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  1. So Daisuki changed their player and the previous method of finding the f4m url and changing it into an m3u8 url no longer works. I can't find anything I recognize via ABP either (not that I'm very savvy with streaming videos). I'm trying to download the videos starting from

    I haven't been able to find anything yet via Google. I came across a livestreamer plugin, but I can't seem to get it working. pyCrypto error or something even though I followed the steps suggested here.

    Any help?
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  2. Hi there! A while ago, I came across your post while searching on Google on how to download the same exact video series. (One Puuunch!!)

    I apologize for the late response, but I was able to download the videos and subtitles thanks to your post. Since the videos are already unavailable on Daisuki, I can upload them in .mkv for you. Just let me know! (I also have the Love Live! ones too)

    In the meantime, I can go through step by step what I did to download from Daisuki. I have Windows 10 64bit.

    Like you, I also had problems with pyCrypto, even though I followed the steps for the fix you linked. I decided to uninstall [Python 2.7.12] and [livestreamer 1.12.2] and reinstall them both using the Windows 32 bit versions for cross compatability.

    Next, I downloaded the installer for [PyCrypto 2.6 for Python 2.7 32bit] from this site.

    I then followed the fix from your link again:
    1. Delete Crypto.Cipher._AES.pyd in Livestreamer directory
    2. Delete Crypto in Livestreamer\
    (I used Windows Explorer to delete the Crypto folder from the zip file)
    3. Copy Crypto folder from pycrypto-2.6.1.win32-py2.7.exe
    (I used 7zip to view the contents of the exe file, and extracted and copied the Crypto folder from the exe to the Livestreamer directory)
    4. Install new version of daisuki plugin
    (I put the plugin in the folder Livestreamer\livestreamer-1.12.2-py2.7.egg\livestreamer\plugins)
    In addition, I ran the pyCrypto exe installer and went through the setup just in case.

    Finally, I opened the Command Prompt and ran the command below to download the .ts file. (Video is unavailable, unfortunately)
    livestreamer "" best -o "OPM AX1.ts"
    I am a complete beginner when it comes to downloading streaming files, so I am very grateful for your post with the links. I hope that I was helpful in some way!

    Again, let me know if you would like the videos! I may probably share them for the OPM community sometime soon as well.
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  3. Thank you for replying! I was about to give up any hope anybody would! ^^;; Tho I think I failed to fix my issue. Your steps are great and I followed them to a T, but for some reason (maybe my system?) I still get an error...

    [cli][info] Found matching plugin daisuki for URL
    error: pyCrypto needs to be installed (exception: No module named winrandom)
    I'm running Windows 7 64-bit. Maybe that's the factor that's causing issues...?
    As for the videos: yes pls! You can pm them to me if you'd like just in case it's against the rules here (I haven't read them recently and forget the specifics on this sort of thing).

    Thanks again for replying! I'll keep trying. Maybe I messed something up with your steps or maybe I'm overlooking something.
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  4. Ah, I'm sorry to hear you're still having issues with pyCrypto...

    I realized that I forgot to mention a couple of other steps I did to try to make pyCrypto to work. Unfortunately, I forgot the exact steps and the order I did them. (I was trying several different fixes in a frenzy!)

    From what I vaguely recall, I installed pip, which is a tool used to install Python packages. I downloaded the file to the directory that my Command Prompt is currently set to. I then used this command to install pip:
    Next, I think I installed setuptools for Python by downloading to the same directory. I used the command
    Python will download the latest setuptools zip file to the directory and extract/install setuptools. I think it is safe to delete the zip file once it's done with the installation.

    Another installation I did (but I don't know if it is necessary) is Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7.

    I then ran pip to install pycrypto using the command
    pip install pycrypto
    I don't remember if I uninstalled pyCrypto first using pip (replacing "install" with "uninstall" in the command) in order to remove any faulty components, and then reinstalled pyCrypto via pip.

    That is all I can remember, sadly. If the above procedures don't work for you, there is this fix I found on Google for winrandom, but I am not sure if it is really relevant to your issue.

    Good luck!

    (Also, I finally uploaded the OPM videos, so I will be sending you a PM soon!)
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  5. Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Search Comp PM

    I am totally new at downloading stream flux and I would like to download from I found this topic during my research about livestreamer and the daisuki plugin, so I hope you can help me because I can't find any more informations.

    I found livestreamer, python 2.7, pycryto and the file. I managed to use livestreamer through the Windows command prompt, I installed python 2.7 32 bits on C: and pycrypto 2.6 for py 2.7 32bits in the python 2.7 directory.

    I also did this:
    1. Delete Crypto.Cipher._AES.pyd in Livestreamer directory
    2. Delete Crypto in Livestreamer\
    (I used Windows Explorer to delete the Crypto folder from the zip file)
    3. Copy Crypto folder from pycrypto-2.6.1.win32-py2.7.exe
    (I used 7zip to view the contents of the exe file, and extracted and copied the Crypto folder from the exe to the Livestreamer directory)
    Then I tried to install the plugin like this :
    4. Install new version of daisuki plugin
    (I put the plugin in the folder Livestreamer\livestreamer-1.12.2-py2.7.egg\livestreamer\plugins)
    But when I try to use livestreamer with daisuki I got this:
    error: No plugin can handle URL:
    So I tried to change the extension of the plugin to *.pyc instead of *.py because all the others plugins are in *.pyc, but now I got this:
    Failed to load plugin daisuki:
    ImportError: Bad magic number in c:\program files (x86)\livestreamer\livestreamer-1.12.2-py2.7.egg\livestreamer\plugins\daisuki.pyc

    error: No plugin can handle URL:
    I think I must have missed something big but I have no clue what it is. Could you please explain me from the beginning how to properly use all this?

    Many thanks.
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  6. Hello and welcome to the forum, Akeboshi! Well, I am still pretty new around here, but welcome all the same!

    I think the problem is that the series you're trying to download is exclusive to Premium Daisuki subcriptions. Unfortunately, the plugin is unable to download Premium series.

    Just to make sure, I tried downloading the series on my computer through the Command Prompt, and I also got the "error: No plugin can handle URL" message.

    Sorry I was not able to help you further.
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