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  1. Member
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    I recorded a couple of episodes of a TV program using a PVR250 code, ran them through avidemux2 to cut out ads, using the directions in the mythtv documentation. This leaves several segments, which should then be run through dvdauthor to create a dvd filesystem. However, since I wanted to put several episodes on one disk, I concatenated the segments from each film together, using "cat segment1.mpg segment2.mpg > wholemovie.mpg". I realize, in hindsight, I should have used tccat or a similar tool to put the segments together.

    Now, while trying to build a DVD filesystem, I get this error from dvdauthor.

    STAT: Processing ambest1.mpg...
    ERR: SCR moves backwards, remultiplex input.

    I understand what's going wrong; the timecodes are essentially going from a high number back to zero. My question is, what can I do to about this, short of waiting for the episodes to rerun, and recording them over. Are there any tools that will fix this? I do have windows, with Nero express, ulead video studio, and several other video tools, plus many Linux video tools. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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  2. Free Flying Soul liquid217's Avatar
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    if you remultiplex, that should fix the timecodes. use mpgtx to demultiplex (or something similar), and use mplex -f 8 to remux.
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  3. Member
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    Nope, not working. These were orignally created from 4 segments (i.e. 3 commercials were chopped out), and the first two seem to work, but not the last two. I end up with audio cutting out to silence halfway through the program. I've tried it on both files, and no difference. Strange.

    I also tried finding the break points in avidemux, saving as a raw video stream and as mpg audio, just like the original process, but no change there, either. The .m2v files and the .mp2 files are good, they play fine in mplayer and all the audio and video are there, they're just not remultiplexing correctly. I end up with silence halfway through. I'm using "mplex -f 8 -o output.mpg input.m2v input.mp2", just like I always do for converting recordings to DVD-ready MPEG2.

    Does anyone know if it's possible to cut the sections apart with avidemux2, somehow concatenate all the video (m2v segments) together, and all the audio (mp2) together, and remultiplex the two large files back together all at once?
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  4. Member
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    Just to clarify my above post, Liquid217's suggestion did get rid of the dvdauthor error. The resulting VIDEO_TS folder plays fine with xine, up until halfway through, when the audio cuts out, just like in the source mpeg2 file.
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  5. Member
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    I do the very same exact thing your trying to do. The only difference is when I finish cutting the ads out and set the codec to DVD with dvd resultion I have a single file to work with. I then use KLVEmkdvd to author the dvd. I've done at least 30-50 dvds this way. I to use mythtv, but only to record the video. I then move tie clip over to my main system, to do all remaing video work and burning. Which version of AVIDEMUX you useing? Mine is at 2.1.0 step3
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