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  1. Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    Originally Posted by stabbedbybrick View Post
    I don't know if I'm making any sense. But in short, you want episodes to have proper numbers in order to be requested with the "-w" flag.
    I think I understand. I was under the assumption that concert was from a simple video URL, not from a series URL. So the issue is that the series isn't properly structured with episode indexes in their backend data structures, right?
    Correct. The Dua Lipa example is indeed from an episode URL, which is using an endpoint where you can only get data on a per episode basis and does have enough information to list it properly. But in order to get episode data from the entire Glastonbury series URL at once, you have to use graphql which doesn't display the same information. Add to that how inconsistent they are with how and if the seasons/episodes are listed. No matter what, you have to use a metric shit ton of regex and if/else checks.

    As a last resort, I guess it's possible to use an asynchronous session to fetch each episode in a series, but there has to be a proper way to handle this nonsense that haven't been able to find.
    Quote Quote  
  2. All right, iPlayer service has been updated. I'm sure it's not perfect, but it's probably as good as I can make it for now. Feel free to report any breaking bugs and I'll look at it when I have time.

    - Added more locations to look for available streams (e.g. Glastonbury 2024 UHD).
    - Episode numbers will now use the numeric positional value of the episode if no standard value is available, and only fall back to 0 as last resort.
    - Made search option functional again.
    Quote Quote  
  3. C:\Users\Brian\AppData\Local\devine\services\CTV\_ in │
    │ get_titles │
    │ │
    │ 134 │ │ │ ) │
    │ 135 │ │
    │ 136 │ def get_titles(self) -> Titles_T: │
    │ ❱ 137 │ │ title, kind, episode = (re.match(self.TITLE_RE, self.title).gr │
    │ 138 │ │ title_path = self.get_title_id(kind, title, episode) │
    │ 139 │ │ │
    │ 140 │ │ if episode is not None: │
    │ │
    │ C:\Users\Brian\AppData\Local\devine\services\CTV\_ in │
    │ <genexpr> │
    │ │
    │ 134 │ │ │ ) │
    │ 135 │ │
    │ 136 │ def get_titles(self) -> Titles_T: │
    │ ❱ 137 │ │ title, kind, episode = (re.match(self.TITLE_RE, self.title).gr │
    │ 138 │ │ title_path = self.get_title_id(kind, title, episode) │
    │ 139 │ │ │
    │ 140 │ │ if episode is not None: │
    ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────────────────────────╯
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
    What does this mean?
    Quote Quote  
  4. Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
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    ctv link?
    what did you put it on command
    Quote Quote  
  5. Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    ctv link?
    what did you put it on command
    devine dl -w S01-S05 CTV flashpoint

    I used the service files created by stabbedbybrick that are on GitHub.
    Quote Quote  
  6. Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2023
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    Originally Posted by stabbedbybrick View Post
    All right, iPlayer service has been updated.
    Thanks stabby. Seems to work pretty well.

    [Attachment 80432 - Click to enlarge]
    Quote Quote  
  7. Originally Posted by billybanana View Post
    Originally Posted by stabbedbybrick View Post
    All right, iPlayer service has been updated.
    Thanks stabby. Seems to work pretty well.

    Nice, thanks for confirming

    Did you make any progress on your AU services?
    Quote Quote  
  8. Member
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    Originally Posted by stabbedbybrick View Post

    Did you make any progress on your AU services?
    Not with the devine services so far. It has been doing my head in to be honest.

    I have written separate scripts for 7plus, 9now and SBS in the last few days. They are all working. I just need to do ABC and then I'm going to look at releasing them in some form.

    My biggest learning curve in recent times has been identifying what API's are used for what...and how to go backwards - as my scripts all start with the video URL and grab the manifest/pssh/licence/keys, then various API's to identify the series/season/episode names etc backwards. It's been fun and frustrating at the same time but very rewarding when they work.

    [Attachment 80434 - Click to enlarge]

    I think the starting from searching a name and going forwards with Devine is what I'm finding tricky. I'll probably reach out for some help with that at some point.
    Quote Quote  
  9. Member
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    Originally Posted by eday_2010 View Post
    Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    ctv link?
    what did you put it on command
    devine dl -w S01-S05 CTV flashpoint

    I used the service files created by stabbedbybrick that are on GitHub.
    use that one
    devine dl -w S01-S05 CTV /shows/flashpoint
    Quote Quote  
  10. Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    use that one
    devine dl -w S01-S05 CTV /shows/flashpoint
    That got rid of the one error but now I got a new one:

    ╭───────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ──────────────────────╮
    │ C:\Users\Brian\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\dev │
    │ ine\commands\ in result                                             │
    │                                                                              │
    │   536 │   │   │   │   │   │   │   )                                          │
    │   537 │   │   │   │   │   │   │   for i, track in enumerate(title.tracks)    │
    │   538 │   │   │   │   │   │   )):                                            │
    │ ❱ 539 │   │   │   │   │   │   │   download.result()                          │
    │   540 │   │   │   except KeyboardInterrupt:                                  │
    │   541 │   │   │   │   console.print(Padding(                                 │
    │   542 │   │   │   │   │   ":x: Download Cancelled...",                       │
    │                                                                              │
    │ C:\Users\Brian\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\concurrent\future │
    │ s\ in result                                                     │
    │                                                                              │
    │   446 │   │   │   │   if self._state in [CANCELLED, CANCELLED_AND_NOTIFIED]: │
    │   447 │   │   │   │   │   raise CancelledError()                             │
    │   448 │   │   │   │   elif self._state == FINISHED:                          │
    │ ❱ 449 │   │   │   │   │   return self.__get_result()                         │
    │   450 │   │   │   │                                                          │
    │   451 │   │   │   │   self._condition.wait(timeout)                          │
    │   452                                                                        │
    │                                                                              │
    │ C:\Users\Brian\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\concurrent\future │
    │ s\ in __get_result                                               │
    │                                                                              │
    │   398 │   def __get_result(self):                                            │
    │   399 │   │   if self._exception:                                            │
    │   400 │   │   │   try:                                                       │
    │ ❱ 401 │   │   │   │   raise self._exception                                  │
    │   402 │   │   │   finally:                                                   │
    │   403 │   │   │   │   # Break a reference cycle with the exception in self._ │
    │   404 │   │   │   │   self = None                                            │
    │                                                                              │
    │ C:\Users\Brian\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\concurrent\future │
    │ s\ in run                                                        │
    │                                                                              │
    │    55 │   │   │   return                                                     │
    │    56 │   │                                                                  │
    │    57 │   │   try:                                                           │
    │ ❱  58 │   │   │   result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)                │
    │    59 │   │   except BaseException as exc:                                   │
    │    60 │   │   │   self.future.set_exception(exc)                             │
    │    61 │   │   │   # Break a reference cycle with the exception 'exc'         │
    │                                                                              │
    │ C:\Users\Brian\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\dev │
    │ ine\core\tracks\ in download                                     │
    │                                                                              │
    │   196 │   │   │   │   │   license_widevine=prepare_drm                       │
    │   197 │   │   │   │   )                                                      │
    │   198 │   │   │   elif self.descriptor == self.Descriptor.DASH:              │
    │ ❱ 199 │   │   │   │   DASH.download_track(                                   │
    │   200 │   │   │   │   │   track=self,                                        │
    │   201 │   │   │   │   │   save_path=save_path,                               │
    │   202 │   │   │   │   │   save_dir=save_dir,                                 │
    │                                                                              │
    │ C:\Users\Brian\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\dev │
    │ ine\core\manifests\ in download_track                             │
    │                                                                              │
    │   458 │   │   │   # aria2(c) is shit and doesn't support the Range header, f │
    │   459 │   │   │   downloader = requests_downloader                           │
    │   460 │   │                                                                  │
    │ ❱ 461 │   │   for status_update in downloader(                               │
    │   462 │   │   │   urls=[                                                     │
    │   463 │   │   │   │   {                                                      │
    │   464 │   │   │   │   │   "url": url,                                        │
    │                                                                              │
    │ C:\Users\Brian\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\dev │
    │ ine\core\downloaders\ in aria2c                                 │
    │                                                                              │
    │   348 │   │   │   p.kill()                                                   │
    │   349 │   │   │   p.wait()                                                   │
    │   350 │   │   return                                                         │
    │ ❱ 351 │   yield from download(urls, output_dir, filename, headers, cookies,  │
    │   352                                                                        │
    │   353                                                                        │
    │   354 __all__ = ("aria2c",)                                                  │
    │                                                                              │
    │ C:\Users\Brian\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib\site-packages\dev │
    │ ine\core\downloaders\ in download                               │
    │                                                                              │
    │   234 │   │   │   │   │   │   initial_indent=""                              │
    │   235 │   │   │   │   │   ))                                                 │
    │   236 │   │   │   │   │   console.log(Text.from_ansi("\n[Aria2c]: " + error_ │
    │ ❱ 237 │   │   │   │   │   raise ValueError(error)                            │
    │   238 │   │   │                                                              │
    │   239 │   │   │   if number_stopped == len(urls):                            │
    │   240 │   │   │   │   rpc(                                                   │
    ValueError: Download Error (#7b974492a15e02c1): Network problem has occurred.
    cause:A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network.
         ❌ Download Failed...
            One of the track downloads had an error!
            See the error trace above for more information.
    Is this me or them?
    Quote Quote  
  11. I am running into trouble on video with out any english tradoes the download ... does the " -vl " have to be built into the script of that service ,,, or is it there with the devine source
    [Attachment 80440 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 80441 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 80442 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 80443 - Click to enlarge]
    Quote Quote  
  12. Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
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    Originally Posted by eday_2010 View Post
    Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    use that one
    devine dl -w S01-S05 CTV /shows/flashpoint
    Is this me or them?
    it just you, work on my pc
    [Attachment 80447 - Click to enlarge]

    Originally Posted by qruetry View Post
    I am running into trouble on video with out any english tradoes the download ... does the " -vl " have to be built into the script of that service ,,, or is it there with the devine source
    [Attachment 80440 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 80441 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 80442 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 80443 - Click to enlarge]
    add --list on cmd to see what video language if it ko, zh so add -vl ko or zh on cmd
    Quote Quote  
  13. Originally Posted by stabbedbybrick View Post
    All right, iPlayer service has been updated. I'm sure it's not perfect, but it's probably as good as I can make it for now. Feel free to report any breaking bugs and I'll look at it when I have time.

    - Added more locations to look for available streams (e.g. Glastonbury 2024 UHD).
    - Episode numbers will now use the numeric positional value of the episode if no standard value is available, and only fall back to 0 as last resort.
    - Made search option functional again.
    Thank you very much for (finding solution) and making in work

    There are few titles from the Pyramid stage that do not work...

    # Glastonbury S01E87 SEVENTEEN
    devine dl --list-titles iP
    devine dl --list -v H.265 iP
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e87 iP
         Error: geolocation
    #Glastonbury S01E18 Olivia Dean
    devine dl --list-titles iP
    devine dl --list -v H.265 iP
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e18 iP
        Error: geolocation
    Ayra Starr
    NO VIDEO at all?
    #Glastonbury S01E95 Burna Boy
    devine dl --list-titles iP
    devine dl --list -v H.265 iP
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e95 iP
         Error: geolocation
    With "DEBUG" on:
      ─────────────────────── Glastonbury S01E95 Burna Boy ───────────────────────
         Starting new HTTPS connection (1): "GET /programmes/p0j2wrgd/playlist.json
         HTTP/11" 200 476
         Starting new HTTPS connection (1): "GET
         /iptv-uhd/proto/https HTTP/11" 404 None
         Starting new HTTPS connection (1): "GET
         /iptv-uhd/proto/https HTTP/11" 403 None
         Error: geolocation

    So is that the case of the UHD not being available or the manifest hiding somewhere else?

    The rest worked great and looks amazing in HLG, sound could have been Hi-Res ..........
    (Did any other stage got the HLG treatment by accident by any change)?
    If I was in politics I make sure you drink plenty of beer
    and watch plenty of TV to keep you busy. | Data is the new oil.
    Quote Quote  
  14. Originally Posted by pssh View Post

    There are few titles from the Pyramid stage that do not work...

    Error: geolocation
    So is that the case of the UHD not being available or the manifest hiding somewhere else?

    The rest worked great and looks amazing in HLG, sound could have been Hi-Res ..........
    (Did any other stage got the HLG treatment by accident by any change)?
    The error is quite literally telling you what the problem is. Your IP is blocked due to being in an unsupported geographic location.
    They are available in FHD with a valid IP.

    # Glastonbury S01E87 SEVENTEEN
    devine dl --list ip
      ──────────────────────── Series: Glastonbury (2024) ────────────────────────
         1 Season, 1 Episode
      ─────────────────────── Glastonbury S01E87 SEVENTEEN ───────────────────────
         ╭───────────────────────── Available Tracks ─────────────────────────╮
         │ 12 Videos                                                          │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 1920x1080 @ 12000 kb/s, 50.000 FPS         │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 1280x720 @ 5070 kb/s, 50.000 FPS           │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 960x540 @ 2812 kb/s, 50.000 FPS            │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 960x540 @ 1604 kb/s, 50.000 FPS            │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 704x396 @ 1570 kb/s, 50.000 FPS            │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 704x396 @ 827 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 640x360 @ 688 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 512x288 @ 437 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 448x252 @ 436 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 384x216 @ 281 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 256x144 @ 156 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ └── [H.264, SDR] | en | 192x108 @ 86 kb/s, 25.000 FPS              │
         │ 3 Audio                                                            │
         │ ├── [AAC] | en | 2.0 | 128 kb/s                                    │
         │ ├── [AAC] | en | 2.0 | 96 kb/s                                     │
         │ └── [AAC] | en | 2.0 | 48 kb/s                                     │
    # Glastonbury S01E18 Olivia Dean
    devine dl --list ip
      ──────────────────────── Series: Glastonbury (2024) ────────────────────────
         1 Season, 1 Episode
      ────────────────────── Glastonbury S01E18 Olivia Dean ──────────────────────
         ╭───────────────────────── Available Tracks ─────────────────────────╮
         │ 12 Videos                                                          │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 1920x1080 @ 12000 kb/s, 50.000 FPS         │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 1280x720 @ 5070 kb/s, 50.000 FPS           │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 960x540 @ 2812 kb/s, 50.000 FPS            │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 960x540 @ 1604 kb/s, 50.000 FPS            │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 704x396 @ 1570 kb/s, 50.000 FPS            │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 704x396 @ 827 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 640x360 @ 688 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 512x288 @ 437 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 448x252 @ 436 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 384x216 @ 281 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 256x144 @ 156 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ └── [H.264, SDR] | en | 192x108 @ 86 kb/s, 25.000 FPS              │
         │ 3 Audio                                                            │
         │ ├── [AAC] | en | 2.0 | 128 kb/s                                    │
         │ ├── [AAC] | en | 2.0 | 96 kb/s                                     │
         │ └── [AAC] | en | 2.0 | 48 kb/s                                     │
    As for UHD, only a select few acts were made available. If it doesn't exist, the error will show "selectionunavailable":

    devine dl -r HLG --list ip
      ──────────────────────── Series: Glastonbury (2024) ────────────────────────
         1 Season, 1 Episode
      ─────────────────────── Glastonbury S01E87 SEVENTEEN ───────────────────────
         Error: selectionunavailable
    Quote Quote  
  15. Originally Posted by stabbedbybrick View Post
    Originally Posted by pssh View Post

    There are few titles from the Pyramid stage that do not work...

    Error: geolocation
    So is that the case of the UHD not being available or the manifest hiding somewhere else?

    The rest worked great and looks amazing in HLG, sound could have been Hi-Res ..........
    (Did any other stage got the HLG treatment by accident by any change)?
    The error is quite literally telling you what the problem is. Your IP is blocked due to being in an unsupported geographic location.
    They are available in FHD with a valid IP.

    # Glastonbury S01E87 SEVENTEEN
    devine dl --list ip
      ──────────────────────── Series: Glastonbury (2024) ────────────────────────
         1 Season, 1 Episode
      ─────────────────────── Glastonbury S01E87 SEVENTEEN ───────────────────────
         ╭───────────────────────── Available Tracks ─────────────────────────╮
         │ 12 Videos                                                          │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 1920x1080 @ 12000 kb/s, 50.000 FPS         │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 1280x720 @ 5070 kb/s, 50.000 FPS           │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 960x540 @ 2812 kb/s, 50.000 FPS            │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 960x540 @ 1604 kb/s, 50.000 FPS            │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 704x396 @ 1570 kb/s, 50.000 FPS            │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 704x396 @ 827 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 640x360 @ 688 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 512x288 @ 437 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 448x252 @ 436 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 384x216 @ 281 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 256x144 @ 156 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ └── [H.264, SDR] | en | 192x108 @ 86 kb/s, 25.000 FPS              │
         │ 3 Audio                                                            │
         │ ├── [AAC] | en | 2.0 | 128 kb/s                                    │
         │ ├── [AAC] | en | 2.0 | 96 kb/s                                     │
         │ └── [AAC] | en | 2.0 | 48 kb/s                                     │
    # Glastonbury S01E18 Olivia Dean
    devine dl --list ip
      ──────────────────────── Series: Glastonbury (2024) ────────────────────────
         1 Season, 1 Episode
      ────────────────────── Glastonbury S01E18 Olivia Dean ──────────────────────
         ╭───────────────────────── Available Tracks ─────────────────────────╮
         │ 12 Videos                                                          │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 1920x1080 @ 12000 kb/s, 50.000 FPS         │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 1280x720 @ 5070 kb/s, 50.000 FPS           │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 960x540 @ 2812 kb/s, 50.000 FPS            │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 960x540 @ 1604 kb/s, 50.000 FPS            │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 704x396 @ 1570 kb/s, 50.000 FPS            │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 704x396 @ 827 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 640x360 @ 688 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 512x288 @ 437 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 448x252 @ 436 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 384x216 @ 281 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ ├── [H.264, SDR] | en | 256x144 @ 156 kb/s, 25.000 FPS             │
         │ └── [H.264, SDR] | en | 192x108 @ 86 kb/s, 25.000 FPS              │
         │ 3 Audio                                                            │
         │ ├── [AAC] | en | 2.0 | 128 kb/s                                    │
         │ ├── [AAC] | en | 2.0 | 96 kb/s                                     │
         │ └── [AAC] | en | 2.0 | 48 kb/s                                     │
    As for UHD, only a select few acts were made available. If it doesn't exist, the error will show "selectionunavailable":

    devine dl -r HLG --list ip
      ──────────────────────── Series: Glastonbury (2024) ────────────────────────
         1 Season, 1 Episode
      ─────────────────────── Glastonbury S01E87 SEVENTEEN ───────────────────────
         Error: selectionunavailable
    Pyramid stage showing 18 acts (6 per day),
    apart from the 4 mentioned above in my post,
    all 14 downloaded without any error in UHD,
    so why would the Beeb not make the 3 also available in UHD
    and not sure why Ayra Starr performace is not available at all .....

    geolocation = the previous 14 UHD tracks worked ... ???

    Strange I have now tried with the VPN
      ─────────────────────────────── Service: iP ────────────────────────────────
         Service is not Geoblocked in your region
      ──────────────────────── Series: Glastonbury (2024) ────────────────────────
         1 Season, 1 Episode
      ─────────────────────── Glastonbury S01E87 SEVENTEEN ───────────────────────
         Error: selectionunavailable

    With VPN compatible with BBC = Service is not Geoblocked in your region

      ─────────────────────────────── Service: iP ────────────────────────────────
         Service is not Geoblocked in your region
      ──────────────────────── Series: Glastonbury (2024) ────────────────────────
         1 Season, 1 Episode
      ─────────────────────── Glastonbury S01E87 SEVENTEEN ───────────────────────
         Error: geolocation
    #Glastonbury S01E04 Dua Lipa
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e4 iP

    #Glastonbury S01E136 LCD Soundsystem
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e136 iP

    #Glastonbury S01E81 PJ Harvey
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e81 iP

    #Glastonbury S01E79 Paul Heaton
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e79 iP

    # Glastonbury S01E87 SEVENTEEN
    devine dl --list-titles iP
    devine dl --list -v H.264 iP
    devine dl --list -v H.265 iP
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e87 iP
    Error: geolocation

    #Glastonbury S01E18 Olivia Dean
    devine dl --list-titles iP
    devine dl --list -v H.264 iP
    devine dl --list -v H.265 iP
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e18 iP
    Error: geolocation

    #Glastonbury S01E03 Coldplay
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e3 iP

    #Glastonbury S01E08 Little Simz
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e8 iP

    #Glastonbury S01E113 Michael Kiwanuka
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e113 iP

    #Glastonbury S01E78 Keane
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e78 iP

    #Glastonbury S01E77 Cyndi Lauper
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e77 iP

    NO VIDEO - Ayra Starr

    #Glastonbury S01E06 SZA
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e6 iP

    #Glastonbury S01E95 Burna Boy
    devine dl --list-titles iP
    devine dl --list -v H.264 iP
    devine dl --list -v H.265 iP
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e95 iP
    Error: geolocation
    devine -d dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e95 iP

    #Glastonbury S01E19 Janelle Monáe
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e19 iP

    #Glastonbury S01E05 Shania Twain
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e5 iP

    #Glastonbury S01E89 Paloma Faith
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e89 iP

    #Glastonbury S01E84 Seasick Steve
    devine dl -r HLG --no-folder -w s01e84 iP
    Last edited by pssh; 6th Jul 2024 at 05:06.
    If I was in politics I make sure you drink plenty of beer
    and watch plenty of TV to keep you busy. | Data is the new oil.
    Quote Quote  
  16. First of all, please try to condense your posts.

    The errors are coming straight from the server response and not something I've added. If you're blocked, you're blocked. If it's not available, it's not available. There's nothing more I can do about it aside from calling them up and asking what drunk moron designed their API.

    Originally Posted by pssh
    With VPN compatible with BBC = Service is not Geoblocked in your region
    This message has nothing to do with your IP being accepted on a service. It's simply comparing the GEOFENCE attribute in the service code to your location in order to determine if you need a proxy or not. If you're already in the same location as the geofence, you'll get that message. Otherwise, it'll try to fetch a proxy. Whether it'll actually be accepted or not depends on a bunch of other factors.
    Quote Quote  
  17. Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    Originally Posted by eday_2010 View Post
    Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    use that one
    devine dl -w S01-S05 CTV /shows/flashpoint
    Is this me or them?
    it just you, work on my pc
    [Attachment 80447 - Click to enlarge]

    Originally Posted by qruetry View Post
    I am running into trouble on video with out any english tradoes the download ... does the " -vl " have to be built into the script of that service ,,, or is it there with Image
    [Attachment 80454 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 80440 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 80441 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 80442 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 80443 - Click to enlarge]
    add --list on cmd to see what video language if it ko, zh so add -vl ko or zh on cmd

    [Attachment 80456 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 80457 - Click to enlarge]

    am I doing something else wrong now ?
    Quote Quote  
  18. Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Search Comp PM
    list episodes
    devine dl --list-titles VIKI

    list info (ep01)
    devine dl --list VIKI
    find video track to see what langage is it

    devine dl -vl ko VIKI
    Last edited by iamghost; 6th Jul 2024 at 07:21.
    Quote Quote  
  19. ok thanks , was trying for season rather than eps, that makes sense
    Quote Quote  
  20. Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    list episodes
    devine dl --list-titles VIKI

    list info (ep01)
    devine dl --list VIKI
    find video track to see what langage is it

    devine dl -vl ko VIKI

    were you able to get the series info to load ?
    or download with the --list and dl commands ... I ran into a bunch of errors
    Quote Quote  
  21. Member
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    Is there a CWTV service script out as i want to get penn and teller however as far as i can try it isn't possible currently without the premium software options.
    Quote Quote  
  22. Originally Posted by stabbedbybrick View Post
    First of all, please try to condense your posts.

    The errors are coming straight from the server response and not something I've added. If you're blocked, you're blocked. If it's not available, it's not available. There's nothing more I can do about it aside from calling them up and asking what drunk moron designed their API.

    Originally Posted by pssh
    With VPN compatible with BBC = Service is not Geoblocked in your region
    This message has nothing to do with your IP being accepted on a service. It's simply comparing the GEOFENCE attribute in the service code to your location in order to determine if you need a proxy or not. If you're already in the same location as the geofence, you'll get that message. Otherwise, it'll try to fetch a proxy. Whether it'll actually be accepted or not depends on a bunch of other factors.
    I am simply trying to understand how it works and why I got the "GEOFENCE" errors
    even that 14 UHD programs downloaded without any problems,
    but it looks like you think I am having a go at you, that is not that case!

    In your original post you wrote:
    The error is quite literally telling you what the problem is. 
    Your IP is blocked due to being in an unsupported 
    geographic location.
    They are available in FHD with a valid IP.
    So I was asking myself question why is it blocked for 3 requests and not for the other 14 I already made from the same IP?
    (The 3 requests war made early on when downloading the 14 performances......)

    There was other UHD content that did not work with iP, and you fixed it, so I assumed that the 3 performances could be part
    of glitch that makes it's way in the iPlayer, but this somehow irradiated you .......and before you simply looked at this
    and come up with fix or MPD .... now there was not need for statment:

    There's nothing more I can do about it aside from calling them 
    up and asking what drunk moron designed their API.
    Can you please perhaps point me to the right direction and explain (public or PM)
    how I can check the UHD endpoints of the iPlayer so I can in the future
    have a look myself get the MPD and not need to post here.....?
    If I was in politics I make sure you drink plenty of beer
    and watch plenty of TV to keep you busy. | Data is the new oil.
    Quote Quote  
  23. Originally Posted by pssh View Post
    I am simply trying to understand how it works and why I got the "GEOFENCE" errors
    even that 14 UHD programs downloaded without any problems,
    but it looks like you think I am having a go at you, that is not that case!
    I wasn't thinking that at all, and I apologize if I came off that way. English isn't my first language and I tend to be pretty blunt in general, so things can get lost in translation sometimes.

    Originally Posted by pssh View Post
    In your original post you wrote:
    The error is quite literally telling you what the problem is. 
    Your IP is blocked due to being in an unsupported 
    geographic location.
    They are available in FHD with a valid IP.
    So I was asking myself question why is it blocked for 3 requests and not for the other 14 I already made from the same IP?
    (The 3 requests war made early on when downloading the 14 performances......)

    There was other UHD content that did not work with iP, and you fixed it, so I assumed that the 3 performances could be part
    of glitch that makes it's way in the iPlayer, but this somehow irradiated you .......and before you simply looked at this
    and come up with fix or MPD .... now there was not need for statment:

    There's nothing more I can do about it aside from calling them 
    up and asking what drunk moron designed their API.
    I've exhausted all the options I can find, so there's literally nothing more I can do. If there are even more endpoints being used, I can't find them. And I can't tell you why you get geolocation errors on only certain titles, because I'm not in control of it. Using VPN/proxy, this is always going to be a factor. And iPlayer in particular gets pretty aggressive with blocking/proxy detection when you go above the 720p web streams.

    To find endpoints, you either need to inspect the traffic or possibly decompile the .apk and go through the source code.
    Quote Quote  
  24. Member
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    thank you for add UKTV for devine service
    Quote Quote  
  25. Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    thank you for add UKTV for devine service
    No problem
    Quote Quote  
  26. Anybody else using the .pem file that was mentioned on this thread some pages back?

    I haven't been able to get any UHD tracks for a while now. Just getting "Failed to request the MPD document." on every command.

    devine dl -r HLG -w S01E01 iP m0020bv6
    devine dl -r HLG iP
    The above is just an example but I'm getting it on everything UHD related.

    If someone could check if it's actually the .pem that's the problem or could it be something else?
    Quote Quote  
  27. Originally Posted by cmonSon View Post
    Anybody else using the .pem file that was mentioned on this thread some pages back?

    I haven't been able to get any UHD tracks for a while now. Just getting "Failed to request the MPD document." on every command.

    devine dl -r HLG -w S01E01 iP m0020bv6
    devine dl -r HLG iP
    The above is just an example but I'm getting it on everything UHD related.

    If someone could check if it's actually the .pem that's the problem or could it be something else?
    The cert is not related to that error. You get "Failed to request the MPD document" when Devine fails to download the manifest, most likely due to your VPN/proxy being blocked.
    Quote Quote  
  28. Originally Posted by stabbedbybrick View Post
    The cert is not related to that error. You get "Failed to request the MPD document" when Devine fails to download the manifest, most likely due to your VPN/proxy being blocked.
    Gotcha. Was hoping it wasn't related to the VPN/proxy but it should be easier to fix I suppose.

    Time to try out even more servers or try an entirely different VPN/proxy.

    Thanks for all the UK services by the way!
    Quote Quote  
  29. Originally Posted by cmonSon View Post

    Thanks for all the UK services by the way!
    You're welcome!

    If anyone interested has missed it, I've added UKTV and STV to the repo. I've promised to port those over from Freevine for a while now, so I finally got around to doing it.
    Quote Quote  
  30. Originally Posted by stabbedbybrick View Post
    Originally Posted by cmonSon View Post

    Thanks for all the UK services by the way!
    You're welcome!

    If anyone interested has missed it, I've added UKTV and STV to the repo. I've promised to port those over from Freevine for a while now, so I finally got around to doing it.
    Amazing! Thank you for doing these
    Quote Quote  

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