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  1. Member BirdInTheSea's Avatar
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    Hi. So, I saw a method floating around, of fixing a missing/corrupted AVI index using VLC. But when I press the 'build index then play' button, VLC either does nothing, or first fills a 'building index' bar, and then once the bar is filled, does nothing. Either way, it ends on the default empty traffic cone screen, as if there was no video open at all. Does anyone know why that happens? Does that mean that my AVIs are corrupted particularly heavily?

    In the case of some of the AVIs, I can open them in VLC, and they will play, but then glitch out and refuse to continue. For example, I have one AVI that is 59 seconds long, but VLC will only play about 3 seconds of it - and then show a rainbow color bar screen, and produce a harsh static-like sound. Is there any way to salvage an AVI like that? Or is that terminal? If I may, I'll attach a recording of what this particular file like when played in VLC.
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  2. Originally Posted by BirdInTheSea View Post
    I have one AVI that is 59 seconds long, but VLC will only play about 3 seconds of it - and then show a rainbow color bar screen, and produce a harsh static-like sound. Is there any way to salvage an AVI like that?
    Probably not. It sounds like the video and audio streams are corrupt. Not just a matter of a missing keyframe index.
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  3. Member BirdInTheSea's Avatar
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    Update: The AVI files are so corrupted, that whenever I try to play them using Films & TV (default Windows 10 video player), I get an AMD driver timeout. So, yes. The AVIs are so corrupted that they literally break my AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT graphics card the moment I press play on any of them. So, giving up on them, is probably the right call... hahah...
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  4. Try switching to software decoding. Maybe that will help a little.
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