Have funCode:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- URL: https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/shows/unsere-erste-gemeinsame-wohnung-140972/staffel-8-200919/episode-45-paar-356-theresa-tobias-duisburg-ea-120912-200964 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MPD URL: https://vodnowusoawsdash-a.akamaihd.net/p112/streaming/watch/200964/1-10000-1-1-1.ism/rtlplus.mpd --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSSH: AAAAUHBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADAIARIgNDUzNWFiNDEwZDkxNmM1NmY0ZTdhMjJhOTUyYzcwODMiBjIwMDk2NCoCU0Q= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- License URL: https://widevine.tvnow.de/index/rtlplus --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decryption Key: 4535ab410d916c56f4e7a22a952c7083:7b90b553d781a355227c89da9ab7c278 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output Name: episode.45.paar.356.theresa.tobias.duisburg.ea.120912 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Would someone be so kind and help me out with this one?
Many thanks,
Manfred -
N_m3u8DL-RE "https://vodnowusoawsdash-cf.tvnow.de/p112/cves/sd/rtlplus/971441/2-1-1-1-2.ism/v1.mpd" -H "Accept: */*" -H "Origin: https://plus.rtl.de" -H "Referer: https://plus.rtl.de/" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" --key 70b3c6a2c384392c575d91ea1b280a34:9675507103cb9ace10f8b7204a75394a --use-shaka-packager -M format=mkv
Hi guys, could maybe someone tell how to download from rtl+? What software is needed and what keys/links do you have to look for?
https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/shows/die-geissens-eine-schrecklich-glamouroese-familie-1...abi-1000193865 -
N_m3u8DL-RE "https://vodnowusoawsdash-cf.tvnow.de/pgrn/cves/sd/rtlplus/1000192283/1-1-1-1-1-1-2.ism/v1.mpd" --key 766d38800f20141b1f94b606069475c7:23b7357051f18804139b6e6f87e18866 --save-dir "media\plus_rtl_de" --save-name "Die_Geissens_-_Eine_schrecklich_glamourose_Familie_Razzia_Geissini" -M format=mkv N_m3u8DL-RE "https://vodnowusoawsdash-cf.tvnow.de/pgrn/cves/sd/rtlplus/1000193865/1-1-1-1-1-1-2.ism/v1.mpd" --key 9f3a3478c8747f467de7ac3f1c94d9bb:ca59314193c2b4776135e991a8b7ca2a --save-dir "media\plus_rtl_de" --save-name "Die_Geissens_-_Eine_schrecklich_glamourose_Familie_Frohlocken-Stab_in_Abu_Dhabi" -M format=mkv
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~~~~~~~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
I've been trying to get this one to work, but the licensing keeps giving me errors.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong, when doing
Code:pywidevine license -t STREAMING device.wvd AAAAUXBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADEIARIgYzg3ZWU1MmIwMmMzMjdlNzZkZTE0MGQxYWEzMjJkYTAiBzEwMTM4NDgqAlNE https://licensing.bitmovin.com/licensing
I also tried some other licensing urls but with various errors.
Maybe someone can help me out with the keys or push me in the right direction. -
What makes you think RTL uses bitmovin.com as licensing server?
Use the browser extension WidevineProxy2 (see the sticky threads) or widefrog... -
That was the only licensing I could find when looking through the network tab
Filter for "widevine". The show uses https://rtlplus-widevine.streamingtech.de/index/rtlplus as URL for the license request.
Code:N_m3u8DL-RE "https://vodnowusoawsdash-cf.tvnow.de/pgrn/cves/sd/rtlplus/1000193865/1-1-1-1-1-1-2.ism/v1.mpd" --key 9f3a3478c8747f467de7ac3f1c94d9bb:ca59314193c2b4776135e991a8b7ca2a --save-dir "media\plus_rtl_de" --save-name "Die_Geissens_-_Eine_schrecklich_glamourose_Familie_Frohlocken-Stab_in_Abu_Dhabi" -M format=mkv --check-segments-count false
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~~~~~~~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
I'm in a similar situation... I'm probably too stupid for all the tutorials.
Would someone be so kind and help me with the following video and briefly describe the process so that I can download the following episodes myself?
Or alternatively at Toggo - (belongs to the same channel):
Thank you very much in advance for any help!!
Best wishes, Martin -
The "widefrog" tool (follow the link in the signature of @2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's post in #104) has support for RTL+. The start post of the "widefrog" thread explains how to install and use the tool.
For Toggo you can use the browser extension WidevineProxy2 (you'll find the thread in the stickies of this forum). It works for RTL+ as well, but won't find the video links for higher resolutions. -
Code:--key 55222eea5e5a0f5f8e7fe06803f1e476:c1e5c09b782753c3d47c28a60d5a101e
Code:N_m3u8DL-RE "https://vodvmsusoaws-cf.superrtl.de/proxy1111/srtl/ASV22591/1-1-1-1.ism/v1.mpd" --key 55222eea5e5a0f5f8e7fe06803f1e476:c1e5c09b782753c3d47c28a60d5a101e --M format=mkv --check-segments-count false
I had already looked at this, but unfortunately didn't get far.
But I'll give it another try. Thanks!
Brilliant - thank you so much!
Can you please tell me the way to get this data (MPD/Key)?
How I proceeded - maybe it will help another beginner:
1. I downloaded "win-x64.zip" from https://github.com/nilaoda/N_m3u8DL-RE/releases/ and unpacked the zip file.
2. Copied, pasted and executed the "Video download command" which led to an error message: "'--M' was not matched."
3. Changed the command from "--M" to "-M". New try - Error Message: "ffmpeg not found"
4. Downloaded "ffmpeg-release-full.7z" from https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ and copied "ffmpeg.exe" in the same folder as "N_m3u8DL-RE"
5. New try - Error Message: "mp4decrypt not found".
6. Downloaded "Binaries for Windows 10" from https://www.bento4.com/downloads/ and copied "mp4decrypt.exe" in the same folder.
7. New try... oh something is happening... 1920x1080 was already selected - just had to press enter.
8. Waited briefly and then happily received the mkv. -
I've now tried it again with "WidevineProxy2" and can report: "The piggy has landed"
The tool is really brilliant.
As Obo wrote, on RTL+ it could only find max. 960x540 @694 Kbps, but on Toggo it is at least 1920x1080 @1633 Kbps.
Well, the bitrate could be a bit higher, but it's fine with this content.
Thank you very much for the help!
Greetings, Martin -
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- URL: https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-27-chloes-geburtstagsparty-1013267 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MPD URL: https://vodnowusoawsdash-a.akamaihd.net/pgrn/streaming/watch/1013267/1-10000-1-1-1.ism/rtlplus.mpd --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSSH: AAAAUXBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADEIARIgNzE3YjUyOThjOTg1MTcyNjljY2Q2MDMxOGNkYjNhZDAiBzEwMTMyNjcqAlNE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- License URL: https://rtlplus-widevine.streamingtech.de/index/rtlplus --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decryption Key: 717b5298c98517269ccd60318cdb3ad0:5e2d98fd88603b2f11169c0c5991ce19 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Output Name: episode.27.chloes.geburtstagsparty ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It's because someone found out how to manipulate the mpd url. Widefrog does it also.
Yeah but widefrog uses the API response. Iam not doing that sadly CBR can't be automated because RTL is switching the URL quiet often.
RTL often just offers the horrible VBR manifest playlist which you can also manipulate to get 1080p but it's horrible compared to the CBR. Problem is the CBR one is not always on the same Place. -
To my surprise, I managed to install "widefrog", however, I only get a 960x540 @588 Kbps file.
For this episode I reused Lostion MPD URL and simply replaced the "1013267" with "1013268".
That actually worked, but the video is not properly decrypted, probably because the key are wrong - right?
Would you be so kind and tell me how I can get the right key(s), so I can download the remaining episodes? -
RTL changed the vbr url that's why widefrog can't get 1080p anymore.
@m.fessler Post the url from the episode you want. Easier
Edit: it's premium only and I don't have an acc so can't help :/ change password and send me the account via DM and I will get you the key if you have an premium acc.Last edited by Lostion; 18th Feb 2025 at 10:59.
Yesterday, episode 28 was free... it seems that there are always only five episodes free and that changes daily.
Currently, E29 is still free and E34+ is premium only. It will probably be different again tomorrow.
Code:S08E28 https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-28-der-kaputte-partybus-1013268 S08E29 https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-29-das-gruselige-spielhaus-1013269 S08E30 https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-30-wohnen-ueber-den-laeden-1013270 S08E31 https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-31-der-dachgarten-1013271 S08E32 https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-32-umzugstag-1013272 S08E33 https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-33-uebernachtung-fuer-alle-1013273 S08E34 https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-34-der-laufbus-1013274 S08E35 https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-35-gluecklich-bis-ans-ende-ihrer-tage-1013275 S08E36 https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-36-singstunde-1013276 S08E37 https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-37-der-gesangswettbewerb-1013277 S08E38 https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-38-thanksgiving-1013278 S08E39 https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-39-weihnachtskarten-1013279 S08E40 https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-40-lorenzo-loewe-1013280 S08E41 https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/serien/peppa-pig-751121/staffel-10-980237/episode-41-lebendige-dinosaurier-1013281
Would you like or can you tell me how to get the URLs and keys for free content or is that not so easy or not intended for the public?
Thanks and regards, Martin -
well you must decrypt the PSSH in the manifest with pywidevine to get the keys.
Edit: Send you PM with the keys above. -
Thank you very much!
Now that new free episodes will keep coming and I can not ask you for links/keys every time, I'll have to live with the files from Toggo for the remaining (and the S08E28) episodes.
If we are honest, that is good enough for the piggy.
Thanks for the help!
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