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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Rhode Island, USA
    Search PM
    When I first registered in the forum, there was a page I used to like to visit often called Registered Users or something like that. It was a page that let you see every person that is registered here at, and you could sort by number of posts, whether they had ICQ or not, AIM or not, Yahoo! Messenger or not... and so on. I remember I used to hold eighth place in number of posts last time I was able to check, which was before summer started. The other day I was curious if I still had eighth place or if I had moved up or down the list, and I saw that there was no more link to access such a page. What happened to it? Was it removed because it caused lag or something? I am on cable, and I remember it used to take like a good ten seconds per page to load that up. That's a long time when things take less thanone second to load usually. port 6667 #DDR
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Rhode Island, USA
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    Apparently I went down two spots to tenth place...
    Oh well. Hehe... port 6667 #DDR
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  3. Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    51`N 5'W #linux & #vcdhelp @ DALnet
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    Hey, Im 14th!
    I'm catching you up and this is just one post colser.
    Only another 200 or so to go...

    Hey Baldrick - Why does TIbrO get the title "Muppet King" and I only have "Member"? Could I please have the title "Crazy Fool"?
    I'll pay you 1 Kronar. Or 1 Euro if you prefer - Your choice. Ill visit some sponsors if you like...
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  4. Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    51`N 5'W #linux & #vcdhelp @ DALnet
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    Euro's or Kronar's?
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  5. Damn school... now i can't post as much. Oh well....But how much time do you have to spend to get 3448 posts? that's insane. and pfft.. i'm in 22nd place, i'm a long way from getting to 4 digits...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Riot_Inc on 2001-10-09 19:09:49 ]</font>
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