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  1. Okay, so i looked around, but I couldn't find out how I could convert H264 to Xvid-Avi with WinFF??? Which presets should I use? There aren't any good, appropiate examples outthere, with nice easy screenshots ... I just wanna convert my HD Youtube download to a normal AVI, Xvid coded .... thanks! PS sorry if this has been answered before, I really looked but I couldn't find it. please point me to the thread if this has been already covered. .....
    Looking for subtitles of: Höök tt0997023, Lime tt0269480, La clé sur la porte tt0077348. Found Desideria tt0081724 subtitle! :-)
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  2. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Choose AVI and Xvid Widescreen or Fullscreen depending on your source and convert.

    If you want more control I would use xmedia recode, avidemux, etc.
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  3. thanks. So, no guides with pretty screenshots? Pity. Does avidemux have a way to edit the (batch) jobs it makes? So that I can batch process a multitude of files, that whole Batch convert thingie? I would like to use Virtualdub, i know how to do it (make a job file for one, and then edit it so, that it will process 90 files or more) in vdub, but I don't know how to make vdub handle h.264/aac and stuff like that, I mean IF thats even possible? I assume that since vdub doesn't handle audio with more than stereo, I am inclined to think it can't.
    Last edited by KneeRow; 19th Sep 2010 at 05:57.
    Looking for subtitles of: Höök tt0997023, Lime tt0269480, La clé sur la porte tt0077348. Found Desideria tt0081724 subtitle! :-)
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  4. VirtualDub can open most containers with the right source filter. It can handle h.264 and aac if you have a VFW h.264 decoder and an ACM aac decoder. It can only convert 2 channel audio (you can set your aac decoder to downmix to stereo).
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  5. where do i get a VFW h.264 decoder and an ACM aac decoder? and i've read about the problems people are having with converting FLV, won't this be like that?
    Looking for subtitles of: Höök tt0997023, Lime tt0269480, La clé sur la porte tt0077348. Found Desideria tt0081724 subtitle! :-)
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  6. hmm i've installed the latest ffdshow, but it doesn't make the h264 play in Vdub ....

    i've downloaded at 720p.

    i then got some file, which does LOAD in vdub, and I can see it running, but the picture is black and there's no sound.
    vdub doesn't show the file info, but VLC says it's a AVC1-mp4a file.

    and i no, i don't get what directshow does or is, or what its alternative does or is.
    Looking for subtitles of: Höök tt0997023, Lime tt0269480, La clé sur la porte tt0077348. Found Desideria tt0081724 subtitle! :-)
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  7. In my experience the Quicktime source plugin for VirtualDub doesn't work well. Try forcing the DirectShow plugin instead:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	vdub.png
Views:	1280
Size:	25.8 KB
ID:	3547
    If you don't have the DirectShow source plugin, get it.
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