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  1. aka. How to download QTGMC & How to install QTGMC

    Here is a video version:

    [this post doesn't cover the avisynth installation, as opposed to the video]

    1. Go to
    a. Then go to the, the 1.1 thing from "contents"
    2. go to the github page and download all the necessary plugins. download the *.7z files,as they contain the .dll file
    3. download the avsi of zs_rf_shared by pressing the github hyperlink and doing CTRL+S.
    a. ALSO do the same with QTGMC.avsi
    4. Decompress all 7z's with 7zip
    5. Locate the 64 bit versions (should be pretty simple, the video covers it as well)
    a. for nnedi3 it's recommended to use RELEASE_w7.
    b. avsi files are universal
    6. PLACE ALL OF THEM INTO c:\Program Files (x86)\Avisynth+\plugins64 ! Both the avsi scripts and dll files.
    7. Install FFT3DFilter. The guide on the wiki explains is pretty well, but it might be a bit confusing. Here is a less confusing cut:
    Dfttest, FFT3DFilter and MVTools2 need the FFTW3 library (windows builds). If you want to use the 64-bit libfftw3f-3.dll versions then extract the 64-bit libfftw3f-3.dll. Make a copy of it and rename it as "FFTW3.dll". Place the files "libfftw3f-3.dll" and "FFTW3.dll" in the System32 folder.
    b. It seems that I've put the 64-bit files in SysWOW folder when recording the video, and it worked. If placing the files in System32 doesn't work for you, try the syswow method.
    8. Test if the program works. It's reccomended to use mpeg2source for mpeg2 stuff, ffms2 for most stuff and avisource for avi videos (such as ones in dv format). The easiest way to try it is to use DirectShow source. If video output is gibberish/has glitches try other methods.

    Useful stuff:

    I hope this isn't considered spamming
    Last edited by rrats; 16th Apr 2023 at 14:07.
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  2. C:\Windows\SysWOW64 is where you put 32 bit system dll files. 64 bit sysem dll files go in C:\Windows\System32. Yes, the naming sounds backward. SysWOW64 is short for Windows32 On Windows64, ie the 32 bit Windows virtual machine that runs under Windows 64.
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  3. Wouldn't it be easier to use LoadDLL to load the fft23 dll ?
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555
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  4. Originally Posted by jagabo View Post
    C:\Windows\SysWOW64 is where you put 32 bit system dll files. 64 bit sysem dll files go in C:\Windows\System32. Yes, the naming sounds backward. SysWOW64 is short for Windows32 On Windows64, ie the 32 bit Windows virtual machine that runs under Windows 64.
    I see. Not sure why my stupid way of doing somehow worked...
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  5. Captures & Restoration lollo's Avatar
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    Wouldn't it be easier to use LoadDLL to load the fft23 dll ?
    Absolutely, for instance:
    	# FFTW
    loadPlugin(plugins_dir + "LoadDll\LoadDll.dll")
    loadDll(plugins_dir + "fftw-3.3.5-dll32\libfftw3f-3.dll")
    It is also easier to load each plugin one by one rather then

    6. PLACE ALL OF THEM INTO c:\Program Files (x86)\Avisynth+\plugins64 ! Both the avsi scripts and dll files.
    to have full control of versions and dependencies. But that's my preference...
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  6. I see. I personally think that it is, at least for new users easier to not load them like that.

    I mean the point of this guide is to explain the installation process to new and inexperienced users, not the people who already know what they are doing
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  7. Or you can also try FFmpeg-QTGMC Easy : (only 64 Bits version available)

    Which is a portable pack containing Avisynth+ with QTGMC and FFmpeg (no need to install anything). You can try to preview the rendering of your QTGMC processing with FFplay.

    But it's true , with VirtualDub or VirtualDub2 it is much more flexible and easier but this means you must install Avisynth or Avisynth+.
    Last edited by Hunk91; 17th Apr 2023 at 12:53.
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  8. Oh that one's awesome. I actually really like that
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  9. Member
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    always a great PITA not finding qtgmc pack anywhere, so there you go.
    no optional plugins inside, just core. let's keep it simple. read archive comment.
    7zip is shit if you wanna add files to existing archive, and has no comments.

    mirror<a class="contentlink" href="http...</a>+.rar/file

    offcourse, you need "all files" to open .avs in mpc-hc:

    this works in real time on i5-4xxx <image in archive>, 480x576 ffvfw mpeg4 .avi file.

    tested on win10 and 11.
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	Snimka zaslona 2024-08-26 015639.png
Views:	172
Size:	198.6 KB
ID:	81788  

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  10. Member
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    Originally Posted by rrats View Post
    I hope this isn't considered spamming
    it's not spam,'re removing my post in yt comments that links to post in this thread.
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