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  1. Originally Posted by hello_hello View Post
    Originally Posted by dunt View Post
    The best aspect ratio is stretch video to fullscreed
    Personally I don't like stretching, even warped stretching, but you could try the Avisynth SimpleResize plugin. It includes a function called WarpedResize.

    Warped resize is what was looking for .thankyou
    Last edited by dunt; 16th Jun 2023 at 13:56.
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  2. Member
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    Originally Posted by thebib62 View Post
    Also, I am curious, could you provide a model number of the panasonic TV's you are referring to? I want to look into those TV's if they offer such an option for what you described.
    I had this mode on an old Thomson TV (Cinerama mode). It cut off the image a bit from the bottom and top, expanded the center of the image slightly, but stronger at the edges.
    Quote Quote  
  3. There's a link to a new version of FrostyBorders dated 2023-06-02 in the opening post.

    - Added a StaticT argument for changing the texture of FrostyBorders to non-static (grain). The default is StaticT=true, the same as for previous versions (grain is added as a static texture). StaticT=false only works for non-static borders, as static borders always have a static texture.

    - Fixed an error when neo_f3kdb was specified for adding border texture (GPlugin=2) instead of AddGrainC.

    - Fixed an error when no output width/height were specified, or when FrostyBorders was cropping and/or resizing without needing to add borders.

    As a side note, I was watching a video yesterday and there was a scene with a TV in the background showing a picture containing some very FrostyBorder-like borders. No doubt there's several professional programs with similar border functionality built in, but I guess it means the script's doing something right. The borders on the picture on the TV had quite a lot of grain and the picture itself was grainy, so no doubt the borders were added to the sides before grain was added to the whole picture, but it's what inspired me to add the StaticT argument to FrostyBorders. That way when adding borders to a grainy picture there's now an option to make the borders grainy too, instead of always having a static texture.

    Simulating the borders on the picture on the TV in the video

    FrostyBorders(1280,720, 200,0,-200,0, Clone=3, Blur=10, Texture=50, TSoft=1, StaticT=false)

    [Attachment 71434 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 71435 - Click to enlarge]
    Last edited by hello_hello; 1st Jun 2023 at 20:26.
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  4. Your latest addition to the script is much appreciated. Having the grain be dynamic rather than static is a huge bonus! I think I've mentioned before that I use a stripped down version of Windows 10, which eliminates the windows store. Unfortunately, intel only distributes the Intel utility control panel through the Windows store. It is no longer packaged within a native win32 program. Since I'm on a stripped down version of Windows 10, there's no way for me to make any adjustments to my Intel CPU which unfortunately has the noise removal option enabled by default. This noise removal option conflicts with the grain that is applied while using Frostyborders. I was able to bypass this by downgrading to an older driver version for my Intel cpu. But I recently switched to a newer Intel CPU which doesn't offer the legacy control panel without the use of the windows store. Because your script allows for dynamic grain, I believe it tricks the noise removal option that's enabled by default and actually is not applied to the video. It seems to only be applied if the grain option is set to static. This is a huge win! It's a feature that I didn't know I wanted until running into this issue again.

    Also, I'm convinced I saw your script being used by other media outlets as well. 😂 That's got to feel good. It is an excellent script!
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  5. You'd think it'd be the other way around, that the player would only try to denoise non-static grain, because by definition noise isn't static.
    If I remember correctly, wasn't the problem one of banding, caused by the noise removal being active? Maybe the noise removal function also includes some debanding, but whatever's going on, at the change to the script is useful to you.
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  6. There's a link to a new version of FrostyBorders dated 2023-09-25 in the opening post.

    - There's now a native VapourSynth version of the FrostyBorders function.

    - Support for resizing based on a sample aspect ratio in frame properties has been added to both versions.

    - A CropDAR argument has been added (Cropping Display Aspect Ratio).

    - A TCRatio argument has been added (Top Cropping Ratio).

    CropDAR can be used to ensure the picture is cropped to a certain DAR to minimize the size of any borders being added.
    When CropDAR is causing the video height to be cropped, TCRatio determines how much of the height cropping is taken from the top in relation to the bottom.
    The new CropDAR and TCRatio arguments should make it possible to control the cropping in a way that previously required a separate function (making it easier to add FrostyBorders via ffdshow's Avisynth filter or as a video filter for MPV player (Vapoursynth version).

    Post #2 has been updated with an example script showing the intended CropDAR and TCRatio usage.
    Post #3 contains a similar script for the VapourSynth version, with instructions for using it as a video filter with SMPlayer or MVP Player (in a similar way to running the Avisynth version via ffdshow's Avisynth filter).

    For anyone using CropResize, I'll be uploading a new version soon with the same TCRatio argument added, and also in a VapourSynth flavour.
    Quote Quote  
  7. Hello again, thanks for the update. However, when I tried using the newest version, I get this error.

    script error: there is no function named 'propGetAny'... line 145.
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  8. thebib62, which version of Avisynth are you using?

    I completely forgot to bypass the check for a SAR in frame properties for older versions of Avisynth+ and Avisynth 2.6. The new version of CropResize will have the same problem until I fix it.

    I'm using Avisynth+ 3.7.2 (there was an issue with 3.7.3 that made me revert to 3.7.2, but I've forgotten what it was).
    I'm not sure exactly when the frame properties stuff was added (I'll have to work it out before I can update FrostyBorders). The various frame property functions probably weren't all added at the same time anyway.

    Until I upload a fixed version, you should able to bypass the frame properties check by commenting out lines 145 & 146 in the script (the first two lines under the Aspect & Dimensions section):

    # PropsNum = Source.propGetAny("_SARNum")
    # PropsDen = Source.propGetAny("_SARDen")

    Should that result in a different error, instead of commenting them out, change them to this:

    PropsNum = 0
    PropsDen = 0

    You'll also need to comment out line 989. It's the first line in the FrostyBorders Output section.

    # FrostyOut = FrostyOut.propSet("_SARNum", 1).propSet("_SARDen", 1)

    I'll upload a new version sometime soon, although I assume you'll have updated Avisynth+ by then.
    Last edited by hello_hello; 28th Sep 2023 at 04:20.
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  9. I am using Avisynth 2.6.0. I could never get AviSynth+ to work...
    Looking forward to your fix... In the meantime, would you happen to know why AviSynth+ wouldn't work with Frosty]Boarders and Potplayer?
    Maybe I am doing something wrong. Just seems strange I can get Avisynth 2.6.0 working but not +.
    Quote Quote  
  10. Originally Posted by thebib62 View Post
    I am using Avisynth 2.6.0. I could never get AviSynth+ to work...
    Looking forward to your fix... In the meantime, would you happen to know why AviSynth+ wouldn't work with Frosty]Boarders and Potplayer?
    Maybe I am doing something wrong. Just seems strange I can get Avisynth 2.6.0 working but not +.
    None that I can think of off the top of my head, aside from Avisynth+ possibly requiring some runtime files, but there's a version of the installer at github that includes them.
    Was there any sort of error message and was Avisynth+ working outside of PotPlayer? You weren't mixing 64 and 32 bit versions of Avisynth and the player or anything like that?

    While I was updating FrostyBorders and CropResize this time I was tempted to remove all the Avisynth version checks and switch to Avisynth+ syntax is places, as I didn't think anyone would be using Avisynth 2.6 any more. Just as well I didn't.

    When I first built this computer earlier in the year, I ran some Avisynth+ 32 bit and 64 bit comparisons. 64 bit Avisynth+ can potentially run quite a bit faster if you have lots of RAM (at least for encoding). All the commonly used plugins come in 64 bit flavors now, so you shouldn't have to sacrifice anything there to switch.
    Enabling muti-threading didn't seem to speed things up when running FrostyBorders in ffdshow (if anything it was the opposite), but it certainly can for encoding. I dread the times I need to hard-code subtitles now, as the subtitle filter is at the end of the chain and it's single threaded so it slows encoding down to Avisynth 2.6 speeds.

    I'm pretty sure the Avisynth+ installer offers to install both 32 bit and 64 bit versions (assuming you're running 64 bit Windows). Theoretically that should allow to keep using your current setup while you hunt down 64 bit versions of your plugins. The 32 bit version looks for plugins and scripts in the original Avisynth plugins folder and (from memory) also in plugins32 and plugins32+ folders. The 64 bit version looks for them in the plugins64 and plugins64+ folders. That's handy because it makes it easy to keep functions and plugins in separate folders.

    This is why I reverted to Avisynth+ 3.7.2. I still haven't replaced GradFun3 from DitherTools with something else.
    Last edited by hello_hello; 29th Sep 2023 at 02:15.
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  11. There's a link for a new version dated 2023-10-02 in the opening post.

    Hopefully I've stomped on the gremlins that made their way into into the last update.
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  12. Thank you for attempting to fix the issue that I was experiencing but now I'm experiencing another error.
    "CR_IsEqual (Height from width resizing eval, line 9) (Frostyboarders 2023-10-02.avsi, line 215 (ffdshow_filter_avisynth_script, line 2)

    I'm on AVIsynth 2.6 and using the portable version of potplayer. I am trying to use the example you provided in the help file
    FrostyBorders(1280,720, CropDAR=1.5, TCRatio=0.3)

    Although I am curious, what benefits or differences come with using the above string of text versus the previous way of cropping with Frosty borders?
    For example,
    960,540, 10,0,-20,-30
    Last edited by thebib62; 4th Oct 2023 at 18:41.
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  13. Originally Posted by thebib62 View Post
    Thank you for attempting to fix the issue that I was experiencing but now I'm experiencing another error.
    "CR_IsEqual (Height from width resizing eval, line 9) (Frostyboarders 2023-10-02.avsi, line 215 (ffdshow_filter_avisynth_script, line 2)

    I'm on AVIsynth 2.6 and using the portable version of potplayer. I am trying to use the example you provided in the help file
    FrostyBorders(1280,720, CropDAR=1.5, TCRatio=0.3)
    Damn! If you're interested to know why....

    There's now a small helper function used in places called FB_IsEqual(). It's to account for inaccuracies in floating point math (floating point math is often only accurate to 4 or 5 decimal places). The function checks whether a resulting calculation, when rounded to an integer, is less than 0.00005 from the calculated value, and if so, the rounded value is assumed to be correct. It's to stop the script doing something unexpected or unnecessary when, for example, the width calculation is 699.9999949564738 when it should be exactly 700, so instead of applying more cropping to make the width 696 (assuming mod4 dimensions), the result is assumed to be exactly 700.

    There's a version of the function included with CropResize called CR_IsEqual. When I changed some of the resizing stuff I copied the syntax from CropResize. Obviously I forgot to change the name of the function and didn't realize because CropResize was always loaded, so the FrostyBorders script was able to use the CropResize function instead.

    I'll upload a fixed version very shortly.

    Originally Posted by thebib62 View Post
    Although I am curious, what benefits or differences come with using the above string of text versus the previous way of cropping with Frosty borders?
    For example, 960,540, 10,0,-20,-30
    They're different things. The cropping applied using FrostyBorders(960,540, 10,0,-20,-30) is effectively the minimum cropping.
    When you use something like:
    FrostyBorders(960,540, 10,0,-20,-30, CropDAR=1.5, TCRatio=0.3)
    the specified cropping is applied first, then CropDAR crops the remaining picture to an aspect ratio of 1.5, minimizing the size of any pillarbox borders. When TCRatio is less than 0.5, less of the height cropping is taken from the top than it is from the bottom. The default is TCRatio=0.5, which means the top/bottom cropping ratio is 50:50.

    The syntax below, added to the ffdshow Avisynth filter, should now do the same job as the separate ffdshow function we were using previously (I think that was uploaded to the CropResize thread rather than here). I'd probably have to update the ffdshow function to use it with the new CropResize, but it shouldn't be necessary now.
    Obviously you don't want every video cropped to an aspect ratio of 1.5 (or whatever aspect ratio you prefer) so the syntax is used to configure the CropDAR argument. Now I think about it, I think you preferred a range close to 16:9 where the FrostyBorders function was bypassed, so it could be modified to do the same thing as the example for VapourSynth.

    clip = last
    VideoDAR = float(width(clip)) / float(height(clip))
    # if the source is anamorphic the correct display aspect ratio must be specified manually
    CropDAR = (VideoDAR > 2.0) ? 2.0 : (VideoDAR < 1.5) ? 1.5 : 0
    clip = (1.72 <= VideoDAR <= 1.88) ? clip : \
    FrostyBorders(960,540, 10,0,-20,-30, InDAR=VideoDAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3)
    return clip
    Using the above syntax, video with an aspect ratio between 1.72 and 1.88 would be passed through untouched, bypassing the FrostyBorders function. For all other aspect ratios, a cropping of 10,0,-20,-30 would be applied. For video with an aspect ratio between 2.0 and 1.5, CropDAR would not apply any extra cropping. For video with an aspect ratio greater than 2.0, CropDAR would crop the sides (evenly) for an aspect ratio of 2.0, adding top and bottom borders for 960x540. For video with an aspect ratio less than 1.5, CropDAR will crop the height to make it 1.5, reducing the size of the pillarbox borders. TCRatio controls the ratio of top and bottom cropping. Hopefully that makes sense. Edit: There's example screenshots below.

    If you wanted to specify different cropping for video with an aspect ratio wider than 1.88 (as an example), than the cropping for video with an aspect ratio less than 1.5 you could do something like this, and in fact you could use it to configure pillarbox and letterbox borders differently.

    clip = last
    VideoDAR = float(width(clip)) / float(height(clip))
    # if the source is anamorphic the correct display aspect ratio must be specified manually
    CropDAR = (VideoDAR > 2.0) ? 2.0 : (VideoDAR < 1.5) ? 1.5 : 0
    clip = (1.72 <= VideoDAR <= 1.88) ? clip : \
    (VideoDAR > 1.88) ? \
    FrostyBorders(960,540, 2,0,-2,-0, InDAR=VideoDAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, Clone=2, Texture=1) : \
    FrostyBorders(960,540, InDAR=VideoDAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3, Clone=1, Feather=16)
    return clip
    CropResize has had a CropDAR argument for a long time, but it's new to FrostyBorders. The TCRatio argument is new to both functions.
    In case you haven't noticed though, the function for specifying border options when Frosty=true for CropResize has had a name change. It was called FCropResize() but I changed the name to FrostyB(). You can still use CropResize with the FrostyB function to achieve the same thing.

    clip = last
    VideoDAR = float(width(clip)) / float(height(clip))
    # if the source is anamorphic the correct display aspect ratio must be specified manually
    CropDAR = (VideoDAR > 2.0) ? 2.0 : (VideoDAR < 1.5) ? 1.5 : 0
    clip = (1.72 <= VideoDAR <= 1.88) ? clip : \
    (VideoDAR > 1.88) ? \
    FrostyB(Clone=2, Texture=1).CropResize(960,540, 2,0,-2,-0, InDAR=VideoDAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, Frosty=true) : \
    FrostyB(Clone=1, Feather=16).CropResize(960,540, InDAR=VideoDAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3, Frosty=true)
    return clip
    Here's some examples for you using similar syntax (I just changed the border options compared to the above syntax)

    clip = last
    VideoDAR = float(width(clip)) / float(height(clip))
    # if the source is anamorphic the correct display aspect ratio must be specified manually
    CropDAR = (VideoDAR > 2.0) ? 2.0 : (VideoDAR < 1.5) ? 1.5 : 0
    clip = (1.72 <= VideoDAR <= 1.88) ? clip : \
    (VideoDAR > 1.88) ? \
    FrostyBorders(960,540, 2,0,-2,-0, InDAR=VideoDAR, CropDAR=CropDAR) : \
    FrostyBorders(960,540, InDAR=VideoDAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3, Feather=16)
    return clip
    Assuming this (fake) 2.4:1 image was the source.

    [Attachment 74201 - Click to enlarge]

    The above syntax would crop it to 2:1 before adding borders for 16:9.

    [Attachment 74202 - Click to enlarge]

    Assuming this (fake) 4:3 image was the source.

    [Attachment 74203 - Click to enlarge]

    The above syntax would crop it to 1.5 before adding borders for 16:9.
    TCRatio=0.3 means only 30% of the cropping comes from the top.

    [Attachment 74204 - Click to enlarge]

    Without TCRatio, or the default of TCRatio=0.5, the top and bottom cropping would be the same.
    So TCRatio=0.3 effectively moves the picture down a bit when the height is cropped.
    I find it's better to crop less from the top than the bottom, as for 4:3 video the important stuff is generally
    located slightly above the middle of the frame (admittedly this fake 4:3 video isn't a good example of that).


    [Attachment 74205 - Click to enlarge]

    Of course you can change the syntax to adjust the way video is cropped and borders added to whatever you prefer.

    You can also use the CropDAR argument to crop the picture to a particular aspect ratio without the function adding borders by specifying zero for either the width or the height.

    FrostyBorders(0,540, 2,0,-2,-0, CropDAR=1.5, TCRatio=0.3)

    [Attachment 74206 - Click to enlarge]

    Edit: re-uploaded the screenshots in the correct order.
    Last edited by hello_hello; 7th Oct 2023 at 13:55.
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  14. New version dated 2023-10-06 in the opening post. I've also changed the date of the Vapoursynth FrostyBorders to match the Avisynth version, but the VapourSynth version hasn't changed. It's the same as the version dated 2023-10-02.
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  15. thebib62,
    if you're still around, you might want to try the syntax I added to the script I'm using to run the VapourSynth FrostyBorders in SMPlayer. It changes the resizing according to the input resolution, the idea being the function won't apply as much unnecessary resizing as it might when using a fixed output width and height. If you use a fixed output of 960x540, for example, higher resolutions would be downscaled by the function before being upscaled by the player again when running full screen. An Avisynth version of the syntax would be this (I haven't tested the Avisynth version but it should be okay):
    Edit: I also fiddled with the CropDAR configuration a little.

    clip = last
    W = width(clip)
    H = height(clip)
    VideoDAR = float(W) / float(H)
    # if the source is anamorphic the correct display aspect ratio must be specified manually
    CropDAR = \
    (VideoDAR > 2.0) ? 2.0 : \
    (VideoDAR > (14.0 / 9.0)) ? 0 : \
    (VideoDAR > 1.3) ? 14.0 / 9.0 : 7.0 / 5.0
    (VideoDAR < (16.0 / 9.0)) ? Eval("""
    NewH = (H > 900) ? 1080 : (H > 720) ? 900 : (H > 540) ? 720 : (H > 396) ? 540 : 396
    NewW = round(float(NewH) * 16.0 / 9.0)
    """) : Eval("""
    NewW = (W > 1600) ? 1920 : (W > 1280) ? 1600 : (W > 960) ? 1280 : (W > 704) ? 960 : 704
    NewH = round(float(NewW) / 16.0 * 9.0)
    clip = (1.7 <= VideoDAR <= 1.9) ? clip : \
    FrostyBorders(clip, NewW,NewH, 2,0,-2,0, InDAR=VideoDAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3)
    return clip
    VapourSynth version (script to use as an MPV video filter):

    import vapoursynth as vs
    core = vs.core
    import FrostyBorders as fb
    clip = video_in
    W = clip.width
    H = clip.height
    VideoDAR = W / H
    # if the source is anamorphic the correct display aspect ratio must be specified manually
    CropDAR = \
    2 if (VideoDAR > 2) else \
    0 if (VideoDAR > (14 / 9)) else \
    14 / 9 if (VideoDAR > 1.3) else 7 / 5
    if (VideoDAR < (16 / 9)):
        NewH = \
        1080 if (H > 900) else \
        900 if (H > 720) else \
        720 if (H > 540) else \
        540 if (H > 396) else 396
        NewW = round(NewH * 16 / 9)
        NewW = \
        1920 if (W > 1600) else \
        1600 if (W > 1280) else \
        1280 if (W > 960) else \
        960 if (W > 704) else 704
        NewH = round(NewW / 16 * 9)
    clip = clip if (1.7 <= VideoDAR <= 1.9) else \
    fb.FrostyBorders(clip, NewW,NewH, 2,2,0,0, InDAR=VideoDAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3)
    Last edited by hello_hello; 10th Oct 2023 at 09:44.
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  16. Thank you for those visual examples. Definitely helps me better understand the new features of FrostyBoarders.

    clip = last
    W = width(clip)
    H = height(clip)
    VideoDAR = float(W) / float(H)
    # if the source is anamorphic the correct display aspect ratio must be specified manually
    CropDAR = \
    (VideoDAR > 2.0) ? 2.0 : \
    (VideoDAR > (14.0 / 9.0)) ? 0 : \
    (VideoDAR > 1.3) ? 14.0 / 9.0 : 7.0 / 5.0
    (VideoDAR < (16.0 / 9.0)) ? Eval("""
    NewH = (H > 900) ? 1080 : (H > 720) ? 900 : (H > 540) ? 720 : (H > 396) ? 540 : 396
    NewW = round(float(NewH) * 16.0 / 9.0)
    """) : Eval("""
    NewW = (W > 1600) ? 1920 : (W > 1280) ? 1600 : (W > 960) ? 1280 : (W > 704) ? 960 : 704
    NewH = round(float(NewW) / 16.0 * 9.0)
    clip = (1.7 <= VideoDAR <= 1.9) ? clip : \
    FrostyBorders(clip, NewW,NewH, 2,0,-2,0, InDAR=VideoDAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3)
    return clip
    This script looks really promising! I wanted to know if you could change 2 things.
    The first being the resolution. I use a low end mini pc and would like the resolution changed from 960x540 to 512x288.
    Second, would be to have less cropping. TCRatio=0.3 crops a little too much, IMO. I would prefer larger boarders. Something similar to, 10,0,-20,-30
    Quote Quote  
  17. If CropDAR is causing the script to apply extra cropping, changing it's value to whatever you prefer should fix it. TCRatio doesn't change the amount of cropping in any way, it only changes the ratio of top and bottom cropping when CropDAR is causing the height to be cropped. Just remember that CropDAR crops the remaining picture after any manual cropping is applied, so only enough cropping to remove any black around the edges should be needed, and CropDAR and TCRatio will then take care of the rest.

    The percentage of picture a manual cropping of 10,0,-20,-30 would crop depends on the source resolution. If the source was 1440x1080 it'd crop very little compared to the percentage of picture it'd crop if the source was only 640x480. On the other hand, the CropDAR argument crops the same percentage of picture regardless of resolution, assuming of course the aspect ratios are the same. For example, if you used CropDAR=1.4 on a 1440x1080 source and a 640x480 source, the output would have a DAR of 1.4 each time, so if the pictures were identical before cropping, aside from the resolution, they'd be identical after cropping, aside from the resolution.

    For a picture with a 4:3 aspect ratio (after any manual cropping), CropDAR=4.0/3.0 shouldn't cause any extra picture to be cropped. CropDAR=1.4 would cause the height to be cropped a little, effectively zooming in a bit and reducing the size of the pillarbox borders. CropDAR=1.6 would crop more height and zoom in more, making the pillarbox borders smaller, and CropDAR=16.0/9.0 would crop the height to make the picture 16:9 and there'd be no borders at all (on a 16:9 display). TCRatio controls the ratio of top and bottom cropping when the height is cropped, but it doesn't change the total amount, so use whatever TCRatio you prefer. I find TCRatio=0.3 generally works well.

    If you use this syntax:

    clip = last
    W = width(clip)
    H = height(clip)
    VideoDAR = float(W) / float(H)
    # if the source is anamorphic the correct display aspect ratio must be specified manually
    CropDAR = \
    (VideoDAR > 2.0) ? 2.0 : \
    (VideoDAR > 1.4) ? 0 : \
    (VideoDAR > (4.0/3.0)) ? 1.4 : 4.0/3.0
    clip = (1.75 <= VideoDAR <= 1.8) ? clip : \
    FrostyBorders(clip, 512,288, 2,0,-2,0, InDAR=VideoDAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3)
    return clip
    - Video with a DAR between 1.75 and 1.8 will be passed through untouched.
    - The FrostyBorders output will always be 512 x 288.
    - Two pixels will always be cropped from the left and right. I leave it that way as there's often a couple of pixels of crud each side, but change it to whatever is required to remove any black.
    - CropDAR will crop a picture wider than 2:1 (after any manual cropping is applied) to 2:1.
    - For aspect ratios between 2:1 and 1.4:1 there's no extra cropping applied by CropDAR.
    - A source with a DAR between 1.4 and 4:3 will be cropped to 1.4, just zooming in a little, and a source with an aspect ratio less than 4:3 will be cropped to 4:3, zooming in a bit, but change the values to whatever you prefer, including TCRatio.

    Or for just two fixed CropDARs you could change it to:

    CropDAR = \
    (VideoDAR > 2.0) ? 2.0 : \
    (VideoDAR > (4.0/3.0)) ? 0 : \

    So video between 2:1 and 4:3 will have no extra cropping applied, and only video with an aspect ratio less than 4:3 will be cropped to make it 4:3.

    Hopefully all that helps, but you can change the values to whatever you prefer.
    Last edited by hello_hello; 13th Oct 2023 at 18:09.
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  18. thebib62,
    because I have very little anamorphic video or video with borders that need to be cropped, I didn't really worry about that side of it much, but you got me thinking about it so here's some improved syntax. The differences are:

    - For an anamorphic source, a sample aspect ratio needs to be specified instead of a DAR.
    - Cropping is specified in the middle of the script.
    - The aspect ratio calculation includes any specified cropping. Therefore the CropDAR argument is configured taking any specified cropping into account.
    - An anamorphic source will always be resized to square pixel dimensions, even if there's no borders added.

    clip = last
    W = width(clip)
    H = height(clip)
    # If the source is anamorphic the correct pixel/sample aspect ratio must
    # be specified instead of 1.0. For example, 64.0/45.0 for a PAL 16:9 DVD.
    # The SAR must be float (not integer).
    SAR = 1.0
    # Cropping
    # CR and CB must be negative (or zero)
    CL = 2
    CT = 0
    CR = -2
    CB = 0
    VideoDAR = float(W - CL + CR) / float(H - CT + CB) * SAR
    CropDAR = \
    (VideoDAR > 2.0) ? 2.0 : (VideoDAR > 1.4) ? 0 : (VideoDAR > (4.0 / 3.0)) ? 1.4 : 4.0 / 3.0
    return (1.75 <= VideoDAR <= 1.8) && (SAR == 1.0) ? clip : \
    (1.75 <= VideoDAR <= 1.8) ? \
    FrostyBorders(0,288, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3) : \
    FrostyBorders(512,288, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3)
    Quote Quote  
  19. Originally Posted by hello_hello View Post
    because I have very little anamorphic video or video with borders that need to be cropped, I didn't really worry about that side of it much, but you got me thinking about it so here's some improved syntax. The differences are:

    - For an anamorphic source, a sample aspect ratio needs to be specified instead of a DAR.
    - Cropping is specified in the middle of the script.
    - The aspect ratio calculation includes any specified cropping. Therefore the CropDAR argument is configured taking any specified cropping into account.
    - An anamorphic source will always be resized to square pixel dimensions, even if there's no borders added.

    clip = last
    W = width(clip)
    H = height(clip)
    # If the source is anamorphic the correct pixel/sample aspect ratio must
    # be specified instead of 1.0. For example, 64.0/45.0 for a PAL 16:9 DVD.
    # The SAR must be float (not integer).
    SAR = 1.0
    # Cropping
    # CR and CB must be negative (or zero)
    CL = 2
    CT = 0
    CR = -2
    CB = 0
    VideoDAR = float(W - CL + CR) / float(H - CT + CB) * SAR
    CropDAR = \
    (VideoDAR > 2.0) ? 2.0 : (VideoDAR > 1.4) ? 0 : (VideoDAR > (4.0 / 3.0)) ? 1.4 : 4.0 / 3.0
    return (1.75 <= VideoDAR <= 1.8) && (SAR == 1.0) ? clip : \
    (1.75 <= VideoDAR <= 1.8) ? \
    FrostyBorders(0,288, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3) : \
    FrostyBorders(512,288, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3)

    Thank you for that script/syntax. It works well, but I am curious as to why nothing happens when I change the TCRatio=0.3 value? Is it because there is a cropping value being applied using "CB = " and that overrides TCRatio?
    Quote Quote  
  20. It could be. Using the above syntax CropDAR would crop a picture with a DAR less than 4:3 to 4:3, but the source DAR now takes the cropping into account, so if your specified cropping results in the picture being cropped to 4:3, CropDAR=4.0/3.0 won't crop anything, so TCRatio can't adjust the cropping ratio.

    Here's an example. I've resized the video to 720x576 while cropping the picture to an aspect ratio of 1.1 and adding borders to the sides for an output DAR of 16:9 and a SAR of 64:45. As you can see there's 138 pixels of black each side. It's the source for the example below. This is one of those instances where cropping the black makes a huge difference to the DAR and why I suggested the new syntax, because the VideoDAR calculation takes the specified cropping into account.

    CropResize(720,576, CropDAR=1.1, InDAR=16.0/9.0, OutDAR=16.0/9.0, Info=true)

    [Attachment 74402 - Click to enlarge]

    Applying the syntax using a SAR of 64:45 and 138 pixels of cropping each side (I also increased the resizing to 704x396 to make the text easier to read). I'm using CropResize at the end instead of FrostyBorders.

    clip = last
    W = width(clip)
    H = height(clip)
    # If the source is anamorphic the correct pixel/sample aspect ratio must
    # be specified instead of 1.0. For example, 64.0/45.0 for a PAL 16:9 DVD.
    # The SAR must be float (not integer).
    SAR = 64.0/45.0
    # Cropping
    # CR and CB must be negative (or zero)
    CL = 138
    CT = 0
    CR = -138
    CB = 0
    VideoDAR = float(W - CL + CR) / float(H - CT + CB) * SAR
    # 444 / 576 * 64 / 45 = 1.096,
    # as close to CropDAR=1.1 as the mod4 resizing of the original video allowed
    CropDAR = \
    (VideoDAR > 2.0) ? 2.0 : (VideoDAR > 1.4) ? 0 : (VideoDAR > (4.0 / 3.0)) ? 1.4 : 4.0 / 3.0
    return (1.75 <= VideoDAR <= 1.8) && (SAR == 1.0) ? clip : \
    (1.75 <= VideoDAR <= 1.8) ? \
    FrostyBorders(0,396, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3) : \
    CropResize(704,396, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3, Frosty=true, Info=true)
    The "additional script cropping" shows 30.72 pixels cropped from the top and 71.68 from the bottom (using a TCRatio of 0.3) because a total of 102.4 pixels of height has to be cropped to crop the 1.1 image to 4:3.

    [Attachment 74403 - Click to enlarge]

    If TCRatio was the default of 0.5:
    CropResize(704,396, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.5, Frosty=true, Info=true)

    [Attachment 74405 - Click to enlarge]

    So yes, if the specified cropping also included 102 pixels of bottom cropping, or even a total height cropping of 102 pixels split between top and bottom, there's no substantial top and bottom "additional script cropping" for TCRatio to work with.

    CL = 138
    CT = 0
    CR = -138
    CB = -102

    [Attachment 74407 - Click to enlarge]

    FrostyBorders was intended as a more "set and forget" function so Info=true isn't as informative, but it should show the same total cropping and borders for an identical source.

    CL = 138
    CT = 0
    CR = -138
    CB = 0

    FrostyBorders(704,396, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3, Info=true)
    (this should be the same as the first CropResize example with frosty borders above)

    [Attachment 74410 - Click to enlarge]
    Last edited by hello_hello; 8th Nov 2023 at 15:39.
    Quote Quote  
  21. New version of FrostyBorders dated 2023-10-28 in the opening post.

    The Avisynth version hasn't changed.

    Fixed some mistakes in the syntax of the VapourSynth version and added a "" script containing two resizer wrapper functions. The wrapper functions are examples of how to use a non-native VapourSynth resizer. The script is not required.
    Quote Quote  
  22. Thank you for your detailed explanation.

    clip = last
    W = width(clip)
    H = height(clip)
    # If the source is anamorphic the correct pixel/sample aspect ratio must
    # be specified instead of 1.0. For example, 64.0/45.0 for a PAL 16:9 DVD.
    # The SAR must be float (not integer).
    SAR = 1.0
    # Cropping
    # CR and CB must be negative (or zero)
    CL = 2
    CT = 0
    CR = -2
    CB = 0
    VideoDAR = float(W - CL + CR) / float(H - CT + CB) * SAR
    CropDAR = \
    (VideoDAR > 2.0) ? 2.0 : (VideoDAR > 1.4) ? 0 : (VideoDAR > (4.0 / 3.0)) ? 1.4 : 4.0 / 3.0
    return (1.75 <= VideoDAR <= 1.8) && (SAR == 1.0) ? clip : \
    (1.75 <= VideoDAR <= 1.8) ? \
    FrostyBorders(0,288, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3) : \
    FrostyBorders(512,288, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3)

    I recently got a foldable display that has an aspect ratio of 4x3. I was wondering if you could make the script above compatible with 4x3 aspect ratios in mind instead of 16x9.

    Or in other words, I want Frostyborders to be applied to any video that does not have a 4x3 aspect ratio.
    Quote Quote  
  23. Hi.

    It depends how closely you want to crop widescreen video to 4:3. Do you have much video with a DAR that's less than 4:3?
    Even if you do it's not likely to be too much less, so the following would crop any video with a DAR less than 1.4 to 4:3.
    For widescreen video, it depends how much of the sides you're willing to crop to reduce the size of the letterbox borders.

    clip = last
    W = width(clip)
    H = height(clip)
    # If the source is anamorphic the correct pixel/sample aspect ratio must
    # be specified instead of 1.0. For example, 64.0/45.0 for a PAL 16:9 DVD.
    # The SAR must be float (not integer).
    SAR = 1.0
    # Cropping
    # CR and CB must be negative (or zero)
    CL = 0
    CT = 2
    CR = 0
    CB = -2
    VideoDAR = float(W - CL + CR) / float(H - CT + CB) * SAR
    CropDAR = \
    (VideoDAR > (16.0 / 9.0)) ? 16.0 / 9.0 : \
    (VideoDAR > (14.0 / 9.0)) ? 14.0 / 9.0 : \
    (VideoDAR > (7.0 / 5.0)) ? 7.0 / 5.0 : 4.0 / 3.0
    return (1.32 <= VideoDAR <= 1.34) && (SAR == 1.0) ? clip : \
    (1.32 <= VideoDAR <= 1.34) ? \
    FrostyBorders(640,0, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR) : \
    FrostyBorders(640,480, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3)
    For the CropDAR lines in blue:
    - If the video DAR is greater than 16:9 it'll be cropped to 16:9.
    - If the video DAR is between 16:9 and 14:9 (1:55) it'll be cropped to 14:9 (1:55).
    - If the video DAR is between 14:9 (1:55) and 7:5 (1:4) it'll be cropped to 7:5 (1:4).
    - If the video DAR is less than 7:5 (1:4) it'll be cropped to 4:3. That includes video with a DAR less than 4:3, which is the only time the height would be cropped and the TCRatio argument can have an effect.

    I don't know if that's exactly what you want, but it'll crop the sides when the the DAR is greater than 4:3 to reduce the letterbox borders, but hopefully without cropping too much. When the video DAR is less than 1.4 it'll always be cropped to 4:3 and no borders will be added, except....

    The return lines in green determine when the CropDAR values above are applied....
    - If the video is non-anamorphic and has a DAR between 1.32 and 1.34, it's passed through untouched and the player would just add small borders as required in fullscreen mode.
    - If the video is anamorphic and has a DAR between 1.32 and 1.34, FrostyBorders will resize it to square pixel dimensions and the player would add small borders as required in fullscreen mode. The CropDAR argument has been removed from the first FrostyBorders instance so it'll only resize anamorphic video with a DAR between 1.32 and 1.34 and not apply extra cropping.
    - For aspect ratios less than 1.32 and greater than 1.34, FrostyBorders will crop according to the CropDAR value and add borders as required for a total DAR of 4:3. It's configured to output 640x480, but change that to your preferred 4:3 dimensions. For the first FrostyBorders, leave the height as zero and set the width to the same width as the second FrostyBorders.

    You can of course change the range where no borders are added from 1.3 <-> 1.34 to whatever range you like, although if you don't want a range where no borders are added you could change the return line to this:

    return (VideoDAR == (4.0 / 3.0)) && (SAR == 1.0) ? clip : \
    FrostyBorders(640,480, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3)

    It'd mean only non-anamorphic video with an exact 4:3 DAR would be passed through, and video between 1.3 and 1.34 would be cropped to exactly 4:3, as the CropDAR value is 4:3 for any DAR below 1.4.

    Hopefully that'll help, or at least get you started configuring it to however you prefer...
    Last edited by hello_hello; 15th Dec 2023 at 08:57.
    Quote Quote  
  24. Originally Posted by hello_hello View Post

    It depends how closely you want to crop widescreen video to 4:3. Do you have much video with a DAR that's less than 4:3?
    Even if you do it's not likely to be too much less, so the following would crop any video with a DAR less than 1.4 to 4:3.
    For widescreen video, it depends how much of the sides you're willing to crop to reduce the size of the letterbox borders.

    clip = last
    W = width(clip)
    H = height(clip)
    # If the source is anamorphic the correct pixel/sample aspect ratio must
    # be specified instead of 1.0. For example, 64.0/45.0 for a PAL 16:9 DVD.
    # The SAR must be float (not integer).
    SAR = 1.0
    # Cropping
    # CR and CB must be negative (or zero)
    CL = 0
    CT = 2
    CR = 0
    CB = -2
    VideoDAR = float(W - CL + CR) / float(H - CT + CB) * SAR
    CropDAR = \
    (VideoDAR > (16.0 / 9.0)) ? 16.0 / 9.0 : \
    (VideoDAR > (14.0 / 9.0)) ? 14.0 / 9.0 : \
    (VideoDAR > (7.0 / 5.0)) ? 7.0 / 5.0 : 4.0 / 3.0
    return (1.32 <= VideoDAR <= 1.34) && (SAR == 1.0) ? clip : \
    (1.32 <= VideoDAR <= 1.34) ? \
    FrostyBorders(640,0, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR) : \
    FrostyBorders(640,480, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3)
    For the CropDAR lines in blue:
    - If the video DAR is greater than 16:9 it'll be cropped to 16:9.
    - If the video DAR is between 16:9 and 14:9 (1:55) it'll be cropped to 14:9 (1:55).
    - If the video DAR is between 14:9 (1:55) and 7:5 (1:4) it'll be cropped to 7:5 (1:4).
    - If the video DAR is less than 7:5 (1:4) it'll be cropped to 4:3. That includes video with a DAR less than 4:3, which is the only time the height would be cropped and the TCRatio argument can have an effect.

    I don't know if that's exactly what you want, but it'll crop the sides when the the DAR is greater than 4:3 to reduce the letterbox borders, but hopefully without cropping too much. When the video DAR is less than 1.4 it'll always be cropped to 4:3 and no borders will be added, except....

    The return lines in green determine when the CropDAR values above are applied....
    - If the video is non-anamorphic and has a DAR between 1.32 and 1.34, it's passed through untouched and the player would just add small borders as required in fullscreen mode.
    - If the video is anamorphic and has a DAR between 1.32 and 1.34, FrostyBorders will resize it to square pixel dimensions and the player would add small borders as required in fullscreen mode. The CropDAR argument has been removed from the first FrostyBorders instance so it'll only resize anamorphic video with a DAR between 1.32 and 1.34 and not apply extra cropping.
    - For aspect ratios less than 1.32 and greater than 1.34, FrostyBorders will crop according to the CropDAR value and add borders as required for a total DAR of 4:3. It's configured to output 640x480, but change that to your preferred 4:3 dimensions. For the first FrostyBorders, leave the height as zero and set the width to the same width as the second FrostyBorders.

    You can of course change the range where no borders are added from 1.3 <-> 1.34 to whatever range you like, although if you don't want a range where no borders are added you could change the return line to this:

    return (VideoDAR == (4.0 / 3.0)) && (SAR == 1.0) ? clip : \
    FrostyBorders(640,480, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3)

    It'd mean only non-anamorphic video with an exact 4:3 DAR would be passed through, and video between 1.3 and 1.34 would be cropped to exactly 4:3, as the CropDAR value is 4:3 for any DAR below 1.4.

    Hopefully that'll help, or at least get you started configuring it to however you prefer...
    Thank you. That script works well.
    One thing I've noticed is that with this current syntax/script, when I change the cropping values the frosty borders do not change accordingly like they did with the older script format.
    For example, if I crop more from the top and bottom then less of the Frosty borders would be shown on the left and right. With this new script that doesn't seem to have any effect. Would it be possible for Frostyborders to continue to act like this with the new syntax that you've been providing?

    Which value is responsible for how much of the frostyborders border is shown? I would like to have more of it shown with the script that you provided, with a little less cropping.
    Quote Quote  
  25. The scripts take any cropping into account when calculating the DAR, so for the original script if the DAR after cropping ended up between 1.4 and 2.0, the value for CropDAR was specified as zero, which disables any CropDAR cropping.

    CropDAR = (VideoDAR > 2.0) ? 2.0 : (VideoDAR > 1.4) ? 0 : (VideoDAR > (4.0 / 3.0)) ? 1.4 : 4.0 / 3.0

    So after cropping, if the DAR was 1.41 for example, you could increase the top and bottom cropping to make the cropped DAR 1.5, and it's still in the zone where CropDAR is disabled, so the picture gets a little wider and the borders at the sides are reduced.

    If the above line was changed to this:

    CropDAR = (VideoDAR > 2.0) ? 2.0 : (VideoDAR > 1.4) ? 1.4 : (VideoDAR > (4.0 / 3.0)) ? 1.4 : 4.0 / 3.0

    There's no longer a zone where CropDAR is disabled, so if a video was cropped to 1.5, CropDAR would crop from the sides to make it 1.4.
    Increasing the specified top and bottom cropping so the DAR is 1.6 would only appear to zoom in without changing the size of the borders as the script would crop more from the sides to make it 1.4 again.

    If you don't want CropDAR configured automatically, or you want to be able to disable it, try this script. It lets you set a CropDAR value yourself, disable it completely, or have a CropDAR calculated automatically as before. I still think for a set and forget script though, the specified cropping should only be enough to remove any black, and from there the CropDAR would determine the DAR of the picture and the size of the borders added. As before, when the DAR after any specified cropping is exactly 4:3, the script bypasses FrostyBorders.

    clip = last
    W = width(clip)
    H = height(clip)
    # If the source is anamorphic the correct pixel/sample aspect ratio must
    # be specified instead of 1.0. For example, 64.0/45.0 for a PAL 16:9 DVD.
    # The SAR must be float (not integer).
    SAR = 1.0
    # When CropDAR is any negative number, the CropDAR is automatically calculated and applied.
    # When CropDAR = 0 it's permanently disabled.
    # When CropDAR is greater than zero it's the CropDAR that's always applied.
    # If CropDAR is greater than zero it must be float (4.0/3.0 or 1.3333 etc).
    CropDAR = 0
    # Cropping.  CR and CB must be negative (or zero).
    CL = 2
    CT = 2
    CR = -2
    CB = -2
    VideoDAR = float(W - CL + CR) / float(H - CT + CB) * SAR
    CropDAR = (CropDAR >= 0) ? CropDAR : \
    (VideoDAR > (16.0/9.0)) ? 16.0/9.0 : \
    (VideoDAR > (14.0/9.0)) ? 14.0/9.0 : \
    (VideoDAR > (7.0/5.0)) ? 7.0/5.0 : 4.0/3.0
    return (VideoDAR == (4.0/3.0)) && (SAR == 1.0) ? clip : \
    FrostyBorders(640,480, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3)
    Also, temporarily substituting CropResize for FrostyBorders might make it easier to understand what's happening, because you can enable a cropping preview to errrrr...... preview the cropping. Yellow lines in the preview show any specified cropping. Blue lines show any additional cropping applied by the script.

    FrostyB(Bright=50) # Add this line to configure the frosty borders.
    return (VideoDAR == (4.0/3.0)) && (SAR == 1.0) ? clip : \
    CropResize(640,480, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3, Frosty=true, CPreview=1)
    Here's an example of a preview with a CropDAR being applied after the specified cropping.
    The source is 16:9. The specified cropping crops the letterbox borders for a 2:1 DAR, then CropDAR crops the sides to make it 16:9 again.

    CropResize(960,720, 0,140,0,-140, InSAR=1.0, CropDAR=16.0/9.0, TCRatio=0.3, Frosty=true, CPreview=1)

    [Attachment 75553 - Click to enlarge]

    So when the preview is disabled, on a 4:3 display you'd see this:

    CropResize(960,720, 0,140,0,-140, InSAR=1.0, CropDAR=16.0/9.0, TCRatio=0.3, Frosty=true)

    [Attachment 75550 - Click to enlarge]

    To change the size of the borders, instead of messing around with the cropping, from there all you need to do is change the CropDAR.

    CropResize(960,720, 0,140,0,-140, InSAR=1.0, CropDAR=1.6, TCRatio=0.3, Frosty=true)

    [Attachment 75551 - Click to enlarge]

    Anyway, the new script gives you a bit more control, so hopefully that'll help. You can still use it with a 16:9 display if you chane the last couple of lines so the output is 16:9.

    return (VideoDAR == (16.0/9.0)) && (SAR == 1.0) ? clip : \
    FrostyBorders(512,288, CL,CT,CR,CB, InSAR=SAR, CropDAR=CropDAR, TCRatio=0.3)

    Let me know if you need anything changed.
    Last edited by hello_hello; 17th Dec 2023 at 17:46.
    Quote Quote  
  26. So far so good. Thanks again mate.
    Quote Quote  
  27. Do any of your scripts have the ability to automatically detect and crop black bars, that works in-conjunction with Frostyboarders?
    I assume CropResize does, but I was never able to get it working... Definitely user error on my part.
    Quote Quote  
  28. I'm sure I messed around with trying to get auto-cropping to work via ffdshow's Avisynth filter, but without any success. ffdshow has a cropping filter of it's own though. I don't think it auto-crops so you'd have to manually specify the cropping values. CropResize can auto-crop using the AutoCrop plugin, but you could add AutoCrop() to the ffdshow filter yourself to see if you can get it to work.
    Quote Quote  

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