A while ago you posted a recommendation of an ad blocker called "ublock origin". I am now testing it. Previously, I was using "adblock plus", which has two disadvantages.
1) it seems to slow down general browsing speed on a weak (cpu/memory) computer
2) some websites definitely won't display unless you turn off the adblock plus (message is, for example "you are using an adblocker and you need to disable it to be able to see this website".
So my first question is: using "ublock origin" have you run into the situation where a website won't display unless you disable the adblocker?
My second question is more general. This software (ublock origin) is a Google Chrome extension, available from the Chrome Webstore (extensions).
Suppose, for whatever reason, the Chrome webstore decided to delete the availability of this extension. Then, is it possible to somehow download the software now and and store it and then install this extension (at a later time) to chrome browser? If so, can you show me exactly how to do this?
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it is open source project
It has guide to install it without chrome web store and guide to build from source code. The developers are active if you want to open a new issue on GitHub go for it they will help you.discord=notaghost9997 -
On Chrome browsers you can get/download addons from chrome web store using for example:
- CRX Extractor/Downloader (crx or zip): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/crx-extractordownloader/ajkhmmldknmfjnmeedkbkkojgobmljda/
- Get CRX (crx): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/get-crx/dijpllakibenlejkbajahncialkbdkjc
After installing them you will find menu entries under righ-click on the site of the addon you need to download.
In Firefox you right-click blue "Add to Firefox" on Firefox addon page and "Save as".
To install addon from your hard drive drag and drop it on your browser or after turning developer/advanced mode install it from unziped file. Crx and xpi are actually zip files. If you change crx or xpi to zip you can see what's inside.
War between website dev and adblockers devs is never-ending. Adblockers (even Ublock Origin) are not magic boxes. They depend on people reporting issues - for Ublock Origin you can do it on github or reddit (plus find solution): https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/new/ . Or people creating their own filterlists. You can find them and subscribe/add the here for example: https://filterlists.com/
One of anti-adblock lists: https://filterlists.com/lists/****-****adblock or https://github.com/bogachenko/********adblock . It's good to turn on all main lists (and your regional ones) in Ublock Origin settings. Don't forget to click "+" - it will show you more lists. Purging cache and updating lists manually can help a lot too.
PS. You need to remember that the most of the modern browsers have their own built-in ad/tracker-blocking systems. And they may interfere with addons/extensions. If you are surprised that you can't see website even with Ublock/Adblock turned off it might be the culprit (plus other security addons).
OK. The name for anti-adblock list contains 4-letter f-word twice. It looks you can't use them here understandably.Last edited by AllisOne; 31st May 2021 at 08:33.
Why didn't you send a private message to me?
Lol. It's so weird that you are addressing me and you opened a thread
You shouldn't worry about uBlock Origin getting off the Chrome store. It won't happen.
As for "was I ever forced to disable uBlock Origin for a website to work" - maybe once a year. -
Hey Vegeta, and others.
Don't want to hijack this thread but this seemed like the perfect one to do so:
I think after looking through several pages of this forum to find assistance, "search the forum" is a difficult answer that seems to be given often, as sites change their security and methods often. I think people look to you, because you are respectful, helpful, and again appear often.
I tried to send you a PM but it says that you don't accept them.
I need assistance trying to get video(s) from IQ.com, but all the methods I could follow didn't seem to work. I have QSV and QSV.ULS files but can't get them to open, don't know how to use the .uls files, if they are needed.
I'll start a new forum thread for that, but I figured I would write here, as to why someone might ask for you, like I was going to.
I hate that site. Head off to this sub-forum
and open a thread, someone will help you. -
see here - https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues?q=iq.com
the iq.com site is broken
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