Has anyone seen any issues of ReWriting a DVD-RW on a burner different than the one that was used to write on the new disk? Or is this just a bad disk?

Here's the scoop.

1. Created several titles on a DVD-RW disk in VR mode using LP quality on my Sony DVD recorder. Edited them with the A-B erase.
2. Loaded them on my PC with DMF3DC. Edited the titles and created menus. Used LP compatible quality settings in the project.
3. Did a full erase of the disk and used DMF to burn the DVD on my Plextory 708A drive.
4. The disk plays with Roxio DVDMax just fine. It plays in my Sony DVDR just fine. Won't play in my Pioneer player (several years old). First time the Pioneer said "Can't play disk".

I took the disk back to the PC and did another full erase and reburn of the same source. Now the disk will start to play but the video breaks up, gets blocky and freezes. Some of the menus are broken up.

I'm using Memorex 2X disks. (Ok, be gentle....) Several other DVD created the same way play fine on the Pioneer player.

Any clues?
