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  1. Hey, everyone! I'm glad to be a part of this forum. I recently started going down the rabbit hole of VHS collecting and capturing digital files to record to VHS. I do apologize for this lengthy post. I wanted to have as much detail as possible.

    I have a Sony SLV-D380P DVD/VHS combo (NTSC player) and there is no switch on the front, back, sides, top, and bottom to change a setting. The menu settings related to VHS are Tape Length, Auto Play, and Auto Repeat. I have a 4:3 Magnavox stereo color CRT TV and it only has 1 composite input and it's in the front of tv. I have these composite cables. I'm recording over a retail Lord of the Rings VHS tape.

    I bought this converter from Walmart and set it up as follows:
    • It is on NTSC mode
    • Composite in front of tv > composite output in the back of the VCR
    • Composite input from front of VCR (Line 2 input) > composite output on converter
    • HDMI input on converter > HDMI port on PC graphics card
    I am able to use my CRT as a second monitor and it is in color. I am using VLC video playe in full screen on the CRT. When I record a color video file to the VHS tape, the recording is in black and white.

    I did some Googling and a Reddit comment said to buy a different converter and I did. This converter has HDMI input and an HDMI output and the composite yellow output says "CVBS".

    This is how I connected the new converter:
    • It is on NTSC mode
    • Composite in front of tv > composite output in the back of the VCR
    • Composite input from front of VCR (Line 2 input) > composite output on converter
    • HDMI input on converter > HDMI port on PC graphics card
    I'm also able to see the CRT as a second monitor with this new converter but the recording results are also in black and white.

    I've tried different composite cables. I also tried using my external 4K blu-ray player and the recording also results in black and white. I've tried for hours to get a color recording and I'm not sure what's going on. I bought brand new blank T-120 tapes to see if maybe that's the issue and they arrive later today.

    Does anyone have tips for me? Thanks!
    Last edited by jtpilkoids; 9th Feb 2025 at 14:32.
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  2. Capturing Memories dellsam34's Avatar
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    This is not how VHS is captured, You are using the wrong tools, wrong software, There are tons of threads here suggesting the right capture devices and software, take the time to do some reading to have a generale idea and then ask the right questions.
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  3. Originally Posted by dellsam34 View Post
    This is not how VHS is captured, You are using the wrong tools, wrong software, There are tons of threads here suggesting the right capture devices and software, take the time to do some reading to have a generale idea and then ask the right questions.
    I'm not capturing VHS... I'm recording to VHS. And I solved the problem. The converter is just terrible and I bought a cheap dvd player. Mods can delete this thread.
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