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  1. hello.
    I connected my computer svideo tv out to my tv.
    and when Im playing a video, the tv plays well but there is some white lines scrolling up the screen.
    any idea why ?
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  2. It sounds like the signal between the video card and the TV is getting noise from somewhere.

    Make sure your cable is securely attached at both ends, that it doesn't lay across anything that could be producing interference (such as a power strip or outlet), and that the cable itself is good. If you have another S-video cable, try it and see if the problem still exists.

    Also, the longer the cable, the more susceptible to interference. So if the cable you are using is overly long for your purposes, you should try a shorter one.

    Really, this interference could be coming from anywhere, it could even be the Cathode Tube inside the TV causing the interference, whereas there would be nothing you could do about it. You'll just have to tinker around and see if you can isolate the source.

    Good luck.
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  3. thank you for your quick answer.
    im gonna try that.
    my s-video is super long, and is goin over some a power strip cord.
    so might be it.
    thanks you again.
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