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  1. Hello, I am new to camcorders and recording anything so forgive me for possibly posting in the wrong area and not knowing anything.

    I recently bought an old camcorder, a Canon DC220, that uses mini DVDs. I want to start using it to record videos and was wondering if it's possibly to have the date timestamp burned onto the video.
    I know I can show it up on the LCD display when viewing on the camera, but is it possibly to view it when playing it back on my computer.

    (disclaimer: I haven't actually attempted to play anything on a pc since i have no discs to record on and was wondering if anyone knows if it's possible before I start buying them, I already probably wasted money buying this camcorder. Also is it easy to view mini dvds on modern devices, not to reveal my age too much but I've never used a dvd before?)

    Thank you in advance!
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  2. "I already probably wasted money buying this camcorder."

    I would agree with your words. You are trying to use stuff that is pretty old and in the future no one will be able to view that stuff. Most can't view it now using mini DVD's. Just use your smart phone like everyone is doing today. Save your money.
    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence -Carl Sagan
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  3. Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Gillette Stadium, United States
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    Of all the legacy tech you could buy that’s about the most unfun possible.
    Toss it and if you want legacy then tape can be a fun and challenging way to shoot video.
    Don’t be discouraged, just read up, ask questions, and look for a few bargains in Hi8 or D8 Sonys or even a JVC S-VHS-c.
    FireWire might be an issue but if the camcorder supports S-video you have more capture options.
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