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Poll: Of All The Movies You've Bought This Year, How Many Are VHS?

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  1. You are probably right
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    My DVD Collection
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  2. I dont even have a VHS recorder any more.
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  3. I have a couple but I have not used them for about 2 years.
    If it's wet, drink it

    My DVD Collection
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  4. Member Marvingj's Avatar
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    SVHS & Beta will always be my back up. DVD is 3/4 done.
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  5. Member 888888's Avatar
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    I was actually thinking of setting up a similar poll but I guess TGPO beat me to it.

    Anyway, the last VHS I bought was probably in 2001. I still have a VCR but it is very dusty.
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    I buy a lot for resale on Ebay. None were available on DVD and probably won't be for a long time: Blade Runner (original version), Star Wars (original versions. The DVDs will just suck since they will be "embellished" by Lucas), Dr. Syn (why does Disney release Treasure Island but not this one?), etc. I made a ton of money off VHS and I continue to do so. LDs I keep for myself though. Weirdly enough I used to think that LP records were dead but they have gone back to pressing them again in some countries. I have a ton of those as well as reel-to-reel stuff, mostly one-of-a-kind recordings. Most of that stuff will never be released on any format (unfortunately) so if you don't have this old technology you are SOL...
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  7. No Longer Mod tgpo's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by 888888
    I was actually thinking of setting up a similar poll but I guess TGPO beat me to it.
    I win! :P
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  8. Member
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    I bought one VHS PAL movie in Argentina. I still need to convert it to NTSC...
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    None, but I don't think I've bought any movies (VHS, DVD, or other) in at least a couple years. There isn't much I want to watch more than once a year, so it's cheaper to just go rent it (if I can find it).
    A man without a woman is like a statue without pigeons.
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  10. Originally Posted by oldfart13
    I buy a lot for resale on Ebay. None were available on DVD and probably won't be for a long time: Blade Runner (original version), Star Wars (original versions. The DVDs will just suck since they will be "embellished" by Lucas), Dr. Syn (why does Disney release Treasure Island but not this one?), etc. I made a ton of money off VHS and I continue to do so.... Most of that stuff will never be released on any format (unfortunately) so if you don't have this old technology you are SOL...
    Just want to second that. Being a vintage TV buff, I still check charity shops and Boot Fairs for the piles of VHS tapes (esp 1980s/90s BBC Enterprises tapes) that people are getting rid of. They usually only cost about 50 pence to £1.00. The intention is to then convert to DVD (or xVCD) to then watch.

    The only title that I am going to buy the DVDs to replace my VHS is Doctor Who.

    It is also true that there are some VHS releases that are never going to get a DVD release or at least an intact one. For example the BBC's 1985 release of "Shoestring" (1979/80 - starring Trevor Eve; one of the best UK detective series ever) will probably never see the light of day on DVD because of a music rights issue. The series was set in a Radio Station and alot of the contemporary music played in the background - The Police, Beatles, Rolling Stones - would cost a fortune to get copyright clearance.
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  11. VH Veteran jimmalenko's Avatar
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    91% is a pretty damning statistic.

    Who were the 26 that only bought VHS ?
    If in doubt, Google it.
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  12. I don't even buy my porn on VHS anymore!!
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  13. VHS ain't dead for alot of us still!

    I buy DVD only when the price is the same as VHS or lower when buying many of the older titles! I have basically been burned too many times buying a DVD for $5-$8 more and I still get VHS quality!
    Not always true, newer movies may be better on DVD than VHS, but I have been burned the extra money alot for nothing!

    I don't really care about the extras very often, so that's no added value to me for a DVD normally either.

    Since I am going to make a DVD backup of anything I buy anyway, I might as well save the $5 and just do a capture instead of a rip when the quality will be equal, I ain't that lazy, but I am cheap. Save $5 twice and it pays for the 3rd movie! I'm talking about older titles of course, Leathal weapons, Beverly Hills cops, Police Academy, 3 Stooges, Laurel and Hardy etc...

    New movies I most often buy on DVDs. If I want VHS I can always go the other way and backup to tapes right
    Some new movies I watch the extras (once). Don't give a rats behind about the crap games they stick on some kids DVDs either.

    I buy a movie for the movie, not the extra's and not to be forced to watch more LION KING garbage comercails when I had already bought Lion KING the first week it was out, YEARS AGO! Why the heck am I still buying the comercails for it??

    Another reason to buy the tapes sometimes, SO easy to just not capture the comercails when I back up tapes, compared to cutting them out a DVD! Almost makes a little less quality desirable for VHS just avoiding the comercails. Course I can cut them out a DVD backup also.

    In all honesty, is there really that much difference in quality on a new tape compared to DVD??? I know I have taken a new movie on a friends VHS tape, captured it, authored a DVD for them. Then later I decide I want the movie myself and I go buy the DVD. When watching the DVD I authored from VHS and the store bought DVD I buy, there is very very little difference normally that I can tell. Others have watched both also and don't notice it either most the time. SO unless your using a 100" or larger tv is DVD really that much better quality for the average persons TV?

    Course tapes have problems too like going bad, but like I said, I take a NEW tape, capture and Author a DVD. My DVD does not have the problems tapes do, and I can seal the tape back up and try to preserve it till I need it again later for some reason, like to watch at a friends house that does not have a DVD player! The tape is still almost NEW.
    Plastic kitchen wrap seals them up well to keep dust and moisture out

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  14. Master of Time & Space Capmaster's Avatar
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    After seeing this poll's results, I feel like a dinosaur still buying VHS
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  15. Member chicola's Avatar
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    Not even 1 blank VHS!!!
    "Adopt, adapt and improve!"
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  16. Member Dr_Layne's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by yoda313
    Originally Posted by Oscar wallace
    got my VHS machine set to audio only setting, so up to 8 hours of good HI-FI sound can be recorded, it's in with my HI-FI set up and is not connected to any TV and never will be.
    Dude, ever here of MP3??? You can get a cheap mp3 cd player for under $50 US and hook it up to any stereo you want. You can get almost 200 hundered songs on a 700mb disc (more depending on your bitrate).

    Seeing how MP3 is of Inferior quality than a hi fi track of a VHS tape, I'd take the Hi Fi track. Granted DVD uses a lossy compression scheme, however the end results are still of higher qualty than VHS, unlike MP3 vs Hi Fi audio track.

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  17. Member lifesajrny's Avatar
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    Geezzzzz, when is this poll going to end?
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  18. Chris S ChrisX's Avatar
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    The VHS is dead and long live the DVD
    I am a computer and movie addict
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