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  1. Member lordhutt's Avatar
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    With all the bootleg copies of Windows out there needing a serial, crack, key generator or whatever....Why can't someone just take the code and remove or change the parts that require this and burn a new disk that just runs without any serial number?

    Just curious how this works....
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  2. Member Abbadon's Avatar
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    Take the code?, it is very easy do do this, you just need to spend 4 or 5 years learning C++ and Assembly Language, and just in case, Machine code too.

    An even easier route is just to learn C and C++ (Easier said than done), break into Microsoft and "take" the source code.

    Here is an example of code you will enjoy reading:

    SCSIRequestBlock struc
    CommandCode db 2 ; SCSI request
    Status db 0 ; returned after command
    HostAdapterNum db 0 ; default is 0 (first adapter)
    SCSIReqFlags db 0 ;
    Reserved1 db 4 dup (0) ;
    TargetID db 0 ; set to device target ID
    LUN db 0 ; defaults to 0
    DataLength dd 0 ;
    SenseLength db 16 ; usu. sufficient length
    DataPointer dd 0 ; no data
    SRBLinkPointer dd 0 ; no linking
    CDBLength db 10 ; always sufficient length
    AdapterStatus db 0 ;
    TargetStatus db 0 ;
    PostRoutinePtr dd 0 ; no post routine is default
    ASPIWorkspace db 34 dup (0) ; req'd but not used
    CDB db 10 dup (0) ; SCSI Command Descriptor Blk
    SenseData db 16 dup (0) ;
    SCSIRequestBlock ends


    DOS_OPEN_HANDLE = 03dh
    DOS_IOCTL = 044h
    DOS_INT = 21h

    ASPI_Entry dd ?
    SRB SCSIRequestBlock <>
    crlf equ 13,10
    ErrMsg db "ERROR: no ASPI manager detected. ",crlf,'$'
    OKMsg db "All is well.",crlf,'$'
    SCSIMgrString db "SCSIMGR$",0

    begin proc
    call GetASPIAddress ;
    jnb @@AllOK ;
    mov dx, OFFSET ErrMsg ;
    jmp @@ErrorExit ;
    ; here's the eject sequence
    mov [(SRB.CDB) + 0],01Bh ; load/unload command
    mov [(SRB.CDB) + 4],0 ; 00 = unload, 01=load, 02=retension
    mov [(SRB.TargetID)], 2 ; SCSI ID of target device
    push SEG SRB ;
    push OFFSET SRB ;
    call [ASPI_Entry] ; sometimes it takes 2 requests
    call [ASPI_Entry] ;
    add sp,4 ;
    mov dx,OFFSET OKMsg ;
    xor ah,ah ;
    mov al,[(SRB.Status)] ;
    @@ErrorExit: ; ds:dx ==> ASCIIZ error string
    push ax
    mov ah,9 ;
    int 21h ;
    pop ax ;
    .EXIT 0
    begin endp

    GetASPIAddress proc C
    push bx
    push cx
    push ds
    xor ax,ax ;
    mov WORD PTR [ASPI_Entry],ax ;
    mov WORD PTR [ASPI_Entry+2],ax ;
    lea dx,[SCSIMgrString] ;ds:dx ==> 'SCSIMGR' string
    mov ah,DOS_OPEN_HANDLE ; open request
    int DOS_INT ;
    jb @@exit ;
    mov dx,ss ;
    mov ds,dx ;
    lea dx,[ASPI_Entry] ;
    mov cx,4 ;
    mov bx,ax ;
    int DOS_INT ;
    jb @@exit ;
    mov ah,DOS_CLOSE_HANDLE ;
    int DOS_INT ;
    pop ds
    pop cx
    pop bx
    ret ;
    GetASPIAddress endp

    No tengo miedo a la muerte. Solo significa soņar en silencio. Un sueņo que perdura por siempre. ..
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  3. Member
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    Originally Posted by Abbadon
    Take the code?, it is very easy do do this, you just need to spend 4 or 5 years learning C++ and Assembly Language, and just in case, Machine code too.
    ......then reverse engineer windows.

    Was going to say 'can't be done', but I'll play it safe and say 'hasn't been done'.

    I have seen micro$oft change down throught the years how they do business though. They went from trusting their customers (me ) back in the Windows v3.0 days to making it mandatory to install the genuine windows certification, and now the necessary internet access to install vi$ta (as I understand). I assume all these changes are a direct result of their products being used inappropriately. Which appears (from their actions) to be quite a problem. lol

    Good luck.
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  4. Member yoda313's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by scorpion king
    necessary internet access to install vi$ta (as I understand
    Can't you still do a phone in activation??
    Donatello - The Shredder? Michelangelo - Maybe all that hardware is for making coleslaw?
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    If I remember what I seen ---- requires internet access to install.????

    I don't know. lol
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  6. Member lordhutt's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Abbadon
    Take the code?, it is very easy do do this, you just need to spend 4 or 5 years learning C++ and Assembly Language, and just in case, Machine code too.

    An even easier route is just to learn C and C++ (Easier said than done), break into Microsoft and "take" the source code.
    I didn't say I wanted to do it personally I don't have the desire and doubt I would ever have the skill no matter how dedicated I would be.
    I was just saying that since everything seems to be cracked these days (almost immediately)...movies with macrovision are ripped, games are cracked, software is copied....hell, you can already get copies of PS3 games and HDDVD movies.
    I just can't imagine the mega geeks out there not being able to do this...

    About the Vista thing and the internet...I am 99% sure you don't need to be online.
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  7. Banned
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    People are LAZY, thats why Windows dominates PC world.
    If every computer user took some manadatory basic computer knowledge course before he/she was allowed to connect his computer to internet, we wouldn't have so many wide-open windows zombie machines out there... and maybe most of the users would have chose something much more secure (like Linux OS) instead of Windows. But for this to happen the majority of users simply have to have basic computer knowledge, otherwise they end up like many of my friends: staring at that downloaded binary file on the desktop of their linux machine not knowing what to do with it (and often go back to Windows "because its easier").
    Lack of basic knowledge (or even dumbness of average PC users) is what driven Windows to world domination.
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  8. Member Abbadon's Avatar
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    I can tell you that there are versions of Windows XP out there that you burn to a DVD or CD and allow you to make an installation without serial number.

    So, what you are asking for has already being done, even Windows Vista installation, that requires validation through the Internet, was bypassed.
    No tengo miedo a la muerte. Solo significa soņar en silencio. Un sueņo que perdura por siempre. ..
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    On the topic of this hacking stuff, im a general computer user and have no idea how all this stuff works but can someone explain how do they make those key gen things work?

    I mean if a software package has an exact serial number embedded somewhere in the program how do those key gen things randomly generate the right one? Always amazed me how they get these things to work.
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  10. Member Abbadon's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Rudyard
    On the topic of this hacking stuff, im a general computer user and have no idea how all this stuff works but can someone explain how do they make those key gen things work?

    I mean if a software package has an exact serial number embedded somewhere in the program how do those key gen things randomly generate the right one? Always amazed me how they get these things to work.
    You just need to know the algorithm used to generate the keys, or just use keys already in use to register the program. I am not a crypto-analyst, so don't take my word as an absolute truth.
    No tengo miedo a la muerte. Solo significa soņar en silencio. Un sueņo que perdura por siempre. ..
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    I guess your one of those people who need someone else to do their dirty work for them.
    However I will tell you how to "crack" the code.
    First, get a BS in electroinic eng. then two more years to get an MS in Operating System design.
    Get an ICE (In-Circuit Emulator) or Logic Analyizer.
    Connect these to your CPU.
    start the ICE in real time mode to capture the instructions the CPU will execute.
    Start the CPU
    start the Windows install as usual
    when windows asks for the product key do a bookmark
    enter the product key do a bookmark
    You have now captured the code for evaluating the product key.
    dissamble the hex code from the ICE into Assembler instructions.
    Walk through the code till you come to the bookmarks.
    You can then evaluate the code and attempt to recover the algorithm.
    Oh, by the way you'll need about 20 years of experience in reverse engineering.
    It ain;t for you script kiddies to try.

    Piece of cake to a dedicated Hacker.
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  12. Banned
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    ...or just ask your company's systems administartor for a copy of Windows "Corporate Edition".
    After all, if you already own original copy of "standard" Windows, there's nothing illegal about it.
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  13. Member thecoalman's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by DereX888
    People are LAZY, thats why Windows dominates PC world.
    I disagree, Windows dominates because of combination of things. Mostly because they provided the right product and made the right business decisions all at the right time in history. If it had not been them it would have been some other operating system we are discussing now. I liken it to the introduction of the Model T. There were certainly better cars produced at the time but none that offered what the Model T did for the general population. I think what a lot of people forget is that we are still in the infancy of computers, it was only a little over 10 years ago that they became mainstream. As time went by the Model T's and Ford's dominance waned as other competing products came on the market. I've no doubt the same thing will happen to Windows.

    Computers are supposed to make our life easier not harder. The only thing needed to topple Windows is a better mousetrap so to speak.
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    Originally Posted by thecoalman
    Originally Posted by DereX888
    People are LAZY, thats why Windows dominates PC world.
    I disagree, Windows dominates because of combination of things. Mostly because they provided the right product and made the right business decisions all at the right time in history. If it had not been them it would have been some other operating system we are discussing now. I liken it to the introduction of the Model T. There were certainly better cars produced at the time but none that offered what the Model T did for the general population. I think what a lot of people forget is that we are still in the infancy of computers, it was only a little over 10 years ago that they became mainstream. As time went by the Model T's and Ford's dominance waned as other competing products came on the market. I've no doubt the same thing will happen to Windows.

    Computers are supposed to make our life easier not harder. The only thing needed to topple Windows is a better mousetrap so to speak.
    Computer's need to understand commands spoken in common language.
    Thats when real next breakthrough will be.... it doesn't matter which OS will achieve it to us (consumers), but certainly the first one to have it will be the #1 OS.
    (and no, please don't even try to show me it exists already - all those "Naturally Speaking", "Voice Commands" etc etc are just laughable)
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    I wondered all day today if this thread got locked yet
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  16. Member Abbadon's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by DereX888
    Originally Posted by thecoalman
    Originally Posted by DereX888
    People are LAZY, thats why Windows dominates PC world.
    I disagree, Windows dominates because of combination of things. Mostly because they provided the right product and made the right business decisions all at the right time in history. If it had not been them it would have been some other operating system we are discussing now. I liken it to the introduction of the Model T. There were certainly better cars produced at the time but none that offered what the Model T did for the general population. I think what a lot of people forget is that we are still in the infancy of computers, it was only a little over 10 years ago that they became mainstream. As time went by the Model T's and Ford's dominance waned as other competing products came on the market. I've no doubt the same thing will happen to Windows.

    Computers are supposed to make our life easier not harder. The only thing needed to topple Windows is a better mousetrap so to speak.
    Computer's need to understand commands spoken in common language.
    Thats when real next breakthrough will be.... it doesn't matter which OS will achieve it to us (consumers), but certainly the first one to have it will be the #1 OS.
    (and no, please don't even try to show me it exists already - all those "Naturally Speaking", "Voice Commands" etc etc are just laughable)
    I prefer to type a letter, or use the mouse to achieve what want in a computer environment, I am not worried about voice recognition or the ability to "talk" to my computer for my job to be done. Instead of listening to tons of spam e-mails, I prefer to read.

    Can you imagine an office where all employees are talking to the machine?, it would be a nightmare, the click click or the absence of sound on a keyboard is much better.
    No tengo miedo a la muerte. Solo significa soņar en silencio. Un sueņo que perdura por siempre. ..
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  17. Member thecoalman's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by DereX888
    Computer's need to understand commands spoken in common language.
    That's certainly thway I see it in the future for the common user, computers aren't going to be on desktops but packed away somewhere next to the furnace..

    Originally Posted by Abbadon
    Can you imagine an office where all employees are talking to the machine?, it would be a nightmare, the click click or the absence of sound on a keyboard is much better.
    Won't need to, they could be at home in their holographic dreamworld sitting on the beach sipping a margarita thinking commands to make the computer do things. By that time we'll have windows embedded in out brains..... just hope they get the blue screen of death figured out by then.
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    On the subject of hacking window's , and other products ... I've injected my own code's directly into several program's that I personally own , so I don't need to input serial's during installs ... these are not simple script's ... this is hard coded , and the products rebuilt .

    But I can imagine , that because of ms's past history in being pure lazy , they wouldn't aim there fury , and go tracing after the hacker's that do it ... financially it makes more sense to attack the end user using such product's and fine them instead .

    Just take a look at the music industry and seti ... crazy bastards want to sue alien's ... and those running seti say this might not be the message you want as first contact ... no ... you think ?

    The hacker's would get a huge fine , and jailed for life ... but ms and other's all want that funny $$$ ... and just wont be happy until they have it all at the cost of poor old mum's and dad's who simply don't know any better ... or it was the kid's doing when they weren't watching them ... we know what their like .

    The problem would go away if they actually got of their collective butt's , and program properly ... there is absolutely no need for this activation crap ... they saw it as the simplest and cheapest method to implement to lock products to one pc , and this is why it is being used by other's .

    Just take a look at tda's new "call home" feature ... that would even drive me flamin nutt's .

    It's a funny thing reading some eula's ... some state it can be installed on multiple pc's , but only one pc may be using the product at a time ... now their a real trusting sort ... lol ... but how many end user's actually follow the rule ... almost zilch .
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  19. Banned
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    Originally Posted by Abbadon
    Originally Posted by DereX888
    Originally Posted by thecoalman
    Originally Posted by DereX888
    People are LAZY, thats why Windows dominates PC world.
    I disagree, Windows dominates because of combination of things. Mostly because they provided the right product and made the right business decisions all at the right time in history. If it had not been them it would have been some other operating system we are discussing now. I liken it to the introduction of the Model T. There were certainly better cars produced at the time but none that offered what the Model T did for the general population. I think what a lot of people forget is that we are still in the infancy of computers, it was only a little over 10 years ago that they became mainstream. As time went by the Model T's and Ford's dominance waned as other competing products came on the market. I've no doubt the same thing will happen to Windows.

    Computers are supposed to make our life easier not harder. The only thing needed to topple Windows is a better mousetrap so to speak.
    Computer's need to understand commands spoken in common language.
    Thats when real next breakthrough will be.... it doesn't matter which OS will achieve it to us (consumers), but certainly the first one to have it will be the #1 OS.
    (and no, please don't even try to show me it exists already - all those "Naturally Speaking", "Voice Commands" etc etc are just laughable)
    I prefer to type a letter, or use the mouse to achieve what want in a computer environment, I am not worried about voice recognition or the ability to "talk" to my computer for my job to be done. Instead of listening to tons of spam e-mails, I prefer to read.

    Can you imagine an office where all employees are talking to the machine?, it would be a nightmare, the click click or the absence of sound on a keyboard is much better.
    Did I said "get rid of keyboard and mouse" or something? :O
    I prefer typing too.
    However I rather tell my PC i.e. "Play <name of album or band or song>" and I would expect it to find it and play, same way as even oldest PocketPCs with Voice Commands can do, instead of navigating manually through my home network with my mouse.
    I'm sure most of people with no knowledge of computers whatsoever certainly would prefer to tell their boxes i.e. "print this photo on photopaper at high quality" rather than trying to just figure out what settings should they use to to print out a picture (my father today called me exactly for advice on this because he stuck at abundance of options in his printer/scanner/fax)...

    Im sure most of geeks probably run their linux boxes even without GUI
    But certainly a majority of comp users have no clue about simplest basic settings.
    Yes, they learned how to send/read emails, browse the web etc - but as soon as they hide or move just a taskbar to the side of the desktop most of them doesn't even have a clue how to get it back
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    Originally Posted by Rudyard
    I mean if a software package has an exact serial number embedded somewhere in the program how do those key gen things randomly generate the right one? Always amazed me how they get these things to work.
    Think ... if EVERY copy of the software had to have a seperate and unique code embedded in it and therefore burnt to the CD, EVERY CD would be different and the mass production of discs simply wouldnt be possible.

    They way they get round it is have a mini app (algorithm or such) to determine a huge set of codes that are all allowable, therefore if you type one fo them in it will work.

    This is the reason you can install 50 versions from 50 diff discs all wiht hte same code, and you can install 50 versions from one disc with 50 diff codes.
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    DereX888 Have you used the latest Naturally speaking program? Someone where I work has purchased it for use and I was actually impressed with it, it understood him quite well and the commands usable (listed via help) seemed very impressive. Also speech recognition is in vista, although I don't know if it would do it like you asked, if you could combine its speech functions with say launchy, then i'd do it as long as the filenames are how you spoke it.

    Sure you will still have to learn its mode of operation but hell, even computers in the fictional Federation still require you to clarify and conform to a certain specification.
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  22. Member
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    Its all very simple - Windows is successful because they provide the right product at the right price. If it is the best product is an irrelevent arguement.
    There are at least 20 other OS that people could be using, but they are not.
    So if you have a better idea, a better widgit, get to work and put MS out of business. I'll be waiting to buy your stock.
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  23. If everybody in my office spoke their letters instead of typing them, my office would be loud as hell.

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  24. Member lordhutt's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by jameshgross
    Its all very simple - Windows is successful because they provide the right product at the right price. If it is the best product is an irrelevent arguement.
    There are at least 20 other OS that people could be using, but they are not.
    So if you have a better idea, a better widgit, get to work and put MS out of business. I'll be waiting to buy your stock. had me until you said 'right price'. Windows is way overpriced. There is no reason the best version should be more then $75...actually there should only be ONE version and it shouldn't be more then about $75.

    How much money do they need to make for god's there any reason Gates needs to be worth over one needs even 1/10 of a percent of what he is worth...$300 for Ultimate...come on!!

    Also, I build my own pc's but if I buy one why don't I get a Windows disc...more BS.
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  25. Member yoda313's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by dphirschler
    If everybody in my office spoke their letters instead of typing them, my office would be loud as hell.

    Mine already is so this wouldn't be any different
    Donatello - The Shredder? Michelangelo - Maybe all that hardware is for making coleslaw?
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    Originally Posted by bigstusexy
    DereX888 Have you used the latest Naturally speaking program? Someone where I work has purchased it for use and I was actually impressed with it, it understood him quite well and the commands usable (listed via help) seemed very impressive. Also speech recognition is in vista, although I don't know if it would do it like you asked, if you could combine its speech functions with say launchy, then i'd do it as long as the filenames are how you spoke it.

    Sure you will still have to learn its mode of operation but hell, even computers in the fictional Federation still require you to clarify and conform to a certain specification.
    No, I'm not a fan of any talking to a computers - I'm sure I do anything using keyboard much faster than I could say it
    I was saying in general, because I heard it many times from people less knowleadgable about computers ("Why it can't be easier...").
    However some aspects of "voice user interface" are great for mobile phones and such devices. Its easier - and safer - to just tell your phone "dial <number>" or "call <name> at home" without even looking at it, than usual way of dialing or selecting from address book, right?

    Speech recognition with dictation and some commanding (in limited use of course) was working very well already 12-13 years ago on my oldest Pentium 133 with OS/2 and Win3.1 (or was it Win95, I dont remember now - it was IBM Aptiva series junk).
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  27. Banned
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    Originally Posted by jameshgross
    Its all very simple - Windows is successful because they provide the right product at the right price. If it is the best product is an irrelevent arguement.
    There are at least 20 other OS that people could be using, but they are not.
    So if you have a better idea, a better widgit, get to work and put MS out of business. I'll be waiting to buy your stock.

    Show me ANY store where I could go in and select from all those 20 other OSes?
    Or have a selection of computers preloaded with all of them on display, so I could actually test-play each one?

    You know very well as me, that beside PCs with Microsoft OSes and occasionally MACs you won't find anything else at typical retail store.
    Oh yeah, lately they include 1 or 2 boxes with one of the commercial Linux distros.
    Can you count to THREE?
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  28. Banned
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    Supposedly hacked Vista is being already sold on CD's for 8 bucks on the streets of Tehran. Personally I think cracking this version due to WGA won't be that easy. Even XP SP2 is not fully cracked yet - windows update is not permanently accessible.
    I think Vista will be a bitch to crack due to MS ability to patch it indefinitely. Some may be able to use it but no updates.

    As to MS success it is the combination of all the above plus 2 things. Cracked applications are abundant. Also this is what most use in their workplace so they don't have to learn a new OS at home. Coupled with some universal formats like Word documents and spreadsheets proved to be a killer for other OS'es and not only (Corel fight for Word Perfect survival the best example). MS open licensing policy was the key and Jobs at Apple knows it best (big mistake Apple). I bet he lost a lot of sleep over this. Not the best product wins but the one that addresses most basic user needs on balance of things. MS marketing strategy and Gates smarts were a deciding factor. IBM OS2 another example. Linux is just beyond the grasp of an average Joe so until this changes it will never be a player. This has nothing to do with laziness or stupidity of users but rather a reasonable learning curve, appeal, price and usability (again, plenty of apps in circulation).

    Future OS has not been decided yet. Have Google release a free OS running on Intel platform, add a ton of apps freely available (piracy aspect cannot be ignored) and you may have a serous contender. Same goes for Mac OS. There are so many businesses unhappy with MS autocracy that you never know. Look at Wine project... but still a long way to go.
    Quote Quote  
  29. Automated computers take away user freedom .. just like point and shoot cameras only certain combinations of shot are possible. Whereas pro cameras allow full manual adjustment thereby giving the user freedom to achieve best results but at the expense of complexity and errors. automatic cameras will never take the best shot, but then they will never take the worst either..just good enough, most times
    Corned beef is now made to a higher standard than at any time in history.
    The electronic components of the power part adopted a lot of Rubycons.
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  30. Banned
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    Originally Posted by RabidDog
    Automated computers take away user freedom .. just like point and shoot cameras only certain combinations of shot are possible.
    automated computers allow more and more users to take advantage of computers just like more and more ppl take good pictures, in majority of cases we are no match to CMOS coupled with on-board computer. I don't need to know how to compile a kernel to type a document and thank God for that. You can concentrate on the task rather then waste half of the day on making it work. 90% of tasks are repeat routines anyway. No-one needs half baked OS-es and applications.

    Whereas pro cameras allow full manual adjustment thereby giving the user freedom to achieve best results but at the expense of complexity and errors. automatic cameras will never take the best shot, but then they will never take the worst either..just good enough, most times
    I think you were never at the back of the photo lab in "good" manual times to see how staff made fun of tons of under- or overexposed rolls of film supplied by "freedom" photographers,
    Today a bad picture is a rarity. Manual is for small, well trained minority knowing exactly what they do. Pro photographers, film makers use light meters, internal or external, to assist them in exposure settings. "Good enough" , as you put it, has never been better and best shots are reserved for, just as they have always been, true pros.
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