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  1. I have 4 Pioneer A06 burners and have had great success burning with 5 different media types at 4x, this was until about 6 weeks ago.

    The main function of these drives is PS2/Xbox backups, but also movies. They do get a lot of use and each would have burnt around 1500-2000 discs each.

    6 weeks ago, the first of the four started producing poor quality burns, where there was a fade ring at about the halfway point on the face of the disc. These discs when tested, failed and some are now being used as drink coasters. As a temporary measure I dropped the speed back to 2x and started acheiving successful burns again. 2 weeks passed and a second drive started producing similar results and it has been droped back to 2x. Yesterday drive 3, same result. I now have 3 drives running at 2x and it seems the fourth may be next.

    It doesn't seem to be a power calibration issue, or media related.

    I have had successful results with Princo, Melody, Ritek, Databank and Verbatim. The 3 Sony DRU 500's are running fine, but have only ever run at 2x speed consistently. I have just put up with that.

    The Sony Drives have the latest firmware, however I have seen no need to update the Pioneer's as they have run beautifully until recently.

    Any ideas anyone? Has anyone had this problem and resloved it? Or is it old age/overuse. These drives are nearly 6 months old

    I was looking at setting up a 7 tray duplicator with Pioneer, but currently having second thoughts.
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  2. Member
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    The main function of these drives is PS2/Xbox backups, but also movies. They do get a lot of use and each would have burnt around 1500-2000 discs each.
    Wow!!! Have 2000 original titles for the ps2/Xbox been published????
    You must own software that has not yet been fed in a compiler!!!!
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  3. with all the money your making off selling these "backups",just buy a new drive.
    id say that if i managed to burn off 2000 movies on my 106,id be more than happy to buy a new one.

    such a stupid question though.
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  4. 2000 burns...these drives are not commercial replicator's, claim it on your tax bill , I'm sure your making more than enough money selling these PS/2 games or movies..I agree with MeTaLgEaRsOoTy what a dumb question.
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  5. Look familiar.
    Not doing your workload. So I dont think its hardware.

    In any case returned for a new one. And no problems yet.

    new drive has 1.06 firm and I un-installed a crap load of dvd programs just in case it was ASPI related..

    BTW maybe he has a big family lots of kids and a xbox in every room. Just kidding 2000 burns seems like alot.
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    Is the idiot for real? Posting a crap statement like that on this site.
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  7. Perhaps I was given the wrong information by my colleague. He told me that people were really helpful here and would more than likely be able to assist me. Obviously he was wrong.

    Thanks for all your sarcastic and negative feedback, it really helps. All I asked was whether anyone else has experienced the same problems, I didn't ask you to criticise what I am doing. If I cannot find a solution I will replace them. The amount of money I make is also none of your business, so judge yourself before others.

    If there is anyone out there who is able to assist, I would be very appreciative and if you do own a PS2 or Xbox I will more than happy to look after you in return.

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  8. Sir,

    May I point out that the terms and conditions of using this forum excludes discussion on pirating of DVD's, CD.s or software. It's therefore not surprising that you have encountered the responses that you have received. May I suggest that you contact the manufaturers of the drives and see if they can help, or just replace them.
    Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
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  9. Member
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    Listen here. You post a statement that you mainly use them (the writers) to do PS-2 and XBOX backups. And then you go on to say they have burned 1500 to 2000 discs each. Now think about it. Is this legal. NO. Are you using all these back-ups? Don't think so. This is in clear violation of this site, and no you won't get any help. Next time think before you issue such a ludecrious statement. Now go away!
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  10. Looks like the_birdman has burned (and sold?) anywhere between 6000-8000 games. Someone should get his IP and report his stinking a$$. One thing is to make 1 copy for yourself (yes I understand even THAT is illiegal) but another thing is to make money off it.
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  11. yeah man,i totally agree.

    to the_birdman

    why not ask some of your warez pals.
    or do they think its so much of a dumbass question too.
    bite the bullet and get another drive you gimp.
    you never said "dont give out negative feedback"
    were just giving you our opinions.
    and if your gonna keep using commercial burners for stuff like that,then your the fool,coz theres plenty of places that sell professional equipment at low prices.
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  12. If you need to contact the_birdman you can find him(?) on ebay or at your local flea market.
    I'm sorry the_birdman you deserve all the sarcastic & negative feedback,if you didn't tell everyone about your bootleg operation I'm sure you would of received helpful and positive feedback.
    As my father once said "never volunteer information".
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  13. I have a pioneer A06. I bought it three weeks ago.
    I began to use anydvd 1263 and clonedvd 1284, using media generic taiyo yuden of 4x with success. However, then use generic leaddata of 4x and I was also successful with 2 of these, later on I have not been able to record in 4x. Use optodisc 1x-4x using nero and failure.

    I need help, not you if it is that the pioneer this working bad or it is the software, or the media or everything, please help.

    What I have been making is recording to dvd-r 1x or dvd+rw 2.4x, or dvd-rw 2x, using a lot of time

    I write from Costa Rica and in this country they sell media to a solely generic reasonable price. To use media like for example Ritek should care them from it USA.

    Additionally, in the pioneer web they indicate that to record at 4x it is required media certified, then, it will be that my problem or another thing, please I need help.

    Pardon my English.
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  14. yes its probably rubbish media,or software related.
    anydvd and clonedvd are poor programmes.
    use dvd decrypter(which is great,but remember to contribute),and dvd shrink.
    then copy with a decent copying software called copytodvd.
    and your problems should be solved.
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  15. Hola Jose,

    Yo tambien estoy en Costa Rica. Tengo un Pioneer A06 y he quemado a 4X sin ningun problema. Pero normalmente opto por 2X. He utilizado Imation que son los que mas baratos he conseguido aqui. Mande a traer Imation y LeadData por Internet, que me salio mas barato.

    Deberias poder quemar a 4X si tu media es certificada a esa velocidad. Tambien recuerda que no siempre lo que dicen los discos es verdad, especialmente si la calidad es baja.
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  16. To whom it may concern,

    This is Michael's father (Don). Michael came to me last night concerned that he would be reported to the Police/Authorities in regard to a silly message he posted under this username.

    To give you a clear picture of the actual situation, Michael is a 17 y.o. school student who does have a Pioneer DVD burner. The problem is Michael is prone to exaggeration in order to try and impress people.

    From all accounts he has burned some games and movies for friends at school and has infact been recently suspended from school for circulating some of these. From what he tells me it is more like 150-200 discs he has burned, which seems correct as I supplied him with the discs.

    The issue with the DVD burner has been resolved as it was returned to Pioneer and deemed faulty, the drive in question has since been replaced.

    Michael's use of the computer and the internet is being carefully monitored and he has had all of his other privleges revoked and been suitably punished.

    I do apologise if he offended anyone with his little story.

    yours sincerely
    Don Fitzpatrick.
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  17. From all accounts he has burned some games and movies for friends at school and has infact been recently suspended from school for circulating some of these. From what he tells me it is more like 150-200 discs he has burned, which seems correct as I supplied him with the discs.
    Did you not think to question the use of so many DVD discs? That sort of usage is highly suspicious and were I a parent in such a situation I would be asking questions.

    What is most annoying is that what your son has been doing is what has got all of us into the piracy war with the RIAA and the software alliances. Copying for your own use is one thing, but copying to sell is very much a differnt ball game. I trust that you have made this clear to your son.
    Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
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  18. Wow, this is the biggest load of crap I've ever read. You expect me to believe this "boy's" "father" wrote a reply post? I thought this site was for DVD information, not soap opera drama.
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  19. thanks to all for the information

    I will prove and I comment them.

    I am to buy a test pack in to prove the stocking at 4x

    A la persona que me constesto desde costa rica, donde comprastes los discos a 4x, por que los he buscado y resulta que no hay o estan muy caros
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  20. Jose.

    Los compre por medio de Internet. Pero puedes probar en Arcadia Multimedia pues alli compre Imation de 4x por 1,500 colones.
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  21. Member
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    I love it when people talk Italian!
    You create your own reality. Interested in media servers and HTPC? Can we talk?
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  22. danalmsa

    ok, gracias
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