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  1. I have a problem when i TMPGNce a legal movie the audio dissapears its there before i tmpgnc (2 codecs installed) now i have been able to extract\convert the audio to mp2 with ffmpeggui but is there a way i can add it to the movie that i have already converted using tmpgenc as i dont really want to convert again as it took something like 9 hours
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  2. red lion,

    Use TMPGEnc to encode the video only. Then go to File --> MPEG Tools and multiplex your video with your .MP2 file. Bingo! A movie with sound.

    If you have encoded it as video (as in, you have a silent audio track) you can demux the video and audio from your encoded file then remux the good audio track.

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  3. Great thanks Cobra will go try it now
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