Can anyone point me in the right direction. I am listening to movies on tv where an audio track has been dubbed over an english track. You can sometimes here the english in the background. Is there a way to remove this dubbed over audio? I am sure I can get the program to my computer so that I can use the computer for editing if there is a way.
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I do not think that will be posible, because it is one audio track mixed together.
Thanks Tinker. I am beginning to think the same after researching some material.
There are two types of audio track that exhibit this type of behavior. One is easily fixed, the other can't be fixed.
1. Dual languages in separate channels. Some movies have language A in the right channel and language B in the left. They rely on the player being able to choose just one channel for playback. These are easily fixed. Simply copy the channel you want over the channel you don't and remux it back into the video.
2. The second language is dubbed over the first language, possibly in a narrative style, on both channels. This is toast. There is no way to remove the dubbing.
Type 1 is more common in Asian countries, type 2 is more common in Eastern European countries. sometimes it isn't always obvious which type you have, so use headphones to confirm.Read my blog here.
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