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  1. In ffmpeg, if I use -vf format=rgb24, will I always get the correct colors for any image format, including jpg and webp? What should I set -qscale:v (-q:v) to so I can get the best quality, 2 or 1? Will adding -qmin 1 and -qmax 1 also improve the quality?
    Last edited by The Enigma; 17th Mar 2024 at 14:29.
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  2. Member
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    No, as you can see in the documentation of mjpeg and libwebp, which are the default encoders used by ffmpeg for jpg and webp, neither supports the rgb24 pixel format.

    ffmpeg -help encoder=mjpeg
    Encoder mjpeg [MJPEG (Motion JPEG)]:
        General capabilities: threads
        Threading capabilities: frame and slice
        Supported pixel formats: yuvj420p yuvj422p yuvj444p yuv420p yuv422p yuv444p
    ffmpeg -help encoder=libwebp
    Encoder libwebp [libwebp WebP image]:
        General capabilities: dr1
        Threading capabilities: none
        Supported pixel formats: bgra yuv420p yuva420p
    "-qscale:v (-q:v)" works with mjpeg but not for libwebp.

    libwebp encoder AVOptions:
      -lossless          <int>        E..V....... Use lossless mode (from 0 to 1) (default 0)
      -preset            <int>        E..V....... Configuration preset (from -1 to 5) (default none)
         none            -1           E..V....... do not use a preset
         default         0            E..V....... default preset
         picture         1            E..V....... digital picture, like portrait, inner shot
         photo           2            E..V....... outdoor photograph, with natural lighting
         drawing         3            E..V....... hand or line drawing, with high-contrast details
         icon            4            E..V....... small-sized colorful images
         text            5            E..V....... text-like
      -cr_threshold      <int>        E..V....... Conditional replenishment threshold (from 0 to INT_MAX) (default 0)
      -cr_size           <int>        E..V....... Conditional replenishment block size (from 0 to 256) (default 16)
      -quality           <float>      E..V....... Quality (from 0 to 100) (default 75)
    To configure the quality of libwebp use the parameter "-quality 0-100" or "-lossless".
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  3. That bgra format for libwebp is perhaps 8bit rgb, like rgb24 is, not planar as rgb24 is, but I guess that does not matter. I read, most likely here (poisondeathray inputs) that it could be done losslessly. It was discussed here, try to google "videohelp forum rgb lossless webp"
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  4. Member DB83's Avatar
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    Do these topics/posts remind anyone of a recently banned 'Troll' who kept starting topics about 'lossless' pic formats despite already having all the answers presented to him.
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  5. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    Yup, pretty sure it's the same character.

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