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    [Attachment 74934 - Click to enlarge]

    A while ago I posted about decrypting on your Android Phone. That post is still sound but it deals with key finding, using WKS-KEYS, downloading with yt-dlp and decrypting, mainly by hand. We now have scripts and N_m3u8DL-RE to play with

    The above linked post is a little out of date now we have N_m3u8DL-RE as a fast all-in-one downloader. But scripts, generally, are more available to do the grunt work of downloading.
    [Attachment 74937 - Click to enlarge]

    Such as running get_iplayer

    [Attachment 74938 - Click to enlarge]

    Or other software

    With a friendly interface it is now child's play to download to and decrypt videos to your phone. This post is about setting up software on your phone that allows Ubuntu, a variety of Linux, to run scripts as if it were a PC.

    Termux is a phone app that allows a Linux emulator to run on your phone. It cannot change anything on your phone system other than files in the storage area that you can see with a file manager - the area known as /sdcard/.

    Termux may be installed by getting the apk from github and selecting arm.v8.
    If your phone will not handle arm.v8 or x64 then N_m3u8DL-RE will not work on earlier systems. (A Google Pixel 4XL can be had quite cheaply.)

    [Attachment 74933 - Click to enlarge]

    So visit Termux on github and download the apk to your phone. Use your phone's file-manager and click on the download to install it. You may need to give system permission to do this.
    [Attachment 74939 - Click to enlarge]

    I'm going to reproduce here an edited version of the steps to get Termux running on your phone from the VH link at the start

    There are several places to get help installing Termux - start looking on or

    To avoid confusion in the description below - phone code looks like this:-
    This is written in the terminal emulator screen (Termux)
    And your PC instructions typed in a command or terminal window look like this:-
    This is typed on your PC
    First you'll want to set up house in Termux:
    pkg update & upgrade
    pkg install openssl openssh
    You now have a basic Termux working environment.

    Getting stuff on your phone is easy. cable connect and set-up permission for file transfer.
    [Attachment 74940 - Click to enlarge]

    Android Debug Bridge (adb) is an Android tool supplied by Google. Getting adb set up on your PC is harder on Windows than Linux but use this guide to get adb running IMPORTANT you do need to setup developer permissions on your phone so if yuu need to do that read the XDA article carefully!

    adb push ./<some folder>  /sdcard/
    sends the whole directory and sub-folders to your phone. We wil use this later.

    From here on we need proper access to your phone, from a command window or terminal on your PC, so we can work more easily. We will set up Termux to allow Secure Shell connections (ssh) and openssl was installed to Termux above earlier to facilitate this.

    On your phone and in the Termux app set up an access password:-
    find out who you are:
    will respond with something like u0_a100
    start the secure shell daemon on your phone with
    Find out your phone IP address :-
    Look through the resulting text displayed and find four-triple numbers probably and make a note of this for use next and in the future.

    Now from your PC
    ssh -p8022 u0_a100@<phone-IP-address>
    You will need your local network address:-
    [Attachment 74966 - Click to enlarge]

    Find your phone's local network address is in Network Settings.

    Now you have a link to your phone it is more easy to configure.
    But if you would prefer a wireless connection, after you've setup adb on your PC
    adb devices
    adb should respond with
    * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
    * daemon started successfully
    List of devices attached
    39141XXXG00EC1  device
    to use a wireless connection type this to tell adb to use a wireless port
    adb tcpip 5555
    and connect wirelessly with
    adb connect <phone-IP-address>:5555
    the cable may now be removed. This feature is recent (few years) and older Android devices may not work.
    This may help if you get stuck:-

    anything you type here will execute on your phone.

    It makes sense to have both this guide and your terminal (command) window open as below. In this manner cutting from th guide and pasting in terminal is child's play.

    [Attachment 77312 - Click to enlarge]

    We will be setting up a Proot using an Ubuntu Linux Distribution. Proot and I quote Google "PRoot allows one to mix transparently the emulated execution of guest programs and the native execution of host programs in the same file-system namespace." that basically means we can run Ubuntu within Termux and Ubuntu may use any Termux programs as its own.

    pkg install proot-distro
    will install the software to allow PRoot
    Once complete we can use proot to install Ubuntu with:-
    proot-distro install ubuntu
    Wait while it downloads and unpacks. Once finished
    proot-distro login ubuntu
    will start an ubuntu session.

    You can also type directly in Termux too should you wish.
    [Attachment 74942 - Click to enlarge]

    If you want to end your session type 'exit' to get back to Termux. You may close Termux by typing 'exit' too.

    But that's enough for now part 2 will setting up Ubuntu with N_m3u8DL-RE, ffmpeg and all tools needed to download and decrypt will be along soon.
    Last edited by A_n_g_e_l_a; 28th Feb 2024 at 08:56.
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    Part 2.of More Android Phone Stuff - work in progress

    Picking up from:
    proot-distro login ubuntu
    Start from within Ubuntu to update the list of out-of-date software and upgrade
    apt update
    apt upgrade
    Install some utilities
    apt install wget unzip libicu-dev
    We are currently in the /root folder of Ubuntu and we can work from here to get most of what we need.

    Get N_m3u8D_-RE note ONLY ONE version works
    [Attachment 74943 - Click to enlarge]

    will download the more commng arm.v8 version Go here for others, and
    tar -zxf N_m3u8DL-RE_Beta_linux-arm64_20230628.tar.gz
    will unpack to a folder N_m3u8DL-RE_Beta_linux-arm64.

    All of the program files will be placed in /usr/local/bin/ in our proot distrobution of Ubuntu.
    To do copy
    cp N_m3u8DL-RE_Beta_linux-arm64/N_m3u8DL-RE /usr/local/bin/
    We will need to give it execute permission on the system, so..
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/N_m3u8DL-RE
    will do it. Anything that sits in this folder that needs to run globally will need chmod +x <filename> after placement.

    Get shaka-pakager
    arm.v8 version is
    will fetch it. It downloads as a binary directly.
    Copy to usr/local/bin and rename
    cp packager-linux-arm64 /usr/local/bin/shaka-packager
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/shaka-packager
    Get Bento Tools
    create a tmp directory and move into it
    mkdir tmp; cd tmp
    Download Bento Tools
    Set execute permissions using a wildcard character;
    chmod +x *
    and copy everything to /usr/local/bin
    cp * /usr/local/bin/
    Move out of the tmp folder and delete
    cd ../; rm -r tmp

    Install Mkvtoolnix

    apt install mkvtoolnix
    Now it would be natural to install ffmpeg using apt here. When I did that I found ffmpeg painfully slow. So I played around with a few alternatives and found that installing ffmpeg from Termux itself is best.
    So exit Ubuntu
    Now from within Termux type
    pkg install ffmpeg
    After it has finished log back in to ubuntu
    proot-distro login ubuntu
    Install get_iplayer (Optional UK only)

    apt install software-properties-common
    add-apt-repository ppa:m-grant-prg/utils
    apt update
    apt install get-iplayer
    To be continued
    Last edited by A_n_g_e_l_a; 11th Mar 2024 at 06:15. Reason: Updated shaka-package release to 3.01
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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    Setting up Python and installing scripts
    [Attachment 74955 - Click to enlarge]

    get_iplayer, installed in the last part, running on an Android phone.

    We are going to install python and use the env(ironment) feature. a Python Env allows conflicting modules to be installed on a system. Modules are installed into a named env(ironement) and are oblivious to anything outside. It is pretty easy to set up and take care of.

    You should be inside your proot-distro , using Ubuntu and in the /root folder.
    Check where you are with Print Which Directory pwd
    and it should return /root. If not Change Directory
    cd /root
    so you are.

    Now set up some sub-directories to work in.
    mkdir -p ./RE/UK-FTA
    will make two folders one inside the other.
    cd to RE
    cd RE
    Install python and a couple of modules using apt
    apt install python3 python3-venv python3-pip
    Note this system likes to use python3 as a moniker but we can change that later.

    When install is complete cd to the UK-FTA folder ready to set up a python env(ironment)
    cd UK-FTA
    python3 -m venv env
    which makes a virtual environment called 'env;.
    When complete check it is working.
    source env/bin/activate
    Your screen prompt should show
    (env) root@localhost:~/RE/UK-FTA#
    Now we are ready to install pywidevine
    (env) pip install pyaml pywidevine
    should now install two modules into your env. If not successful go back and check all steps to this point.

    cd ~ # /root
    mkdir -p keyblob/WVD
    cd keyblob
    Your CDM client_id.Blob and private.key are going to be copied first to your phone then into the keyblob folder.

    From your PC
    adb devices
    should respond with device and a serial number if you set things up correctly in part 1. If not use you phone connected to your PC and find a way for file manager to copy files across to the phone's Download folder. But note the name changes to client_id.bin and private_key.pem
    If using adb move inside the folder with your blob and key on your PC
    adb push <blob-name>    /sdcard/Download/client_id.bin
    adb push <key-name>    /sdcard/Download/private_key.pem
    From your phone and inside the keyblob folder
    mv /sdcard/download/client_id.bin .
    Don't miss the full-stop in that command! Do the same for private key
    mv /sdcard/download/private_key.pem .
    Create a WVD file
    [Attachment 74956 - Click to enlarge]

    Change the names your your blob and key in this command
    pywidevine create-device -c client_id.bin -k private_key.pem -t ANDROID -l 3 -o WVD
    Should complete without fuss. Now cd to the WVD folder and use 'ls' to list the file contents,
    You should find a long name refecting the orgin of the CDM. We will simplify this to mbox.wvd.
    Move the file to a new name start by typing mv and the first characters of the name and use auto-complete. My key for that is 'tab'.
    mv <wvd-filename> mbox.wvd
    note the location /root/keyblob/WVD/mbox.wvd, if ever scripts ask where your wvd file it is /root/keyblob/WVD/mbox.wvd

    Installing optional scripts
    You now have a working python environment and any scripts that work on a PC should work here.
    The only change needed to to note that N_m3u8DL-RE is an earlier version and --no-logs in the N_m3u8DL-RE command will crash it. Edit out --no-log

    In any folder where you suspect N_m3u8DL-RE is being use of this command will find files that need editing
    grep -r --no-log .
    will show if any files have the command present and will need editing.
    Nano is the editor
    nano <file_path/filename>
    to open it. Ctrl +W --no-log to find it. Then put # in front to edit it out.
    Any scripts should work now that use N_m3U8DL-RE. yt-dlp can be installed too. (My UK- FTA installs yt-dlp using pip )

    If you wish to use my UK-FTA scripts I have an edited version made more suitable for a phone screen.
    cd /root/RE/UK-FTA
    should inflate the zip to the current directory
    Install the required module
    [Attachment 74957 - Click to enlarge]

    Still within the python (env) - (if not restart it)
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    Start the script
    If all has gone well you should see
    [Attachment 74958 - Click to enlarge]

    Before going any further let us close the env and make a few simple changes to make working and typing on the phone easier.
    will close env
    cd /root
    nano .bashrc
    (Note the full stop)
    We are going to add a few aliases such that we can type just one letter to change to a UK-FTA and call python3 just by typing 'py'.
    [Attachment 74959 - Click to enlarge]

    paste this to the very end of the .bashrc file
    alias u='cd /root/RE/UK-FTA/'
    alias py='python3'
    alias env='cd /root/RE/UK-FTA; source env/bin/activate'
    alias r='cd /root/RE'
    alias d='deactivate; echo "Closing Python env"'
    Ctrl+s saves and ctrl+x exits nano editor.
    Now logout from Ubuntu and login again to activate the aliases we have set
    drops you back to a $ prompt in Termux
    proot-distro login ubuntu
    re-enters Ubuntu now type env and the prompt changes to show env and you've also changed to UK-FTA folder.
    This time 'py' can be use instead of python3 and use auto-complete to avoid typing too much.

    On your phone screen look for the two opposing arrows in the region just above the keyboard - these arrows are the auto-complete key.
    The other extra Termux functions above the phone keyboard have up-down/left-right controls for moving a cursor. CTRL is sticky and waits for the next key C or D, or whatever, to allow emulation of a PC keyboard. Everything you might need is there for keyboard entry. Scripts ideally would try to minimise keyboard entry.
    [Attachment 74960 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 74961 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 74962 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 74964 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 74963 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 74965 - Click to enlarge]

    UK-FTA should run 'out-of-the-box as all configs follow the install pattern of placing and naming files. If you made changes then maybe the config file will need editing in nano

    Any videos downloaded by UK-FTA will appear in the sdcard Download folder so it is accessible to apps like VLC or Casting apps.

    Let me be clear any python script should be able to run on Ubuntu. If you use scripts that have need of module imports first create a new folder from RE move into that new folder and create a NEW venv env1 and activate with source env1/bin/activate and install any modules those scripts need. Deactivate when finished.. In this way may author's scripts may happily exist on a system each not affecting the other.

    Finally. Casting to a TV is an obvious use. Or using your phone to watch videos during a commute to work. But is is also a backup to download video if your main machine may be out of action.

    That's all I know.
    Last edited by A_n_g_e_l_a; 11th Mar 2024 at 06:17. Reason: typos
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    Freevine seems to be a popular downloader and it was very quick to get it working on my phone.
    [Attachment 74984 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 74983 - Click to enlarge]

    Close env if open: We can use the shortcut 'd' or 'deactivate'
    cd /root
    mkdir FV
    cd FV
    mv main freevine-main
    renaming main to freevine-main makes it less anonymous.
    Next set up an env for the new scripts first move into the scripts top level folder and then create a new env - I called mine 'frenv'
    cd freevine-main
    py -m venv frenv
    source frenv/bin/activate
    You may decide to set up another alias to start frenv from a single typed character.

    There is one file that will kill N_m3u8DL-RE and needs editing out:-
    nano ./utils/
    from within nano, CTRL +w opens search. Enter --no-log RETURN and comment out the highlighted line
    [Attachment 74985 - Click to enlarge]

    Copy your CDM to Freevine
    from within freevine-main
    cd utils
    mkdir wvd
    cd wvd
    cp -r /root/RE/keyblob/* .
    (Note the full stop!)

    Now Freevine will run if the modules it needs are installed.
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    And wait for it to finish.

    Freevine is a command line tool and instead of typing urls they can be, happily, pasted. Termux allows pasting anywhere below the current line and automatically places it for you. So copy a test url - I chose BBC iplayer

    Which downloaded and saved to a folder beneath freevine-main. I guess there will be a configuration file to tweak to save to /sdcard/ so your videos are more accessible.
    So Freevine works on a mobile phone. There is a need to type and copy and paste but no insurmountable difficulties.
    There is one gotcha. N_m3u8DL-RE sometimes leaves the screen so that type does not appear. Just type 'reset' and ENTER to bring back normal behaviour. This effect happens on Linux

    As a side note: I noticed some windows exe files being distributed with the Freevine package.
    [Attachment 74986 - Click to enlarge]

    Windows users be careful.

    I thought I would have issues with get_iplayer but it does what it does on a mobile phone very well.

    [Attachment 74987 - Click to enlarge]

    As well as downloading video get_iplayer will fetch radio broadcasts too.
    [Attachment 74988 - Click to enlarge]

    Finally!! My install uses 2.21 Gb of space on my phone. You'll be wise to set Termux's 'App Battery Usage' to unrestricted to allow it to work unhindered.
    In use I had a clash with the keyword env set as an alias in .bashrc . I solved it by renaming the alias to envo. Happy Days.
    Last edited by A_n_g_e_l_a; 11th Mar 2024 at 06:13.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  5. Looks intesting, thanks Angela. Is your thinking that you could be out and about and download and watch the shows? I'll give it a go.
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    Originally Posted by peterb999 View Post
    Looks intesting, thanks Angela. Is your thinking that you could be out and about and download and watch the shows? I'll give it a go.
    Many use-cases really. With my phone nearby it is sometimes more convenient than firing up the laptop. I imagine some might like fast wifi at work to do their download. Casting something you want to watch without adverts but not keep - so a quick download and immediate cast to the TV would work well. Use while travelling, use while someone else uses the home computer. Kids favourite cartoons for that family posh-restaurant meal to keep them a little quieter. Loads of uses if you want. None obligtory
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    This is very good A_n_g_e_l_a.

    I need to digest all of this as I'm not a big phone user other than talking on it and WhatsApp. I can see the benefits though.
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    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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    get_iplayer leveraged to play nicely with N_m3u8DL-RE on a mobile

    [Attachment 75149 - Click to enlarge]
    [Attachment 75150 - Click to enlarge]
    [Attachment 75146 - Click to enlarge]
    [Attachment 75147 - Click to enlarge]
    Get_iplayer fetches the file url for download by N_m~:Image
    [Attachment 75148 - Click to enlarge]
    Last edited by A_n_g_e_l_a; 30th Nov 2023 at 07:16.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  10. Looks really good. I didn't realise you'd added BBC to the FTA downloader.
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    Originally Posted by peterb999 View Post
    Looks really good. I didn't realise you'd added BBC to the FTA downloader.
    I haven't.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  12. Ah, I thought I'd missed an update or something.
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    Originally Posted by peterb999 View Post
    Ah, I thought I'd missed an update or something.
    I'm not sure FTA needs a BBC downloader. There are tools already out there and there is no encryption. So anyone can download from the BBC without a problem.
    Yt-dlp downloads 720p from a URL; get_iplayer will download at 1080p.

    On a phone screen, typing is a issue, so it makes sense, to me, to use a script.

    I posted this as I'd never seen anyone using get_iplayer to find download URLs for another downloader.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  14. I really like the search bit of your FTA script, it's useful not even having to go to the website.

    I'm going to add it to mine just to see if I can work out how you do it. It is great fun doing stuff like this and it is good to not be spoon-fed all the time and I really appreciate all you do for the forum.
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    I'm pretty sure this is what peterb999 was referring to.

    [Attachment 75176 - Click to enlarge]
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    Update to Phone-UK-FTA includes BBC service and channel 5 HMAC updater is refreshed.
    To use the BBC links you will need to install get_iplayer (and prove working from the command line). Installation of get_iplayer is detailed in Part two, above, as a package install in Termux
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    Updated to correct bug. Script was looking for program_title, bbc_channel, program_ID returned from BBC.
    Sometimes BBC send program_title, extra_unexpected_data, bbc_channel, program_ID. The extra unexpected data caused the script to fail. It is now conflated with program_title
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    BBC search api api-key has changed. If you use the BBC links from then
    edit line 162 of ukft/bbc_dl/ and replace everything from and including 'apikey= to
    the line end with the following:-

    so the whole line looks like this:
    url = f"{search}&apikey=D2FgtcTxGqqIgLsfBWTJdrQh2tV deaAp&seqId=0582e0f0-b911-11ee-806c-11c6c885ab56"
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    I've added the above BBC update and a few other bits to this new release. Remember to save your original configs/ to somewhere while inflating the zip.

    [Attachment 76364 - Click to enlarge]
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    Thank you!
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    The last service addition has been through a bit of turmoil and I've written a downloader that will resume if the download fails. There is a new python module 'tqdm' to install.
    Download progress is less pretty than the last one but I couldn't get Rich.progress to work.

    I fail to remember to keep My5 HMAC keys updated. Maybe I need to do a HMAC lookup on start - maybe coming next.
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    Updates to the last service addition: to add new link. Old link can be set back by direct script edit.
    Also My5 now updates keys automatically on each use.
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    Updated Vadapav only. Now has extended timeouts for all https traffic. Reworked the data displayed to only show filenames. Plus a few bugs squashed.

    So in the meantime just releasing the phone version. Copy it into the UK-FTA/ukfta/vadapav/ folder on your phone and replace the existing with this:-
    Be sure to rename it
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    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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    A new update to sync to the PC Version. Version number jumps as a consequence.

    Changes have been made to vadapav so it uses the configuration file to find its storage requirements. is a file reposository with film and TV media. Some media is 4k and a 2160 search will find it. It probably shouldn't be in an FTA list but I use use it and it is convenient to access here.

    Channel 4 updated with my spoof data.

    Channel 5 now updates its own HMAC secret and AES keys. It will update the first time my5 is called and once every three days, but only when my5 is used. It shouldn't need intervention. (I only use my5 rarely but I got fed up running my5 and having it fail with out of date keys.)

    The menu has been adjusted to reflect changes getting my5 HMAC secret and AES key.

    NOTE: It is important to replace the total existing UK-FTA folder as there have been structural changes. Run config from the menu to set up storage and the wvd location. (Maybe copy those from the current config before installation of the new version?)

    Requirements.txt has been updated and reduced. The need for get_iplayer, as a helper program, has been added to the top level

    The last phone version had 25 downloads; either that is because it had a Channel4 script that worked or because more of you are finding out just how useful it is having it on your phone. With Channel4 fixed on the PC version I'll soon know!
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  26. Image
    [Attachment 77460 - Click to enlarge]

    Latest version of termux doesnt like the commands ive searched the folders to do the commands

    pkg update & upgrade
    pkg install openssl openssh

    Ignore sorry had to change repository to add these
    Last edited by PSXman_uk; 6th Mar 2024 at 12:41. Reason: Error caused by repository
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    Small bug fix to vadapav mainly. If you haven't noticed any bugs then wait till the next release.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  28. Re read and fixed issue was sdcard when you adb to it is the download folder on the device not sdcard itself
    Last edited by PSXman_uk; 7th Mar 2024 at 02:10.
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    Originally Posted by PSXman_uk View Post
    Re read and fixed issue was sdcard when you adb to it is the download folder on the device not sdcard itself
    That is not standard behaviour, adb push <filename> /sdcard/ is expected to send filename to the base of your personal internal memory where Download is a folder.

    If you want to place something in Download

    adb push <filename> /sdcard/Download/

    Unless you have a phone with a slot for an extra card memory, and I cannot remember how those are accessed from adb
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  30. Thank you for the tutorial A_n_g_e_l_a i have now got it all working on the phone only thing i had to do different was to copy the to sdcard then edit and put it back going to do the same with config.yaml to change the download dir when I can figure out exactly what the sdcard directory is as sdcard/download is the download dir on the device not the sdcard

    Drop out of lnux

    cd ~/storage

    ls -la
    /storage/6E77-12EB/ is my sdcard name for example

    Thanks again for the Tutorial

    Still cant see it within the linux enviroment though
    Last edited by PSXman_uk; 7th Mar 2024 at 07:51.
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