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  1. Member Blazey's Avatar
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    Ok, I'm going nuts here,

    Capture AVI using Lordsmurf's guide and Huffy codec.

    Video and Audio is perfect when raw AVI is viewed.

    When encoded with TMP or dragged into Vegas audio is out of synch. In Vegas, the audio is out on the timeline BEFORE encode, so even though the audio appears in sych originally, it must be off, right?

    If I cap direct to Vegas using the Vegas capture device, audio is good, but the ATI captures in better quality IMO so I would rather do it this way.

    Any ideas?

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  2. Member erratic's Avatar
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    I don't know why it's happening or how to prevent it, but I can tell you how to fix gradual sync problems with Vegas.

    Select the audio track by clicking on it.
    Hit the U key.
    Hold down the Control key while stretching the audio with the mouse.

    You can verify the result immediately on the timeline and make adjustments if necessary.
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  3. Member erratic's Avatar
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    By the way, WDM capture apps usually create AVI files with internal video and audio offsets.
    AVI Offset Calculator - This is intended for use with WDM capture devices and programs. These usually create captures with internal audio and video offsets, which work properly under DirectShow but are typically ignored by editing software. This tool calculates the total skew, writes the offsets to zero, and renames the file so that you can adjust the audio skew in VirtualDub or other software. This should result in proper sync for both editing and playback.

    You probably wouldn't have this problem with VfW capture software, like VirtualDub (preferably VirtualDubMod or VirtualDub Sync) or AVI_IO.
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  4. Member Blazey's Avatar
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    Thanks for the help. In all honesty, trying to re-synch a 1hr 20 min film is horrendous and seems near impossible. These has to be an issue with my sound cards clock. It's an Audigy so it should be good. This is really bumming me out because I FINALLY am getting the capture quality I want. I may post some screenshots I am so proud! But without the audio in synch it is f***ing useless.

    Capping directly to Vegas produces REMARKABLY PERFECT video, but Vegas wont accept a codec to compress the video, and I only have 120 gigs available on my capture machine. I can capture the video, but there is no room left to reencode!!!!


    Sorry. I had to vent! Been at this since 5:30 am! I finally got a Laserdisc of "Evil Of Frankenstein" which is a fav. of mine and not available on DVD. I've been at this too long and I need a nap.
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  5. Member Blazey's Avatar
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    Oh, and there are no dropped frames according to ATI MMC.
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  6. Member erratic's Avatar
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    ATI MMC doesn't report dropped frames correctly. At least it didn't the last time I used it for AVI capture from a VHS tape, which must have been more than a year ago. No dropped frames reported but I could find several in the captured file with VirtualDub.

    You could try Virtual VCR (free) or iuVCR (shareware) but I prefer VirtualDubMod or VirtualDub Sync (both free). I've never had sync problems with those programs. You can definitely use the HuffYUV codec, so the quality should be the same as ATI MMC.
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  7. Member Blazey's Avatar
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    Thanks for all your help Erratic.

    I will try Virtual Dub Synch next. I was under the impression that the ATI capture software was superior, but hopefully that's not so!

    Thanks again.
    I'll give you an update on VDubSynch when I'm through.
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