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  1. Hey, I've been working with Hybrid recently, and I really like using it compared to some of the alternatives. However, I was hoping to create a DVD file structure, but it looks like it's only capable of doing bluray, is that correct? Or is there a way to create a video_ts file structure?

    If not, is there a pipeline I could follow using Hybrid to create a DVD file structure? I've tried DVDFlick and AVStoDVD, and those programs essentially undo all my Hybrid work, taking out tons of details from the video and creating compression artifacts.
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  2. Member
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    Dvd flick and avstodvd will reencode any source to dvd-spec mpeg2 if it's not already compliant
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  3. DVD compliant files need to meet specific requirements to be compliant, like mpeg2 video in .vob containers, max. bitrate, video resolution, video and audio format, framerate etc. DVD authoring tools (like the ones you tried) will therefore have to reencode non-compliant files in order to make them DVD compliant. So I would assume your files were not compliant.
    (Not sure whether Hybrid includes an mpeg2 encoder).
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  4. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    Hybrid is an encoder, and can encode DVD-compliant MPEG2 video streams, and AC-3 audio, most likely via ffmpeg. But it does not create the DVD VOB container (which is a superset of MPEG2-PS that also allows for LPCM audio streams), nor the file/folder structure of VOB+IFO+BUP, nor any of the subtitle muxing or navigation compiling. THAT is all the jurisdiction of a DVD-Authoring app, and Hybrid is not one.

    As mentioned, you will need a separate DVD-Authoring app.

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