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  1. Member
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    I can't upgrade driver ATI and MMC 7.0 in my computer. Installation works, but
    The image is larger than window of MMC,
    time shifting locks everything and in capturing files are corrupted.. It's a mistery.
    Someone told me that i have to modify registry, but i don't know how.
    This is configuration:
    mainboard Gygabyte 7DXCC
    AMD Athlon 1200
    VIA CHipset 686
    RAM DDR Samsung 128Mb
    BIOS Award 6.00 PG
    HARD DISK Maxtor 30 Gb 7200
    Windows ME
    Soundblaster Live 5.1

    After I have unistalled Driver ATI 3063 and MMc 7.00, reinstall via 4 in 1 driver, then Direct X 8 and video update, I delete all ATI Keys in registry, I Install new driver( I have tried 7075 or 7189) then MMC 7.1.
    Nothing, I have to uninstall everything and setup 3063 and MMC7.0

    Please help me


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  2. i had the same problem , when i change my capture card
    ( from tv wonder to a.i.w. radeon )you have to delete
    every driver and mmc and go back to windows display driver
    , then install the mmc 7.1

    i didn't figure it alone , ati support me in a direct
    phone conversation during the sequence ( have to pay
    the long distance ! )phone # 905-882-2626
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  3. Member
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    Palmdale, CA
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    or you can just follow the directions for registry deletes found here under ati aiw capture, and it's free.
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  4. Member
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    sorry, I did exactly as the page in this site says: It doesn't work
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  5. Member
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    when i try to use time shifting a message says: error in quartz.dll and in MFC42dll .
    in panel control it's not possible to set" Ati all in wonder capture" as default.

    I have to install MMC7.0 and the old driver again.

    Help me, thanks
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  6. also install the ATI dvd 4.1 update. it fixes a lot of capture related lockups, even if you never use the dvd player.
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  7. Member
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    thank you, i'll try

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