx /M path "%PATH%;c:\Users\user\bin\"
ERROR: Access to the registry path is denied.
#Get your WVD file (Courtesy of "u/303646").
tar : The term 'tar' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the
spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ tar -tzf $home\wvd\ | findstr "pem bin"
+ ~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (tar:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
Any help would be greatly appreciated. -
1# As you can see in the Video, it works ....
I have again checked the link for "Windscribe" and it works as well ....
(Must be an error between the chair and keyboard).....
2# You need to get the timing right
Press "WinKey" + "x" and Windows "Start" like menu opens up, then press "a"
In this guide a deliberately NOT use "setx" because it messes things up on different versions of Windows ...
This is the Quote from the above Guide:
Code:#1 ################################################## ############################## # Windows PATH Windows PATH = System variables | Environment Variables #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # I am getting different results on different versions of Windows using "setx" # so it's better to use Windows GUI to add APPs to a Windows PATH:
4# Tar and Curl have been part of Windows since at least 2018
Windows 10 Insider build 17063 and later
The above guide was done on Win 10 (19045 - latest build at the time) as Win 11 is apparently not that popular yet
What version of Windows do you have and what build is it? -
Thank you for your reply and suggestions.
I have Windows 11 Home Build 22631
I am getting the following, any suggestions:
N_m3u8DL-RE : The term 'N_m3u8DL-RE' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable
program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ N_m3u8DL-RE --version
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (N_m3u8DL-RE:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException -
- Just posting and "ERROR" message will not help you and it's hard for us to help you as well
(Unless you explain in more detail what worked for you and what did not
from the "Guide" then it looks like you expect "US" to do the work for you, is that fair do you think?)
- Did you follow the guide from top to bottom?
- N_m3u8DL-RE is not part of Windows and you need to download it and place it to a DIR so Win can execute it... -
Trouble is, pssh, the easier you make it, the more it brings in people. And as StabbedByBrick memorably said they're the "people who make it their lifetime mission to misunderstand"
Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!. -
I have missed that post from StabbedByBrick
But unfortunately agree with that statement and you as well ...
But, COVID showed that people can and do change "en mass" ....
Asking "unconformable" questions "may" lead to change in some ....
Yes, you can't tell from the post of what social class/education one is from,
but I understand that there are people who just need more help.
Some people will realize what heap of s**t the Window$ is and
try decent OS. And when they do, you know that it's the group
that can and will want to learn more and not a finished article
that they will ask questions instead of accept/consume what is on the front of them ..
I could of course be wrong on all of the above .... but I tried -
Last edited by A_n_g_e_l_a; 18th Jun 2024 at 15:35.
Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!. -
You did not answer my questions
Remember the "Paxman-Michael Howard interview"?
Will I have to ask more then 12x?
Please take a time and re-read the guide, it has all the answers
to get you going .......if that is not your style, check out the Video,
pause, rewind and perhaps make a note of the time where
something did not make a sense and post back here -
#EDIT 25th Nov 2024
- Added One-Line Option to the TOP of the page to make it easier for those who know what they are doing
- Added N_m3u8DL-RE Installation from nilaoda repo
- Small corrections/improvements
Compiling "N_m3u8DL-RE" v0.2.1+b3d95963dbd91c86c6d79522e5e81ad3976836b6 | 20241124 yourself with MS .NET 9:
WinKey + x + a
Code:winget install Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.9
WinKey + x + i
Code:cd $home\git git clone cd N_m3u8DL-RE
Code:cd $home\git\N_m3u8DL-RE git pull
Code:powershell -Command "(Get-Content src/N_m3u8DL-RE/N_m3u8DL-RE.csproj) -replace '<TargetFramework>.*</TargetFramework>', '<TargetFramework>net9.0-windows</TargetFramework>' | Set-Content src/N_m3u8DL-RE/N_m3u8DL-RE.csproj" ` #Fin; dotnet add src/N_m3u8DL-RE/N_m3u8DL-RE.csproj package YY-Thunks --version 1.1.4 ` #Fin; dotnet add src/N_m3u8DL-RE/N_m3u8DL-RE.csproj package VC-LTL --version 5.1.1 ` #Fin; dotnet publish src/N_m3u8DL-RE -p:TargetPlatformMinVersion=6.0 -r win-x86 -c Release -o artifact-x86 ` #Fin; dotnet publish src/N_m3u8DL-RE -r win-x64 -c Release -o artifact-x64 ` #Fin;
Code:.\artifact-x86\N_m3u8DL-RE --version
Code:.\artifact-x86\N_m3u8DL-RE --help
N_m3u8DL-RE (Beta version) 20241124
Code:.\artifact-x64\N_m3u8DL-RE --version
Code:.\artifact-x64\N_m3u8DL-RE --help
N_m3u8DL-RE (Beta version) 20241124
Code:Compress-Archive -Path .\artifact-x64\N_m3u8DL-RE.exe -DestinationPath Compress-Archive -Path .\artifact-x86\N_m3u8DL-RE.exe -DestinationPath
#Download x64 version:
Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\
WinKey + x + a
Code:tar -xzvf $home\Downloads\ ` -C C:\Windows\System32\
#EDIT 1st Dec 2024
- Upgraded N_m3u8DL-RE to latest release 20241201 | 0.2.3+a8646eb7e7a59a471edd0504e248a63f8b30816e
(ZIP now contains only the EXE file, istead of exe in the DIR)
- Downgraded CCExtractor install to v0.93
(See post #937
- Removed GPAC from WinGet install as it has outdated version of 2.2.1 in MS Store
(But it still shows as "Unknown, when updating apps, pain in the back side)
- Added LATEST GPAC exe file download and install instractions
- Added 7-Zip instractions
- Added links to Browser Extnesions for EME Logger/Tampermonkey/Export|Open Cookies
- Small corrections/improvements
Also there is a L I M I T on the length of the post
and I managed to exceed it ......
Code:The text that you have entered is too long (51547 characters). Please shorten it to 50000 characters long.
and working on "extended" HTML version to download
#Fire UP the Administrator Power Shell:
Code:WinKey + x + a
Code:$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
# Download/Extract "N_m3u8DL-RE";
Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\ ` #Fin;
Code:tar -xzvf $home\Downloads\ ` -C C:\Windows\System32\ --verbose ` #Fin;
Code:N_m3u8DL-RE --version; ` N_m3u8DL-RE --help;
# GPAC install latest version
Code:winget remove GPAC.GPAC
WinKey + R and type:
GPAC (remove only)
WinGet (Windows Package Manager) has an outdated version of GPAC 2.2.1
and GPAC current stable release is 2.4, release 2024-04-17
# Download GPAC "current stable release is 2.4, release 2024-04-17"
Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\gpac-2.4-rev0-g5d70253a-master-x64.exe ` #Fin;
Code:Start-Process $home\Downloads\gpac-2.4-rev0-g5d70253a-master-x64.exe /S -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru ` #Fin;
Code:mp4box -version; gpac -version;
# Remove V0.94 and Download/Extract "CCExtractor v.0.93";
# Remove v0.94
Code:Get-Package Get-PackageProvider Get-Package -Name "CCExtractor*" | Uninstall-Package
Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\CCExtractor-v0.93.msi ` #Fin;
Code:Start-Process $home\Downloads\CCExtractor-v0.93.msi -ArgumentList '/quiet' -Wait ` #Fin;
Code:New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path C:\Windows\System32\ccextractor.exe ` -Target "C:\Program Files (x86)\CCExtractor\ccextractorwinfull.exe" ` #Fin;
# Browser "extensions":
EME Logger: from Greasy Fork
Firefox: "Export Cookies" by Rotem Dan
Chromium: "Open Cookies.txt" by Ninh Pham
Amazon Video ASIN Display -
Windows Sandbox is a great way to keep your Windows as clean as possible and try/experiment with new things.
a] - Latest Win 11 (Pro/Ent) version;
- [10.0.26100.2894] | 24H2 offers 80GB of space inside the Sandbox
WinKey + x +a
Code:cmd.exe --version winver
b] - You need to have Virtualization enabled on your PC;
WinKey + x +a
Code:Get-ComputerInfo -property "HyperV*"
c] - Decent amount of RAM available on your PC;
(RAM is the safest comp product that can be purchased second hand
WinKey + x +a
Code:[math]::Round((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).TotalPhysicalMemory/1MB)
d] - Decent space on your HDD/SSD/NVME Windows drive;
WinKey + x +a
Code:Get-PSDrive C
e] - Enabled WSB (Windows Sandbox);
WinKey + x +a
Code:Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName "Containers-DisposableClientVM" -All -Online
f] - Download 2 (3) files; = Windows Sandbox config file "N_m3u8DL-RE.wsb"
and with =
PowerShell script to install WinGet inside the WSB "PSWinGet.ps1"
PowerShell script to compile latest N_m3u8DL-RE inside the WSB "PSN_m3u8DL-RE.ps1"
WinKey + x +i
Code:cd $home\Downloads\
Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\
Code:Invoke-WebRequest ` ` -OutFile $home\Downloads\
Code:Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $home\Downloads\ -DestinationPath $home\Desktop\ Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $home\Downloads\ -DestinationPath $home\Downloads\
"Double click" on the "N_m3u8DL-RE.wsb" on the Desktop and it's
time for vape, cup of coffee/tea and scroll the screen or a phone call if you
live this lifestyle
Depending on the speed of your PCs processor, RAM, HDD/SSD/NVMR and Internet connection
soon you will have latest "" in your "Download" Folder/DIRectory.
- OFF-Line version
(Re-use already downloaded packages reducing time waiting for them to download)
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