I have a few dvds that have 3d versions of the film that use active shutter glasses (Razor 3D - check out their site here: http://www.razor3donline.com/3d-movies.html). The way that I think they work is by encoding the each eye to a separate field of the frame. The glasses synch via the interlace signal embedded in the composite output. I now have a 3D setup utilizing the Blu Ray 3D and would like to convert these old discs. Assuming that I am right in how the movies are encoded, would it be possible to rip the discs, and reauthor the video such that a current 3d Blu-ray player could properly synch the glasses?
I am pretty sure that I could separate out the individual eye signals, but then I will be left with 2 video streams and no way to author them such that the player identifies it as a valid 3d-signal. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
I'm not sure that I am providing enough information, but would gladly answer any questions that could lead to a solution. Thanks again.
- Smells_Like_Feet
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Why would you want to ?
You are not going to magically improve the quality from SD to HD just by converting to bluray format. -
I'm not looking for quality improvement, but rather compatibility and minimizing equipment upkeep. I purchased the original dvd 3d before blu ray existed as a commercial product. These discs require proprietary hardware to create the 3d effect. This hardware consists of wired active shutter glasses and a break-out box that is dependant upon the interlaced signal from the dvd player.
Now that I have a 3D plasma display with it's own wireless active shutter glasses, I would like to do away with this obsolete equipment. In order to achieve this I need to convert the discs so that they are compatible with current equipment.
Thanks for the interest.
- Smells_Like_Feet -
What "current equipment"? What happens when you play the original 3d dvd in your "current equipment?"
Current equipment is a 3D ready plasma Samsung 63C8000 and 3D Blu Ray Oppo BDP-93. The disc plays like a regular dvd, but distorted due to the 3D effect. It is not recognized as 3d and I have yet to actually dig out of storage the break-out box and active shutter glasses to see if it can still create the 3D effect. I half think that due to all of the processing (upscaling the signal for display at native resolution in the TV) will prevent the synching with original equipment.
I am still pretty confident that I can separate out the individual video streams that make up the stereo image, but where I lack the knowledge is taking the individual streams and compiling a 3D video file or low-rez 3D Blu-Ray that can be recognized by the BDP-93 as 3D. Hope this makes my quest a little clearer. Thanks for any help.
- Smells_Like_Feet. -
It's different 3d technology. Regular dvds that use 3d use the old style anaglyph whereas the blurays use the modern sbs or whatever else they use to have seperated images that are used for a 3d effect.
As far as I know you would simply use the old red and green 3d glasses for a 3d dvd. And I don't know if hdtvs upconvert 3d dvds the same way they do standard definition dvds. (ie it would be watched as a regular dvd - nothing special needed on the tv)
You could try to do this with multiavchd. It has 3d capability and bluray output. How I am not sure but there are plenty of threads on this now.Donatello - The Shredder? Michelangelo - Maybe all that hardware is for making coleslaw? -
Sorry I've been busy converting a 100+ user network from multiple workgroups to a single domain system!...
OK, here's how you would do it:
Assuming your past "3D DVD's" are field sequential, Rip the title to Mpg.
Then, using AVISynth, do something like,
1. MPEGSource
2. AssumeFieldBased
3. SeparateFields
4. L=SelectEveryOdd
5. R=SelectEveryEven
6. StackVertical (L,R)
7. Resize (using the resizer of your choice) to 960x720, then
8. Pad Borders to 1280x720
Then, encode to h.264 at a reasonably high bitrate and author as AVCHD disc.
This should play in your BR player and output Over/Under (aka Top/Bottom), which you can then manually set as your input on your 3DTV. Of course, YMMV. Caveat emptor. Test, test, test.
The framerate will be somewhat jerky (because of the low FR in the original), so you probably should be adding a interpolated framerate doubler in the AVISynth mix. Plus, you need to get it up to 60p (unless you change to 1080i format instead of 720p)
or go the easy route and just keep the MPGs on your PC, show them via HDMI using Stereoscopic player. Set the source attributes and the intended display and VOILA! - enjoy.
Yoda313, the majority of "3D DVDs" released were not done by the major studios, yet most were done as Field-Sequential, not Anaglyph. Another semi-common system was Sensio, an enhanced SbS system. Anaglyph truly was/is the LOWEST quality option (whether Red+Green, Red+Cyan, Red+Blue, Green+Magenta, Blue+Yellow, etc).
I'm sure there are plenty here that could give a much more elegant, syntactically correct and higher quality AVISynth script, but this was quick and dirty (and I'm extremely rusty on AVISynth).Last edited by Cornucopia; 23rd Mar 2011 at 03:39.
Just wanted to clarify:
What I suggested does NOT equal a standard BD3D disc, as it doesn't use MVC (.SSIF section), so won't AUTOMATICALLY output via FramePacking, etc.
It is a standard AVCHD disc, outputting 1280x720p60 (or 1920x1080i60 or p30) video. The TV has to be MANUALLY set to recognize the signal.
Scott -
Awesome. Thanks for the information Scott. I look forward to trying it out this weekend.
- Smells_Like_Feet -
WOW!!!! Your suggestion worked perfectly. I just had to play around with the script a bit. For anyone interested, the script I used is below:
Code:mpeg2source("Q:\Test.d2v") #AssumeFrameBased() SeparateFields L=SelectOdd R=SelectEven StackVertical(L,R) Lanczos4Resize(1440,1080,0,0,720,480) AddBorders(240,0,240,0)
I now have a means to converting all of these 3D discs and viewing on my TV. THANKS AGAIN!!! -
I have a similar problem. I downloaded this movie which was on 3D DVD. But the separation is ridiculous.
I tried upscaling the resolution to 720p to see if it would help, it was just as bad but the frame rates were horrible.
Is there anyway to make the correct the separation? -
As far as I am aware, Jaws 3d was only released (Japan) in field sequential format and an even rarer 3d anaglyph edition for home viewing. The side by side you are showing in your link makes me suspect it was a home job by either converting the field sequential to side by side or doing a shoddy 2d to 3d conversion (more than likely since the parallax is too extreme)
In your case you would need to make the parallax (separation) between the two images closer together. Honestly your best bet is getting a hold of the field sequential or anaglyph and follow what was listed in the post above
ps Thank you to the original poster. I too own a ton of the lcd shutter format interlaced dvds (mostly boots from Japan and god knows where else) and since that 3d format (due to refresh rates) does not work with current tvs, I am glad I now know a proper fix for itLast edited by mazinz; 15th May 2011 at 21:34.
Actually it was released on DVD in region one for DVD players with the Sensio Processor, so it is actually SBS 3D:
So with that said should I still follow the same directions as above?
I too used to have corded AS glasses they came with a video card I bought almost ten years ago. The cord was like only five feet long and plug into the video card on the back of the computer. So you had to sit very close to the monitor. Great idea, but badly executed. Thank god for progress and wireless AS glasses today.Last edited by RocketSledder77; 16th May 2011 at 07:25.
I'll redirect your thanks to Cornucopia. His solution to this problem worked great.
Can you point me to some additional sources of 3D format dvds? I'd like to expand my 3D library, but I have had little success finding any new sources. If it is not appropriate to post store links in the forum, please consider a PM. Thanks.
- Smells_Like_Feet -
Interesting, also that is it currently unavailable (and apparently less than a year old in release). I still am questioning the legitimacy of that dvd. No real company name listed either. To me it appears to be a pressed bootleg,
I would say to follow the directions above. At the same time I am unsure though if the Avisynth script will also slightly decrease the separation between the two? However, from the first poster verifying it did work, I would assume it will do exactly what you need
Hmmm back when I was aquiring titles (official and unofficial) Ebay used to be a great source until they had their strong dvdr crackdown and such. I am still on an analog set so I have not been bothering with any of the new bluformat 3d (and more so I do not like the vast majority of films that use the 3d process nowadays).
You can still find some on Amazon if you type in the right title that will show up for sale from their 3rd party sellers
Razor3d still sells some (official releases), but you have to be careful. Many of the tiles they are selling were never shot in 3d to begin with and are total crap 2d to 3d transfer made by them (ex: monster from a prehistoric planet).
The only other sources I can mention that still seem to have many of the older flms in field sequential format have been torrents and/or the many pirate websites that offer all kinds of stuff like that. The downside to this is that many of them are now sub-par crap divx rips from the dvd/vhs/laserdisc source and in worse cases, converted back to dvd from that divx rip
really on ebay type in field sequential under the dvd and movies category and see what comes up -
I have a side question - could these field sequential dvds be converted to anaglyph the same way a side by side converted bluray 3d can be? I might be interested in researching these also if I can make them work in the anaglyph world.
Donatello - The Shredder? Michelangelo - Maybe all that hardware is for making coleslaw? -
Yes they can. I recall reading on a few forums where people were doing the opposite as well as what you want. I know one payware program will/can reverse engineer one 3d format to another and output it with the method you chose that one is:
the other free methods (found on forums mostly from google searching) from memory used a combo of virtualdub, I think something with avisynth and the free app stereomoviemaker. I wll do what i can to dig out those links for you. I know I saved them a long time ago
I also think that a user on these boards (Jagabo) wrote a script for avisynth to do this as wellLast edited by mazinz; 16th May 2011 at 23:17.
Donatello - The Shredder? Michelangelo - Maybe all that hardware is for making coleslaw?
you can give it a try. Since the 3d boom searching for stuff in dvds and movies with 3d as the search yeilds a zillion things. A few years back it was much easier as it would list exactly what you are looking for. You can ty this: one film you want or know is in 3d (example Jaws 3d) do a search fo the film on ebay, if you find it take a look to see what else the seller may have
of course you can shoot me a PM and we can talk further-- -
thanks I'll try again.
Donatello - The Shredder? Michelangelo - Maybe all that hardware is for making coleslaw?
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