Hello, everyone. I've encountered an issue with how Potplayer displays subtitles that seems dependant on whether or not the SRT is external or muxed into the MKV. Currently, I'm using version 1.7.10667, 32-bit.

So, recently I began syncing my subtitles to shot changes in the video. If the in or out cues allows for it, the start and end times of the subtitles are anchored to shot changes. The problem I'm having is that Potplayer overshoots the shot changes with one frame (about 40ms) IF the subtitles are muxed into the MKV. If I use the exact same SRT externally, the subtitles disappear with the shot change, just as intended.

These are screenshots of the last frame before a shot change, and the first frame of the next shot:

Embedded subtitles:
External subtitles:

Time codes of the SRT in question:

00:00:32,480 --> 00:00:36,360
Well, then.
Time to roll out the secret weapon.
Here's the troubleshooting I've done so far:

Updated to the latest version of Potplayer (Didn't solve it, instead the external subtitles now has the same issue as the embedded ones)

I ran a portable version of Potplayer with the default configuration to determine if my settings was causing this issue (Didn't solve it, same behavior)

I've tried using both SMplayer and mpv.net (The same issue is not present in any of these applications)

So I've determined that Potplayer is the problem but I have absolutely no idea what causes this or how to solve it, so any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!