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  1. Member wulf109's Avatar
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    The producer's and writer's of this pitiful excuse for Star Trek have learned nothing from the shows cancellation and fan critisism. Intead of giving us fans a show with hope in the future like the finale's of TNG,DS9,and Voyager they give us another dark,bitter episode revolving around the death of one of the primary characters. Good ridence to this miserable excuse for Star Trek.
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  2. Member yoda313's Avatar
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    At least it ended on the ENTERPRISE D!

    And it was a holodeck simulation almost as if they were saying "sorry it never happened"

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  3. Serene Savage Shadowmistress's Avatar
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    I missed it! I hated Enterprise right from the start - and this coming from a die hard fan of TNG, I can assure you. I thought the captain was super lame on Enterprise and could never stomach watching a whole episode from start to finish.

    It was all a holodeck experience???
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  4. Banned
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    Imo, the only redeeming part was that Riker and Troi were in the episode.
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  5. Member yoda313's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Shadowmistress
    I missed it! I hated Enterprise right from the start - and this coming from a die hard fan of TNG, I can assure you. I thought the captain was super lame on Enterprise and could never stomach watching a whole episode from start to finish.

    It was all a holodeck experience???

    Well not exactly. They used a "HISTORIC REENACTMENT" to do the finale. But it was tough. And yeah bazooka's right - it was nice to see Riker and Troi again.

    And yes shadowmistress - I was and am a TNG faithful and have suffered mightily at this "experiment" called ENTERPRISE.

    Donatello - The Shredder? Michelangelo - Maybe all that hardware is for making coleslaw?
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  6. Aging Slowly Bodyslide's Avatar
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    Paramount needs to mothball Start Trek for atleast a year. Then start again maybe With Riker and the Titan, or a Starfleet Academy set after Voyager.
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  7. Member yoda313's Avatar
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    I think a TITAN show would be cool! And they could bring BARCLAY with them. SEVEN OF NINE could sign on as science officer. OBRIEN could be chief engineer!

    Donatello - The Shredder? Michelangelo - Maybe all that hardware is for making coleslaw?
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  8. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by yoda313
    I think a TITAN show would be cool! And they could bring BARCLAY with them. SEVEN OF NINE could sign on as science officer. OBRIEN could be chief engineer!
    Stuff like this only "sounds" neat. But when set into motion, they often suck. Slamming together old characters serves for nothing more than nostalgia .... and reveal that originality, imagination and story-telling are completely lacking. At some point, these sort of things just get stupid.

    The current crop of Star Trek writers dried up a decade ago. Enterprise is the expected outcome, for it to suck was no surprise to most people, especially after the last couple of ST movies.

    I think the ultimate screw-up in storytelling was done by George Lucas. A whole ******* galaxy, and Darth Vader is the one that made C3PO. That alone was enough to bork the entire prequel franchise.

    For the record, this is why comic books shuffle writers every few years. To keep things interesting and developing.

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  9. Just saw it

    tgpo famous MAC commercial, You be the judge?
    Originally Posted by jagabo
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  10. Banned
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    It was very disappointing to say the least. The death scene(I won't spoil) was devoid of any real emotion and didn't pay tribute to the departing crew-member, much like the death of Kirk in "Generations". Berman and Braga had their dirty mitts all over that one too.

    The idea that the episode took place six years after the events of the preceding episode was a terrible decision. Call me a sap, but I really wanted to see Trip and T'Pol end up together. I just couldn't buy that they would end up spending 6 years apart on the ship. As much as I enjoy the work of Jeffrey Combs(Shran), his character had no place in the last Enterprise. It seemed like he was thrown in there to just kill time.

    Just when Enterprise finally got itself a good infusion of creative energy in producer Mano Coto and writers Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens, the miserable hacks that are Berman and Braga had screw everything up with this mammoth garbage heap of a finale. The two of them should be drummed out of the business, though I won't say the true fate that I hope befalls them for fear of inciting terrorist threats. Lousy bastards.

    I think it's time the franchise takes a rest for a while. They've gone to the well one too many times lately and it would be good for Paramount to actually allow us fans to garner an appetite for new Trek. As long as the previously mentioned mythology murderers are absent, I'll gladly give any future Trek endeavors a chance.

    Roddenberry must be rolling in his, cosmic expanse.
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  11. I thought it was a nice ending to modern Trek, but what the hell do I know.
    This plan is so bad, it must be one of ours.
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  12. Member yoda313's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Darth Paris
    I thought it was a nice ending to modern Trek, but what the hell do I know.

    I don't know.... what do you know???

    (just kidding )

    Donatello - The Shredder? Michelangelo - Maybe all that hardware is for making coleslaw?
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  13. I thought the part with Riker and Troi and the Enterprise-D was great!!! That was awesome getting to see them again, and I liked how it tied into the Pegasus conflict and how Riker was just on the holodeck, rather than involving time travel, which IMO is way overdone. I didn't really care for the Enterprise part of it, the characters never really developed very far in the series IMO. Also I didn't like how they didn't show Archer's speech at the end.
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  14. So basically you're saying, I liked it because it was TNG and not Enterprise

    Think that's why they ended it that way too.
    tgpo famous MAC commercial, You be the judge?
    Originally Posted by jagabo
    I use the FixEverythingThat'sWrongWithThisVideo() filter. Works perfectly every time.
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  15. Originally Posted by stiltman
    So basically you're saying, I liked it because it was TNG and not Enterprise

    Think that's why they ended it that way too.
    Yep, that's basically it. I think TNG is my favorite ST series, and its nice to see them bring it back.
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  16. Member AlecWest's Avatar
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    Just my opinion ... but there was so much "intertwining" of spinoffs that the Star Trek universe was giving fans headaches. They either need to dump Star Trek altogether ... or perhaps try a far-future spinoff where every other spinoff is only a "memory."

    P.S. And, every writer who turns in a "remember when type" time travel episode should be shot dead on the spot, hehe.
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