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    This is the website.(THE US or Canada will be ok to watch)
    I've tried some ways but not work..
    Quote Quote  
  2. Download this, get the tools and watch the video

    It's almost the same process except for 3 parts I think.

    1. For the PSSH from console you don't need to do the stuff I do in the video, you just copy paste from console. On Kocowa you get the right PSSH in console.

    2. The License url isn't found by filtering express, rather it looks like this
    3. You need a header. It looks like this
    bcov-auth: eyJhbGblaI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpblaCJ9.eyJwa2lkIjoiNzc1blaU2ZTctY2U2MC0blaLWEzNjAtMzFjMTQ1YTA2blaIiwiYWNjaWQiOiI2blaNzM0ODA1MblawiZXhwIjoxNjUblaUyLCJpYXQiOjE2NTE2MDY4NTIsImlkIjoiNTMzNzYxNTciLCJzaWQiOiJiNzFmOGFlNi1jNGQ5LTViNjMtYTc3ZS0yN2VkMmVkNTQ1ZWIifQ.Yh8iwfM-AVLE9aBKXxjSPhWA8_DjDAkHlOmdY15To9nqGvMOqyAFJKTyhNrDRQGDDjqHdRFxRiREz9i1dU_7pw2a35QMFNcWo-WdNo7RgPFSkjy6QqMqGeF98yjnrrYp269sJ9zNZBxQ2-au0SUkJ-RyfZwfWG08YQkKhvbC0Eq-B8DY2FKDkel1pygK8BpmiGAkT7RY45Qh7zFFPbi_qbHnAjWbax6FIm95XTypXfJfLs4mvnJ2cHk5tHNmMh4V4hls6jNsrdOKH8wBuezs_sAfSmBuYVwCVWN4JNdp74mgiO0LBsReaSWus7AwN3Vs4TijRM1TG1rqYEgw0IwBkQ
    You can find the header here
    [Attachment 64643 - Click to enlarge]
    Last edited by [ss]vegeta; 4th May 2022 at 00:16.
    Quote Quote  
  3. Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Download this, get the tools and watch the video

    It's almost the same process except for 3 parts I think.

    1. For the PSSH from console you don't need to do the stuff I do in the video, you just copy paste from console. On Kocowa you get the right PSSH in console.

    2. The License url isn't found by filtering express, rather it looks like this
    3. You need a header. It looks like this
    bcov-auth: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwa2lkIjoiNzc1MmU2ZTctY2U2MC00MWVmLWEzNjAtMzFjMTQ1YTA2NzY3IiwiYWNjaWQiOiI2MTU0NzM0ODA1MDAxIiwiZXhwIjoxNjUyNjg2ODUyLCJpYXQiOjE2NTE2MDY4NTIsImlkIjoiNTMzNzYxNTciLCJzaWQiOiJiNzFmOGFlNi1jNGQ5LTViNjMtYTc3ZS0yN2VkMmVkNTQ1ZWIifQ.Yh8iwfM-AVLE9aBKXxjSPhWA8_DjDAkHlOmdY15To9nqGvMOqyAFJKTyhNrDRQGDDjqHdRFxRiREz9i1dU_7pw2a35QMFNcWo-WdNo7RgPFSkjy6QqMqGeF98yjnrrYp269sJ9zNZBxQ2-au0SUkJ-RyfZwfWG08YQkKhvbC0Eq-B8DY2FKDkel1pygK8BpmiGAkT7RY45Qh7zFFPbi_qbHnAjWbax6FIm95XTypXfJfLs4mvnJ2cHk5tHNmMh4V4hls6jNsrdOKH8wBuezs_sAfSmBuYVwCVWN4JNdp74mgiO0LBsReaSWus7AwN3Vs4TijRM1TG1rqYEgw0IwBkQ
    You can find the header here
    [Attachment 64643 - Click to enlarge]
    Thank youuuu!! Nice shot!! I'll try and work on it!
    Quote Quote  
  4. Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Download this, get the tools and watch the video

    It's almost the same process except for 3 parts I think.

    1. For the PSSH from console you don't need to do the stuff I do in the video, you just copy paste from console. On Kocowa you get the right PSSH in console.

    2. The License url isn't found by filtering express, rather it looks like this
    3. You need a header. It looks like this
    bcov-auth: eyJhbGblaI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpblaCJ9.eyJwa2lkIjoiNzc1blaU2ZTctY2U2MC0blaLWEzNjAtMzFjMTQ1YTA2blaIiwiYWNjaWQiOiI2blaNzM0ODA1MblawiZXhwIjoxNjUblaUyLCJpYXQiOjE2NTE2MDY4NTIsImlkIjoiNTMzNzYxNTciLCJzaWQiOiJiNzFmOGFlNi1jNGQ5LTViNjMtYTc3ZS0yN2VkMmVkNTQ1ZWIifQ.Yh8iwfM-AVLE9aBKXxjSPhWA8_DjDAkHlOmdY15To9nqGvMOqyAFJKTyhNrDRQGDDjqHdRFxRiREz9i1dU_7pw2a35QMFNcWo-WdNo7RgPFSkjy6QqMqGeF98yjnrrYp269sJ9zNZBxQ2-au0SUkJ-RyfZwfWG08YQkKhvbC0Eq-B8DY2FKDkel1pygK8BpmiGAkT7RY45Qh7zFFPbi_qbHnAjWbax6FIm95XTypXfJfLs4mvnJ2cHk5tHNmMh4V4hls6jNsrdOKH8wBuezs_sAfSmBuYVwCVWN4JNdp74mgiO0LBsReaSWus7AwN3Vs4TijRM1TG1rqYEgw0IwBkQ
    You can find the header here
    [Attachment 64643 - Click to enlarge]
    Hi,Vegeta~ Sorry to disturb you~ But today I want to download from kocowa again, and want to watch your video, but it expired. I'd appreciate it, if you could upload the video again~
    I've already downloaded the encrypted video and audio

    And I got the license:
    the header:
    bcov-auth: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwa2lkIjoiNzc1MmU2ZTctY2U2MC00MWVmLWEzNjAtMzFjMTQ1YTA2NzY3IiwiYWNjaWQiOiI2MTU0NzM0ODA1MDAxIiwiZXhwIjoxNjUzODA2NzcyLCJpYXQiOjE2NTI3MjY3NzIsImlkIjoiNTMzNzYxNTciLCJzaWQiOiIzYTU2OWFmMC0zN2I0LTU4MTgtYmJmMC1mYTY2NjI3ODkyYmQifQ.WAsQflQKKk6E8FhqlZ2COZYbVTIFBi1eGMS4avIXFTvQdPLjmeeFqt89umXACmo5qTIWPpdmMQObNVfMHXWC9cPs2WBO4v16wwZKwkqhKpD8-blVx6FfONnCcVmK4ML7BrEixe8TGtGyTEDA8aDQRkiqRUEz2HOM90XP_iG1CFRPqgtm0OLl9Oy3awMm19qtDnfmE7UVMpeGMQaS9hIneBz5bTcptKIEMAzLw6vxaI4ChIiaD3wmxXtTQH1-_d-7fCBX5u0KWCZnCilhqDRFABCmVl8BjTl6ql0IWiaXP5zgS4v2r4af8HF02xSYBby8cRCacR0yacMOVq2pJdzFGg
    But I don't know what to do next. Could you please tell me~? Thank you so much!
    (BTW your video about downloading from mewatch is really really detailed and clear!!! I don't know deeply about code, but I can still follow you and finally download successfully!! You are rreally great! I love your video very much!!)
    Quote Quote  
  5. Originally Posted by artemisluck View Post
    I'd appreciate it, if you could upload the video again~
    It was probably this one.
    Originally Posted by artemisluck View Post
    But I don't know what to do next. Could you please tell me~? Thank you so much!
    You only need site and PSSH gotten with EME logger and Tamper Monkey add on.
    Originally Posted by artemisluck View Post
    (BTW your video about downloading from mewatch is really really detailed and clear!!! I don't know deeply about code, but I can still follow you and finally download successfully!! You are rreally great! I love your video very much!!)
    Thanks for the kind words.
    Quote Quote  
  6. Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Originally Posted by artemisluck View Post
    I'd appreciate it, if you could upload the video again~
    It was probably this one.
    Originally Posted by artemisluck View Post
    But I don't know what to do next. Could you please tell me~? Thank you so much!
    You only need site and PSSH gotten with EME logger and Tamper Monkey add on.
    Originally Posted by artemisluck View Post
    (BTW your video about downloading from mewatch is really really detailed and clear!!! I don't know deeply about code, but I can still follow you and finally download successfully!! You are rreally great! I love your video very much!!)
    Thanks for the kind words.
    Thanks for your prompt reply! But I'm stuck here now, because I don't have these files
    [Attachment 64831 - Click to enlarge]

    Could you please be so kind to send me one, so that I can practice further~ Thanks~!

    Also I find a wierd thing which is after I add on EME logger extension, the videos on KOCOWA will fail to play. I don't know why.
    Last edited by artemisluck; 17th May 2022 at 07:46.
    Quote Quote  
  7. Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Originally Posted by artemisluck View Post
    I'd appreciate it, if you could upload the video again~
    It was probably this one.
    Originally Posted by artemisluck View Post
    But I don't know what to do next. Could you please tell me~? Thank you so much!
    You only need site and PSSH gotten with EME logger and Tamper Monkey add on.
    Originally Posted by artemisluck View Post
    (BTW your video about downloading from mewatch is really really detailed and clear!!! I don't know deeply about code, but I can still follow you and finally download successfully!! You are rreally great! I love your video very much!!)
    Thanks for the kind words.
    Please just ignore what I said! I found that following your previous instruction, I put license, pssh, and headers into, it works ! I didn't got the key because I did't put the pssh into the input bar. After I put pssh in, it entirely works well!
    And I have another series on kktv that I'd like to download to my PC, so I tried to use this same way to download it, but it seems that kktv does not works well and I can't figure out the problem Could you please help me on this~? Thanks again~~~

    It's this series:

    I follow your instruction to look for the pssh, but it has 2 pssh. I don't know which one is useful.
    SHORT one:
    LONG one:
    And this is the license:
    Unfortunately, I didn't find out the headers, so I just put the short pssh and license into, but it showed error:
    [Attachment 64834 - Click to enlarge]

    I just couldn't find out which step I did wrong. Could you please help me figure it out~? Thank you!!
    Quote Quote  
  8. The pssh is the one with e+ (Short one)

    Also, please read vegeta's post #2 on this thread. It is all explained there.
    Last edited by jack_666; 17th May 2022 at 10:17. Reason: Failed to read the subsequent post
    Quote Quote  
  9. Originally Posted by jack_666 View Post
    wow! Thanks a lot~ I've just rename it as Just PSSH. Is that right? And could you please tell me how should I use it~? Thanks ahead!
    Quote Quote  
  10. What you downloaded is the emeshort.js as per video link of the rokuchannel that vegeta gave. Install and use as per instructions in the video.
    Quote Quote  
  11. OK, this thread has moved from KOCOWA to kktv. Slipped passed me. The instructions that vegeta gave is for KOCOWA. I suspect that kktv may be different. (it's a good idea to create a new thread if the site is different ... things get less confusing)
    Quote Quote  
  12. Originally Posted by jack_666 View Post
    OK, this thread has moved from KOCOWA to kktv. Slipped passed me. The instructions that vegeta gave is for KOCOWA. I suspect that kktv may be different. (it's a good idea to create a new thread if the site is different ... things get less confusing)
    Ok! I will create a new thread to make my question clearer~ Also thanks for your kind help~~
    Quote Quote  
  13. Send login user/pass via private message for kktv.
    Also what VPN is needed?
    Last edited by [ss]vegeta; 17th May 2022 at 10:48.
    Quote Quote  
  14. Member
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    Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Download this, get the tools and watch the video

    It's almost the same process except for 3 parts I think.

    1. For the PSSH from console you don't need to do the stuff I do in the video, you just copy paste from console. On Kocowa you get the right PSSH in console.

    2. The License url isn't found by filtering express, rather it looks like this
    3. You need a header. It looks like this
    bcov-auth: eyJhbGblaI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpblaCJ9.eyJwa2lkIjoiNzc1blaU2ZTctY2U2MC0blaLWEzNjAtMzFjMTQ1YTA2blaIiwiYWNjaWQiOiI2blaNzM0ODA1MblawiZXhwIjoxNjUblaUyLCJpYXQiOjE2NTE2MDY4NTIsImlkIjoiNTMzNzYxNTciLCJzaWQiOiJiNzFmOGFlNi1jNGQ5LTViNjMtYTc3ZS0yN2VkMmVkNTQ1ZWIifQ.Yh8iwfM-AVLE9aBKXxjSPhWA8_DjDAkHlOmdY15To9nqGvMOqyAFJKTyhNrDRQGDDjqHdRFxRiREz9i1dU_7pw2a35QMFNcWo-WdNo7RgPFSkjy6QqMqGeF98yjnrrYp269sJ9zNZBxQ2-au0SUkJ-RyfZwfWG08YQkKhvbC0Eq-B8DY2FKDkel1pygK8BpmiGAkT7RY45Qh7zFFPbi_qbHnAjWbax6FIm95XTypXfJfLs4mvnJ2cHk5tHNmMh4V4hls6jNsrdOKH8wBuezs_sAfSmBuYVwCVWN4JNdp74mgiO0LBsReaSWus7AwN3Vs4TijRM1TG1rqYEgw0IwBkQ
    You can find the header here
    [Attachment 64643 - Click to enlarge]
    I'm still don't understand mate, I'm really new here. I'm so confused to find header, because I don't get exact link from console. Can you please make exact tutorial frow Kocowa link please
    Quote Quote  
  15. Member
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    Originally Posted by BenScott View Post

    I'm still don't understand mate, I'm really new here. I'm so confused to find header, because I don't get exact link from console. Can you please make exact tutorial frow Kocowa link please
     --key 5cd7e53c49564fdb806d5d3460db2b67:1100adb388d15d11484892b21701fc72
    Lic URL
        'bcov-auth': 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwa2lkIjoiZDA3YzQ0OGItMzU1YS00M2U2LTlhYmItMGJjMjEyNTNlOWExIiwiYWNjaWQiOiI2MTU0NzM0ODA1MDAxIiwiZXhwIjoxNzAyNzA1NzAyLCJpYXQiOjE3MDE2MjU3MDIsImlkIjoiNDE4NDE2NDciLCJzaWQiOiI3ZmNkYzU2MS1jNjk3LTRhNGItYWRiMy1jYTk3NzJlZjUwNjAifQ.B_Jf2VeK4wSeNJe5FII9NYs1dipTrYK8l1LOb0wCzaxOMsw5tyfhtV8-Y8EeWCh0AZbVQXtBr45-6jPN519xT-wWOQelNv6CVHnLsHqgXqPehHOrQidTbcm_NFD9281OoLYo98MvB3TNYBlMamGRGeKMDnJB0igtV2_UPedVvnjwKzyMgppNEACe07Htm2ceMHuD1f71LEAMBXWbMfKam_dtBSAS59PEh32wxpcI_QoLsAAOatwKeLct77m-iE4Ud-8_je1nVCliqQaO3-Gq2lOwVwobNuweAmoUxGUGZsQySnhKOG9WUbNClbioMLXBtO8YdNOh4c4fq8JFPqiU2A',
    [Attachment 75246 - Click to enlarge]
    Last edited by iamghost; 3rd Dec 2023 at 11:56.
    Quote Quote  
  16. Member
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    Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    Originally Posted by BenScott View Post

    I'm still don't understand mate, I'm really new here. I'm so confused to find header, because I don't get exact link from console. Can you please make exact tutorial frow Kocowa link please
     --key 5cd7e53c49564fdb806d5d3460db2b67:1100adb388d15d11484892b21701fc72
    Lic URL
        'bcov-auth': 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJwa2lkIjoiZDA3YzQ0OGItMzU1YS00M2U2LTlhYmItMGJjMjEyNTNlOWExIiwiYWNjaWQiOiI2MTU0NzM0ODA1MDAxIiwiZXhwIjoxNzAyNzA1NzAyLCJpYXQiOjE3MDE2MjU3MDIsImlkIjoiNDE4NDE2NDciLCJzaWQiOiI3ZmNkYzU2MS1jNjk3LTRhNGItYWRiMy1jYTk3NzJlZjUwNjAifQ.B_Jf2VeK4wSeNJe5FII9NYs1dipTrYK8l1LOb0wCzaxOMsw5tyfhtV8-Y8EeWCh0AZbVQXtBr45-6jPN519xT-wWOQelNv6CVHnLsHqgXqPehHOrQidTbcm_NFD9281OoLYo98MvB3TNYBlMamGRGeKMDnJB0igtV2_UPedVvnjwKzyMgppNEACe07Htm2ceMHuD1f71LEAMBXWbMfKam_dtBSAS59PEh32wxpcI_QoLsAAOatwKeLct77m-iE4Ud-8_je1nVCliqQaO3-Gq2lOwVwobNuweAmoUxGUGZsQySnhKOG9WUbNClbioMLXBtO8YdNOh4c4fq8JFPqiU2A',
    [Attachment 75246 - Click to enlarge]
    Thanks mate.. I already got the PSSH and LIC and also the header. But the real problem is I can't use services because they're kicked me from Discord verification. What a suck. And you just saved me. Thank you very much
    Quote Quote  
  17. Member
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    Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Download this, get the tools and watch the video

    It's almost the same process except for 3 parts I think.

    1. For the PSSH from console you don't need to do the stuff I do in the video, you just copy paste from console. On Kocowa you get the right PSSH in console.

    2. The License url isn't found by filtering express, rather it looks like this
    3. You need a header. It looks like this
    bcov-auth: eyJhbGblaI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpblaCJ9.eyJwa2lkIjoiNzc1blaU2ZTctY2U2MC0blaLWEzNjAtMzFjMTQ1YTA2blaIiwiYWNjaWQiOiI2blaNzM0ODA1MblawiZXhwIjoxNjUblaUyLCJpYXQiOjE2NTE2MDY4NTIsImlkIjoiNTMzNzYxNTciLCJzaWQiOiJiNzFmOGFlNi1jNGQ5LTViNjMtYTc3ZS0yN2VkMmVkNTQ1ZWIifQ.Yh8iwfM-AVLE9aBKXxjSPhWA8_DjDAkHlOmdY15To9nqGvMOqyAFJKTyhNrDRQGDDjqHdRFxRiREz9i1dU_7pw2a35QMFNcWo-WdNo7RgPFSkjy6QqMqGeF98yjnrrYp269sJ9zNZBxQ2-au0SUkJ-RyfZwfWG08YQkKhvbC0Eq-B8DY2FKDkel1pygK8BpmiGAkT7RY45Qh7zFFPbi_qbHnAjWbax6FIm95XTypXfJfLs4mvnJ2cHk5tHNmMh4V4hls6jNsrdOKH8wBuezs_sAfSmBuYVwCVWN4JNdp74mgiO0LBsReaSWus7AwN3Vs4TijRM1TG1rqYEgw0IwBkQ
    You can find the header here
    [Attachment 64643 - Click to enlarge]
    And please let me know what you type in cmd, because when I try to type ytdlp.exe --allow-v -N 6 -f bv,ba "URL" there is always said "error: no such option". I think the option from ytdlp.exe is different now, is it?
    Quote Quote  
  18. Member
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    Please anyone tell me how to get verified on GetWvkeys discord.
    Quote Quote  
  19. Originally Posted by BenScott View Post
    Please anyone tell me how to get verified on GetWvkeys discord.
    when getwvkeys open invitation, you can access. you need read carefully their rules then send a request, and wait several days. they maybe ask you some questions, you need give answer. that's all i know.

    if you can't access to getwvkeys, you can use some similar sites, like or
    Quote Quote  
  20. Member
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    Thank you for your help guys. That's help me a lot, really appreciate it
    Quote Quote  
  21. Member
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    Finally I'm using this command ytdlp.exe --allow-unplayable-formats "URL". And worked
    Quote Quote  
  22. Member
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    Hello everyone, does anyone know how to download this stream?
    I'm trying with Video DownloadHelper extension, but the only thing that I got is

    Error: Aborted
    at t.value (chrome-extension://lmjnegcaeklhafolokijcfjliaokphfk/background/main.js:1:140894)
    at t.value (chrome-extension://lmjnegcaeklhafolokijcfjliaokphfk/background/main.js:1:130184)
    at t.<anonymous> (chrome-extension://lmjnegcaeklhafolokijcfjliaokphfk/background/main.js:1:71577)
    at t.e (chrome-extension://lmjnegcaeklhafolokijcfjliaokphfk/background/main.js:1:72919)
    at chrome-extension://lmjnegcaeklhafolokijcfjliaokphfk/background/main.js:1:72570

    I wish you could let me know guys.
    Quote Quote  
  23. Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Download this, get the tools and watch the video

    It's almost the same process except for 3 parts I think.

    1. For the PSSH from console you don't need to do the stuff I do in the video, you just copy paste from console. On Kocowa you get the right PSSH in console.

    2. The License url isn't found by filtering express, rather it looks like this
    3. You need a header. It looks like this
    bcov-auth: eyJhbGblaI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpblaCJ9.eyJwa2lkIjoiNzc1blaU2ZTctY2U2MC0blaLWEzNjAtMzFjMTQ1YTA2blaIiwiYWNjaWQiOiI2blaNzM0ODA1MblawiZXhwIjoxNjUblaUyLCJpYXQiOjE2NTE2MDY4NTIsImlkIjoiNTMzNzYxNTciLCJzaWQiOiJiNzFmOGFlNi1jNGQ5LTViNjMtYTc3ZS0yN2VkMmVkNTQ1ZWIifQ.Yh8iwfM-AVLE9aBKXxjSPhWA8_DjDAkHlOmdY15To9nqGvMOqyAFJKTyhNrDRQGDDjqHdRFxRiREz9i1dU_7pw2a35QMFNcWo-WdNo7RgPFSkjy6QqMqGeF98yjnrrYp269sJ9zNZBxQ2-au0SUkJ-RyfZwfWG08YQkKhvbC0Eq-B8DY2FKDkel1pygK8BpmiGAkT7RY45Qh7zFFPbi_qbHnAjWbax6FIm95XTypXfJfLs4mvnJ2cHk5tHNmMh4V4hls6jNsrdOKH8wBuezs_sAfSmBuYVwCVWN4JNdp74mgiO0LBsReaSWus7AwN3Vs4TijRM1TG1rqYEgw0IwBkQ
    You can find the header here
    [Attachment 64643 - Click to enlarge]
    The links no longer work and I am not sure where to get your script you are using in TamperMonkey...does this work?

    I am trying to download a video from Kocowa
    Quote Quote  

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