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    Originally Posted by arakelov2 View Post
    Ok, maybe I didn't explain myself well. I'll try again:

    So I changed the CDM: renamed the device.wvd to something different and copied another .wvd from inside a zip named, dowloaded from some thread I don't remember now...
    Run it again and... TADAAAAA!!!

    Best regards.
    Two effing hours of my life gone because a CDM is blown?
    I've known since it returned from testing that the code worked on the site in question, so if it didn't work you for it must have been down to you.

    However, a rejected CDM was off my radar.

    If you read the development history of you'll see the GUI came last, and all recommendations are now to use the GUI. Why wouldn't you? And indeed the plan is to drop the Terminal version soon. I introduced pyperclip myself here to VH in a number of earlier programs. I ceased to use because I found it could introduce artefacts into the text and its use confused non-technical users. If you find it helps, all well and good. Allow me to quote myself:-
    For you and all AllHell3 users: If you go to a tool-shop and buy a chisel you'll find it sharp. And for some it will be good enough. But if you want it even sharper, polish the chisel back to a mirror finish, and then put an edge on the tool. You'll make it your own.

    The script you have is tool and it can be tuned to your need.
    To be clear, everyone despite assertions, Allhell3Gui works fine on this site in question - if you feed it a REAL i.e. non-virtual CDM - one extracted from a proper Android device - that it.
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  2. I understand that not everyone is willing to learn, but I think that the response of the person I helped says enough
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    Originally Posted by larley View Post
    I understand that not everyone is willing to learn, but I think that the response of the person I helped says enough
    But true to form, your 'help' was to publicise your own material. Mr Puff.
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    Originally Posted by Karley View Post
    Is that now allowed?
    'That' being what? Mr Puff. As far I am aware; that, this, those, them are all perfectly respectable here.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  5. 'that' being: referring to something I created which helps a user with amazon/freevee. Was I supposed to publicise somebody else's material?
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    Your sole interest, it seems to me, is your own self-publicity. Isn't it? You jump on my threads, ostensibly to help but in reality to shout 'look at me'.
    My reading of you is of a script-kiddie whose life's current, highly-driven, purpose is all about your own inner-self-validation, part of which is building a reputation, and more generally following a path of self-aggrandisement. Hence the Mr. Puff moniker. Maybe you'll find life easier when you leave school. You're not sure who you are yet. Are you?
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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  7. It’s unfortunate that you’ve assumptions about my character without knowing much about me. Helping others isn't about self promotion, and I don't want validation through online interactions. When I write in threads, it's to offer help and my assistance, and not to draw attention to myself
    Your portrayal of me as a "script-kiddie" and the personal attacks you’ve included reveal more about your frustrations than they do about my motives. Criticism is healthy when it's constructive, but it seems here you're focusing more on assumptions and insults than on addressing the actual issue
    Last edited by larley; 23rd Sep 2024 at 16:21.
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    No one is attacking you, silly boy, I'm just pointing up your self interest as a prime motivation. "By their actions shall you know them" is written in a Book somewhere, I recall . And I think you are in denial or maybe just can't recognise yourself yet.
    On GitHub for instance you feel the need to preface your handle with Dev. Short for Developer, I suppose. That's exactly what children do. Big themselves up. So we reveal ourselves so readily.
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  9. Attacks can only be judged by the recipient, and I see this as one.
    Your argument seems to be fading, which resulted in you looking me up on GitHub.
    This lead to the assumtion that i chose the 'dev' name because that what kids do... This can also be easily debunked by just looking at my profile for more than a few seconds to see what I've written my "Hi, I’m @DevLARLEY because LARLEY was already taken."
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    Originally Posted by larley View Post
    Attacks can only be judged by the recipient, and I see this as one.
    Your argument seems to be fading, which resulted in you looking me up on GitHub.
    This lead to the assumtion that i chose the 'dev' name because that what kids do... This can also be easily debunked by just looking at my profile for more than a few seconds to see what I've written my "Hi, I’m @DevLARLEY because LARLEY was already taken."
    Self aware enough then to be embarrassed.You still chose Dev - ask yourself why?
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    Originally Posted by larley View Post
    Embarrassed by what?
    By puff, tedious child! Learn some netiquette and stop puffing yourself in the threads of other coders. Simple really.
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  12. I am not a child, I don't know where you got this from. All of the people I helped were grateful for what I did and nobody has complained about ny attitude, the problem is your perception and not me.
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    I've explained already my observations stem from your behaviour. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck ...
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  14. Originally Posted by larley View Post
    the problem is your perception
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    The perspicuity of my argument is only emphasized by your desire for a 'no i'm not', 'yes you are' dichotomy. Kindly know it leads nowhere.
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  16. I'm relieved that you've finally figured out that calling me a child over and over leads nowhere. Calling somebody names is what I consider to be bullying, so stop it.
    Keys from just the License URL: WidevineFetch
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    I sense a change of style: did you think of all that yourself?

    I'm known here for having the occasional tilt at the pompous and puffed-up. You certainly fall into the second category and came to me, if you remember.
    Noob Starter Pack. Just download every Widevine mpd! Not kidding!.
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