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  1. Anon1
    Now before I start, I've found and followed these threads to a T:

    Using both methods (the plugin, and using the Avisynth script), I can load the video file into Vdub. It reads the correct number of frames, but it never shows the video. When I try to export an image sequence, they're solid gray, or solid black. No idea why. Doesn't matter if I load it with the script, or using the direct show driver plugin. Same results, both times.

    I have ffdshow, and Haali Media Splitter installed. I've tried every recent version of Vdub 32-bit, as none of the methods in the above threads seem to work _at all_ in a 64-bit version. It seems like I'm so close, but I just cannot figure what's going on.

    For footage I've got some stuff I shot earlier with my Panasonic HDC-TM90. They were recorded at 1080p - 60FPS @ 28mbit. Is the 60FPS what's causing my issue here? VLC plays them just fine.

    Many huge thanks in advance.
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  2. Anon1
    Looks like I may have posted too soon. Didn't notice that I wasn't using a 64-bit version of ffdshow. Everything is working fine now. Creating image sequence as I type this.
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