Smashing. Thanks, peter. Ignore the attachment, I installed pyyaml.
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Back again... I had half a dozen or so cases of 'no module named...' which were fixed by 'pip install...' but I've hit a new issue after installing subby. Can anyone tell me what to do about "cannot import name 'CommonIssuesFixer' from 'subby'". My continued thanks.
Freevine is effectively 'shelved' and a version of devine is now the preferred option. As Sainty says, use their guide to get going on devine instead.
Yeah, I know, but I've been having trouble installing devine (see the Sainty thread two posts higher). I decided to start from scratch and since my python was an older version installed in a non-standard location it seemed best to delete it and install afresh using the version advised by Sainty. I suspected it would affect freevine and so it proved to be but I'd like to repair the freevine, if poss, before starting on devine. It's all learning... So, if anyone could advise me on the "cannot import name 'CommonIssuesFixer' from 'subby'" issue I'd be really grateful. Then I'll crack on with devine!
I got round the "cannot import name 'CommonIssuesFixer' from 'subby'" issue by deleting the requirement to import anything from subby but there were more problems after that so I'm calling a halt to freevine. I thought I was getting on well with my devine installation but there's a hiccup. See here if you're interested: -
Devine is almost impossible to install to noobs that used freevine.
I know it was a free service and developer was kind person that made this tool in the first place.
But. If the motivation for the switch was to cut the noobs - I can congratulate the developer and others, job well done. Its impossible.
The "simpler" guide is good, but W11 only. I dont know how many people use windows 11? Is it even 50% of all people who use Windows (update- decided to check —*33%) Not to mention noobs like me wouldnt understand how to uninstall phyton and freevine components, which you have to uninstall in order to follow the guide. Shame freevine is almost dead. -
Hi @stabbedbybrick,
Many thanks for your comprehensive array of devine services. I've been experimenting this weekend, and wanted to report an issue (and fix) for the ALL4 module.
I've resorted to posting here as seems like registration is disabled on cdm-project, and I'm struggling to reach you elsewhere.
Summary: DASH manifests for some episodes are malformed, and seem to exclude subtitle tracks when they do in fact exist. I've been able to get the module to identify the subtitles in these cases, and would like to share this change with you to merge in if possible.
Please DM me for further information. -
If your struggling to uninstall python etc I recommend using Oracle VM VirtualBox, I use this for my freevine and devine install on windows 11. I started with a base windows 11 install then saved that as backup, that way if you make a mistake which I did numerous times when I first started you can just delete and start again with the base image and none of your actual pc/laptop is getting messed up.
I agree. I initially installed devine at the beginning and it did take a while to get it working.
I had re-imaged my PC so used the excellent instructions it didn't take long at all and works fine. -
So trying to download this video in 1080p.
If I put the url into freevine I get aCode:TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
Code:D:\freevine> get --complete "" ❯_freevine v1.1.8 13:20:15.699 [4m[32mINFO[0m : [1mPlutoTV[0m 13:20:15.972 [4m[32mINFO[0m : The Drew Carey Show: 9 Season(s), 221 Episode(s) 13:20:18.827 [4m[32mINFO[0m : The Drew Carey Show S01E01 Pilot 13:20:18.862 INFO : N_m3u8DL-RE (Beta version) 20241203 13:20:18.876 INFO : Loading URL: tmp\manifest.m3u8 13:20:18.878 INFO : Content Matched: HTTP Live Streaming 13:20:18.878 INFO : Parsing streams... 13:20:18.879 WARN : Master List detected, try parse all streams 13:20:18.880 WARN : Writing meta json 13:20:18.880 INFO : Extracted, there are 7 streams, with 6 basic streams, 0 audio streams, 1 subtitle streams 13:20:18.881 INFO : Vid 1920x1080 | 4084 Kbps | 30 | avc1.640028,mp4a.40.2 13:20:18.881 INFO : Vid 1216x684 | 2398 Kbps | 30 | avc1.64001F,mp4a.40.2 13:20:18.881 INFO : Vid 1024x576 | 1669 Kbps | 30 | avc1.64001F,mp4a.40.2 13:20:18.882 INFO : Vid 854x480 | 1179 Kbps | 30 | avc1.64001F,mp4a.40.2 13:20:18.882 INFO : Vid 640x360 | 777 Kbps | 30 | avc1.64001F,mp4a.40.2 13:20:18.882 INFO : Vid 426x240 | 476 Kbps | 30 | avc1.64001F,mp4a.40.2 13:20:18.882 INFO : Sub subtitles | en | English | describes-music-and-sound 13:20:18.883 INFO : Parsing streams... 13:20:18.956 ERROR: The 'file' scheme is not supported. Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\freevine\services\pluto\", line 418, in download, check=True) File "C:\Python312\Lib\", line 571, in run raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args, subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '[WindowsPath('N_m3u8DL-RE.EXE'), WindowsPath('tmp/manifest.m3u8'), '-mt', '--auto-subtitle-fix', 'true', '--thread-count', '16', '--save-name', 'The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E01.Pilot.1080p.PLUTO.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264', '--save-dir', WindowsPath('downloads/The Drew Carey Show/Season 01'), '--tmp-dir', 'temp', '--no-log', '-sv', 'for=best', '-sa', 'for=best', '-ss', 'all', '--base-url', '', '-M', 'format=mkv:muxer=mkvmerge:skip_sub=false']' returned non-zero exit status 1. During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\freevine\", line 15, in <module> cli() File "C:\Python312\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 1157, in __call__ return self.main(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Python312\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 1078, in main rv = self.invoke(ctx) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Python312\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 1688, in invoke return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Python312\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 1434, in invoke return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Python312\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 783, in invoke return __callback(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "D:\freevine\utils\", line 90, in get Service(config, **kwargs) File "D:\freevine\services\pluto\", line 67, in __init__ self.get_options() File "D:\freevine\services\pluto\", line 392, in get_options, title) File "D:\freevine\services\pluto\", line 420, in download raise ValueError(f"{e}") ValueError: Command '[WindowsPath('N_m3u8DL-RE.EXE'), WindowsPath('tmp/manifest.m3u8'), '-mt', '--auto-subtitle-fix', 'true', '--thread-count', '16', '--save-name', 'The.Drew.Carey.Show.S01E01.Pilot.1080p.PLUTO.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264', '--save-dir', WindowsPath('downloads/The Drew Carey Show/Season 01'), '--tmp-dir', 'temp', '--no-log', '-sv', 'for=best', '-sa', 'for=best', '-ss', 'all', '--base-url', '', '-M', 'format=mkv:muxer=mkvmerge:skip_sub=false']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
But then i put the episode url into devine and it can only grab the 684x1216 and not the 1080p.
So just confused at what i causing this.
Code:devine dl --list plutotv "" / __ \/ ____/ | / / _/ | / / ____/ / / / / __/ | | / // // |/ / __/ / /_/ / /___ | |/ // // /| / /___ /_____/_____/ |___/___/_/ |_/_____/ ⠀ v3.3.3 Copyright © 2019-2024 rlaphoenix Service Config loaded Loaded Cdm Widevine CDM: 4464 (L3) Loaded 1 Vaults ⠦ Loading Proxy Providers... MAIN : 2024/12/12 15:04:36 main.go:261: INFO Attempting action "list VPN countries", attempt #1... ⠏ Loading Proxy Providers... MAIN : 2024/12/12 15:04:36 main.go:264: INFO Action "list VPN countries" succeeded on attempt #1 Loaded NordVPN: 113 Countries (7012 Servers) Loaded Hola: 43 Countries ────────────────────────────── Service: PLUTO ────────────────────────────── Service has no Geofence ─────────────────────── Series: The Drew Carey Show ──────────────────────── 1 Season, 1 Episode ───────────────────── The Drew Carey Show S01E01 Pilot ───────────────────── ┌───────────────────────── Available Tracks ─────────────────────────┐ │ 5 Videos │ │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 1216x684 @ 2398 kb/s, 30.000 FPS │ │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 1024x576 @ 1669 kb/s, 30.000 FPS │ │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 854x480 @ 1179 kb/s, 30.000 FPS │ │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 640x360 @ 777 kb/s, 30.000 FPS │ │ └── [H.264, SDR] | en | 426x240 @ 476 kb/s, 30.000 FPS │ │ 2 Subtitles │ │ ├── [VTT] | en │ │ └── [VTT] | en | SDH │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Processed all titles in 0m0s
Last edited by Dravonvico; 12th Dec 2024 at 15:11. Reason: Showing print out from devine for clarity.
I'm trying to work out why I'm getting "Identity record was not found" errors on freevine. This seems to happen if I go back to freevine after a while.
I'm wondering if someone more knowledgeable than me can see if I'm doing anything wrong or is this just normal?
So I tried to download something from C4 using my previously working freevine install and get the error as follows:
Code:(freevine-venv) C:\Users\USER\Freevine\freevine> get --episode ❯_freevine v1.1.8 22:01:52.494 ←[4m←[32mINFO←[0m : ←[1mALL4←[0m 22:01:52.494 ←[4m←[32mINFO←[0m : + Adding service profile 22:01:52.508 ←[4m←[32mINFO←[0m : Refreshing expired tokens... Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\USER\Freevine\freevine\", line 15, in <module> cli() File "C:\Users\USER\Freevine\freevine-venv\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 1157, in __call__ return self.main(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\USER\Freevine\freevine-venv\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 1078, in main rv = self.invoke(ctx) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\USER\Freevine\freevine-venv\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 1688, in invoke return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\USER\Freevine\freevine-venv\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 1434, in invoke return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\USER\Freevine\freevine-venv\Lib\site-packages\click\", line 783, in invoke return __callback(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\USER\Freevine\freevine\utils\", line 90, in get Service(config, **kwargs) File "C:\Users\USER\Freevine\freevine\services\channel4\", line 73, in __init__ self.get_options() File "C:\Users\USER\Freevine\freevine\services\channel4\", line 441, in get_options bearer = self.get_auth_token() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\USER\Freevine\freevine\services\channel4\", line 83, in get_auth_token token = self.refresh_token() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "C:\Users\USER\Freevine\freevine\services\channel4\", line 203, in refresh_token raise ConnectionError(f"{r} {r.text}") ConnectionError: <Response [400]> { "errorCode": 11005, "error": "identity_record_not_found", "errorMessage": "Identity record was not found", "type": "exception" }
Code:(freevine-venv) C:\Users\USER\Freevine\freevine> profile --username "USERNAME" --password "PASSWORD" --service "ALL4" ❯_freevine v1.1.8 22:07:14.806 ←[4m←[32mINFO←[0m : Creating new profile for USERNAME... 22:07:14.806 ←[4m←[32mINFO←[0m : Profile has been set for ALL4!
Code:(freevine-venv) C:\Users\USER\Freevine\freevine> get --episode ❯_freevine v1.1.8 22:07:36.485 ←[4m←[32mINFO←[0m : ←[1mALL4←[0m 22:07:36.491 ←[4m←[32mINFO←[0m : + Adding service profile 22:07:36.507 ←[4m←[32mINFO←[0m : Cache is empty, aquiring new tokens... 22:07:36.507 ←[4m←[32mINFO←[0m : Authenticating with service... 22:07:37.428 ←[4m←[32mINFO←[0m : + New tokens placed in cache 22:07:38.342 ←[4m←[32mINFO←[0m : Requesting ANDROID assets... 22:07:38.413 ←[4m←[32mINFO←[0m : Requesting WEB assets... 22:07:40.583 ←[4m←[32mINFO←[0m : Big Fat Quiz S2024E01 Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2024 22:07:40.583 ←[4m←[32mINFO←[0m : Subtitles: 22:07:41.921 INFO : N_m3u8DL-RE (Beta version) 20230628 22:07:41.987 INFO : Loading URL: http://cf...... 22:07:42.013 INFO : Content Matched: Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP 22:07:42.013 INFO : Parsing streams... 22:07:42.018 WARN : Writing meta json . . . 22:16:08.167 INFO : Decrypting... 22:16:39.239 WARN : Big.Fat.Quiz.S2024E01.Big.Fat.Quiz.of.the.Year.2024.1080p.ALL4.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264.mp4 22:16:39.239 WARN : Big.Fat.Quiz.S2024E01.Big.Fat.Quiz.of.the.Year.2024.1080p.ALL4.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264.en.m4a 22:16:39.240 WARN : 22:16:39.240 WARN : Muxing to Big.Fat.Quiz.S2024E01.Big.Fat.Quiz.of.the.Year.2024.1080p.ALL4.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264.MUX.mkv 22:16:54.623 WARN : Cleaning files... 22:16:54.673 WARN : Rename to Big.Fat.Quiz.S2024E01.Big.Fat.Quiz.of.the.Year.2024.1080p.ALL4.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264.mkv 22:16:54.674 INFO : Done
As was expected due to no support any more, freevine is starting to break
Try downloading from ITVX. The maximum resolution with freevine is now 896x504
720p has gone.
Luckily, devine is still giving us 1080p and the 720p for the 'normal' playlist is still there, seen by using
Code:yt-dlp --allow-u -F mpd_URL
Params are different in the main to be able to get 1080p in Devine. Would be a relatively easy fix for Freevine but not much point now Devine is seemingly the tool of choice. Myself I've moved away from both and use my own scripts now I've learnt enough to do it reasonably and not rely on others to fix things.
what is the current best alternative for this that works on a windows desktop ?
The thread right above this one
There are other browser based tools which work well too. Take a look through the stickied threads to see what works for you. -
everytime I loook at a github file I just wonder what I am looking at
and what I am supposed to do with it. -
The below is a good guide of how to set it up (thanks to the person who created it) : -
thanks, people really over-state how useful google really is sometimes. It's not an AI machine
that is going to spit out a specific answer to any question you have. -
qnufc and rodling
If you want to try devine the easiest way and the way i did it is to download Oracle VirtualBox and install a base windows 11 installation. However before you install anyting else after windows and all the updates is create a backup of that image then if you mess up simply overwrite it and start again.
To install Devine can be a bit of a headache but i followed this guide -
and it works brilliantly, the problem with freevine is its no longer updated so slowly but surely things will stop working. Hope this info helps
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