I don't want to leave any room for misinformation, and I trust you. However, none of the files I obtained here could be converted to WVD; when I checked a few of them, they were unusable. This might be the reason, as I was able to convert my own files directly and without issues.
But still, we would never say no to a command from you.thad convert to WVD
Best regards,
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Results 61 to 74 of 74
Yes, it's a "simple" Struct:
Code:v2 = Struct( "signature" / magic, "version" / Const(Int8ub, 2), "type_" / CEnum( Int8ub, **{t.name: t.value for t in DeviceTypes} ), "security_level" / Int8ub, "flags" / Padded(1, COptional(BitStruct( # no per-device flags yet Padding(8) ))), "private_key_len" / Int16ub, "private_key" / Bytes(this.private_key_len), "client_id_len" / Int16ub, "client_id" / Bytes(this.client_id_len) )
You're right, there seems to be an issue with the 2nd batch of CDMs I uploaded.
I converted 115 other ones to .wvd and uploaded those instead.
This is the code I used to convert them btw:
Code:import os import subprocess script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) subfolders = [f.path for f in os.scandir(script_dir) if f.is_dir()] for subfolder in subfolders: private_key_path = os.path.join(subfolder, 'private_key.pem') client_id_path = os.path.join(subfolder, 'client_id.bin') output_wvd_name = os.path.basename(subfolder) + '.wvd' output_wvd_path = os.path.join(script_dir, output_wvd_name) command = [ 'pywidevine', 'create-device', '-k', private_key_path, '-c', client_id_path, '-t', 'ANDROID', '-l', '3', '-o', output_wvd_path ] subprocess.run(command, check=True)
You can also pass the two files as bytes into the Device object constructor and then call .dumps(). See here:
https://github.com/devine-dl/pywidevine/blob/master/pywidevine/main.py#L197Bypass HMACs, One-time-tokens and Lic.Wrapping: https://github.com/DevLARLEY/WidevineProxy2 -
Thank you all very much for enlightening us and for your help. We send you great respect, love, and greetings.
Hey, Ive been messing around with android studio but to no avail I guess and I came across yours cmds. At first, I was super hyped up but (at least for me I guess?) yhose dont work with widevine l3 decrypter extension. Any solutions for that?
I can’t get the keys for the Prime Live streams in HD, only the ones in SD quality. I’ve tried the CDM I generated and several from this page, but none of them seem to work. I thought maybe there’s one that does, like for Smart TVs. Could anyone share it?
Share who has a script for converting files - device_private_key and device_client_id_blob(private_key.pem and client_id.bin) in - .wvd files
Install the Python pywidevine module - the script you look for is part of the package.
You can read https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/404994-Decryption-and-the-Temple-of-Doom
Ctrl+f search for "Create a wvd file"--[----->+<]>.++++++++++++.---.--------.
[*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~~~~~~~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*] -
it's amazing someone went to the trouble to give so many of these but
I'm just wondering why so many of these are needed, do they often get disabled ? -
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