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  1. Hi guys,

    Hope its the right chapter of the forum. Trying to convert an avi (xvid) to mpeg .... Used how-to's on this site and others step by step, but can't solve my prob.

    I managed too create audio in .wav using virtualdub, Gspot gave me info on fps and stuff, now in put the avi and the wav in tmp and start convert > i get an error immedialtely.

    Tried different set-ups (also priority setting) , codecs are onboard, even tried it with different software , but this also uses tmp in the background (dvd2svcd)

    What do i do wrong ?

    Errorpicture :

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  2. Mod Neophyte Super Moderator redwudz's Avatar
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    I don't see anything wrong with your process, but I might be missing something. Have your tried a reinstall of TMPGEnc? I do that when all else fails. Another thing to try is the ES option, video and audio.

    A different method might be to use TheFilmMachine. It works well for XVID and most DIVX files. Not as good of quality as TMPGEnc, but easier.
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  3. I re-installed tmp yes, but maybe he holds some folders cause when i restarted, all info was still in the right lines ....

    Doesn't filmmachine uses tmp in background ? Cause when using dvd2svcd i got the same error, audio went well (but i did that part myself allready) but when taking op video i got the tmp error ....

    The file plays very well on my system (power dvd) so the movie ain't broken ...
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  4. There are guides in this website, look for it by typing Xvid to VCD or SVCD in the search engine. You will be able to see few guides to overcome your problem that you are facing. I had trouble converting Xvid to SVCD and I gave up. But when I convert the same file in Panasonic MPEG encoder (XVID to VCD), It was working fine.
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  5. @Readwuz : cant change those streamtypes > light grey area

    I read all guides on this forum and others, followed steps exactly, but still arrived at that point i can't continue, more reading about same subject (almost all sites uses same steps of work in this matter) doesn't help me, a good answer will ....

    Added a picture of problem and solid text, someone should recognize the problem ??


    (i even read somewhere the ram could be broken ..., well its a brant new machine and everything works fine, only tmp doesn't ... so can't imagine that)
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  6. Mod Neophyte Super Moderator redwudz's Avatar
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    TheFilmMachine uses CinemaCraft Encoder SP or Canopus Procoder or QuEnc (Included, I believe). If it won't work, I suspect your file may be corrupt.

    TMPGEnc is tolerant of most anything except AC3 VBR audio, which would be eliminated with the WAV conversion. Usually, though, if VirtualDub will accept it, TMPGEnc should accept it. You might try frameserving with VirtualDub to TMPGEnc. Easy to do, solves a lot of problems. Check the 'Guides' for the method.
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  7. I thought that if following steps like said, it always works ! (most tutorials handle like that)

    After 4 days of trying (including other ways) i don't like the file at all anymore ....

    It plays well so it aint corrupted (?), if Gspot says codecs are onboard i dont have too install any xvid codec separate (?)

    Want to try that filmmachine, but thats another proggie, with new encoders and ..... in near future they will let it work with tmpenc also, think i'm getting same prob then ....

    Is there really not an "this is it" answer !?

    I'm dying here

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  8. Add-on in separate post >

    The Filmhouse did the trick, picture quality aint that great, i used build in video-encoder, maybe that will make a difference .....

    Only too bad u cant preview setting (like tmpenc) i choosed for 16:9 because i knew it was good during using tmp, otherwise i wouldn't have know, and waiting 4 hours too see if its good aint fun .....

    Do u guys think the canopus encoder will do a better job ?

    (still would like to know why tmp doesn't work b.t.w.)

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  9. Banned
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    What are you trying to convert to?

    If You want videocd then the audio bitrate must be 192.
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  10. Banned
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    Originally Posted by wijdbeens
    @Readwuz : cant change those streamtypes > light grey area
    If you use the wizard, then you can change the settings.
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  11. see- top/post :

    avi (xvid) to mpeg(1) , separate audiostream, tmp gave error, don't know whats wrong, follow tuto's exactly >

    changed on advice to filmhouse > used build in encoder thats no super qualtity, but conversion worked, thats a step ahead ....
    (even didn't had too change audio separate)
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  12. Member mats.hogberg's Avatar
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    Have you checked the XviD for bad frames?
    It could also help saving out a fresh copy (direct stream) of you AVI with VirtualDub, or frameserve the video from VirtualDub to TMPGEnc.

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  13. Dont get me wrong, I just used a very common tuto , and this don't work, just curious why ....

    File seems to be oke, what can be damaged ? The proggie don't even starts the conversion. Don't know what frameserving is, just followed instructions, should work then imo.

    in meantime "the filmmachine" did the trick, without extracting an audio file and all that things (oke, that proggie handles it all)

    But i just want to know what is wrong, for use in future ....

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  14. Member mats.hogberg's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by wijdbeens
    just followed instructions, should work then imo
    In an ideal world, where AVI was a strict standard, yes, but since an AVI can contain almost anything, and downloaded AVIs (specially using P2P networks - not saying that yours is) are corrupt one way or another 9 times out of ten, (and playing it from start to end doesn't say anything about the integrity of the AVI in the view of an encoder like TMPGEnc), that sadly isn't so. If one guide doesn't work, try another, using another set of tools, or a slightly different approach, or... Find the oneclicksolution that works for this particular file, like you did!

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  15. Oke thanx mate,

    I give up on tmp, just tried another .avi (xvid) and met the same probs .... 1st wanted to post "can't be true that 2 files are corrupted" but after ur explanation i guess it can

    The filmhouse works for me, i should leave it that way then i think. U where right about the source of the movie and about the fact it really plays well .... why aint it just a perfect world

    One more question though (tip from another forum) : do i have too install any codec (xvid) manually ? I never did so because gspott says "codecs on board" maybe tmp another codec ?

    (though an error on the .exe file doesn't let me think in that direction)

    Thanks again.
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  16. Member mats.hogberg's Avatar
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    Well, you DO have to install codecs manually, how else would you get them on to your system (...and don't tell me you've installed some codec pack!)? If GSpot tells you you've got XviD, somehow it has been installed...

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  17. Gspott says > 2 compatible codecs installed (divx decoder filter) thats all, no further names ...

    yes i have kazaa lite codec pack somewhere ... (should i be shamed ?)

    Never installed xvid codec myself i know for sure.

    Just to try > same tmptrick for converting to mpg2 instead of my asked mpg1 (thought u just could burn an avi too dvd ....) gives same error though ....

    Do u think its a codec prob after all (even Gspott says i have some) ??
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  18. Member mats.hogberg's Avatar
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    I only have first hand experience with Nimo Codec Pack, and was on the verge of reformatting the whole system, since nothing that used to work worked any more. Only days of carefully dissecting and removing conflicting/superflous codecs finally gave me back a somewhat functioning video system, but it was hell! The consensus is: Use GSpot. If it says you lack a codec, download and install that, and nothing else. Never ever install a codec pack, as it breaks more than it makes. Your XviD codec is surely from the codec pack.

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  19. gspott says in >view >installed codecs> a very big list !!! Most is from installed videoprogs, cant loose those otherwise those proggies wont work, that would be hell ....

    what does tmpenc needs that filmmachine doesn't wine about ?

    if its a codec prob after all, im searching 4 days for a "simple" prob, which i dont know how to solve ....
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  20. updated tmp version from 2.51 to 2.59> solved

    don't know problem but solution is more important
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  21. Member mats.hogberg's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by wijdbeens
    don't know problem but solution is more important
    My bug squashing mantra!

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  22. Originally Posted by mats.hogberg
    Originally Posted by wijdbeens
    don't know problem but solution is more important
    My bug squashing mantra!


    b.t.w i heard that downdated it :P 2.59 seems to be older then 2.51 , but he this one works fine ....
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