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  1. Does anyone know what the file format is of ATI .VCR. I would like to convert them to MPEG but do not know how to handle them.


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  2. go to ATI's website and search around for the "ativcrx.exe" file. it's both the ATI VCR1 and VCR2 codecs that will allow your system to view these files. it's under something like 'outdated and unsupported software'
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  3. Actually converting to mpeg is quite simple. In MMC 7.5 open the ATI Library. Right click on the file and choose export to mpeg. It only takes a minute or so to process the file.
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  4. so does this mean in MMC 7.5 the cards can now finally do realtime offline encoding? i still fail to see why they let you capture using the MPEG codecs (their own, or Ligos) but cant let you convet just as fast...
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  5. patrickm - The conversion from an ATI VCR2 capture to an Mpeg2 file seems to be just a header adjustment - I think, not really sure. It does not seem to be an encoding process. It only takes a minute or two to export (convert) and ATI VCR2 800meg capture to an Mpeg2 file for example. I am guessing that an ATI VCR2 capture and an Mpeg2 capture under MMC 7.5 both use the Ligos GoMotion codec.

    I played arounf with VCR2 captures for a while and did the conversions thinking that the quality of a VCR2 capture may be of better quality. Never really spent enough time on it though.
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