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  1. Member
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    I'm using winfast 2000 delux to cap but can't figure out which setting to enter in TMPGEnc for the video source type (feild order) ???

    encode is for playing in standalone DVD player on TV.


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  2. I use Upper (TOP) Field First (Field A), but I came to that conclusion after creating a dvd with 2 identical video clips on it (labeled of course) in each of the field orders and tested that on my TV. Field A played normal while Field B 'jittered' expecially during pans and shots with quicker movements.

    It's going to depend on your setup and tv, but 'probably' field A will work.

    You need to test that. lol

    Also, when I use any Ulead product except VideoStudio Version 8 (the newest version) I must choose Field B, but all the other programs I have reports their files as Field A. Now that's confusing isn't it. lol

    Good luck.
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  3. Member
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    OK thanks - I'll use A (and test out B too).

    would the 'video source type' be 'non-interlace (progressive)' or 'interlace' ?

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  4. I think that sets itself, doesn't it. I don't actually remember, but I think it's a no brainer there.

    Correct me if I'm wrong ok.

    Good luck
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  5. Member
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    I've managed to do 4 samples [non-interalced a & b] then [intelaced a & B].

    both b's are jerky - so that leaves [non-interalced a] & [intelaced a] nothing appears to be different on play back with either setting!

    I'll go with (unless told othewise here) interaced - that seems to be the default when staring & loading my file in Tmpgenc.


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  6. Good deal. Now you know for sure.

    Interlaced video is ment to be played on a TV set. That's what is coming across the cable now so that is what you want to create.

    Non-Interlaced (frame based) video is what you would create to playback on a computer monitor only.

    Non-interlaced video played on a TV will showup most as uneven (jagged) lines on straight edges.

    Good luck.
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