I found out what caused the issue,on updates the shell icons i created in regedit for shortcut arrows no longer worked so i deleted the shell icons registers entry and the icons came back after doing an explorer restart.
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I think,therefore i am a hamster.
Microsoft's Windows 11 Workaround For Unsupported CPUs Comes With A Show-Stopping Caveat.
https://hothardware.com/news/microsofts-windows-11-workaround-has-huge-caveat"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs." -
yeah heard that already. you can install w11 on pretty much anything..... BUT there will be no security or program updates available, on older "non_supported" hardware, EVER.
"a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303 -
I've been running Win 11 on a Dell Vostro i5-8400, a Dell XPS laptop i7-8550u, for about 2 weeks now. I capture 4k and downscale to FHD, everything works. The security is fantastic on Win 11, however, you can turn almost all the same security features on in W10. Visually, rounded corners on your applications, several built in themes from dark to light. I have an older PC that didn't pass the processor check so that machine will stay on W10 as a Plex and Playon server. Older machines, you're probably SOL unless you don't mind updates not happening. I'm in the MS Developer channel and the complaints have been nitpicking and what I call minimal. Like any modern operating system you could run into issues. There are still people running Win 7 on their rigs. You have to decide for yourself whether to take the plunge or not. October 5th is the earliest those not in the developer/insider channels can upgrade via Windows update. Rule #1 backup your rig and be prepared to restore if needed. I'm not a MS fan boy, I also have Linux rigs that have been running over 10 years and do what they need to do, primarily web surfing, Linux is still a rock solid option. I'm rambling I know. Make the call yourself.
It's not important the problem be solved, only that the blame for the mistake is assigned correctly -
After a lot of hemming and hawing, I decided that I needed to keep my i5-8400 PC going securely for a couple of years beyond the Windows 10 EOL date. I bought a new ASRock B365 motherboard to replace the current motherboard which provides no way to add a TPM 2.0 module or activate PTT.
Ignore list: hello_hello, tried, TechLord, Snoopy329 -
Microsoft will release Windows 11 on October 5th.
Windows 11 will be offered as a free upgrade.
By Tom Warren@tomwarren Aug 31, 2021, 9:00am EDT
https://www.theverge.com/2021/8/31/22649940/windows-11-release-date-features-devices-free-upgrade"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs." -
Just found a way to pin hard drives and control panel and others to the taskbar.
https://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/windows-11-pin-custom-shortcuts-taskbar.htmlI think,therefore i am a hamster. -
Majority of PC users unaware of Windows 11, according to a U.S. sample survey.
https://www.neowin.net/news/majority-of-pc-users-unaware-of-windows-11-according-to-a-...sample-survey/"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs." -
Me being one of them. I'm typing on a laptop running Windows 10 (but still don't like it) yet my video machine is running XP and always will as all my hardware and software just works (some wouldn't under Win 7 so I never went that far even). It has no internet connection and is used for nothing other than video and/or audio work. It isn't broke so why fix it?
I built a new PC to replace the one running Windows 7 and replaced the motherboard in the one running Windows 10, so both of those can run Windows 11 one day. I may put the one that ran Windows 7 back in service running the 32-bit version of Windows 7 or the 32-bit version of Windows 8.1 so that I can run some old 16-bit software and install some hardware that is incompatible with newer operating systems.
Ignore list: hello_hello, tried, TechLord, Snoopy329 -
Windows 11 review: Microsoft’s most pleasant OS—until it isn't.
It's polished and secure, but also frustrating in entirely new ways.
https://www.engadget.com/windows-11-review-microsoft-mindful-os-200028040.html"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs." -
Windows 11 bug could reduce Ryzen CPU performance by up to 15%, AMD says.
Software fixes for the problems are coming later this month.
https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/10/windows-11-bug-could-reduce-ryzen-cpu-performa...o-15-amd-says/"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs." -
It's worth noting that Microsoft has made setup more restrictive for Windows 11 Home users: Both an internet connection and Microsoft account are required. You won't be able to set up a local user account, or use your computer at all, until you meet those requirements. Windows 11 Pro users won't have that limitation, which is good news for IT professionals and power users.
The quote above, and the fact that Win 10 now is a very stable, full featured, and secure OS, means that I will not be going to Win 11 anytime soon.
Possibly years from now, if I pick up a Win 11 Pro license for cheap or if MS changes their policy about requiring an MS account to use Win 11 Home, i will reconsider.
The funny thing is that i already have an MS account, Outlook, but its the principle of the thing. -
The MS account is mostly about the MS Store. MS probably hopes for more traffic there.
I just hope that MS doesn't make it any harder to install software from other sources.Ignore list: hello_hello, tried, TechLord, Snoopy329 -
I've decided that windows 10 will stay on my M6700 laptop.... I've jump to Linux with Zorin 16 Core (its a easy change over for MS users) and will give the test with transfer of film and video. Windows 10 will last for 5 years with upgrades and by then I'll be up on Linux OS and moving away from Forced upgrades by MS for new equipment, when the old stuff works just fine. I can use the $$$$ in other areas of my life.
If the Light Ain't Bright, It Ain't Right!! -
Unsupported Windows 11 PCs might still get updates after all.
https://www.slashgear.com/unsupported-windows-11-pcs-might-still-get-updates-after-all-13695100/"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs." -
Installed Windows 11 on two computers and I had to revert to Windows 10
1. Task Mgr. hung up and finally closes. Had to use end task to close it quickly.
2. Home network nonfunctional
3 Selecting a zip file caused a crash to the desktop.
4. Taskbar: cannot expand and if you have a lot of icons on the TB and open a file the remote task bar icon disappeares.
I installed via ISO and the Microsoft installer: not a smooth installation, but it got through. It needs help.
Computers were with i9 and i7 processors. Not happy with the taskbar. -
Best to install windows 11 fresh,i had issues as well,what i did was do a reset and keep my files,after that it's been working great.
I think,therefore i am a hamster. -
Last edited by Kakujitsu; 25th Oct 2021 at 07:50. Reason: Imbedded video is not working.
Just who is Windows 11 for, anyway?
Although it’s being marketed to consumers, Windows 11 is really about helping businesses protect sensitive data.
https://www.computerworld.com/article/3637054/just-who-is-windows-11-for-anyway.html"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs." -
Microsoft announces Windows 11 SE, a new Chrome OS competitor.
Microsoft’s latest effort to beat Chromebooks is a little different.
https://www.theverge.com/2021/11/9/22771742/microsoft-windows-11-se-features-release-date"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs." -
I've installed W11 on several laptops. These were clean installs exclusively. It's a fairly low impact process as these devices are used for fairly light computing and most sw is cloud based these days anyway. Overall, performance has been meh. However, for one laptop, I ended up re-installing the W10 image because W11 seemed inexplicably slower even though the laptop is only 3 years old with a quad-core Intel cpu, 8 gb ram, and shouldn't have had a problem. It's not my personal laptop, so not able to troubleshoot, I just rolled it back. But, I did image the W11 install in case the user wants to try again. Honestly, I think it is a little early to be jumping onto the W11 train. I mean, how many versions of W10 have been released so far? Probably more prudent to wait for an update or two before upgrading. Let all the lemmings romanced by the rounded corners be the beta testers.
As for my AV workstation, upgrading is not an easy task at all. And, no, I never 'upgrade'. Clean installs only. When you have as much sw as I do, building a 'puter is like tuning a dragster. Once you get everything working, you don't mess with it. Admittedly, the only reason I upgraded to W10 was because one of my NLEs no longer ran under W7. I suppose if the same thing happens with W10, I will be forced to upgrade. But, not until then. -
So I have been running Windows 11 a while now and hated the minor changes they made to the taskbar, right click menu etc.
After viewing a YouTube video from Linus TT, I installed StartAllBack. You guys should really check it out. There is a 30 day trial but the license is $5.
You can drag-drop shortcuts to the Taskbar again!
You can get back the old right-click menu!
You can show all tray icons by default!
I really think it's worth it and shame on MS for forcing this to exist. -
You don't need to use any other program to get back your shortcuts to the taskbar,i pasted a link on explaining on how to get all your shortcuts back.
I think,therefore i am a hamster. -
Microsoft makes free Windows 11 Enterprise virtual machine available for download.
The 20GB download features an evaluation copy of Windows 11 and much more.
https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-make-free-windows-11-enterprise-virtual-machin...-for-download/"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs." -
Windows 11 crippling NVMe SSD speeds according to multiple user reports.
https://www.neowin.net/news/windows-11-crippling-nvme-ssd-speeds-according-to-multiple-user-reports/"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs." -
This program lets you restore windows taskbar and quick launch bar and removes the windows 11 start menu and a few other things and it's free-
Been using it for the last month with no issues at all.I think,therefore i am a hamster. -
Windows 11 Sun Valley 2 to be finalized by summer – here’s what you can expect.
https://www.windowslatest.com/2022/01/01/windows-11-sun-valley-2-to-be-finalized-by-su...ou-can-expect/"Programmers are human-shaped machines that transform alcohol into bugs."
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