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  1. Member
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    Could you recommend Windows GUI for ffmpeg? Possible allowing all that CLI can?
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  2. Member metis's Avatar
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    Possible allowing all that CLI can?
    Considering the nearly endless Capabilities of 'FFmpeg', it's quite impossible to
    find a single FFmpeg-FrontEnd for "all that CLI can".

    Normally those GUI's are specialized to one Kind of Job, e.g. Transcoding or ScreenRecording.
    They are actually Wizards, that compose CommandLines by Selecting/Choosing diverse Options, and then
    pass them to a FFmpeg-CLI, typically 'ffmpeg.exe'.

    That's why RunFFmpeg does it a different Way, see,43411.0.html
    -> GoTo "RunFFmpeg".

    Unlike other GUIs, 'RunFFmpeg' takes the CommandLines themselves to do the Job(s) via the
    FFmpeg-CommandLine-Tools 'ffmpeg.exe', 'ffprobe.exe' and 'ffplay.exe' (static or shared).

    Advantages, compared to Batchfiles, Scripts or other GUIs:
    • More comfortable than BatchCommands or Scripts
    • ONE App for ALL FFmpeg-Tasks, like
      Streaming/Playing, Converting, Ripping, USB-Recording, ScreenRecording with Audio, and so on
    • Total Control over the Programflow realizable by Reading from/Writing to the FFmpeg-Process
    • Open-source GUI-BasicStructure, thus totally adaptable to any Task and for anyone's Needs.

    (Relative) Disadvantages:
    • You have to enter complete CommandLines (they are not generated), but there are
      always People, who will help You to create them, e.g. in this Forum.
    • Some basic ProgrammingSkills required.
    Last edited by metis; 13th Feb 2021 at 05:21.
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  3. Member DB83's Avatar
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    To be honest I am struggling to see what your so-called gui is doing beyond what the standard CLI does.

    Surely the whole point of a gui is to hide all the intricies of command-line structure. If you do not understand the, as you correctly point out, endless possibilities you are hardly in a position to compose the command-lines.

    Yes. There are people to help but not to 'spoon-feed'

    So your two disadvantages are not relative. They are crucial.

    It is not for me to advertise any gui but the author of one recent one is present in the forum and he might well wish to advise the OP.
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  4. Highly recommend shutter encoder. It's not immediately obvious but you can type any ffmpeg command into the function box.
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  5. Member metis's Avatar
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    I am struggling to see what your so-called gui is doing beyond what the standard CLI does.
    Did You take a Look at the SourceCode ?
    Obviously not. Otherwise You would have seen, that it shows one Way to read from/write to the FFmpeg-Process (or any other Process),
    having a complete cross-platform GUI-Structure, that can be easily adapted to whatever You want.

    The same can be done with other Programming-Languages (like C++) and other Frameworks (like 'Qt'), but
    IMHO, the Lazarus-RAD-IDE is the easiest and fastest Way to create (and modify) Desktop-Applications.
    If You know a better/faster/easier Way, tell me. I'm always open for some better Solutions.

    Surely the whole point of a gui is to hide all the intricies of command-line structure.
    No, this would be too easy.

    So your two disadvantages are not relative. They are crucial.
    Not for everyone.

    ... advertise any gui ... one is present in the forum ...
    Suppose, You mean something like Clever FFmpeg. For those, who like it better, take it.

    ... shutter encoder. It's not immediately obvious but you can type any ffmpeg command ...
    Same with 'RunFFmpeg'.
    Unfortunately, 'Shutter Encoder' is not open-source, so You cannot modify/extend it to Your Needs.
    But You're right, this Option wasn't asked by the OP.
    Last edited by metis; 15th Feb 2021 at 10:46.
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  6. Member
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    I'm using ffmpeg in a daily basis. I'll share my small experience with the excellent tool, its kind of on-topic.

    A long (looong) time ago, as a newbie in the video world, i started using the infamous SUPER©, and the not-so-freeware-MediaCoder.
    It worked, but as time went by, and with my more serious jobs, i always wanted to have more precise control and was often frustrated that those GUIs were always missing some function i needed.
    (Which, I was aware, could be available with CLI-ffmpeg)

    So I dropped those "friendly but oversimplified" GUIs, which were working mostly with preselected parameters.
    And looked for something else.

    Let me tell you a few GUIs that i tried over the years.

    AVANTI was the first one : Kind of "simple" GUI, but who offered the possibility of custom ffmpeg Commands, and Avisynth Scripts. Not bad at all, but it's no longer usable with recent Windows OS

    then i tried AnotherGUi : this is literally a GUI which offered nothing else but the possibility of writing your own command-lines and saving them as presets.
    So this was the start of my journey into FFMpeg documentation (lol), so I could try to get the possibilities of ffmpeg CLI.

    I begun to write my own BAT files, and tried to experiment with the full potential of CLI FFMpeg.

    On this forum, I then stumbled into FFQueue, which was well thought : nice interface, a lot of useful filters, allowed custom command arguments.
    I sticked with it for a while. (FORUM THREAD )

    Then, another player came into the "FFMpeg-GUI game" : FFmpeg Batch Converter.
    Not sure if I have to go into details, but this is probably the best GUI i used until now.
    Nice interface, full control over the Encoding command parameters (then saved as user-presets), but also perfect for Stream Manipulations (with its "multiplex" tab) which i do a lot.

    So i guess this is perfect for someone who wants to do a lot of "CLI FFMpeg"operations, without the hassle of BAT files / Powershell.

    On the other side, I also use ShutterEncoder, excellent tool for with a lot of useful predefined functions when you're working in a Post-Production "editing/delivering" job. (which I am)
    or even Clever FFMpeg, but I find its usability to be less "fluid" for my workflows.

    Anyways. Take a look to FFBatch, maybe it will suit your needs as it did for mines.
    Hope it helps.
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  7. Member
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    Ok, I'll double Post, because I re-read your initial post, and this is (maybe) actually gonna be more relevant :

    You could be interested in ColorLab FFCommandEngine.
    [Attachment 57380 - Click to enlarge]

    Which is as close as you can get to a "commandlines" GUI.

    You get to create custom user presets, but it also feeds from the repository (GitHub)

    I also use this, but less often, so, this is a second guess...

    Is this what you're looking for ?
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    Thanks guys for suggestions, I have to test all of them. All looks cool.
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  9. Member metis's Avatar
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    Pleased, that You could get some Help.

    ... that those GUIs were always missing some function i needed ... available with CLI-ffmpeg
    That's exactly the Point. I always say "You get 99%, You don't need and 1%, that is missing".
    (For those, who like Splitting Hairs, like '99+1=100': This is ironic, and means "Finally 100% useless" - at least for some People.)

    I also tried quite a lot of diverse GUIs in the Past for what I need, and this is...
    Streaming, ScreenRecording with Audio, USB-VideoGrabbing, Ripping, Converting and some StreamManipulations.
    Makes 6 MultmediaTasks, where I always use the same 6 FFmpeg-CommandLines, at the most with some smaller Modifications.

    Another Point is, that FreeWare-Apps in the Internet are typically "free" until a certain Point. If You need more, You have to pay.
    Apart from that, they often come with permanently annoying Commercials.
    Not to forget the Number of MouseClicks, that are required to get a Task done, even if You actually always do the same.
    (For those, who like Splitting Hairs: I know, that some GUIs allow Saving Tasks, Presets, etc.)

    AVANTI ... Not bad at all, but it's no longer usable with recent Windows OS
    A also used 'AVANTI' in the Past. Why shouldn't it work with Win10, which supports 32-bit Programs, too ?
    (Only for personal Interest; I didn't try yet.)

    ColorLab FFCommandEngine
    I didn't try it out; only had a Look at the ScreenShot and a Glance at its GitHub-Site:
    Seems nice and comes with C-Sources. At the first Sight the same BasicIdea as 'RunFFmpeg', but much more elaborated, of course.
    I wrote 'RunFFmpeg' for my personal Use. If something is missing, I simply add it - MainDifferences to 'FFCommandEngine':
    - supports 'ffplay.exe', too.
    - No further Runtime-Libraries needed on Windows. The FreePascal-Compiler generates Executables, that run from WinXP to Win10.
    - The ProyectFiles can be compiled to LINUX, too.
    (For those, who like Splitting Hairs: This is not meant to be a List of Differences in certain/specific GUI-Features.)
    Last edited by metis; 16th Feb 2021 at 09:29.
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  10. Member
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    Originally Posted by metis View Post
    Why shouldn't it work with Win10, which supports 32-bit Programms, too ?
    (Only for personal Interest; I didn't try yet.)
    it "kinda" works, but it's just not stable anymore since Win7. And its support has been dropped by ChrisK, so no more updates.
    I prefer to focus on more recent projects which could be updated and gain more functions in the future.

    I wrote 'RunFFmpeg' for my personal Use. If something is missing, I simply add it - MainDifferences to 'FFCommandEngine':
    - supports 'ffplay.exe', too.
    - No further Runtime-Libraries needed on Windows. The FreePascal-Compiler generates Executables, that run from WinXP to Win10.
    - The ProyectFiles can be compiled to LINUX, too.
    Well, i'm not gonna repeat what DB83 posted earlier, but for me, unleashing the full potential of FFMpeg should not come at the price of the ease of use, if you know what I mean.

    I know you can't have your cake and eat it too, but I think your 2 disadvantages are a no-go for a lot of people.

    BTW, if I want to try your GUI, how can I download it ? I'm still kind of curious
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  11. Member metis's Avatar
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    not stable anymore since Win7 + support has been dropped by ChrisK
    It's a Pity. 'AVANTI' was really good.

    at the price of the ease of use
    For me the easiest Way is to work out (or find) a FFmpeg-CommandLine once, and then use it by Clicking once.
    You may also write several Scripts for diverse Tasks (or one Script with Conditions), but this Way You can run ALL Your Tasks with ONE App.
    I think, there's nothing easier and more comfortable.

    I think your 2 disadvantages are a no-go for a lot of people.
    Don't forget the other ones. Depends on what You want - Comfortable Windows/MacOS or flexible LINUX.

    I'm still kind of curious
    That's, what I like: Curious People.,43411.0.html
    -> GoTo "RunFFmpeg".
    Not to forget. This is a FFmpeg-FrontEnd's BasicStructure, designed to be easily modifiable and/or expandable, e.g.
    - Replace the EditControls with ListControls to have several selectable FFmpeg-CommandLines per Line
    - Add Code to parse the FFmpeg-ProcessOutput, e.g. to show a ProgressBar (impossible with a Script)
    - Add Code to save whatever You want, e.g. in an INI-File and then restore everything on the next AppStart.

    Note: Works the same Way for other Processes; only the Names are changing.
    Last edited by metis; 16th Feb 2021 at 10:01.
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  12. Member
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    Ok thanks.
    There, it's exactly what we were talking about : I downloaded FFGrab4Laz_01, but I can't find any executable file in the RunFFmpeg folder, so I guess I have to compile it myself ?
    Problem is : i never compiled anything. I don't know how to do it.

    so : any way I can download the exe file somewhere ?
    how do I compile it the EASY way ? Hopefully without the need of downloading another program etc.

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  13. Member metis's Avatar
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    @ CyberOtter
    I can't find any executable file in the RunFFmpeg folder
    Yes, these are Lazarus-ProjectFiles, which can be opened with any TextEditor, or
    much more comfortable with the Lazarus-RAD-IDE (open-source and really free).

    i never compiled anything. I don't know how to do it.
    Compiling with Lazarus is quite easy - I can help You.

    any way I can download the exe file somewhere ?
    I've attached the Executable for Win32 as a 7zip-File.
    For Copyright-Issues, You should download the FFmpeg-CLIs by Yourself.
    'ffmpeg.exe' and 'ffprobe.exe' and 'ffplay.exe' is required (static or shared).

    Here some CommandLine-Samples, which You may copy into the corresponding Line to play around:

    > Record a Part of the Screen without Audio:
    [Grab] -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -offset_x 10 -offset_y 20 -video_size 640x480 -show_region 1 -i desktop "output.mp4"
    'gdigrab' is for Windows.

    > Record the entire Screen with Audio:
    [Grab] -f gdigrab -framerate 30 -video_size 1280x768 -i desktop -f dshow -i audio="Sound Blaster Audigy" -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset ultrafast "output.mp4"
    Where "Sound Blaster Audigy" is my SoundDevice. You have to replace it with the Name of Your SoundDevice.
    Infos for how to set up Your Windows-PC for Recordings with Audio are here.

    > Convert 'input.mpg' to 'output.mp4':
    [Grab] -i "input.mpg" -filter:v "scale=1280:720" -c:v libx264 -aspect:v 16:9 -b:v 800k -c:a aac -b:a 192k "output.mp4"

    > Save the Video 'grabbed.mkv' to a Series of PNG-ImageFiles:
    [Grab] -i "grabbed.mkv" -map v frame%08d.png

    > Show Infos about 'output.mp4':
    [Info] -i "output.mp4"

    > Play 'output.mp4':
    [Play] -i "output.mp4" -x 550 -y 300 -window_title "This is my window title" -loop 0

    > Stream an URL:
    [Play] -x 950 -y 600 -window_title "tagesschau 24"

    And so on...
    Image Attached Files
    Last edited by metis; 19th Feb 2021 at 07:31.
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  14. Member
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    Got it.
    Thanks, it is working.

    Not sure if it will really be useful to me, but at least, I can test it if i feel like it
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  15. Member metis's Avatar
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    Thanks, it is working + Not sure if it will really be useful to me,
    No Problem.
    I use it mainly as ScreenRecorder for DemoVideos and for Videos, that cannot be downloaded at all.
    That's, what is was initially written for.
    Would be interesting for me to know, on which Platforms it's running. I use it on WinXP 32-bit and on Win10.

    If You click on the blue [i]-Button (= Info) on the right Side, You get a List of all available FFmpeg-Options
    for 'ffmpeg.exe', 'ffprobe.exe' resp. 'ffplay.exe'.

    Stay curious!
    Last edited by metis; 19th Feb 2021 at 08:42.
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  16. @JosephTocco
    Could you recommend Windows GUI for ffmpeg? Possible allowing all that CLI can?
    Try this ffmpeg gui axiomui

    I found this gui on github a few weeks ago.

    • The Power of FFmpeg in a Minimal Interface
    • Convert any media file to multiple formats
    • Cut Video and Audio timeline
    • Resize Video to standard aspect ratios
    • Lossless, Constant and Variable Quality
    • Auto-Quality and Copy Modes
    • Advanced Batch Processing
    • Video to Image Sequence
    • Custom User Defined Settings
    • Command Script Generator
    • Download From YouTube

    Axiom generates command scripts to be processed by the multimedia encoder, FFmpeg, and streams analyzer, FFprobe.

    Convert to webm, mp4, mkv, avi, ogv, mp3, m4a, ogg, flac, wav, png, jpg, webp and more.

    Axiom User Guide

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  17. @metis
    So can your app be considered a generic GUI app? Been looking for one of these for years.

    I'm not a coder and yes I could have learned any language in a lot shorter time than years but I have created gui's with autohotkey (yeah, I know what your thinking, but it works). Not being a coder, the reason I did not learn anything better is I would most likely come back a year or more later and have to change the gui, but it would be like starting over again. What's the point learning to code if using it once a year or less. So...with that out of the way a generic GUI would be wonderful. In all my years searching I only found one called Frog using xml files but it would erase all input files after encoding which I couldn't stand. I try various command line options like many here so don't delete my file inputs list automatically!
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  18. Member DB83's Avatar
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    Metis may respond. But he not been 'active' here for several months.

    But what - pls tell me - is a generic GUi for ffmpeg ?

    It is, imho, not even a basic GUi for ffmeg.

    Or to put it another way. If you know the cli instructions you do not need anything that adds zilch to the user-experience.
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  19. A generic gui would be an app that creates a gui for any command line program. You could create list drop downs, radio buttons, etc, anything you want without knowing any programming language. Yes, that's what Visual Studio etc is for plus all the others but like I said, used once a year or less are you going to remember it all? Another app I just remembered that did this was called Neobook. It was a gui that created a gui. You picked commands from a list, no need to remember any syntax, it was all there.So I'm surprised there aren't many apps around that do this.The app mentioned above for ffmpeg that remembers the command line is pretty good but even simpler would be to just store my inputted full command line for later use. I'll have to see if that app can do that.i recently found Pysimplegui, and it looks really promising for non programmers. Looks super easy to use, nearly just copy and paste code required.
    Quote Quote  
  20. The art of building a good GUI for anything is to adapt potential user's strategies to a more or less occult black box. And that is a real art, many developers have big problems with this exact thing. It's not at all that simple as you think: Take each command line parameter and create (or let create) a suitable dropdownbox.
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  21. Originally Posted by CyberOtter View Post
    I'm using ffmpeg in a daily basis. I'll share my small experience with the excellent tool, its kind of on-topic.

    A long (looong) time ago, as a newbie in the video world, i started using the infamous SUPER©, and the not-so-freeware-MediaCoder.
    It worked, but as time went by, and with my more serious jobs, i always wanted to have more precise control and was often frustrated that those GUIs were always missing some function i needed.
    (Which, I was aware, could be available with CLI-ffmpeg)

    So I dropped those "friendly but oversimplified" GUIs, which were working mostly with preselected parameters.
    And looked for something else.

    Let me tell you a few GUIs that i tried over the years.

    AVANTI was the first one : Kind of "simple" GUI, but who offered the possibility of custom ffmpeg Commands, and Avisynth Scripts. Not bad at all, but it's no longer usable with recent Windows OS

    then i tried AnotherGUi : this is literally a GUI which offered nothing else but the possibility of writing your own command-lines and saving them as presets.
    So this was the start of my journey into FFMpeg documentation (lol), so I could try to get the possibilities of ffmpeg CLI.

    I begun to write my own BAT files, and tried to experiment with the full potential of CLI FFMpeg.

    On this forum, I then stumbled into FFQueue, which was well thought : nice interface, a lot of useful filters, allowed custom command arguments.
    I sticked with it for a while. (FORUM THREAD )

    Then, another player came into the "FFMpeg-GUI game" : FFmpeg Batch Converter.
    Not sure if I have to go into details, but this is probably the best GUI i used until now.
    Nice interface, full control over the Encoding command parameters (then saved as user-presets), but also perfect for Stream Manipulations (with its "multiplex" tab) which i do a lot.

    So i guess this is perfect for someone who wants to do a lot of "CLI FFMpeg"operations, without the hassle of BAT files / Powershell.

    On the other side, I also use ShutterEncoder, excellent tool for with a lot of useful predefined functions when you're working in a Post-Production "editing/delivering" job. (which I am)
    or even Clever FFMpeg, but I find its usability to be less "fluid" for my workflows.

    Anyways. Take a look to FFBatch, maybe it will suit your needs as it did for mines.
    Hope it helps.
    Thanks for these detailed insights into the differences Appreciate it.
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  22. Member JNavas's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by smrpix View Post
    Highly recommend shutter encoder. It's not immediately obvious but you can type any ffmpeg command into the function box.
    • Shutter Encoder is promising, but the Windows version has bugs and issues. I gave up on it.
    • HandBrake is good but a bit limited.
    • WinFF is simple and effective.
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    In fact, at the moment there are many developments in this direction, but the graphical interface is not implemented everywhere. I have been using scripts for a long time, now I consult with professionals to implement a full-fledged graphical interface. But for basic needs, you can use existing software.
    Last edited by Appoloh; 17th Aug 2021 at 09:30.
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    Originally Posted by smrpix View Post
    Highly recommend shutter encoder. It's not immediately obvious but you can type any ffmpeg command into the function box.
    Hi. I'm actually looking to incorporate a custom ffmpeg command into a Shutter Encoder function I have setup with a bunch of GUI settings. Is that possible? I see the function box, but it's currently populated with the codec I'm using H.264, so I'm not sure how to go about typing in my ffmpeg command on top of that codec function? I also have text overlays, max file size and other GUI settings that i do not want to lose. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
    Last edited by adam201; 7th Apr 2022 at 17:24.
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  25. Member metis's Avatar
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    Metis may respond. But he not been 'active' here for several months.
    Sorry, but sometimes I'm busy. - So, here are my Answers...
    Check out FastFlix too
    Another Example for a ProgramInterface, overcrowded with Options only for Converting - Imagine six of them for six different Tasks , like...
    • 1. ScreenRecording (here is a Collection of ScreenRecorders)
    • 2. Converting Audio-/Video-Formats
    • 3. Playback/Streaming
    • 4. Creating Thumbnails of a Video
    • 5. Grabbing via USB, TV-Card, etc.
    • 6. CD/DVD-Ripping
    The BasicIdea of 'RunFFmpeg' is to use one App for any FFmpeg-Task.
    Its ProjectFiles provide the "BasicStructure", i.e. the "Core", the "Kernel" for an All-In-One-GUI for the Execution of FFmpeg-Commands,
    whereby the FFmpegProcess-Input and -Output are directly accessed by Code.

    With some ProgrammingSkills, You can make of it whatever You want and thus adapt it 100% to Your individual Needs.
    None of the existing Apps will do that for You - As mentioned above, You usually get:
    "99% that You don't need and will never use, and 1% that is always Missing".

    To work out/compose those FFmpeg-CommandLines, You may use Apps as mentioned by CyberOtter, above.
    Then copy the resulting CommandLine and paste it into the corresponding Line in 'RunFFmpeg' - That's all.

    I'm not a coder + a generic GUI would be wonderful
    The more an App "is created", the more You are limited in what can be created.
    'RunFFmpeg' is written in FreePascal with the Lazarus-RAD-IDE.
    So, it's true, that to "create list drop downs, radio buttons, etc, anything", You have to know, how to do it, but:
    • - it's not more complicated than Writing Scripts, but offers many more Possibilities
    • - there's a lot of Help for Beginners on the Internet, e.g. LazPlanet
    • - the Secret of "come back a year or more later and have to change the gui" is: Documentation & CodeComments.
    ... but even simpler would be to just store my inputted full command line for later use.
    No Problem - Projected for the next Release of 'RunFFmpeg' were anyway Features, like...
    • - Replace the TextLines with DropDown-Lists, so that several CommandLines are executable per Line.
    • - Add Code to save all lastly used GUI-Parameters and Restore them, when Reopening the App
      (e.g. the last Position&Size on the Screen and all lastly used CommandLines)
    • - Add Touch-Support, so that You can control the App via TouchScreen
      (useful, e.g. for Presentations)
    • - and so on.

    The art of building a good GUI for anything is to adapt potential user's strategies to a more or less occult black box.
    Or in other Words: The App should be intuitive and self-explaining.
    Well, 'RunFFmpeg' needs no HelpFiles - It's all explained in the Tooltip-Texts.

    I have been using scripts for a long time, now I consult with professionals ... to implement a full-fledged graphical interface.
    That's exactly the Point !

    If You are familiar with Scripts, then You know the FFmpeg-CommandLines and their Arguments anyway.
    With a little Help from the Lazarus-RAD-IDE, together with the RunFFmpeg-ProjectFiles (Download 'FFGrab4Laz_01.7z'),
    You won't need these (probably not very cheap) Professionals anymore - You can do it Yourself.

    BTW (saw Your Profile): 'RunFFmpeg-Win32' works from WinXP to Win10, and with LINUX & Wine.
    Last edited by metis; 19th Aug 2022 at 07:24.
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  26. I'm a Super Moderator johns0's Avatar
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    I like clever FFmpeg GUI the best,does everything i need to do.
    I think,therefore i am a hamster.
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  27. Member metis's Avatar
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    Let's not forget the OP's opening question:
    "... Windows GUI for ffmpeg? Possible allowing all that CLI can?"
    Last edited by metis; 18th Aug 2022 at 13:12.
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  28. I'm using videomass (multiplatform, GPL) for about a year now and does a are the profiles I use with it.

    My profiles for videomass I use.

    Profile name: hevc 265 libopus 16k crf 28
    Description: crf 28 or 31 for VHS quality
    output format: mp4
    -c:v hevc -crf 28 -c:a libopus -b:a 16k -vf scale="-2:720"

    Profile name: burn-in subtitles
    Description: x265, rescale to 720p, srt subs hard-coded
    output format: mp4
    -c:v hevc -crf 28 -c:a libopus -b:a 16k -vf scale="-2:720",subtitles="/home/mint/Videos/"

    Profile name: replace audio and rescale to 720p
    Description: x265 replace audio track
    output format: mp4
    -i "/home/mint/Music/music.opus" -c:v hevc -crf 28 -vf scale="-2:720" -c:a copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 -map_metadata 0 -shortest

    Profile name: Extract audio from video converts to Opus
    Description: in Opus 16kbps (talk) 96k (music)
    output format: opus
    -vn -sn -map 0:1 -c:a:0 libopus -b:a 16k -vbr off -map_metadata 0

    Profile name: encode video to audio only opus
    Description: 16kbps for speech, talk audio only from video
    output format: opus
    -vn -c:a libopus -b:a 16k -vbr off

    Profile name: Add audio stream to video (copy)
    Description: muxing audio with video
    output format: mp4
    -i "/home/mint/music.opus" -c:v copy -c:a copy -map_metadata 0 -shortest

    Profile name: audio filter Dynamic Audio Normalization
    Description: collection of mp3s prepare for opus chaptered audiobook
    output format: opus
    -vn -c:a libopus -b:a 32k -vbr off -ar 48000 -af dynaudnorm,aformat=channel_layouts=stereo

    Profile name: noise reduction
    Description: highpass=500 lowpass =1000
    output format: opus
    -c:a libopus -vbr off -b:a 32k -ar 48000 -af highpass=200,lowpass=3000,afftdn,aformat=channel_l ayouts=stereo,volume=12dB,dynaudnorm

    Profile name: remove silence
    Description: start_periods=0 to only remove silence from beginning
    output format: opus
    -c:a libopus -vbr off -b:a 32k -ar 48000 -af
    ffmpeg 5.x no longer requires the option -strict -2 when using opus in mp4. If still on ffmpeg 4.x you need to use it.
    Quote Quote  

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