It is working!
It just looks it does not work for you because of unreasonable demands.
You did not answer if it is elementary streams that do not work or any of your videos. Because I know it worked.
If it is just elementary stream, then add your audio to it, mux it with whatever there is around, try "clever ffmpeg" or whatever, avidemux.
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Results 61 to 76 of 76
Here's an example of what Vegas is capable of doing
A project like this requires being able to combine VHS transfers, various downloaded videos including youtube rips, DVD rips, CD rips, and such. Vegas is a very powerful tool, it's too bad they can't seem to work out the glaring glitches and bugs in it that can bring momentum to a grinding halt at a moments notice... -
I don't do streaming at all, still use blu-ray Verbatims 25gb and I swear by multiavchd which will accept your AVC file. God bless the man who developed multiavchd , been using it for over a decade. It's flawless, wow, what a product.
Not as-is - he needed to change the extension , but apparently did not like multiavchd
Another "trick" for software that "doesn't see" certain file types, is the "*.*" trick . In the file open or import dialog box, type in "*.*" (without the quotes) , hit enter
If it doesn't import, try changing the extension (to you know what) and repeat
But Magix Studio is the "studio" line, so not the "pro" line . It's geared for ease of use and consumer level software, so they probably don't expect pre-rendered BD elementary video assets. Also it's primarily a video editor, not an authoring tool, so I wouldn't be surprised if it couldn't import elementary streams
So if none of those work, mux it into a container as _Al_ suggested -
I have found it very enjoyable to author a custom Blu-Ray. If you are creating multiple videos, it can be like an Art Form.
The free BD-encoder program multiAVCHD has an incredibly versatile set of encoding features.
It is a real joy to create a one-of-a-kind Blu-Ray.
I think johns0 is not being fair in saying that we don`t need to have a way to author simply because streaming is so prevalent.
But in his defense, I recently bought an external BD writer for $40 from a video editor who said he hardly ever used it because streaming had become the way for his customers. And this is why he sold it.
On a related note, the DVD Forum, which is a group of people who handle the administration of DVD specifications, has recently been dissolved (Jan 31, 2025). In the process, the proprietary specifications of the DVD format, which formerly required you to pay $5000 to read and to also sign a non-disclosure statement, have been given to the chief library in Japan. It would seem, therefore, that you no longer need an expensive license to make full use as you see fit of the DVD specifications. This can be seen as a great loss or as a great gain, or as both.
It reminds one a bit of when Adobe gave everyone full access to their PDF proprietary information in 2008. -
Sort of related: One neglected aspect in manufacturing a DVD drive was that one company would interpret the DVD specifications differently than another company would because the wording in the specifications was at times vague and was translated from Japanese. One time I returned a DVD to a store and they had 3 DVD drives and they said you would get a refund only if it did not work on any of them.
Well, after wasting my time with Movie Studio 2024, I find that IT WILL NOT BURN WITHOUT A RE-ENCODE!!!!
I've specified several times that this is not what I want. And yet, here we are!
Not sure why no-one seems to be able to come up with a working method to just author a damn disc already! -
Authoring Works does re-encode. However, the quality is very close to the original. Give the free version a test trial.
I have gone to great lengths to encode to the settings i want!!!!!
If software developers cannot handle the fact that people encode things to their desired specs for reasons, they should find another line of work!!!!
Getting sick and tired of this bullshit - it should not be so damn impossible to author a damn disc!!!!!! -
Originally Posted by Armyofquad
So much angst... did you actually do a BD author and burn to check the quality? -
The quality of a re-render doesn't matter to me. I will not re-render. Period. I rendered the way I did for a reason. I created the files I wanted as I wanted for reasons.
I do not have time for bullshit software from people that have no respect for their end users - overriding the end users settings and desires on a project is a complete lack of respect.
I don't understand why no one can make a ******* blu-ray authoring app that uses the basic standards of functionality and actually ******* works! -
Can you post a mediainfo query of said file? I've done discs in multiavchd and tmpeg authoring works, and bdrebuilder without recoding. They don't take *raw* h264 streams though so you will have to mix them into a mkv, mp4 or m2ts container. Mkvtoolnix or tsmuxer can do such task.
if all else fails read the manual -
I might have found a better solution - I found an installer of DVD Architect 6.0 Pro, newer than the version of 5 I have that keeps freezing on me. I managed to get it to take more than 2.5 hours of AVC video footage, but still need to build out chapters and a menu.
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