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  1. Hello to All,
    I have a Synology disk station. on that station I have a media server using the Video station, Audio station and Photo station. Normally when I access those videos I should be able to play them. But especially the files with extensions of VOB , ISO and some MPGs can not be played. IT says the required codecs does not exist. The ISOs are images of the dvds so one can not play them or is there a way to play them with all the menus and navigation they've got? But what about the VOBs and other MPGs. What are the opinions of experts who have up-to-date information in this field. Help please.
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  2. Member hech54's Avatar
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    If some mpg (.mpg) files play and other do not.....check the audio codec used in the ones that don't.
    ISO images contain a VIDEO_TS folder from the original DVD.....and usually a blank AUDIO_TS folder.
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  3. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Yep. Check the video and audio codecs with mediainfo. Compare with the ones that does work.

    Nope, you can't play isos with menus.
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