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Poll: Do you dream in your sleep?

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  1. No Longer Mod tgpo's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by g_shocker182
    Last night I drempt that (A) I was being chased in an empty mall by a few vampires...the mall was set up like a HALO map , and (B) I crashed my car and got a flat tire trying to outrun them.

    Woke up and was like "WTF?"
    Blade vs Bill Gates in Dawn of the Dead
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  2. Member FulciLives's Avatar
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    The question I really want to know is ...

    Do androids dream of electric sheep?


    - John "FulciLives" Coleman
    "The eyes are the first thing that you have to destroy ... because they have seen too many bad things" - Lucio Fulci
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  3. Member
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    I am a free man.
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    Originally Posted by zoneless
    So if you have "no dreams," that means you have slept well, but you did dream several times during the night. You just can't remember them.
    Yes we always have two periods of dream, known as Rapid Eye Movement. But that does not mean that we always have two periods of dream(s).
    Whether we remember them or not is very much along the lines you mention, but sometimes there is nothing to remember....

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  4. Yes.
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  5. Master of Time & Space Capmaster's Avatar
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    My screaming is a mere whisper and my thrashing might move me an inch.
    Normal since the brain paralyzes the body to protect it during vivid dreams.

    Anybody done this? I have actually dreamed I died of the most stunning and vivid dreams I've ever had. It was in color, with rich detail like textures and smells. I dreamed of dying and passing into the in-between which in my dream was represented as boarding a train. Presumably the train would take me to my final destination. I remember visiting with my parents right before boarding ....very strange dream that I can still remember every detail of even though it's been at least 7 years since it occurred. What's weird is the dream started right as I was dying and I don't recall that I ever dreamed what had done me in. It was one of those that had me thinking all the next day
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  6. Member northcat_8's Avatar
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    Chit, IDK I'm following you
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    I love to dream. I like to fly in my dreams...although psychologists will tell you the reason you fly is because you have some issue that you are trying to aviod dealing with so you flying is symbolism for you over looking or going over your problem rather than dealing with it.

    I don't know about all that...I just know everytime I am dreaming, and I realize I'm dreaming...I take off and fly...

    I have dreamed I got shot in the head...was really weird, I couldn't move anything or see anything but I could hear the surroundings and I couldn't breathe...mine wasn't in color before I got shot though, I was a store clerk it was sometime in the 20's because their were a bunch of Model-T style cars going up and down the street...hmmm, very weird. It could have been my former life...but I don't believe in that so I just dismissed it...
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  7. I dream of a world free of nuclear weapons, where the threat of mutually-assured destruction means mankind's quest to remove the barriers that keep us all from being truly free, where the United Nations has replaced national governments and finally created a global community...

    And then my wife punches me in the back and says, "Damnit Khan, stop moaning about inflatable goats and midget clowns and wake up! You're missing Tara Hitchcock on channel 3!"

    And I go online and read that yes, there are still nuclear weapons in the world, and there are still those who seek to acquire nuclear weapons because they have to overcome the fact they have small dicks and need to replace that shame with some kind of impressive phallic symbol, and that's why we still keep 'em aimed at certain elitist-minded fools.

    And all is well with the world...

    Until Capmaster logins.
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  8. As far as Vanilla Sky, it was a good twist, but I liked Dreamscape better. Want some whacked dreams, try Melatonin, and follow the directions, at least a half hour before you go to bed. I started taking it right before bed and they seemed to quit working, got back to the half hour before bed and have and continue to have some whacky dreams. And of course some brands may work where others don't due to your metabolism, or the quality of the pill.
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  9. Master of Time & Space Capmaster's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by indolikaa
    I dream of a world free of nuclear weapons, where the threat of mutually-assured destruction means mankind's quest to remove the barriers that keep us all from being truly free, where the United Nations has replaced national governments and finally created a global community...

    And then my wife punches me in the back and says, "Damnit Khan, stop moaning about inflatable goats and midget clowns and wake up! You're missing Tara Hitchcock on channel 3!"

    And I go online and read that yes, there are still nuclear weapons in the world, and there are still those who seek to acquire nuclear weapons because they have to overcome the fact they have small dicks and need to replace that shame with some kind of impressive phallic symbol, and that's why we still keep 'em aimed at certain elitist-minded fools.

    And all is well with the world...

    Until Capmaster logins.
    Low blow. Not that I disapprove or even disagree ....
    I dream of a world where we don't need nukes, and everybody gets along ....and people respect each other and each other's religions and cultures and choices of TV shows and DVD media. The poor are provided for ...and everybody prospers. Bunny rabbits are frolicking in the fields and the birds are singing. Then I wake up and realize I had fallen asleep during a political ad for the "other guys".

    I feel better once I get to work, look admiringly at my 30x40 poster of Apesgrapes in his superdwarf suit and resist those stirrings ...think fondly of Pacmania ......and go into the high-bay and slap one of the nukes in my charge and say ......

    "God ...working around radioactive devices for so many years sure has fucked me up"
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  10. Don't remember any of them. Had a dorm mate in college who solved the Calculus problems in his dreams he couldn't solve awake. I guess that's why he's a heart surgeon now.
    If it works, don't fix it.
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