I didn't see anywhere on this site where it talked about X(S)VCD Encoding, just regular (S)VCD Encoding. I've been using Panasonic's MPEG-1 converter for VCDs & Cinema Craft Encoder SP 2.5 for SVCDs. But I downloaded the X(S)VCD samples from this site and the quality was much better than my normal (S)VCDs. I guess the settings in TMPG might be able to make X(S)VCDs, but since i haven't been using it maybe someone could offer me some help how I go about changing the settings.
I saw on this site the samples were using:
XVCD_NTSC-352x240 @ 2500kb/s & XSVCD_NTSC-720x480 @ 3500kb/s.
How do I make X(S)VCDs like that? in TMPG?

thanx in advance
by the way, my sources are dvd-rips divx in various sizes(576x340, 576x240, 640x272, 640x352, 720x352 & 720x36, and actuall DVD movies i've yet to RIP.

Please Respond...

***Okay, just found the link for XVCD encoding(http://www.vcdhelp.com/tmpgencxvcd.htm), it was a hidden in the "What Is" section under XVCD at the bottom of the page, i was looking in the "Convert" Section. Alright so know all i need is info on XSVCD making...anyone?
***Actually, I think i've found the answer to my own question. If I could i would have deleted this post, sorry.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: uknow on 2001-12-29 00:22:24 ]</font>