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  1. So I have a blu-ray disc with more episodes on it. Each episode is seperate .m2ts file, when I open .m2ts directly episode start with one second of black screen and ends with around 10 seconds of black screen. When opened through menu length of episode is shorter then when you open .m2ts file directly. My question is how can I get exact start and end time (I am assuming it is in .mpls file) from which player knows when to start and end playing .m2ts file.
    Last edited by nikola54321; 4th May 2024 at 13:51.
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  2. Have you decrypted the disc? If it is encrypted, it will definitely not be playable.
    Not every Blu-ray M2TS file can be played, some are igs menu files.
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  3. I use Xreveal, I can access all files on disc.
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  4. I manage to solve it. I will write how, it may help someone.
    In .clpi is information of start and end time of .m2ts file and in .mpls is information of start and end time for player. So you just need to compare those times.
    .clpi will have same name as .m2ts file but .mpls might have different name, you need to open it with some player (I used MPC-BE) and find corresponding .mpls.
    Then use MPLS2JSON to convert .clpi and .mpls into something readable. Open with notepad and in converted clpi look for "presentation_start_time" and "presentation_end_time", in converted mpls look for "IN_time" and "OUT_time". These values are in decimal. In attachments is a python script that I write that converts those values into time and calculate length and difference of start and end.
    Image Attached Files
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